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Chapter 10: SHIT GETS REAL

As kyota made his way to the clan meeting and so he arrived and as the clan meeting progressed, the elders discussed various issues facing the clan, including recent tensions with neighboring villages and the need for increased cooperation among clan members. Kyota listened attentively, taking note of the concerns raised and the ideas put forth by the elders.

When the discussion turned to the topic of clan leadership and the importance of fostering new talent within the ranks, Kyota saw his opportunity to speak up. With a steady voice, he addressed the gathered clan members, expressing his thoughts on the matter.

"I believe that now, more than ever, we need to come together as a clan and support each other," Kyota began, his words carrying a sense of determination. "We have faced many challenges in the past, and there are sure to be more ahead. But if we stand united, there is nothing we cannot overcome."

He went on to outline his vision for the future of the Uchiha clan, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, communication, and mutual respect. He spoke passionately about the need for strong leadership and the role that each clan member could play in shaping the clan's destiny.

To his relief and delight, Kyota's words were met with nods of agreement and murmurs of approval from the gathered clan members. Even the elders seemed impressed by his confidence and conviction, nodding in acknowledgment of his points.

"Well said, Kyota," one of the elders remarked, his voice tinged with respect. "You have a keen understanding of the challenges facing our clan, and your ideas for addressing them are both insightful and practical."

Encouraged by the positive response, Kyota felt a surge of confidence swell within him. He knew that he had made an impression on his fellow clan members and that his words had not fallen on deaf ears.

As the meeting drew to a close, Kyota couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what he had accomplished. He had taken a bold step forward, asserting himself as a voice of reason and leadership within the Uchiha clan.


Seven years had passed since Kyota had begun to grow his influence within the Uchiha clan, becoming the second most influential figure after Fugaku Uchiha, the clan leader. As he made his way into the secret tomb where the clan meeting was being held, anticipation coursed through his veins.

Taking his seat at the front, Kyota prepared himself for the speech he was about to deliver. When Fugaku Uchiha, the clan leader, began the meeting, Kyota stood up, his voice clear and commanding.

"The village treats us as outsiders," Kyota declared, his voice rising with passion. "Despite our contributions in the three great ninja wars and the sacrifices we've made, they look at us with suspicion and resentment."

As he spoke, Kyota's frustration and anger boiled to the surface. "After the Nine-Tails attacked the village, they pointed fingers at us, overlooking our sacrifices! If they won't give us the respect we deserve, then we must take matters into our own hands. It's time to overthrow the higher-ups of the village and reclaim our rightful place as the masters of the Hidden Leaf!"

His words echoed through the tomb, stirring the emotions of his fellow clan members. Those who supported Kyota activated their Sharingan, their voices raised in a chorus of determination. "Glory to the Uchiha clan!"

But amidst the fervor, Fugaku raised his hand, calling for silence. The peace faction leader spoke up, urging caution and reminding them of their allegiance to the Leaf village.

Tensions hung thick in the air as the clan members weighed their options—death or glory. The excitement and intensity of the moment were palpable as they grappled with the gravity of Kyota's words and the potential consequences of their actions.

In that charged atmosphere, the fate of the Uchiha clan hung in the balance, and Kyota knew that whatever decision they made would shape their future for years to come.

As Kyota activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, a ripple of awe and excitement swept through the clan members. One of the elders gasped in disbelief, stuttering out, "Th-the Mangekyou Sharingan!" The intensity in the room soared as everyone's attention fixed on Kyota's eyes, their gazes reflecting a mix of admiration and determination.

The sight of Kyota's Mangekyou Sharingan ignited a fire within the hearts of his fellow clan members. Their blood surged with adrenaline, and a sense of purpose filled the air. With renewed fervor, they began chanting, "Death or glory!" Their voices grew louder and more resolute with each repetition, echoing off the walls of the tomb.

As the chant reverberated through the chamber, more and more clan members joined Kyota's faction, their loyalty solidified by the power and conviction he exuded. In that moment, amidst the swirling emotions and fervent determination, Kyota felt a sense of unity and strength unlike anything he had experienced before.

With his Mangekyou Sharingan blazing with power, Kyota knew that he had rallied his clan to his cause. They were ready to stand by his side, ready to fight for their rightful place in the Hidden Leaf Village. And as the fervent chants of "Death or glory" filled the air, Kyota felt a surge of confidence and determination. The time for action had come, and he would lead his clan to victory, whatever the cost.

Shisui POV~

In the midst of the tumultuous clan meeting, Shisui Uchiha stood at the back of the chamber, observing the unfolding events with a mixture of concern and intrigue. As Kyota activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, Shisui's eyes widened in surprise, his own Sharingan swirling with curiosity.

