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Chapter 4: New Crew Members

"Host, you now only have 10 billion left," the system intoned, its digital voice echoing in the chamber.

Blackbeard glanced at the dwindling balance with a faint frown, his mind calculating his next move. Turning to Crocodile, he issued a command with unwavering authority.

"Crocodile, bring out all your treasure here," he instructed, his tone brooking no argument.

With a nod of compliance, Crocodile swiftly departed to retrieve his amassed wealth, leaving Blackbeard to contemplate their next course of action.

Blackbeard strode purposefully towards the unconscious members of the Baroque Works, his gaze sweeping over each of their prone forms with a calculating glint in his eye. Among them lay Daz Bones, Mikita, Nico Robin, Zala, Marianne, Vivi, and her faithful duck Kuro, along with Igaram.

With a flick of his hand, Blackbeard signaled to Enel, who stood ready to carry out his captain's command. "Enel, dispose of the rest," he ordered tersely, his voice betraying no hint of remorse.

As Enel swiftly carried out his task, Blackbeard turned his attention to the fallen Devil Fruit users among the Baroque Works. With practiced efficiency, he retrieved the Devil Fruits of Mr. 3 and Mr. 5, acquiring the Candle Fruit and Bomb Fruit respectively.

Crocodile returned with his treasure, presenting it to Blackbeard who absorbed it into the black vortex. "System, how much?" Blackbeard demanded, his tone laced with impatience. The system's response was underwhelming: only 5 billion berries.

Fuming at the meager sum, Blackbeard gathered Vivi, her duck, and Igaram, commanding them to follow him. They entered Cobra's castle, where Blackbeard confronted the king. "From now on, Crocodile won't trouble you. Here are your daughter and your butler," he declared, thrusting them forward. Cobra indicated a small pile of gold, explaining the dire state of the country.

Infuriated by the lackluster offering, Blackbeard's anger boiled over. "This is only 1 billion? Are you messing with me?" he roared. Cobra pleaded for understanding, promising more treasure once the country stabilized. Unmoved, Blackbeard seized Vivi and declared that she would complete the rest of the treasure.

In a fit of rage, Blackbeard struck Cobra in the abdomen, silencing any protests from his guards with swift kicks from his own comrades. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Blackbeard asserted his dominance, leaving no room for dissent.

Blackbeard, Enel, Crocodile, and the surviving members of Crocodile's crew were transported to the Ark Maxim, a colossal vessel capable of accommodating up to 500 individuals with ease. Crocodile relayed Blackbeard's orders to his subordinates, including Nico Robin, the surviving child of Ohara.

Approaching Nico Robin, Blackbeard offered her a deal. "Work under me faithfully, and I will fulfill all your wishes," he promised, noting her fear of the Marines' general. "I'll make a locket of their skulls for you. I also know the locations of the red stones and the ancient weapons." Robin, swayed by the offer, pledged her allegiance.

Conis was tasked with informing the female members of their new situation, a task she carried out with embarrassment. Meanwhile, Daz Bones knelt before Blackbeard, who reassured him. "Don't worry. You'll soon gain the power you desire. Head to the training area; Enel will brief you on the ship." With firm resolve, Blackbeard set his plans in motion, each step bringing him closer to his ultimate goal of domination.

Blackbeard entered his room, greeted by the presence of Conis, Raki, Vivi, Zala, Mikita, and Marianne, their faces flush with anticipation and apprehension. With a predatory glint in his eyes, Blackbeard's grin widened devilishly as he surveyed his companions, knowing well the power he held over them.

"Let's start the fun now," he purred, his voice dripping with dark allure, as he slowly advanced towards them. With each step, the air grew heavy with tension and desire, the atmosphere thickening with anticipation.

With practiced hands, Blackbeard began to explore their bodies, igniting sensations that danced along their skin like flickering flames. Their sighs and gasps filled the room, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by his deft touch.

