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Chapter 2: PROLOGUE

Still in the shower, i glanced through the glass door one last time at the stranger in bed. He was covered up with the sheets only leaving his bare back open, completely passed out unaware of the current predicament at the moment. I quickly finished up taking a shower, dressed and grabbed my shoes ready to make a run for it.

Just a few hours ago I had been underneath him as. he thrust his hips against mine driving me to the edge of my sanity. He explored every inch of my body like he had been studying me my entire life. He touched every muscle, scar and every sensitive spot slowly and gently.

His fingers traced every inch of my body intricately like an artist taking different intervals stroking his precious artwork. And , Oh My God! his lips, how his lips felt against mine made me loose all sense of rationality. I kept aching for more each time our face met. It was only till dawn that our bodies felt the exhaustion of going at it all night.


I was certain if i gazed back at him i would definitely feel the urge to pounce on him and indulge one more time. Really, why didn't anyone tell me sex was this enjoyable? This stranger made my first experience unforgettable, the way he found different ways to utilize the vast space and furnitures in the room not to mention how he spiced things up with his sexy moans and soft kisses to keep the momentum going.

If this world was all fairy tales and fictional thinking i would have forsaken all my duties and be bound to this man forever. But in a world where harsh reality hits you the moment you open your eyes, I guess walking out of this door will be convenient for both of us.

I can't believe i let myself get drugged and end up entangling myself with him, a stranger to be precise! I should eliminate him? No, that may raise suspicion. So walking out of here unnoticed seems to be the safest option that will bring all this confusion to a screeching halt. I clutched my shoes, slowly opened the door and slipped out till to the elevator then quietly exited the club without raising any suspicion. My car was packed 2 blocks from the club, i walked as fast as i could to get to the car.Its only 7 am in the morninlg why is the streets bustling with people and of all days on a freaking Monday! I saw my car got in and drove off.

Here I am, taking the walk of shame back home without any results that led me to that club to begin with. Leone will definitely kill me not to mention my mother who insisted i take at least 2 men with me as back up and i ended refusing and saying i could handle it myself. God please open up this ground to swallow me whole. I'm already walking on eggshells around mother and Leone, this failed mission will definitely be my end.

My mother lived and breathed the mafia. She was the first female in the family to be named the Matriarch of the Giovanni family. Everyone expected me to walk in her footsteps but Leone who is obvious mother's favorite child seemed to be the one to inherit the Family business. My younger sisters, who are twins are always kept at arms length while I kept studying under father.

We all knew our family's fortune wasn't exactly acquired legally. We run one of the biggest arms dealership organization in the world and occasions we dealt with money Laundering and smuggling of firearms to different rebel nations. In order to cover up all these illegal activities, my grandfather, the Patriarch of the Giovanni family, established a fashion house that grew tremendously due to his various connection, so as to act as a proxy for the attainment of that enormous wealth. The fashion house was named BELLE and for decades it thrived and gained popularity and fame which was later in passed to my father who had an insane amount of passion for the fashion industry. Its reputation skyrocketed when father took over and he ignored the family business.

My grandfather and mother constantly nagged him on about his priorities but he showed no remorse or care about the mafia business. My grandfather in turn took matters into his own hands and named mother the next in line thus making her the Matriarch of the Giovanni family.

I stayed close with father and learned about the fashion industry, the process, preparations, accounts and management of the business. Leone stayed close to mother and worked as her direct consigliere together with mother's right hand Luigi Armani, a man known to respect and obey every command issued by mother.

I reached home around quarter to eight, sneaked in carefully so that my secretary won't see me, slowly slipped into my room, quickly changed into my pajamas and got under the bedsheets. The door suddenly slammed open, i kept my calm and did not let a single sound escape my vocal cords.

" I know you're awake, GET UP!" Sebastian yelled at me while opening the curtains wide enough to let in all the sunlight into the room. I really thought he didn't see me.

"Tian why are you so mean!" i yelled back at him while trying to throw a tantrum.

Sebastian has been by my side ever since i was five years old. He has been with me all through different stages of my life and i can confidently say that this man right here know me like an open book. He knows when I'm lying, sad, happy, annoyed...he knows every detail and aspect of my life.

He walked towards the couch near my bed placed a cup of hot caramel coffee on the table sat down, crossed his legs and stared at me. His gaze was clearly trying to pierce through the lie I'm trying to build. I reached out for the cup with my trembling feeble hands. He kept glaring at me almost trying to pierce me y forehead with his eyes.