The sight of Kyota's Mangekyou Sharingan sent a shiver down Shisui's spine, a testament to the raw power and potential it represented. He had heard rumors of Kyota's rise within the clan, but witnessing the manifestation of his Mangekyou Sharingan firsthand was a revelation.

As the fervent chant of "Death or glory" echoed through the chamber, Shisui couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. While he understood the frustrations and grievances of his fellow clan members, he couldn't shake the feeling that Kyota's aggressive approach might lead them down a dangerous path.

Shisui's mind raced with thoughts of the implications of Kyota's actions. Would this bold move bring about the change the Uchiha clan sought, or would it only serve to deepen the divide between them and the rest of the village? And what of the consequences of openly defying the village's leadership?

Despite his reservations, Shisui couldn't deny the allure of Kyota's conviction and the magnetic pull of his Mangekyou Sharingan. As he watched more and more clan members rally to Kyota's cause, Shisui couldn't help but wonder what role he would play in the events to come.

With a heavy heart, Shisui knew that the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and danger. But as an Uchiha, he was bound by duty and loyalty to his clan. Whatever the future held, Shisui resolved to stand by his clanmates, ready to support them in their quest for justice and recognition.


As Itachi Uchiha observed the unfolding events of the clan meeting, his gaze lingered on Kyota, his older cousin, as he rallied the clan members with impassioned speeches and fiery rhetoric. Despite the power and charisma emanating from Kyota's Mangekyou Sharingan, Itachi couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Deep down, Itachi's loyalty lay more with the village than with the clan. He had always believed in the ideals of peace and cooperation espoused by the Hidden Leaf, and he harbored a deep-seated desire to protect the village and its inhabitants from harm.

As Kyota's words echoed through the chamber, Itachi's thoughts turned to the potential consequences of his cousin's actions. He knew that open rebellion against the village's leadership could lead to devastating consequences, not only for the Uchiha clan but for the entire village as well.

Despite his familial ties to the Uchiha, Itachi couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be another way—a way to address the clan's grievances without resorting to violence and conflict. He believed in the power of diplomacy and negotiation, and he was determined to find a peaceful solution to the clan's struggles.

As the chant of "Death or glory" reverberated through the chamber, Itachi remained silent, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. He knew that his stance might put him at odds with some members of his clan, but he was willing to stand firm in his convictions, even if it meant facing opposition from those closest to him.

For Itachi, the path forward was clear: he would continue to work towards peace and cooperation, both within the Uchiha clan and with the rest of the village. It would be a challenging journey, fraught with obstacles and setbacks, but Itachi was determined to see it through, for the sake of the village he called home.

Fugaku POV~

As Fugaku Uchiha presided over the clan meeting, his expression remained stoic, betraying none of the turmoil raging within him. He had long been a staunch advocate for the Uchiha's rights and recognition within the village, but he also understood the delicate balance of power that existed between the clan and the village leadership.

As Kyota, his nephew, took the floor and began to speak, Fugaku listened intently, his gaze unwavering. The passion and conviction in Kyota's voice were undeniable, and Fugaku couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in his nephew's determination to fight for the clan's honor and dignity.

But as Kyota's speech reached its crescendo and he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, Fugaku's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. The sight of the rare and powerful dojutsu sent a chill down his spine, stirring memories of legends and prophecies that had been passed down through generations of Uchiha.

For Fugaku, the emergence of the Mangekyou Sharingan was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it symbolized the incredible potential and strength of the Uchiha clan. But on the other hand, it also carried with it the weight of responsibility and the burden of destiny.

As the clan members rallied to Kyota's cause, chanting "Death or glory" with fervent determination, Fugaku felt a sense of unease settle over him. He knew that the path his nephew was advocating could lead to dangerous consequences, not only for the Uchiha clan but for the village as a whole.

Despite his pride in Kyota's accomplishments, Fugaku couldn't help but wonder if there was a better way—a way to achieve their goals without resorting to open rebellion and conflict. He had spent years navigating the intricate politics of the village, and he understood the importance of diplomacy and strategic planning.

As the meeting came to a close and the clan members dispersed, Fugaku remained deep in thought, grappling with the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices, but he was determined to lead his clan with wisdom and foresight, whatever the cost.


|A/N| know I now you guys are going to be like "when did he become their family " and kyota doesn't know that either. And about shisui sense I already messed up the time line I decided to make him lean more towards the clan but you never know that can change.

And also kyota is 15 years

And kiyomi is 16 years old

The images of 16 year old kiyomi and 15 years old kyota are in the comments

First_Time_Anal First_Time_Anal

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