As the night unfolded, Blackbeard reveled in their surrender, their pleas for mercy only fueling his insatiable hunger. He sculpted their desires and fantasies with a master's precision, each whim and desire twisted to his dark will.

Time lost meaning as they surrendered themselves to him, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy and submission. In the depths of their passion, they found themselves lost in a haze of desire, consumed by the intoxicating allure of Blackbeard's dominance.

As the night wore on, Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the chamber, a sinister melody that heralded their descent into a world of dark pleasures and forbidden desires.

Blackbeard emerged from his room the next day, the lingering echoes of their passionate night still dancing in his mind. As he surveyed the trembling forms of the girls on his bed, a smirk played at the corners of his lips. Inwardly, he cursed his own weakness, but outwardly, he maintained his facade of strength and dominance.

Determined to shake off any signs of vulnerability, Blackbeard made his way to the kitchen, only to find it devoid of sustenance. With a sigh, he called upon the power of the system, adding the attribute of self-cooking to the ship. In moments, a sophisticated machine materialized, ready to transform raw ingredients into delectable dishes at Blackbeard's command.

Without hesitation, Blackbeard retrieved the meat from the beast he had slain, tossing it into the machine with a flick of his wrist. As the machine whirred to life, the tantalizing aroma of cooking meat filled the air, a testament to the newfound convenience at Blackbeard's disposal.

Blackbeard soared through the skies, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the tumultuous sea below. With the power of gravity at his command, he dispatched scores of sea beasts with ruthless efficiency, their lifeless bodies sinking beneath the waves as he pressed onward.

Arriving at a nearby town, Blackbeard wasted no time in asserting his dominance. With a mere glance, he rendered the residents unconscious, their stores of food and provisions ripe for the taking. In a matter of moments, he had amassed a mountain of supplies, ranging from spices and bread to an assortment of fruits and vegetables.

Returning triumphantly to the Ark Maxim, Blackbeard loaded the bounty of food into the ship's automated cooking machines, ensuring a steady supply of culinary delights for his crew. With a simple command, he demonstrated the ease with which they could now indulge in their favorite dishes, the air filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly prepared meals.

Summoning his crewmates, Blackbeard invited them to partake in the feast before them. As they sampled the delectable offerings, their praises echoed throughout the ship, each dish surpassing the last in flavor and quality. Yet, amidst the revelry, there remained a conspicuous absence—a lack of wine to complement their meal.

With a cunning glint in his eye, Blackbeard turned to the ship's system, a smirk playing upon his lips. "Can this machine also make wine?" he inquired, his voice laced with intrigue. To his delight, the system confirmed his suspicions with a resounding affirmation.

A triumphant laugh escaped Blackbeard's lips as he addressed his crewmates, relaying the newfound capability of their culinary marvel. Eagerly, the crew wasted no time in selecting their preferred libations, each member indulging in the pleasure of their chosen drink.

As the party resumed in full swing, laughter and merriment filled the air, the clinking of glasses punctuating the lively atmosphere. With a seemingly endless supply of food and drink at their disposal, the crew reveled in the joyous camaraderie that bound them together on their journey through the skies.

Upon reaching Drum Island, Blackbeard's arrival was like a harbinger of doom, his shadow casting a pall over the once serene landscape. Descending upon Kureha's clinic with an aura of malevolence, he seized Chopper, the innocent reindeer, with callous disregard for the creature's pleas. With a cruel smirk, he issued his chilling ultimatum to the elderly witch, Kureha, her weathered face reflecting both defiance and resignation in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

"Hand over all your medical books, or this raccoon dies," Blackbeard's voice echoed through the clinic, each word dripping with malice and threat. Chopper trembled in fear, his wide eyes betraying his terror as he stared into the abyss of Blackbeard's soul.

Knowing resistance was futile against Blackbeard and his formidable allies, Kureha reluctantly surrendered her lifework, the culmination of decades of healing and knowledge, to this vile pirate. The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, a testament to the tyranny that had befallen Drum Island.

