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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Change

 In the two-story house, in the bedroom on the top floor, a man suddenly woke up, his back drenched in sweat and his labored breathing echoing in the silence of the early morning. 

"Haa haaa haaa HAaaaa." 

After calming his agitated breathing, he got up from the bed with slow and determined steps, heading towards the bathroom in the hope of dispelling the restlessness that dominated him. When he reached the mirror, his reflection revealed a young man of striking beauty, 1.90m tall, with straight black hair that brushed his chin, and dark blue eyes, as if they hid dark secrets at their core. For a few moments, he contemplated his own image, before undressing and entering the shower, letting the hot water bathe his tense body. 

As the water fell over him, unable to shake the intrusive thoughts that haunted him, he relived every torturous moment of his past, even after a decade on the run; the scars on his back still throbbed like vivid memories of a previous life. Determined not to lose himself in the darkness of memories, he forced his mind to focus on what occurred after that fateful phone call to his aunt. 

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Ten years ago, after all this, he dialed the his aunt's phone number, hoping anxiously that she still recognized him. After a brief moment of waiting, a sweet, childish voice answered on the other end of the line, 



"Who is talking?" 

Smiling and moved, he identified himself: 

"What's wrong, you don't recognize my voice anymore, Beatriz? It's me, William." 

Beatriz's voice, after a moment of surprise, echoed from the other side: 


Laughing, he confirmed, 

"Of course, who did you think it was?" 

Beatriz's surprise gave way to a mixture of joy and nervousness: 

"Br-brother, where were you? Mom and I were very worried about you." 

Still smiling, through tears, he reassured: 

"That's a long story that I don't want to tell right now. Instead, why don't you call Aunt Catarina to talk to her?" 

After a brief moment of hesitation, Beatriz agreed, 

"O-of course, I'll do it now." 

As Beatriz left to pick up her aunt, silence fell on the line, until a loving and familiar voice asked on the other end: 

"William dear?" 

"Yes, auntie, it's me." 

The aunt's muffled crying was heard on the other end of the line, lasting for five long minutes. Out of respect for the time she waited for news from her, he remained silent, letting her express her emotions.

"Oh dear, how good it is to know that you are alive! After I found out what happened to your mother, I tried to find you everywhere, but I couldn't find you. But leave that for later. Tell me, you Are you okay? Are you hurt? Tell me everything that happened to you." 

"Calm down, aunt, I'm fine now, at least. But let's not talk about that now. I'm very tired. Could you come and get me? When you arrive, I'll tell you everything that happened to me." 

"Of course, I'll come get you now. Hold on. DON'T LEAVE THERE, YOU HEAR?" 

He understood his aunt's vehement plea, assuring her, 

"Of course, aunt, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." 

So the days passed in anxious vigil, until finally the aunt arrived. The hug he received was a mix of relief and affection, shared by Beatriz, who soon joined them. The bureaucratic procedures were quickly resolved, and they were soon on their way to their aunt's house in Canada, where they would build a new home and new memories.

During the trip, between conversations and moments of silence, he told everything that had happened, from the loss of his mother to the escape of the criminals. The aunt listened attentively, sometimes moved, other times stroking his head in a gesture of comfort. When he mentioned the old couple who had kidnapped him, his aunt stopped the car and burst into tears, apologizing for not having arrived in time. Speechless, he hugged her, understanding the love and pain she carried. 

And so began the last ten years, living as a family, building happy memories in a new home, as the aunt had promised on that memorable day. 

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Returning to the present after turning off my thoughts, I left the bathroom and I went to my room, where I lay down. After relaxing, I quickly fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I checked the time and found that it was 10:23 am. I immediately remembered the commitment I had made the day before: to be on the other side of the city at 11:30 am, as some friends had invited me to watch a movie. I hurried to get ready and went down to breakfast. Upon arriving, I greeted Aunt Catarina with "Good morning, aunt". 

At that moment, a charming woman turned towards me. It was her, a forty-year-old woman who defied time, looking thirty, radiating confidence and beauty. Standing at an imposing height of 1.78 meters, her curves seemed sculpted by divine hands, and her blue eyes sparkled like precious gems under the sun. Her golden hair flowed gracefully down to her waist, like a waterfall of liquid gold, as she wore an elegant blue dress with black details.

When he finally turned towards me, his lips showed a smile that lit up the entire room. Her eyes, clear as crystal water, met mine, enveloping me in a warm, welcoming sensation. 

"Good morning, darling," her voice was like a soft melody to my ears, filled with tenderness and genuine concern. "Did you sleep well last night? I've noticed you haven't been sleeping very well lately." 

