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Chapter 4: Playing Basketball

As the construction of the basketball court progressed with remarkable speed, aided by the diligent efforts of the servants under the Topman family's banner, a unique addition to the project emerged—a servant possessing the Cement Cement Fruit.

With a swift command from Alaric, the servant utilized their Devil Fruit ability to manipulate cement, molding it with precision and finesse to form the foundation of the court. With each movement, the cement flowed effortlessly beneath their control, shaping the court with remarkable speed and efficiency.

Alaric observed with fascination as the basketball court took shape before his eyes, the servant's mastery over their Devil Fruit ability evident in every detail. The once barren ground transformed into a smooth, level surface, perfectly suited for the fast-paced action of the sport.

Impressed by the servant's skill and dedication, Alaric offered words of praise, acknowledging their invaluable contribution to the project. "Well done," he remarked, a sense of admiration coloring his tone. "Your efforts have ensured the swift completion of the basketball court."

Alaric's decision to personally instruct the guards in the art of basketball raised more than a few eyebrows among the castle's inhabitants. As he demonstrated the various dribbling techniques, shooting forms, and defensive maneuvers, the guards initially struggled to grasp the purpose behind their master's unconventional movements.

However, Alaric's patience and persistence began to pay off as the guards slowly but surely acclimated to the rhythm of the game. With each passing moment, their confusion gave way to comprehension, and their movements became more fluid and coordinated.

As the hour drew to a close, Alaric couldn't help but smile as he watched his guards engage in spirited matches on the newly constructed basketball court. Their initial skepticism had transformed into genuine enthusiasm, their shouts of excitement echoing through the air as they embraced the exhilarating challenge of the game.

Alaric joined in the fun, reveling in the camaraderie shared between master and guards. Amidst the fast-paced action and friendly competition, bonds were forged that transcended the barriers of rank and status, uniting them in a shared passion for the sport.

At that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sounds of laughter filled the air, Alaric realized the true power of sportsmanship—to bring people together, regardless of their differences, in a spirit of unity and mutual respect.

With a meticulous eye for detail, Alaric meticulously planned the layout of his castle, allocating space for basketball courts, football fields, volleyball courts, and a state-of-the-art gymnasium. His expansive domain offered ample room for each sporting venue, ensuring that his subjects would have access to a wide array of athletic pursuits.

As he pored over the blueprints, Alaric's vision for the redesigned castle began to take shape, each room and corridor infused with a sense of grandeur and opulence befitting his status as a celestial dragon. With the assistance of the marble fruit user among his servants, he envisioned marble sculptures adorning the halls, lending an air of timeless elegance to the surroundings.

Handing the blueprints to the maids, Alaric entrusted them with the task of disseminating the plans to the castle's servants. With a nod of approval, he watched as the servants set to work, their skilled hands bringing his vision to life with unwavering dedication and precision.

"Master Alaric, it will be completed in three days," the servants assured him, their voices brimming with confidence.

Alaric acknowledged their commitment with a gracious nod, his thoughts already turning to the countless possibilities that awaited within the newly redesigned castle. Though he was in no hurry, knowing that patience was key to achieving perfection, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of unveiling his masterpiece to the world.

In his previous life as a professional playboy, Alaric had mastered not only the art of sports but also the principles of aesthetic design. His expertise in both realms had garnered him wealth and admiration, and now, as a celestial dragon with boundless resources at his disposal, he was determined to create a sanctuary of beauty and leisure within his domain.

As he awaited the completion of the renovations, Alaric couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him to this moment. From his days as a carefree playboy to his newfound role as a celestial dragon, every experience has shaped him into the man he is today—a man with the power to shape his destiny and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of life's simplest pleasures. With a contented smile, Alaric looked forward to the adventures that awaited him in the days to come, knowing that his castle would serve as a testament to his vision and his legacy for generations to come.

