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Chapter 2: Enel

Amidst the azure expanse of the Skypiea archipelago, where golden clouds danced upon the horizon and lightning crackled with divine fury, Marshal D. Teach, now transformed into the fearsome Manticore, soared with predatory grace towards his destination—the legendary Sky Island.

As the shimmering skyline of the Golden Island loomed before him, Blackbeard's eyes burned with an unholy fervor, his form pulsating with the raw power of the Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit coursing through his veins. With each beat of his wings, he drew closer to his goal, his senses keenly attuned to the impending clash that awaited him.

Suddenly, from the midst of the celestial tapestry above, a blinding bolt of lightning streaked towards him with deadly intent. Enel, the self-proclaimed deity of Skypiea, descended from the heavens with divine wrath, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury.

Enel, wreathed in divine lightning, unleashed his thunderous wrath upon Blackbeard, bolts of electricity crackling through the air with lethal precision. But Blackbeard, undeterred by the display of power, summoned the darkness within him, weaving it into a shield of impenetrable shadow that deflected each electrifying assault.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Blackbeard surged forward, his movements fluid and calculated. With each strike, he delivered a devastating onslaught upon Enel, his fists fueled by the primal fury of the Manticore within him.

Enel, once arrogant and invincible, found himself unable to match the relentless onslaught of his adversary. With each blow, his divine facade crumbled, his once-mighty lightning reduced to mere sparks against the overwhelming darkness that surrounded him.

In a final, decisive moment, Blackbeard closed the distance between them, his hands wreathed in the suffocating embrace of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a touch imbued with the darkness of the void, he nullified Enel's thunderous powers, leaving the self-proclaimed deity powerless and vulnerable before him.

With a triumphant roar that echoed through the heavens, Blackbeard unleashed the full force of his wrath upon Enel, sending the fallen god crashing to the ground in defeat. As Enel lay broken and defeated, Blackbeard stood victorious amidst the wreckage, his form bathed in the glow of triumph.

With Enel's defeat resonating through the celestial realm, the once-mighty priests of Skypiea recoiled in terror, their divine authority shattered in the wake of Blackbeard's overwhelming power. With a collective gasp, they turned tail and fled, their cries of anguish lost amidst the chaos of battle.

As the priests vanished into the ether, Blackbeard wasted no time in asserting his dominance over the Golden Island. With a malevolent smirk, he activated the dark powers of his Devil Fruit, the Yami Yami no Mi, summoning forth the abyssal void to devour all in its path.

With a deafening roar, the darkness surged forth, its voracious hunger consuming everything in its wake. Buildings crumbled, statues toppled, and the very earth trembled as the island was engulfed in an endless abyss.

But it was not merely the physical world that fell victim to Blackbeard's insatiable appetite. With a calculated gesture, he directed the darkness towards the heart of the island, where the vast reserves of gold lay hidden beneath the surface.

With a resounding crash, the darkness descended upon the golden treasure, swallowing it whole with a greedy fervor. Mountains of gold vanished into the abyss, their gleaming surfaces lost to the eternal void.

As the last remnants of the island vanished into the darkness, Blackbeard stood amidst the chaos, his form bathed in the eerie glow of the abyss. With a triumphant laugh that echoed through the heavens, he reveled in his newfound wealth, his conquest of Skypiea complete.

With a wicked grin spreading across his lips, Blackbeard's laughter reverberated through the void as he issued his command to the upgrade system. "System, convert all of this gold into berries," he declared, his voice dripping with anticipation.

The upgrade system, ever obedient to its master's whims, swiftly processed the request. In a flash of brilliance, the once-golden treasure of Skypiea transformed into a shimmering sea of berries, each one a testament to Blackbeard's insatiable greed.

As the bounty of riches flooded towards him, Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with unbridled avarice. "How much is it worth?" he inquired, his voice laced with anticipation.

The system wasted no time in delivering its assessment. "The combined value of all the gold is approximately 350 billion berries," it intoned, its words echoing through the void.

[350 Billion]

At the mention of such an astronomical sum, Blackbeard's laughter grew even louder, reverberating through the depths of the abyss. With a triumphant roar, he reveled in his newfound wealth, knowing that with each berry, his power and influence would grow ever stronger.

With a sinister smile curling upon his lips, Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with a predatory light as he issued his next command to the upgrade system. "System, unleash the full potential of my Haki to its absolute limit," he declared, his voice resounding with authority.

