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Chapter 30: Heromaker - III

Alvs hurriedly put on a lavish coat woven with the finest fabrics. It sparkled in the sunlight like the vast sea in the middle of summer. He rushed out of his office, leaped down a long, spiraling staircase, and boarded his carriage.

The carriage set off with the coachman whipping a pair of beautiful white draft horses into action.

Johnson barely caught up to the moving carriage. In his hands were various pre-written contracts, bags of gold, and suitcases filled with valuable goods. Throwing the items into the carriage, Alvs, his employer pulled him up as he sprinted.

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes Sir! I have the typical items a noble would want, a few local products, an ancient artifact we had kept in the treasury, as well as a few property deeds for land, slaves, and beasts."

Johnson heaved a breath.

"I've also brought three hundred gold and five platinum coins stored in separate bags."

Alvs' gaze scanned the items that had magically sorted themselves out inside the carriage. It seemed like Johnson's words were spot on. Everything was there with not a single feather out of place.

"Well done, lad." Alvs nodded, not minding the sharp bumps in the road as they rushed to the Walvaskaz caravan.

"Coachman!" He yelled out of the window, "Full speed ahead!"

Any injuries this would cause could be paid for. This opportunity, however, was worth more than the lives of some random passersby — even more than a few bags of gold.

That was what his instincts were telling him.

"B-But Sir!" The coachman seemed nervous.

"Silence! Just throw a bag of silver coins at whoever you hit and just go!"


Aventine sat in his carriage, playing with a platinum coin by rolling it through his fingers.

The <Power of Death> was quite the curious thing.

Other than its governance over darkness and its versatile invisibility was its power over wealth. He was like a beacon to all those who harbored greed.

A moon to the tides of riches and gold.

The puppetmaster of the market.

"I'm an economic nightmare..." Aventine shook his head. "However, it's surprisingly strict."

The <Power of Death> dictated that death and wealth be bound together. He could feel it when lives were used in exchange for more gold.

Those who gambled...

Those who struggled with each swing of the sword...

Those who slaved their heart away with pickaxes and hammers...

They were all burning their lives for the sake of a little bit more wealth — all while the truly rich sat on mountains upon mountains of gold, like dragons protecting their hoard. In the moment of their death, Aventine could momentarily command the flow of the economy.

It was abstract and jarring.

The same went for those who were sacrificed for wealthy comfort. Each time a rich man tightened the knots around the necks of those below them, Aventine could feel a chilling pang in his heart. Paired with [Absolute Awareness], he instantly knew what was happening in the dirty sewages of a city of opportunities.

There was no longer any wonder why demons could easily hide themselves in human society.

"The depths of humanity are no better than demons indeed," Aventine flicked the platinum coin in his hand.

It spun in the air with a pleasant, ringing...


With the coin landing on Aventine's palm, a malicious flash of light erupted from his gaze.

"Heads, huh?"


Afla was rushing towards the Walvaskaz-bound caravan. It was highly likely that she would get a good price for the treasure she found. Moreover, there was also a higher chance that she could get even more than what it was worth, just because a rich noble from the capital was present.

Word travels fast.

"Thankfully, I overheard those rascals in the tavern..."

Afla was what one would call a typical youth. Her appearance and personality were void of any uniqueness. She was like a cardboard cutout.

Perfect... yet uncanny to those who stared at her for too long.

It was a very different experience to be so mundane that nearly everyone would look past her. Had she used her original face and form, countless people would have already turned their heads.

Such was the nature of her disguise — hiding her tails, horns, and ears. As a member of the demonic fox tribe, her beauty was devilishly stunning.

For a time, she indeed lived with her original face and body, hiding only the demonic parts of her. However... it led to quite a few problems.

It was bad enough that she could no longer show her face in the human world.

"To think that they would be after me not because I'm a demon, but because I accidentally stole their lovers..."

Afla really wanted to go on a killing spree. However, included in those chasing after her were high-ranking wizards and swordsmasters. After stealing their wives and husbands, it was clear that anyone would be after her life, either with murderous or perverted intentions. 

Now, she had to wear a face far beneath her original beauty. If any of her brethren saw her, she would no longer have any face.

Her reputation would plummet to the depths of hell.

Afla needed power.

Both for the Demon King's army and for herself.

Therefore, money was integral.

"Let's see if this human noble is worth all this effort..."



Looking at the bustling crowd of merchants, adventurers, and spectators, Aventine realized a small mistake. The bloodshot gaze of those greedy for wealth sent chills down his spine.

He saw them approach, thinking that there wouldn't have been any problems. However, it would seem like he had a small lapse in judgment.

Knowing was indeed different from experiencing things in actuality.

"They're going to drown me, aren't they..." Shaking his head, Aventine called for the knight captain, Owen.

"Tell your men to spread the word," Aventine handed Owen a bag of gold coins, "My budget is six platinum coins for today. Tomorrow, it will be eight. And the day before our departure, it will be ten."

Sixty million dollars. Quite a lot for an individual. However, it wasn't much compared to half a kingdom's Royal Treasury.

"Also, rent out an auction house. That will be the venue where I will make my purchases."

Aventine was going to hold a reverse auction where he was the only buyer, and people made their offers.

chubbyubemantou chubbyubemantou

*shakes the reader*

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