As Alaric engaged with the servants, he didn't just dictate instructions; he took the time to listen to their concerns and address their questions with patience and understanding. With each explanation, he imparted his knowledge of materials and construction techniques, ensuring that the servants understood every aspect of their tasks.

The servants, accustomed to the distant and often demanding demeanor of previous celestial dragons, were pleasantly surprised by Alaric's approachability and willingness to involve them in the project. For the first time, they felt valued and respected, and their contributions were acknowledged and appreciated.

With renewed enthusiasm, the servants eagerly set to work, inspired by Alaric's guidance and motivated by the prospect of creating something truly magnificent. Under his watchful eye, they meticulously crafted each element of the castle's renovation, imbuing it with a sense of pride and craftsmanship.

As the days passed, a palpable sense of camaraderie and purpose permeated the castle, fueled by Alaric's leadership and the shared goal of realizing his vision. As the final touches were made to the newly redesigned castle, the servants couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they had played a vital role in its transformation.

For Alaric, seeing the smiles on the faces of the servants was its reward. In treating them with kindness and respect, he had not only earned their loyalty but also forged bonds of trust and camaraderie that would endure long after the renovations were complete.

Under the moonlit sky, Alaric returned to the basketball court accompanied by his loyal guards. With a casual command, he instructed them to change into their sports attire, their uniforms exchanged for comfortable clothing suitable for the friendly match ahead.

As the guards eagerly complied with his directive, Alaric outlined the rules of the game, emphasizing the importance of fair play and sportsmanship. He made it clear that no special abilities were to be used—no haki, devil fruit powers, or advanced martial techniques. This was to be a contest of skill and strategy, pure and simple.

With a nod of understanding, the guards positioned themselves on the court, their anticipation palpable as they awaited their master's signal to begin. Alaric, too, felt a surge of excitement as he prepared to face off against his companions in a game of friendly competition.

As the match commenced, Alaric displayed a remarkable blend of finesse and restraint, carefully navigating the court with grace and agility. Though his skills were undeniable, he purposely held back, allowing his guards the opportunity to showcase their abilities and talents.

Despite his efforts to level the playing field, the guards proved to be formidable opponents, their teamwork and determination evident in every play. With each basket scored, they grew more confident, their spirits buoyed by the thrill of the game.

As the game progressed, Alaric found himself caught up in the excitement of the moment, his competitive spirit ignited by the challenge before him. Though the score ultimately favored his guards, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in witnessing their growth and camaraderie on the court.

As the match drew to a close, Alaric congratulated his guards on their victory, their smiles of triumph a testament to the bonds of friendship forged through their shared love of the game. As they departed the court, Alaric couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the team he had assembled—a team united not only in duty but also in the joy of friendly competition and mutual respect.

Alaric's grandfathers, Saturn and Warcury, entered the court alongside him, their authoritative presence commanding attention. Alaric greeted them with a respectful nod, mindful of the reverence due to his esteemed elders.

"Grandson, what were you doing just now? Are you playing some game?" Saturn inquired, his deep voice resonating with curiosity.

Alaric, with a sense of pride, replied, "Yes, grandpas, I devised a new sport with my imagination. It's called basketball."

Warcury, intrigued, interjected, "Basketball, you say? It sounds intriguing. Tell us more about it, Alaric."

Eager to share his creation with his grandfathers, Alaric launched into an enthusiastic explanation of the game, describing its rules and mechanics with animated gestures.

Impressed by their grandson's ingenuity, Saturn and Warcury exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging Alaric's creativity and resourcefulness.

"Alaric, you've certainly come up with something remarkable," Saturn remarked, his tone laced with pride. "I look forward to witnessing this game in action."

As Alaric delved into the intricacies of basketball, his grandfathers, Saturn and Warcury, listened intently, their curiosity piqued by their grandson's detailed explanation. For a straight hour, Alaric eloquently outlined the rules of the game, leaving no aspect unexplored.

