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Chapter 3: Surprised

As the festivities of Shiro's birthday celebration continued to swirl around them, Max Gun stepped forward, a proud smile on his lips as he introduced his daughter to the assembled guests.

"May I present my daughter, Sachi Gun," Max announced, his voice ringing out above the din of the party.

Shiro's curiosity piqued as he caught sight of his cousin for the first time—a vision of blonde hair and blue eyes, her regal demeanor belying her tender years.

But as Sachi's gaze met his own, Shiro felt a pang of unease—a sense of foreboding that lingered in the air like a dark shadow.

Anna's warning echoed in his mind, but Shiro pushed aside his misgivings, determined to give his cousin the benefit of the doubt.

Yet as the evening wore on, Shiro's hopes for a harmonious relationship with Sachi were dashed against the rocks of reality.

Sachi's behavior was as cruel as it was unexpected—a torrent of insults and jibes directed at Shiro, her words like daggers aimed at his heart.

Shiro bore the brunt of her vitriol with stoic grace, his resolve unshaken by her hurtful words. In his mind, he dubbed her the "Meane Queen," a moniker that seemed all too fitting for her demeanor.

But despite her venomous words, Shiro refused to stoop to her level, maintaining his composure and dignity in the face of adversity.

As the evening wore on, Shiro couldn't help but notice the clandestine conversation taking place between Max, Alec, and Anna—a hushed exchange of words that sent a shiver down his spine.

Though he couldn't discern the nature of their discussion, Shiro couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss—that beneath the facade of celebration lurked secrets and shadows.

In a moment of respite from the chaos of the party, Shiro found Sachi sitting alone, her expression sullen and withdrawn.

"Hey, Sachi," Shiro greeted, his voice tinged with concern. "What are you doing over here all by yourself?"

Sachi's response was laced with anger and bitterness. "Can't you see? I'm sitting alone."

Undeterred by her brusque demeanor, Shiro pressed on. "I meant, why are you alone?"

Sachi's gaze hardened, her words dripping with scorn. "Because no one wants to talk to me, that's why."

Shiro's heart went out to his cousin, despite her hurtful words. "I'll talk to you, Sachi. You don't have to be alone."

But before Sachi could respond, Max's voice rang out across the room, drawing the attention of the gathered guests.

"In light of today's festivities, I have an announcement to make," Max declared, his voice tinged with excitement.

Shiro's attention snapped to his uncle, his curiosity piqued. What could Max possibly have to announce on such a momentous occasion?

The announcement echoed through the grand hall like a thunderclap, sending shockwaves of disbelief rippling through the assembled guests. Max Gun's declaration hung in the air, a weighty revelation that left the room in stunned silence.

"I am pleased to announce the engagement of Shiro Kiyo and Sachi Gun," Max proclaimed, his voice ringing out with authority.

Alec, Anna, and the other guests exchanged uneasy glances, their expressions a mixture of surprise and apprehension. The union of Shiro and Sachi, though unexpected, carried with it the weight of aristocratic tradition—a marriage of convenience, orchestrated by the whims of powerful families.

But beneath the facade of celebration, a undercurrent of fear and uncertainty pulsed through the room. Shiro's engagement to the daughter of a Duke was cause for concern, and whispers of doubt fluttered among the gathered nobility.

Max's words hung in the air, a palpable tension suffusing the room as the guests grappled with the implications of his announcement.

"Shiro, Sachi," Max continued, his voice cutting through the silence. "Why don't you two go and have a chat? Get to know each other better."

Shiro and Sachi exchanged a wary glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of their newfound bond. With a resigned nod, they slipped away from the throng of guests, seeking solace in the quiet embrace of a nearby chamber.

As the door closed behind them, Shiro and Sachi found themselves alone at last, the weight of their shared predicament hanging heavy in the air.

"I can't believe my father would do this," Sachi muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "I have no desire to be engaged to you, Shiro."

Shiro's heart soared with relief at her words, a sense of liberation flooding through him. "Believe me, Sachi, I feel the same way. Who would want to spend a lifetime with the Meane Queen?"

Sachi bristled at the insult, her temper flaring. "It's Meanie Queen, you imbecile. And don't be such an idiot."

Shiro's eyes flashed with defiance, his voice rising in indignation. "No, Sachi. You're the Meane Queen because you don't deserve the right word."

As the tension between them reached its breaking point, a crackling aura of magic enveloped the room, swirling around them in a tempest of power and emotion.

Magic circles formed beneath their feet, glowing with otherworldly energy as they prepared to unleash their fury upon each other.

But before they could act, another presence made itself known—a calming aura that washed over them like a gentle breeze, quelling the storm of their emotions.

In the doorway stood a figure cloaked in shadow, his presence a beacon of serenity amidst the chaos.

"Enough," the newcomer spoke, his voice soft yet commanding. "This feud ends now."