"I'm fine, auntie, it's just a few dreams, as always. It will soon pass", I said to reassure her. She watched me for a moment, checking to see if I was really okay. After confirming that it was just a little tiredness, she continued, "Honey, if you want to talk, you know where to find me. I'm always here for you. Promise me if you feel worse, you'll come talk to me, okay?" 

"Of course, auntie, I promise I'll talk to you if I need to," I replied to reassure her. 

"It's okay then. Why don't you wake your sister? She's taking her time," he suggested. 

"OK." I went up the stairs towards the first bedroom on the second floor and entered. As I approached the bed, I called her softly: "Beatriz, it's time to wake up. Aunt Catarina is waiting for us for breakfast." 

Beatriz moved a little and began to wake up. Watching her, I couldn't help but admire her stunning beauty. At twenty years old and 1.70 meters tall, she radiated an aura of charm. Wearing a white nightgown, she sat so that I could see her green panties, not knowing if it was intentional or not.

Her golden hair was messy but still beautiful, cascading around her shoulders, framing an angelic face adorned by light blue eyes that reflected purity. Her generous breasts and pert ass stood out on her figure, while her posture vaguely resembled a younger version of our mother. After finishing stretching, she turned to me and said, still drowsy: "Good morning, brother. Did you sleep well?" 


"Liar, I saw you wake up and go to the bathroom last night," she said, catching me in the act. 

Sighing at being caught in the act, I replied, "Okay, you caught me. But, Beatriz, you know that these dreams will soon pass, so you don't have to worry, okay?" 

After I finished speaking, she stared at me with half-closed eyes, to which I responded with a kiss on her forehead, hugged her and said: "It's going to be okay. If it gets worse, I swear I'll talk to you or my aunt." Catarina, okay?" 

Taking advantage of my hug, she hugged me tighter and we stayed like that for a while, until she let me go and said: "Okay, I'll believe you. So you can go eat and I'll get ready and come down." there.

So, I left her room and started having breakfast with Aunt Catarina, and it didn't take long for her to come down from the second floor and join us. While we ate, we started talking and telling stories, which led to a few laughs. After finishing eating, I went up to my room and started getting ready to go out. As I did this, I began to reflect on the relationship we had built over the last few years. 

The relationship I had with Aunt Catarina was comforting and special. Although she treated me with extreme delicacy, as if I were a fragile piece of glass about to break, it didn't bother me. After all, years of suffering taught me to appreciate the tenderness of someone who genuinely cared about me. Finding someone who cared so much for my well-being was incredibly gratifying, and I loved her deeply, more than a simple nephew should love his aunt, even though he was aware that this intensity of feelings could be considered inappropriate. 

However, the relationship with my sister was... complex, to say the least. Although we shared genuine brotherly love, there was something more between us. She saw me as a man, and I saw her as a woman. Despite her efforts to hide her feelings, I perceived her true essence. As? Well, during the years I was forced to work in that warehouse, I gained a deep understanding of people, learning to read their behaviors and emotions. This skill not only helped me avoid punishment, but also helped me understand my sister's unspoken feelings. 

After completing the preparations, I left the house towards the square, our usual meeting point with my few friends, whose trust gained over the years contrasted with the traumas of my childhood, which made me distrustful of people. 

As I walked, I remembered the moment we met. If I remember correctly, it was when I passed an abandoned house eight years ago. 

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That day, while walking around the city, I was attracted by a cry coming from an abandoned house . Curious, I entered the place silently. Following the sound, I came across three well-dressed girls: one with black hair and blue eyes, sitting on the floor with tears and blood on her arms; another with silver hair and green eyes; and the third, tall and red-haired, who addressed me with a firm voice:

"You who are there, why don't you come out and show yourself?" 

Instantly, both the girls and I felt tense for different reasons: me, from being discovered, and they, from my presence. After a brief moment of hesitation, I decided to introduce myself: "Hello."

The girls relaxed as they realized I was just a kid. The taller, redheaded one, addressing me, asked:

"Why are you here? What is your purpose?" 

I answered sincerely, "I heard crying and I was curious, so I came to check." 

Emylia, the black-haired girl, was scolded by the redhead, named Valentina, for making so much noise. Emylia, with tears in her eyes, apologized, while the third girl, Ana, intervened, smoothing the situation. 

While Ana and Valentina were arguing, I approached Emylia, noticing her fear. Remembering the remarks about my "scary" eyes, I pulled away and assured her, "You don't need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help." 