With patience and clarity, Alaric demonstrated the proper technique for dribbling the basketball; his movements were fluid and precise. However, as Saturn and Warcury attempted to emulate his actions, they quickly discovered that the ball provided was too weak to withstand their celestial dragon strength, bursting apart in their hands.

Undeterred, Saturn swiftly retrieved another basketball and, with a subtle application of his haki, reinforced its structure, imbuing it with strength and durability. As he handed the newly fortified ball to his grandsons, a faint aura of power surrounded it, a testament to Saturn's mastery over his abilities.

With the haki-coated basketball in hand, Alaric resumed his demonstration, guiding Saturn and Warcury through the dribbling drills with renewed enthusiasm. This time, the ball held firm, responding to their touch with resilience and stability.

As they practiced, Alaric couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his grandfather's determination to learn and adapt. In their shared pursuit of mastering the game of basketball, he saw not only a bonding opportunity but also a testament to their enduring spirit and willingness to embrace new challenges.

As the hour drew to a close, Alaric couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share his passion with his beloved grandfathers. 

Apologies for the oversight. Let's revise that:

As Saturn and Warcury gradually got the hang of handling the basketball, Alaric proposed a friendly match to put their newfound skills to the test. However, he laid down a condition: no haki, fighting skills, or devil fruit abilities allowed, except for the use of armor haki on the ball while dribbling.

Warcury, with a smirk, taunted, "You think you can defeat us, brat? We've learned the game now. You couldn't even beat those guards. Do you really think you stand a chance against us?"

Alaric's smile widened mischievously as he replied, "We'll see about that."

The match commenced, with Alaric showcasing all of his abilities against his grandfathers. Despite the odds of two against one, Alaric held his own, demonstrating his prowess on the court.

"I was just playing with those guards," Alaric remarked as he deftly maneuvered past Saturn and Warcury. "If I used my real skills, they would never stand a chance."

However, just as Alaric was on the verge of victory, Saturn and Warcury resorted to cheating, using their observation haki to predict Alaric's moves and counter them effectively. With precision and coordination, they managed to score back-to-back baskets, securing the win.

Annoyed by their underhanded tactics, Alaric protested, "That doesn't count! You're cheating and bullying me."

The elders chuckled at Alaric's indignation, their amusement evident. "Now, now, don't be angry," they chided gently. "We also have a reputation to maintain. Losing a child in a two-on-one match would be quite embarrassing for us."

Though disappointed by the outcome, Alaric couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his grandfathers. In their playful rivalry, he found a bond that transcended competition—a connection that strengthened their familial ties and brought them closer together.

As Saturn and Warcury bid Alaric goodnight and departed from his villa, they carried with them the lingering excitement of the basketball match. With two basketballs in tow, they made their way to their respective villas, eager to continue practicing.

In their villa, Saturn and Warcury spent the night attempting to replicate Alaric's impressive skills on the court. Despite their determination, they encountered numerous setbacks and failures. However, their competitive spirits remained undeterred.

Amidst their practice, Warcury remarked, "Hey Saturn, how many years has it been since we felt this adrenaline rush?"

Saturn, pausing for a moment, replied, "It's been a long time. Let's return to the court again tomorrow morning and continue practicing."

Warcury grinned, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Agreed. After all, I can dribble better than you."

Saturn chuckled, a hint of rivalry sparking between them. "Oh, we'll see about that. I have better shooting skills."

Throughout the night, Alaric slept soundly, his dreams filled with visions of triumph on the basketball court and plans for the future. His tired body found solace in the tranquility of sleep, rejuvenating itself for the adventures that awaited him in the days to come.

Unaware of the friendly competition unfolding between his grandfathers, Alaric embraced the blissful oblivion of sleep, allowing himself to recharge and replenish his energy for the challenges that lay ahead. In the quiet solitude of his villa, surrounded by the gentle embrace of darkness, Alaric slept like a pig, completely at peace and undisturbed by the world outside.

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