As Enel and Crocodile arrived, their presence only served to compound the atmosphere of dread that enveloped the island. Wapol, the deposed king, was brought forth, a mere pawn in Blackbeard's twisted game. With a contemptuous sneer, Blackbeard invoked his newfound power, the ability to strip Devil Fruits from their wielders, and with ruthless efficiency, he extinguished Wapol's life, leaving behind a husk of a man as a grim reminder of his dominance.

With Wapol's lifeless form left behind as a macabre offering to the island's inhabitants, Blackbeard and his cohorts departed, their shadows looming large over Drum Island, a chilling omen of the darkness that now gripped its shores. Kureha could only watch in horror as the specter of evil faded into the distance, leaving in its wake a legacy of fear and despair.

As Crocodile presented the amassed treasures from the treasury of Drum Island, Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with avarice at the sight of the vast wealth. With a swift motion, he absorbed the riches into his black vortex, the culmination of his insatiable lust for power and fortune. The treasure, worth a staggering 10 billion berries, served as a testament to Blackbeard's growing influence in the world of piracy.

Turning his attention to Conis, whose aspiration to become a nurse had been revealed, Blackbeard bestowed upon her the medical books obtained from Drum Island. The joy that radiated from Conis was palpable as she eagerly accepted the cherished tomes, her gratitude expressed with a kiss upon Blackbeard's cheek. His expression softened momentarily at her gesture, a rare glimpse of humanity amidst the darkness that shrouded his being.

"Continue your training," Blackbeard commanded, his tone firm yet supportive as he encouraged Conis to pursue her dreams. With a directive to the system to enhance the training facilities aboard the Ark Maxim, Blackbeard ensured that his crew would achieve greater results with less effort, a testament to his strategic prowess as a captain.

Meanwhile, in the dedicated training room for the female members of his crew, the girls diligently honed their skills under Enel's guidance, their determination matched only by their admiration for their formidable captain.

Approaching Blackbeard with a mixture of awe and reverence, Nico Robin, the enigmatic archaeologist, voiced her admiration for his unparalleled strength and authority. Blackbeard chuckled at her observation, acknowledging the unspoken admiration that lingered between them.

"You truly are powerful," Robin remarked, her gaze unwavering as she regarded the imposing figure before her.

Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the room, a dark symphony of amusement tinged with a hint of danger. He contemplated Robin's words, knowing full well the allure of his prowess and the influence it wielded over those who dared to challenge him.

"You will also dedicate your body to me soon, on your own terms," Blackbeard stated with a cryptic smile, his words carrying a weight of inevitability that left Robin both intrigued and unsettled.

Blackbeard said," System merge the Baku Baku NO Mi with the ship and awaken it"

As Blackbeard commanded, the system seamlessly integrated the powers of the Baku Baku no Mi, obtained from Wapol, with the Ark Maxim, their colossal flying vessel. With a surge of dark energy, the dormant potential of the ship was awakened, imbuing it with newfound capabilities that would solidify Blackbeard's dominance over the skies.

The transformation was palpable as the Ark Maxim hummed with newfound power, its once-inert form now pulsating with dark energy. The merging of the Baku Baku no Mi with the ship granted it the ability to consume and assimilate any material it encountered, a fearsome enhancement that rendered the vessel an unstoppable force of destruction.

Blackbeard surveyed the transformed Ark Maxim with satisfaction, his gaze lingering on the vessel that had become an extension of his own formidable will. With its newfound abilities, the ship would serve as a symbol of his authority, capable of laying waste to any who dared to oppose him in the boundless expanse of the sky.

"Excellent," Blackbeard murmured, a sinister grin playing upon his lips as he envisioned the havoc his newly augmented vessel would wreak upon the world below. With the Ark Maxim now awakened to its full potential, Blackbeard's reign of terror would know no bounds, as he set his sights on conquering the seas and skies alike, leaving naught but destruction in his wake.

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