I presented them with a plan to escape, suggesting that they disguise themselves in men's clothes and cloths to hide their hair, which attracted a lot of attention. Despite their initial distrust, the girls agreed to follow my plan. 

After changing their clothes, I took them to my house, which was empty at the time. There, they used the phone to ask for help. While we waited, we talked and established a connection that turned into a lasting friendship. 

Some time later, security guards arrived to take them to safety. Since that day, they have visited me regularly, and our friendship has blossomed over the years. 

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Getting at square, I free my mind from the weight of the past and begin my walk towards the meeting place. However, halfway through, a strange feeling enveloped me. I look around and notice the complete absence of any presence, including animals. An immediate discomfort hits me and, deciding to leave, I turn around when, suddenly, the sky darkens abruptly, as if night falls without stars or moon. 

Before I can fully process the situation, a deafening boom echoes, throwing me to the ground. Recovering myself, my eyes fix on an imposing figure, injured and bleeding, with sharp claws and an appearance that resembles a mix between man and wolf. A real werewolf, mutilated and vulnerable. The question echoes in my mind: 'What is a werewolf? And who could have hurt him?' 

Before I can ask any more questions, a beam of fire rips through the sky, hitting the werewolf in the back, interrupting my thoughts. I follow the path of the fire and come across an imposing figure, around twenty years old and approximately 1.85 meters tall. Her flame-red hair contrasts with her intense red eyes. I instantly recognize Valentina, one of my oldest friends, in a scene that defies all logic.

As Valentina faces the werewolf, my mind is filled with questions. Why is Valentina fighting that werewolf? How did she acquire these powers? And why are her eyes now red, when before they were brown? The surreality of the situation challenges everything I thought I knew about reality. 

A mix of admiration and concern fills me as I witness Valentina's power and determination in combat. It feels like a new world of unknown possibilities opens up before me, challenging all my beliefs about reality. 

As I watch the battle unfold, Valentina demonstrates impressive skill and agility. After a series of agile movements, she launches a fireball that causes a large explosion, sending debris towards me. Before I can react, a wall of clear ice appears behind me and I hear a familiar voice. 

"Look what you did, you exhibitionist! You almost hit our darling." 

When I turn around, I come across Ana, a woman with silver hair and gray eyes. Her elegance and mystery are evident in her bearing. I recognize her immediately, even with her peculiar aura. Her gray eyes shine like diamonds, contrasting with her pale skin and her black dress adorned with silver and diamond necklaces, completing her aura of sophistication and mystery. 

On my left side, Valentina appeared, without a scratch, she intervened with determination: "Shut up, Ana. I had everything under control. I wasn't going to let him get hurt. So, stay quiet." 

"Fufufu, you just wanted to look cooler in front of our darling and save him at the last minute so he would be more impressed with you", said a voice now coming from my right. 

When I turned around to confirm who it was, I came across the spectacular figure of Emylia. At an impressive 1.75 meters tall, she displayed an imposing presence, with breasts even larger than Valentina's and an irresistible voluptuousness in her ass. Her ebony black hair framed a face with delicate features, while her blue eyes sparkled like precious gems. Her skin, as smooth and alabaster as snow, possessed no discernible imperfections. 

Emylia looked stunning in a light blue dress, adorned with dark blue and white details, highlighted by a thin layer of gold and sapphires. Elegance and sophistication radiated from her, complementing the aura of mystery that always surrounded her. 

I turned around to face them and watched them in silence for a while before saying calmly, "Well, girls, will one of you be so kind as to tell me what's going on and why you're calling me darling?" ?" 

The girls were a little surprised by my calmness and started talking. 

Valentina: "Wow"

Emylia: "It's true, I expected him to freak out on us and ask what kind of monsters we are." 

Ana: "Maybe it's because of the life experiences he had in the past. Do you remember his past that he told us about?" 

When Ana said this, Emylia and Valentina remembered that, one day, they saw the scars on my back and asked where they came from. I told them my story at the time because I felt comfortable with them. 

Finishing remembering, Valentina said with a beautiful and good-humored smile: "Well, it doesn't matter. This way it's easier to explain. So, why doesn't Ana pick up our darling and take him to a calmer place while Emylia and I Do we deactivate the barrier?" 

"Of course it will be a pleasure." 

Then, she took me by the arm and created a wall of ice that reflected us and pulled us towards her.

We crossed, arriving on the other side. I opened my eyes and came across a strange world: a white palace with shades of blue and blue windows was in front of us. Looking around, I noticed a silver-colored sun illuminating some black trees with silver leaves, adorned with crystals or precious stones. It seemed like a place made to reflect everything that existed. 