" Honey, walk me through what happened yesterday while you were out on that mission because by the looks of it, you're not someone who was sent there"

Sebastian was staring daggers at me up and down trying to single out all the faults i had this morning.

I forfeited my lose and decided to come clean. God this man really knows me!

"Brace yourself Tian, this will be a really long story, i hope you're comfortable" I replied back then took a sip of the coffee and began my tale


As you know three of our models have been tangled up in scandals all related to the Mori family and are currently missing and through further investigation, we found out that it all roots up from the famous underground club run by the Mori heir "Jin Mori". The club, which is mostly referred to as THE PENTHOUSE, is an underground brothel with both male and female prostitutes and its also a famous Opium Den in the country. I did not want to raise any suspicion so i went to the club with an alias which is one of the missing model's name.

The club was spectacular, as expected of them, the decor, the colorful artwork on the walls and the entire club had a unique ambiance befitting a royal. Everyone there was laughing and enjoying each other's company...a bit too much if i say so since some of them didn't mind going at it where they were seated. It was energetic and busy.

"What can i get you miss?" the bartender asked as he poured drinks for two gentlemen who were busy going at it at the countertop and the bartender didn't mind the scene at all

" Lemon Vodka please." i leaned against the bar as i continued to awe at the marvelous energetic ambiance of the club

" You got it." he smirked as he turned to mix the drink

As i sat waiting for the drink, i couldn't help shake the eerie feeling that someone was monitoring my movements. i looked around and i found nothing suspicious. A man dressed in black signaled at the bartender and he nodded in approval.

" Here you go ma'am. On the house." the bartender slid the glass across the counter with a smile on his face.

"On the house?" I stumbled over my words still trying to figure out what was going on.

"Compliment of the boss." He nodded towards the surveillance camera above him

An unpleasant grin met my gaze at the end of the bar almost daring me to let my guard down. I chugged down the drink and thanked the bartender and asked for another. As he was preparing the drink, i started to notice that my vision has started being blurry. I asked the bartender where the washrooms were and he pointed at the direction which i didn't quite clearly see but i just followed the direction of his hand. I somewhat saw someone shadowing me while i was staggering to get to the washrooms.

My vision still was blurry and i ended up busting into a room was foggy and by the smell of it, it was opium that filled the room.

I locked eyes with a stranger who was seated across the room with his legs crossed. My heart skipped a beat the moment he stood up and started walking towards me. The room, to be specific the table was filled bottles of liquor all emptied and opium cigars and pots were all there.

He was dressed in a white button-up and black khaki pants which was surprising since he was dressed much more formal than everyone who was present in the club. My vision and balance started to quickly deteriorate. I could see the thin fabric of his shirt that did not hide his bulging muscles. I could see scars on his forearm as he drew closer and when he was close, i could hear my heart racing.

His focus was on me as if he wanted to pounce on me like a predator toward its prey. Hos stare was intimidating and though my vision was blurry i could still see his chiseled jaw and a devilish grin on his face.

I felt outmatched and as he drew closer he hovered above me and trailed his slender fingers from my cheek to my lips, to my neck, to my chest. He pulled me towards him placing his hands around my waist

and the other pulled my face towards his and kisses me. The sensation i felt was so electric that i felt electric charge going through me down my spine.

His lips met mine and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth exploring every corner as he twined his completely leaving me at his mercy. With a gentle pull, he took control over me as he traced over my body with his fingers. As our kiss became more desperate for more skin contact. I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt as he slipped my dress over my head and tossed it aside. His fingers worked wonders as he unhooked my bra pulling it off with one hand while he ripped off the buckle of his belt and took off his pants hastily. A sparkle of a silver strap caught my attention, was it a gun? Whether or not to be scared completely escaped my mind as he kept showering me with kisses. He noticed that i was uneasy and took it off placing it on the table.

"You're safe with me," he whispered. " Just keep your eyes on me."

As a cow following his owner to the slaughterhouse, i took his word and gave in without any hesitation.

My body kept getting hot as i just craved to be touched more. He wasted no time in taking control, he pushed me to a corner, pinned my wrist above my head on the wall, kissing my lips working his way down my body while biting and nibbling gently every inch of my body finally stopping when his head was even with my breasts. He dragged his tongue along my sensitive areas biting my nipples while sucking it to relieve the pain blowing cool air against it sending chills over my body. I tried getting out of his restraints but he firmly pushed it in place. This domination and control, I LOVE IT!

