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Chapter 151: Chapter 120 – Goblin Arc (1)

 Timeline: November 6, 1995

Location: Midtown High


The halls of Midtown High felt oddly suffocating today, like a weight pressing down on my shoulders. I couldn't shake this uneasy feeling, this nagging sense that something wasn't quite right. But try as I might, I couldn't put my finger on what it was.


As I walked through the busy hallway, my eyes landed on two familiar faces - Mary Jane Watson and Harry Osborn. Mary Jane greeted me warmly, her smile making me feel better. But Harry although polite but also seemed a bit annoyed when he said hello. I sat down next to them, glad for the company.


"Hey, Pete," Harry muttered, his tone heavy with annoyance on something.

"Hi, Peter," Mary Jane chimed in, her expression curious as she glanced between us.


I slid into the seat beside them, grateful for the brief distraction from my own thoughts.


"Hi, MJ, Hi, Harry," I greeted them in return, mustering a small smile.


Harry wasted no time in venting his frustrations. "You won't believe what happened, guys. We invested in the stocks of the latest gas company, and it completely tanked. My dad was furious, like really angry."


Concerned, I ask, "Is he okay?"


"He's fine, but I haven't seen him around much lately. It's kinda weird," Harry responds.


"Yeah, that is indeed strange," I agreed, my mind wandering.


Just then, our English teacher enters the classroom, signaling the start of the class. "Okay, guys, let's get started," she announces.


As the English class began, I found it difficult to focus. My mind kept wandering, and an inexplicable sense of unease gnawed at me. Despite my best efforts to pay attention to the lesson, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

As the teacher went on about Shakespeare's sonnets, my mind wandered back to yesterday's events. Michael had asked me to fill in as Spider-Man for the day. I was determined to do my best, but the thought of being the city's protector felt like a heavy burden.


[Meanwhile Norman]


As Norman watched over his ongoing project, tension hung thick in the air like a suffocating fog. The scientists worked diligently, but progress was slow, and frustration filled Norman face as he watch.


"Is our product nearly finished?" Norman's voice sliced through the quiet hum of the laboratory, his patience wearing thin.


"I'm sorry, sir, but we are getting there," came the apologetic response from one of the scientists.


Norman's frustration erupted like a volcano. "You are fucking useless, Adrian Toomes!" he spat, his words laced with anger.


Adrian Toomes, undeterred, attempted to salvage the situation. "Sir, if you give me time, I could probably finish this by tomorrow," he offered desperately.


But Norman's patience had run out. "Enough! I've heard that excuse from you too many times," he snapped, his tone unforgiving. "We don't have enough time. We need to reclaim our lost ground in that damn company."


Locking eyes with Adrian, Norman's voice turned icy. "Get out!"


Adrian tried to plead his case, but Norman's fury brooked no argument. "Get the fuck out!" Norman's command echoed through the lab, leaving no room for negotiation.

As Adrian Toomes left the room, Norman Osborn's frustration boiled over. He paced back and forth, his mind consumed with thoughts of vengeance and power. "Damn it all," he muttered under his breath, his fists clenched in frustration.


His assistant, Ellies, approached cautiously, sensing his volatile mood. "Sir, is everything alright?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.


Norman paused, his gaze dark and intense. "No, Everything is not alright," he snapped, his frustration evident. "That imbecile Toomes has once again failed me. Our project is behind schedule, and I refuse to accept any more excuses."


Ellies nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What do you plan to do, sir?" she asked, her tone cautious.


Norman's lips curled into a sinister smile. "We're going to take matters into our own hands," he declared, his voice dripping with determination. "If Toomes can't deliver, then we'll find someone who can. And once our project is complete, we'll show the world the true power of Oscorp."


[Meanwhile Michael]


As Michael, Mary, Mark, Emily, Chris, and Loe enjoyed the sunshine on the beach, remembering the past, the sense of longing for those days was evident in their eyes.


"It's been a long time since we did this, huh?" Michael remarked, breaking the comfortable silence.


Mary nodded, her gaze softening as she looked at Michael. "Yes, babe. Back then, we were just teenagers."


Mark chimed in with a laugh, recalling a hilarious memory. "Yeah, I remember the last outing when Loe became a sand sculpture!" he teased, unable to contain his amusement.


Loe playfully defended himself. "Hey, you're the one who requested that!"


Mark smirked at Loe. "And who's the one who needed money?" he retorted, a mischievous glint in his eye.


"Whatever," Loe replied with a grin, knowing he couldn't argue his way out of Mark's playful banter.


The group burst into laughter at Loe's expense, the sound mixing with the soft crashing of waves on the shore.