"Beautiful is not it?" I turned to Ana and stared at her for a moment, thinking about what to ask, and decided to approach the subject calmly. 

So I said, "Yes, it's beautiful. Ana, how about you explain to me what this place is?" 

Excited by my question, she began to explain: "This place is a place that only I can access due to my Don. It is called the Mirror World, where I can access it, move around it and carry out other activities. This The specific place we are in is a domain that I created and can manipulate, because I am the creator of this space." 

As she explained, I could see the immense pride she took in having created this place. However, something she mentioned in the middle of her explanation intrigued me, so I asked while praising her skill. 

"That sounds magnificent and very complicated. Why don't you put that aside for now and explain to me what traits are?" 

"Oh, sure, why not? Traits are one of the vampires' racial powers. Every vampire who is born or created acquires one, which is basically a unique power. Mine, as I mentioned, is to access the Mirror World There are several others, such as Valentina's, which is the manipulation of elemental energy, and Emylia's, which is fusion, where she can fuse anything to create something new." 

Even though I didn't fully understand what she was talking about, I nodded my head as I committed this explanation to memory, as I had a feeling it might be useful in the future. So I said:

"Ah, so you're vampires, hence the pale skin and apparent hatred of the sun. But speaking of which, do vampires really not burn in the sun, or do you use something to avoid getting hurt?" 

Ana replied, "Well, why don't we sit down first and then I can start explaining about vampires and other races while the girls finish dismantling the barrier?" 

As she led me to a table with four chairs, I asked, "By the way, what are they doing and what was that barrier, what did you call it?" 

"Well, it's to protect us from the sunlight and stop prying eyes from seeing what we're doing," she said, and I sat down, and she did the same, sitting on my left side, starting to talk. 

"Okay, I'll start by explaining about our world and how it works. In it, there is the normal world, in which most human beings live, and the supernatural world, hidden from them. In the supernatural world, there are several races. One of them are werewolves , like the one you saw. They are extremely physically powerful beings and can use the energy of nature to strengthen their bodies and control the environment around them. They are sworn enemies of us vampires. Furthermore, we have witches , who do not They are very different from humans. The only difference is that they use mana, which they can manipulate to create curses and different spells that are extremely powerful and versatile. They are mercenaries and will do anything for money to finance their research. Next, we have the demons. They are vile and cunning creatures that love to consume souls and use demonic energy, a type of energy that can corrupt other beings. They love to make contracts with us, the vampires. And if there are demons, their mortal enemies, the angels , cannot be missing . They are a kind of sacred beings that use divine energy. Unlike demonic energy, which corrupts things, divine energy heals and can elevate a being to a higher state of existence. And the gods could not be missing , who also use divine energy. You may know some of them from mythologies. Their main power is not divine energy; Its main power is concepts, which range from the simplest, like fire, to the most complex, like time and creation."

Then she stopped to check if I was paying attention. When she saw that I was focused on her and thinking at everything she said, she nodded in approval and continued. "Now, we have the humans they're not the strongest, fastest, or most intelligent race, but they are extremely adaptable, to the point where it almost feels like a power. They are able to use three types of energy: sacred energy, which is a variation of the divine energy that the gods and angels give to them for being believers in their churches; yang energy, which is a type of energy that human magicians use in spells and talismans to use in battle, very effective against night beings; finally, chi, which is the manipulation of a living being's vital energy. Martial artists use this to cause internal damage to their enemies." 

"And, of course, there are us, the vampires , who use elemental energy to control the elements of nature, such as fire or ice, as you have seen with Valentina and Emylia . We also possess racial abilities such as rapid regeneration , intangibility , gravity defiance (levitation, walking on walls, and at higher levels, flight), mist creation , small-scale blood manipulation, and soul manipulation. And the lineages could not be missing . Each vampire has one, ranging from a stronger and more resistant body to immunity to a specific element. And, of course, there are the noble houses that managed to unite the elemental energy of an element with their lineage, like my house, Nostradamus, which united the elemental energy of ice. So, I'll leave you thinking while I look for the girls, since they must have finished." 

After those words, she left, leaving me immersed in my thoughts. When she returned with the girls, I had already organized my thoughts and turned to them. , asking, "So, could someone explain to me why they call me 'darling' and the reason I'm here?" 

Valentina laughed lightly and replied, "Haha, come here, darling, you're perceptive, why don't you try to guess ?" 

With a sigh, I replied, "Well, I suppose the 'honey' is because you like me, and I'm here to have you turn me into a vampire. I guess I can't refuse, right?" 

The three of them smiled in a charming and incredibly possessive way, and Emylia replied without losing the smile on her face: "Even if you refused, we would still do it." 