As the demonic aura enveloped the room, Shiro and Sachi stood frozen in place, their hearts pounding with fear and uncertainty. The newcomer's presence loomed large, casting a shadow of dread over them both.

"Is it... a demon?" Sachi whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

The newcomer stepped forward, revealing his true form—horns protruding from his forehead and black wings unfurling from his back. His eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, his demonic visage a testament to his infernal nature.

Shiro's brow furrowed in concentration as he observed the newcomer. "No, Sachi. He's not a demon... he's a devil."

Sachi's eyes widened in horror. "What's the difference?"

Shiro's gaze hardened with determination. "A devil is a higher-ranking being than a demon. They wield immense power and influence, far beyond that of ordinary demons."

Before Sachi could respond, she unleashed a barrage of ice bullets at the devil, her magic swirling around her in a frenzy of icy fury.

"[Ice magic: ice bullet]!" Sachi cried, her voice filled with desperation.

But the devil was prepared, summoning a shield of darkness to deflect the attack with ease. "[Dark magic: Shadow shield]!"

Shiro watched the exchange with a sense of unease, his mind racing with possibilities. "Sachi, low-level magic like that won't harm a devil. We need to find another way to defeat him."

The devil chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "As expected from the Viscount's son and the Duke's daughter. One with intelligence, the other with strength."

Sachi's eyes narrowed with determination. "What do you want from us, devil?"

The devil's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Chaos, my dear. I am but one piece of a larger puzzle—a puzzle that will bring about the downfall of your family and the destruction of this world."

Shiro's mind raced with possibilities as he searched for a way to stop the devil's nefarious plan. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a magic circle, imbued with the power of gravity.

"[Gravity magic: attract]!" Shiro commanded, his voice ringing out with authority.

The magic circle pulsed with energy, drawing the devil towards it with irresistible force. With a roar of frustration, the devil struggled against the pull of gravity, his wings flapping wildly as he fought to break free from the trap.

But Shiro's magic was too powerful, holding the devil fast as he struggled against the invisible bonds that bound him.

As the devil writhed in agony, Shiro and Sachi stood united against the forces of darkness, their hearts filled with courage and determination. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, standing strong against the encroaching tide of chaos and destruction.

As chaos erupted in the chamber, Shiro's desperate act to protect Sachi had set off a chain reaction, drawing the attention of Max Gun, Alec Kiyo, and Anna to the scene of the confrontation. With a sense of urgency, they rushed to intervene, their hearts filled with fear for their loved ones.

Meanwhile, the devil, thwarted in her attempt to flee with her prize, hovered menacingly in the air, her eyes burning with rage and frustration. With a swift motion, she snatched Shiro into her arms, her grip like iron as she prepared to make her escape.

But before she could take flight, Shiro acted with lightning speed, pushing Sachi to safety and taking her place in the devil's clutches. With a triumphant cackle, the devil soared into the air, her wings beating against the wind as she carried Shiro away from his family and into the unknown.

Back on the ground, Max and Alec stood side by side, their expressions grim as they faced down the horde of demons that had descended upon them. With a flick of his wrist, Max summoned a torrent of flames, his magic engulfing the demons in a fiery inferno.

"[Fire magic: fire hand]!" Max roared, his voice thundering through the chaos as two giant hands of flame materialized and crushed the remaining demons beneath their fiery grasp.

Alec fought alongside his brother-in-law, his sword flashing in the dim light as he fended off the relentless onslaught of the demon horde. With each swing of his blade, he carved a path through the enemy ranks, his determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.

Meanwhile, Anna scoured the chamber for any sign of Sachi, her heart pounding with fear for her niece's safety. And as she stumbled upon Sachi, huddled in a corner and weeping with fear, Anna's resolve hardened.

"Sachi, it's okay," Anna comforted, her voice gentle yet firm. "We'll find Shiro. We'll bring him back."

Sachi's tears flowed freely as she clung to her aunt, her voice choked with emotion. "Auntie Anna, the devil... she took Shiro away."

Anna's heart clenched with anguish at the news, but she forced herself to remain calm for Sachi's sake. "We'll save him, Sachi. I promise."

Meanwhile, high above the ground, Shiro found himself face to face with his captor—the devil whose twisted desires threatened to unravel his world. But instead of succumbing to fear, Shiro remained defiant, his spirit unbroken despite the dire circumstances.

With a bold move, Shiro reached out and rubbed the devil's belly, causing her to moan in discomfort and lose her balance. As they plummeted towards the ground, the devil accused Shiro of being a pervert for touching her without permission.

But Shiro laughed in the face of danger, his eyes shining with determination. "And you're a pervert for kidnapping a child," he retorted, his voice ringing out with defiance as they fell towards their uncertain fate.

As Shiro and the devil hurtled towards the ground, the young boy's mind raced with desperation. With no time to spare, he called upon the power of gravity magic, knowing that his only chance to survive lay in his ability to control the forces at play.