" You're so hot!" a smirk formed at the corner of his lips

" I guess it's time," he gently whispered

" I can't wait any longer" i whispered to him

" Patience puppy, all in due time! " He turned his lips to my chest, took my nipple in his mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue against it. His teeth dragged over it eliciting just enough pain to drive me nuts. He was rough and domineering yet i could not resist the urge to have him.

.I could feel the wetness between my legs starting to drip down and my body gave away. I spread my legs slowly exposing myself more to him. He twitched in surprised at how submissive i was. He grabbed my hands and slid it down to his groin and made me feel his hardened member

"i see you're not a stray but a monster, damn how will all that fit? Whatever shall we do?" i teased him while rubbing it up and down using his pre-cum as lubricant

"I guess if the monster needs to be cooled down I'll get in trouble. Oh my God! it's still growing!! Be gentle please, I'm still a virgin!" i whispered to his ears

WHAT? A VIRGIN" HE YELLED " Oh well, the fresher it is, the juicier it will be" he whispered

He picked me up, placed me on the table and and pushed me to lie down while he put his face between my legs, i felt the flick of his tongue slide down my thigh to my clit. I let out a sharp gasp and he took it as a hint to keep going. It seems I only provoked him, he picked me up again and placed me on the the bed. He traced with his fingers down my body and i could tell by his devilish smile that i won't be coming out of this room in one piece.

His eyes locked with mine and his fingers went inside me. He stroked slowly at first then he quickened his pace as i arched my back in pleasure at the brink of an orgasm. I was his marionette and he my master watching me squirm for his touch.

" Slow down puppy, I have to loosen you up before we start, I don't want you screaming in pain, I want that scream to be a scream of pleasure!" he whispered in to my ears while licking them gently

" Mmhm...." i could barely form a word. I raked my fingers along his hair and pushed his face away

" You sure?" he asked checking to be sure i was okay. with everything. For someone drenched in opium and alcohol, he was rough yet gentle and considerate.

I nodded assuring him I was okay.

He didn't waste time as he slid inside me and started to thrust. The first stroke took my breath away as he filled me up while easing himself. He let a sigh of relief as he started to move slowly letting me get used to it as his hips thrust against mine. Our bodies moved in perfect sync as i arched my back gasping at how each thrust felt better than the last. My screams and moans could not be contained and he seemd thrilled at how i kept moaning and arching my back for him which made him increase his pace.

" You feel good puppy?" He groaned while stroking my cheek the he looked down started nibbling on my nipples

I could tell by his thrusts that he was nearing his peak, his pace increased and his strokes became rough, a few minutes later our bodies writhed against each other as we let out an orgasm together. I could feel a moist liquid drip out of me and my clit kept throbbing in pleasure wanting more.

" Its still throbbing, i guess we're not down!" he didn't even let me catch my breath he pulled me towards him and started licking my thigh down to my clit. He inserted his fingers inside me to let out the load he filled me up with.

"The night is still young and as you can see, I'm ready to go on." He chuckled


"CIEL STOP! I SAID STOP!" Sebastian shouted then stood up and walked towards the door.

" I cannot believe i let you manipulate me into hearing your slutty night adventures, sheesh!" he was annoyed to a point of feeling disgusted.

" Do you have the intel that sent you to that place?"

My tongue felt heavy as if i was stung by a bee. How can i say no without receiving death glares for Sebastian.

"NO OKAY! I GOT DRUGGED AND CONFUSED!" I yelled back ta Sebastian

" Ciel, the Donna and Leone are back and I'm sure they will be expecting a report. I suggest you get yourself together and find the right words to say other than your sex rendezvous. Seriously how could you of all people fail such an important task! " he angrily said while walking towards the door and he walked out slamming the door behind him

" TIAN! HEY TIAN! SEBASTIAN! " I yelled and he still didn't respond.

I'm doomed, my first sex experience became my downfall. Mother is not going to let me go unscathed.

"Sono fottutamente morto, aiutami che Dio mi aiuti!"



" Did you see who was it that got in that room?"

" NO SIR!"

" What about the girl who walked in the club?"

" She's still no where to be found!"

Jin threw a flower vase at him angrily.

" GET OUT!" he yelled " First bring me the girl who was supposed to go into that room"

The man left the room in a rush afraid of being hit again.

"Fyodor, you're a very lucky son of a bitch, but your mistake was walking into my club, Lets see how this information will benefit my plans!"

Jin smiled while taking a smoke out of his opium pipe. He was dressed in a traditional Japanese clothing, a yukata, he stood up, tied it properly and left the room.

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