Sighing again, I asked: "So, how Is this going to happen?" 

Still smiling, Emylia explained, "Vampires usually bite the neck and transmit their genes to the victim using a racial ability called vampirism, which is the ability to transform other beings into vampires. But we're going to use a different method." 


"Yes, it's a ritual that witches invented at the request of older vampires. When someone is turned into a vampire, they only acquire the bloodline of the one who turned them, along with their own, because they weren't a vampire before. But in the ritual, we can unite several three bloodlines. The older vampires asked us to create this to experiment with uniting different bloodlines to see if they created something better or worse than the bloodlines used. In rare cases, there may be a mutation where the two bloodlines serve as fuel for a totally different bloodline, which we call the mutant bloodline. We are going to use this on you so that you belong to the three clans and are officially married to us. But who knows, this could create something new that has never been seen, since our clans are among the oldest that exist." 

When she finished speaking, she grabbed my arm and led me to a wing of the palace. As she guided me, I thought to myself, "Well, it won't hurt to become a vampire. I'll get the strength I've always wanted to protect my family, and I'll like them. I'm also looking forward to exploring the supernatural world." When I finished thinking, a smile formed on my lips. 

We entered an enclosure adorned by a magic circle full of runes. I allowed her to lead me without offering resistance, which only made her happier. She positioned me in the center of the magic circle and held my head, giving me a passionate kiss. I took advantage of the moment and responded, surrendering to the heat of the moment. We were locked in a passionate kiss for about a minute before we broke apart, leaving a trail of saliva in the air. 

Before I could catch my breath, Valentina appeared to my left and enveloped me in a warm kiss. To intensify, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest, which I promptly did, gripping it firmly. We stayed like that for another minute before letting go. 

Finally, Ana came to my right, and, already anticipating her intentions, I bent down. Excited by what was happening, I grabbed her waist while kissing her passionately in a French kiss for another minute. 

After receiving their kisses, the three of them smiled lovingly at me. Ana then said with a sparkle in her eyes: "So, darling, shall we begin?" 

I responded enthusiastically, "Of course, I look forward to being a part of your world." As I finished my words, they perked up, knowing that I had accepted them. Then, the three of them approached and bit my neck: Valentina on the left, Ana on the right and Emylia from the front. As they sucked some of my blood, they said in unison, "Delicious."

After moving away, each one went to a corner of the circle. A pulsating energy began to radiate from their bodies, and the surrounding runes lit up brightly. I fell to my knees, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the moment, unable to stand in the face of the immensity of the magic unfolding around me. 

With their wrists slit, they let the blood flow into the circle, where the runes greedily absorbed it. As the crimson liquid approached me, an electric sensation coursed through my body, and then, as if an invisible force lifted me, the blood rose, snaking through my body until it found the bite wounds on my neck. 

An intense shiver ran down my spine as their blood merged with mine, and a wave of indescribable power washed over me. Everything around me began to spin, colors mixing in a spiral of light and shadow, until finally, darkness enveloped me and I lost consciousness. 

When I opened my eyes, I found myself plunged into an abyss of darkness, without a glimpse of any form or color around me. A deep fear took hold of me, as if I were condemned to this eternal blackness, with no hope of escape. However, slowly, as if a cinematic screen was unfolding before me, the entire story of my existence began to reveal itself. 

I relived each remarkable moment, from the first breath to the present moment, in a succession of vivid and emotional images. I listened to the wise words of my aunt, who instructed me to protect my family at all costs. I remembered the traumas of my childhood, the scars left by my father's violent hands, the desperate escape and the final confrontation that changed my life forever. 

The happy moments with my aunt Catarina and my sister Beatriz appeared, bringing warmth to the darkness. And then, the laughter shared with Valentina, Emylia and Ana, moments of lightness and complicity, illuminated the darkness of my mind. 

Every scene, every emotion, every choice that shaped my journey was vividly relived. And at the climax of this mental spectacle, a radiant light burst forth, flooding my consciousness with unparalleled clarity and comfort. It was as if all the pain, all the challenges, all the tears were bathed in this light, transforming into a feeling of peace and acceptance. 

I felt enveloped by this comforting light, like a warm embrace, and I knew that no matter what the future held, I would find strength and comfort within myself. It was the end of a journey and the beginning of a new era, illuminated by the light of understanding and acceptance. 

To be continued

[>To those reading this book, I express my deep gratitude and apologize for the spelling errors. Thank you for your patience and the opportunity to share my story with you and visit the comments, I will leave illustrations of what the characters are like.<] 

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