The upgrade system, ever obedient to its master's desires, hummed to life, its interface shimmering with dark energy as it began to fulfill Blackbeard's command. With each passing moment, the formidable power of Armament, Observation, and King's Haki surged within him, reaching unprecedented heights of mastery and control.

As the darkness of his Yami Yami no Mi pulsed with newfound strength, Blackbeard's gaze shifted towards his Manticore Devil Fruit, its dormant power waiting to be unleashed. "And awaken both of my Devil Fruits," he commanded, his voice resonating with anticipation.

With a surge of dark energy, the Manticore Fruit responded to Blackbeard's call, its mythical power erupting forth in a blaze of primal fury. In that moment, Blackbeard transcended mortal limits, his very being suffused with the raw essence of darkness and chaos.

With his Haki honed to perfection and both Devil Fruits awakened to their fullest potential, Blackbeard stood as an unstoppable force of nature, his ambition burning brighter than ever before. In his hands, he held the power to reshape the world itself, bending it to his will with darkness and despair.

With a wicked chuckle, Blackbeard's eyes danced with avarice as he contemplated the vast wealth at his disposal. "System, with this surplus of berries, how must I further enhance my abilities beyond the world's limit?" he inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation.

The upgrade system, its digital presence flickering with dark energy, swiftly processed Blackbeard's query before delivering its response. "Host, after reaching the world's limit, each subsequent enhancement will require 100 billion berries per ability," it intoned, its words echoing through the void.

Blackbeard's grin widened at the prospect, his ambition fuelled by the promise of even greater power. "Very well," he declared, his voice dripping with determination. "System, begin by elevating my physique to the world's limit."

Without hesitation, the upgrade system complied with Blackbeard's command. With a surge of dark energy, his physical form underwent a profound transformation, his muscles bulging with unprecedented strength and his senses sharpening to an otherworldly degree.

As the upgrade reached its completion, Blackbeard surveyed his enhanced physique with satisfaction. "Excellent," he murmured, his voice brimming with confidence. "System, this is just the beginning. With the wealth that remains, I shall unlock the full potential of each of my abilities, until none can stand against me."

With a menacing glint in his eyes, Blackbeard issued his next command to the upgrade system, his voice resonating with authority. "System, now upgrade my Armament and Observation Haki beyond the world's limit," he declared, his tone filled with determination.

The upgrade system, ever obedient to its master's will, responded with a surge of dark energy, its interface pulsating with newfound power. With each passing moment, Blackbeard could feel the ancient forces of Haki coursing through him, their potency reaching unprecedented heights.

With the surge of power coursing through him, Blackbeard felt the ancient forces of Haki intertwine with his very being, amplifying his abilities to unimaginable heights. As his Armament Haki transcended the world's limit, it manifested in a manner beyond comprehension.

With a mere thought, Blackbeard could now imbue any weapon with the essence of darkness, permanently transforming it into a Black Weapon of unparalleled potency. The mere activation of his Armament Haki caused the surrounding space to tremble and quake, a testament to the sheer destructive force at his command.

Simultaneously, his Observation Haki ascended to unprecedented levels, granting him vision that transcended the boundaries of mere sight. His perception became akin to that of x-ray vision, penetrating through solid objects and barriers without hindrance. Nothing could escape his gaze, no matter how well-hidden or obscured it may be.

As Blackbeard tested the limits of his newfound power, he reveled in the knowledge that he had become an unstoppable force of darkness and chaos. With each passing moment, his ambition burned brighter, driving him ever closer to his ultimate goal of dominion over the seas and skies.

In this moment of ascension, Blackbeard stood as a harbinger of destruction, his power eclipsing that of any who dared to challenge him. With the might of the Manticore, the darkness of the void, and the mastery of Haki at his command, he was poised to reshape the very fabric of reality to suit his whims.

With a smirk of satisfaction, Blackbeard acknowledged the system's report on his remaining wealth. "Store the remaining 99 billion berries for future use," he commanded, his voice dripping with calculated foresight.

Turning his attention to the more pressing matter at hand, Blackbeard then issued a demand to the system. "Show me my status," he declared, his tone firm and unwavering.