"Oh, dear Infinite," Shiro whispered, his voice trembling with urgency. "Please, create a barrier to shield us until the danger has passed."

With a surge of power, a shimmering barrier materialized around them, its protective embrace shielding them from harm as they hurtled towards the earth below.

The devil sneered at Shiro's efforts, her voice dripping with disdain. "Creating a barrier may be easy, but wielding it with precision is a skill that even grown mages struggle to master. And yet, here you are, a mere child, wielding magic beyond your years."

Undeterred by her taunts, Shiro focused his energy on the task at hand, summoning the full extent of his powers to enact his plan. "[Gravity magic: max, gravity pull]!" he cried, his voice echoing through the chaos.

Instantly, the world around them shifted, as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder. Objects hurtled towards the ground with terrifying force, crashing and splintering as they collided with the earth below.

The devil staggered under the onslaught, her form battered and bruised by the relentless barrage of gravity magic. Though she fought valiantly to maintain her composure, the strain of the attack was evident in her every movement.

But just as victory seemed within reach, a sudden arrow pierced the air, hurtling towards the devil with deadly accuracy. With a cry of pain, the devil's form dissolved into smoke, dissipating into the ether as her essence was extinguished.

As the devil fell, the barrier surrounding Shiro shattered into a thousand shards, its purpose fulfilled. And standing amidst the chaos, a figure emerged from the shadows—the ancient mage, Muzukashii.

"It is done," Muzukashii declared, his voice calm yet authoritative. "The threat has been neutralized."

Shiro breathed a sigh of relief, his heart filled with gratitude for the timely intervention of his mentor and friend. "Thank you, Muzukashii," he said, his voice tinged with awe.

Muzukashii's gaze softened as he regarded the young boy before him. "You have shown great courage and strength, Shiro. But remember, true power lies not in the mastery of magic, but in the goodness of one's heart."

With those words of wisdom, Muzukashii faded back into the shadows, leaving Shiro to contemplate the lessons he had learned amidst the chaos of battle. And as he stood amidst the wreckage of his ordeal, Shiro knew that his journey was far from over—but with the guidance of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the chaos of battle behind them, Muzukashii stood before Shiro, his presence ethereal and fleeting. He spoke with a sense of urgency, his words laden with wisdom and purpose.

"I cannot stay long," Muzukashii began, his voice a whisper on the wind. "But the mask I gave you, Shiro, it holds a power far greater than you realize. Wear it always, for it will protect you in times of need."

Shiro's brow furrowed with confusion. "But why did you meet with Alec and Anna?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Muzukashii's gaze softened as he regarded the young boy before him. "Many nobles may see a god slayer as a force for good, but not all share that sentiment," he explained. "I must tread carefully, for there are those who would seek to destroy me for what I am."

With those cryptic words, Muzukashii vanished into the night, leaving Shiro to ponder the mysteries of his encounter. As he watched the ancient mage disappear, Shiro felt a sense of unease settle over him—a feeling that there was much he had yet to learn about the world and his place within it.

Meanwhile, Max, Alec, Anna, and Sachi stumbled upon Shiro, their relief palpable as they embraced their son and future daughter-in-law. Sachi clung to Shiro, her tears mingling with his own as she struggled to comprehend why he had risked his life to save her.

"Why did you save me?" Sachi whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "After everything I've done..."

Anna and Alec exchanged a silent glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of their son's sacrifice. But they remained silent, allowing Shiro and Sachi to share this moment of raw emotion without interruption.

Max, however, was quick to break the silence, his voice laced with concern. "Where is the devil?" he asked, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger.

Shiro hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. But ultimately, he chose to keep Muzukashii's intervention a secret, knowing that revealing the truth would only complicate matters further.

"The devil ran away," Shiro replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.

With that, they returned to the festivities, their hearts lighter now that the threat had been vanquished. And as they mingled with the other guests, Shiro couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him—a brief respite from the trials and tribulations that had beset him.

But his moment of peace was short-lived, for Max soon took to the stage, his voice ringing out with authority as he addressed the assembled crowd.

"Now, my friends," Max began, his voice projecting over the murmurs of the crowd. "It is time for Sachi to give a speech about the future marriage of her and Shiro."

Shiro's heart sank as he listened to Max's words, a sense of foreboding settling over him like a dark cloud. He had hoped that Sachi would reject the idea of marriage, seeing it as the opportunity to break free from the constraints of tradition and expectation.

But as Sachi took to the stage, her voice clear and unwavering, Shiro's hopes were dashed once more. For she spoke not of breaking the engagement, but of embracing it—a decision that left Shiro feeling confused and heartbroken.

As he watched Sachi proclaim her agreement to the marriage, Shiro knew that his path was set. Despite his misgivings, he would honor his promise to Sachi and her father, knowing that sometimes, the choices we make are not always the ones we desire.

Shuvo_Sen Shuvo_Sen

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