Chris interjected, a hint of seriousness in his tone. "Now we're adults with so many responsibilities."


Emily nodded in agreement, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, sometimes I miss those carefree days when we were still young."


Mark reached for Emily's hand, his expression softening. "Babe," he said tenderly, his love for her evident in his eyes.


Michael brought the conversation back to the present with a smile. "That's why we're here — to enjoy our bond as old friends, right?" he declared, a sense of camaraderie filling the air as they basked in each other's company.


[Meanwhile Peter]


As Peter, MJ, and Harry took a break from their classes, they sat down in the busy cafeteria, enjoying some well-deserved relaxation.


Harry couldn't still forget the recent losses in the stock market. "It's really crazy, guys. The amount of money we lost is no joke," he lamented, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.


Peter, ever the supportive friend, leaned in with concern. "So, it's really that big of a hit?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.


Harry nodded solemnly. "Yeah, Pete. It's a significant loss, and then my dad..." He trailed off, his expression darkening as he remembered how angry his father was. "He was really furious about it. I even saw him yelling at his associates."


Peter winced sympathetically. "Damn, I'm sorry, dude," he offered sincerely, feeling for his friend and the strain it must be putting on his family.


Harry managed a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, you didn't do anything wrong," he reassured Peter, appreciating his friend's support despite the circumstances.


Meanwhile, MJ watched the interaction between Peter and Harry with a fond smile, grateful for the bond they shared and the way they always had each other's backs.



[Meanwhile Norman]


Norman Osborn was still really mad after Toomes failed the experiment. He retreated to his secret room to collect his thoughts. His anger showing in his face as he muttered to himself, "That bullshit Toomes really made me angry with his nonsense."


Suddenly, the voice of the Green Goblin mask interjected, breaking the silence. "I told you, you need me," it said with a sinister undertone.


Norman's patience wore thin as he snapped back, "Shut up!"


The mask kept bothering him, asking, "Are you still saying no because of your son?" The mask said like it was trying to find Norman's weak spot.


"Enough!" Norman barked, his frustration mounting.


But the mask continued its relentless assault on Norman's psyche. "Then maybe if I killed your son, you would fully accept me, and together we could achieve great power," it suggested, its words dripping with malice.


Norman winced in pain, clutching his head as a sudden wave of agony washed over him. "No, you don't..." he protested weakly.

As Norman struggled against the mask's influence, it took advantage of his weakness, whispering triumphantly, "I've told you, deep down, you desire me."


Norman struggled against the invasive thoughts, fighting to maintain control. "I don't need you!" he exclaimed, his voice strained with effort as he battled the influence of the mask.


Suddenly, Norman straightened up, his eyes filled with resolve. "fool, I control you now," he declared confidently. "By wearing this mask, you will be mine."


With a chilling certainty in his voice, Goblin's words echoed in the room, leaving no doubt about his newfound dominance over the situation.


Norman or Goblin quickly grabbed the scary green mask, and a wicked smile crossed his face. "Green Goblin is back," he announced, signaling that he had fully embraced his dark side.



[Meanwhile Peter Parker]


As I sat in history class with MJ and Harry, we listened attentively to our teacher, Gelardo Flores. Today's topic was the history of Spider-Man, and when Mr. Flores ask the question, My hand shot up eagerly when he asked about Spider-Man History.


"It was 1947 when Spider-Man became a hero," Peter answered confidently.


Mr. Flores nodded in approval. "Very good, Peter."


Mr. Flores acknowledged my response before surprising me with another question, this time more personal. "Why did Spider-Man disappear and come back again? Your own opinion, why?"


My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't reveal the truth about Michael's sacrifice, not here. "It was due to the circumstances," I replied carefully, choosing my words. "He sacrificed himself for his loved ones."


Mr. Flores seemed intrigued. "Interesting. Why did you come up with that idea?"


I hesitated, searching for words that wouldn't spill the beans. "Um, well, uh... You see, I thought of those because of um.. my instinct?" I stammered, feeling like a kid caught red-handed with cookies before dinner. I mean, it's not like I have to said "Hey, I know Spider-Man or anything! Ha! That would be, Stupid." Then I chuckled nervously, hoping my flimsy excuse would pass with Mr. Flores.


Before I could even think straight, chaos erupted in the school as an explosion echoed through the halls. Panic set in as students screamed and scrambled for safety. And just when things couldn't get crazier, bam! There's this dude in a green mask standing right in front of us.


"I finally found you, Harry," the mysterious figure declared, sending a chill down my spine.


 Oh shit This couldn't be good.


To be continued


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