In response, the upgrade system complied, its interface shimmering with dark energy as it projected Blackbeard's status before him:

[Name: Marshall D. Teach]

[Physique: Kraken{World Limit}]

[Bloodline: Human]

[Devil Fruit: Yami Yami No Mi, Manticore,_________,_________.]


[Armament Haki: Beyond World's Limit - Can permanently blacken any weapon, space trembles upon activation]

[Observation Haki: Beyond World's Limit - Vision akin to x-ray, nothing escapes sight]

[King's Haki: World Limit]

[Weapon: Claw]

As Blackbeard studied his enhanced status, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. With his power now at its peak, he knew that he was ready to embark upon his ultimate quest for dominion over the world itself.

With a malicious grin adorning his features, Blackbeard's gaze bore into Enel as he awakened him from his stupor with a resounding slap. The air crackled with tension as Enel's eyes fluttered open, only to meet the dark, intimidating visage of Blackbeard looming over him.

"Enel, you possess considerable talent," Blackbeard began, his voice dripping with ominous authority. "But do not squander it. Join me, and together, we shall ascend to heights unimagined. Under my command, you will be second to none, ruling over billions as one of the strongest beings in the world."

Blackbeard's offer hung in the air, the weight of his words pressing down upon Enel like a suffocating shroud. "I can even grant you the power to regrow your wings," Blackbeard continued, his tone betraying no hint of mercy. "But in return, you must pledge absolute loyalty to me. Your choice is simple: serve me faithfully, or face oblivion."

Enel, faced with the undeniable force of Blackbeard's will, knelt before him, his defiance replaced by submission. "Please, tell me your next order, Captain," he implored, his voice tinged with deference.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the chamber, a sinister symphony of triumph. "Good, good," he chuckled darkly, his hand reaching out to touch Enel's head in a gesture of dominance. "System, show me his status."

[Name: Enel]

[Bloodline: Angel]

[Devil Fruit: Goro Goro No MI]


[Armament Haki: Beginner]

[Observation Haki: Advanced]

[King's Haki: Unawakened]

[Weapon: Golden Trident]

With a menacing glint in his eyes, Blackbeard wasted no time in issuing his next commands to the upgrade system, his voice laced with authority and malice. "System, upgrade Enel's bloodline to the world's limit," he declared, his tone brooking no opposition.

The upgrade system hummed to life, its interface pulsating with dark energy as it began to process Blackbeard's command. With each passing moment, Enel's bloodline underwent a profound transformation, unlocking latent potential beyond the constraints of mortal limits.

In that moment of transformation, Enel felt a surge of energy coursing through him, his very essence vibrating with unparalleled strength. And then, as if in response to his heightened bloodline, a pair of majestic white wings unfurled from his back, their feathers gleaming with divine radiance.

With a triumphant roar, Enel spread his wings wide, feeling the rush of wind beneath him as he soared into the heavens. The sky itself seemed to part before him, bowing to his newfound authority as the ruler of the skies.

But that was not all. Alongside his celestial wings, Enel felt a new power stirring within him—an affinity for the very element of wind itself. With a mere thought, he could command the air around him, shaping it into gusts of hurricane-force winds or gentle breezes at his whim.

Simultaneously, Blackbeard issued another command. "Awaken his Devil Fruit, and elevate all three of his Haki abilities to their pinnacle," he commanded, his voice resonating with an undeniable sense of dominance.

With a surge of dark energy, Enel's dormant Devil Fruit awakened, its power surging forth like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, the sky itself seemed to tremble in recognition of the newfound might coursing through Enel's veins.

As his Haki abilities reached their apex, Enel's potential as a warrior transcended all boundaries. His Armament Haki blazed with an otherworldly intensity, capable of sundering the very fabric of reality. His Observation Haki became as keen as a razor's edge, granting him unparalleled insight into the world around him. And his King's Haki surged forth with the force of a conquering king, bending the wills of all who dared to defy him.

With each enhancement, Enel's power grew exponentially, his loyalty to Blackbeard solidifying with each passing moment. As he stood before his new master, a sense of invincibility washed over him, his eyes blazing with the promise of conquest and dominion.

In this moment of ascension, Enel was reborn as a harbinger of divine wrath, his power eclipsing that of any who dared to challenge him. With the might of his awakened Devil Fruit and his mastery of Haki at his command, he stood ready to serve Blackbeard in his quest for ultimate supremacy. And as he surveyed the world before him, he knew that his reign of terror had only just begun.

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