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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2: IVAN

The arena where the majority of the events were to be held was expansive and grand, stretching out before them, the space was dotted with rows of chairs that curved around to form a perfect circle. At the heart of it all stood the center stage, a magnificent platform bathed in the glow of spotlights, its polished surface gleaming under the watchful gaze of the spectators.

The stage itself was a marvel of craftsmanship, adorned with eye-catching carvings and other ornate decorations that spoke to the grandeur of the occasion. Flanked by towering pillars, it commanded the attention of all who beheld it, a focal point for the events that were to unfold.

Surrounding the stage, the seating arrangements were meticulously organized, with distinct sections for each of the various attendees. To one side, reserved seats were set aside for the VIPs, starting with the royals, ambassadors from the other seven bastions, and the nobles, their positions marked by plush cushions and elegant insignias of their status.

On the opposite side, the commoners gathered, their seats a testament to the diversity of Tasvill's populace. Here, merchants rubbed shoulders with artisans, scholars with laborers, united in their shared excitement for the spectacle was about to unfold. Despite their differing stations in life, they came together as equals in shared enthusiasm.

Between these two sections lay a buffer zone, where attendants moved about, ensuring the smooth flow of the proceedings and attending to the needs of the guests. Guards were standing watch at strategic points, their vigilant presence a reminder of the importance of security in such a gathering.

As Jace and his friend settled into their seats, they couldn't help but marvel at the sight before them, the anticipation building in their hearts as they awaited the start of the exchange. In the hushed murmurs of the crowd and the soft rustle of fabric, they sensed the energy and excitement that filled the air.

As the arena was still abuzz with noise from excitement for the events they were about to witness, there was finally movement on the center platform as a figure could be seen ascending the steps of the center platform,a hush fell over the arena as the head priest, a venerable figure with a presence that commanded respect, stepped forward onto the center stage. His robes billowing around him as he made his way to the stage.

Jace and Brian recognised the elderly man to be the priest they had met some minutes back within the haven's halls.

As the priest finally got to the center of the platform, he faced the crowd, which already at this point was very silent, as they waited with bated breaths for the priest to speak.

And speak he did.

"Good day, esteemed scholars, honored guests, and beloved citizens of Tasvill," the head priest began, his voice projecting with clarity and warmth to reach every corner of the vast arena. "Welcome to the sixtieth exchange between the Haven of Seekers and the Library of Knowledge. Since the inception of our great Kingdom over three thousand years ago, we have held this exchange between two of our most prestigious bastions every fifty years, and today fifty years from the last exchange, we are here once again, and It is my honor and privilege to stand before you on this auspicious occasion, where we witness another bout of intellect and ingenuity from the two bastions.

Pausing for a moment to allow his words to sink in, the priest continued, his demeanor dignified yet approachable. "But before we commence with the proceedings, It would be wrong of me if I do not take a moment to acknowledge and honor some special individuals in our midst."

His gaze swept over the assembled dignitaries, his eyes stopping upon the king and his fellow rulers, as well as the ambassadors from the other bastions.

"First and foremost, I extend a warm welcome to His Majesty, John Ludwig Tasvill, the the King of Tasvill, whose wisdom and guidance have guided our kingdom through times of prosperity and challenge alike, and his lovely wife the queen, her majesty Sarah Alicia Tasvill and of course the crown prince and our future leader, prince Oliver Stefam Tasvill."

After his introduction of the royals the entire arena echoed together in one voice and one spirit, "Long live the king, long live the queen and blessed be the prince." With that, the arena burst into sounds of cheers and clapping.

After a while, the sounds of cheers and applause died down, giving the priest the opportunity to continue with his introductions.

Turning his attention to the ambassadors, the priest nodded respectfully. "I also extend a heartfelt welcome to the esteemed ambassadors from our sister bastions, whose presence here today serves as a testament to the bonds of friendship and collaboration that unite us all."

The priest paused and began to look over at the ambassadors of the other bastions. With that he began to introduce each of them one by one.

"Chief Doman Hegor, from the Orchid of Harvest, Major general Timad Senton, from the citadel of warriors, Lord Alex Doggen, from the forge of smiths, Lady Sasha Maria, from the sanctum of healers, Chief Heidan Akron, from the harbor of mariners, Great mage Leonardo Otto, from the mage tower and finally Master Deswill Song, from the Barracks of guardians."

After the introductions, the crowd once again erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause with joyful welcoming and acknowledgement of the ambassadors of the other bastions. After some time the sounds of reception died down.

The priest then acknowledged the nobles and commoners seated in the arena, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "And to all our honored nobles, esteemed guests, and beloved citizens, I extend my deepest gratitude to you all for your presence here today, it goes to show your unwavering support and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and truth."

The assembled dignitaries nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions solemn yet dignified as they awaited the priest's words

With a smile, the priest glanced around the arena, then he raised his hands in a gesture of blessing, his voice resonating with power and conviction as he said the words of prayer. "May the visions guide our path," he intoned, his words echoing through the filled arena of the Haven.

"And may the truths set our spirits free." The crowd enthusiastically echoed back with their eyes shut, their hands clasped together with the prayer gesture.

With a final nod of respect, the priest concluded his greeting, his words resonating with sincerity and warmth. "May this exchange be a celebration of our shared quest for enlightenment and understanding, and may it inspire us all to reach ever higher in our pursuit of knowledge, as our lord and god guides us.

As soon as the priest left the stage two elderly men, although not as old as the priest, stepped up to the stage. Turning to the audience, the first of the two of the men spoke to the seated audience.

"Good day everyone, It is with great honor and pleasure that I welcome you all once again to our sacred halls, I am Berg Vesper, the head seeker of the Haven of Seekers."

He said while facing the audience assembled before him, his expression grave yet determined.

"Welcome, esteemed guests, to the exchange between the Haven of Seekers and the Library of Knowledge," he continued, his voice echoing throughout the arena

"I have my colleague here with me from the Library of Knowledge." Master Berg said while gesturing for the other man on the stage to continue.

"Master Rodbar."

Master Rodbar, his counterpart from the Library of Knowledge, nodded in acknowledgement, his steely gaze scanning the crowd. "As my colleague here has said, I am the master of the library of knowledge, my name is Rodbar Lukard and I'm delighted to be here once again within the haven's walls," he replied, his tone even and calm.

"It was at the library fifty years ago during the last exchange that I first met Master Berg, back then we were both young and just students of our respective holds, now we are masters of each hold, here once again to renew our rivalry." Rodbar continued.

"I will agree that Berg bested me on our grounds fifty years ago, but I'm not about to let that happen again, my students will make sure of it," Rodbar said with a smile.


There was a loud uproar from the audience after Rodbar's words.

"Yes!, this is just what I want to see, this is what I came for," Brian said with an excited look.

Hahaha, that old man sure knows how to get a crowd pumped up"

Jace said while laughing.

After Rodbar's words, the participating students were introduced to the stage.

The students of both holds stepped forward, eager to prove themselves in the trials that lay ahead.

Master Rodbar introduced his students first, of which there were ten of them. After which he signaled two of them to step forward.

"These are Chenai and Mark, the captain and vice-captain of my team of students today," Rodbar said while introducing his two most promising students to Berg.

"It's a pleasure to meet you esteemed elder." Both Chenai and Mark said while bowing towards Berg.

"The pleasure is mine," Berg responded with a smile.

Master Berg introduced his students, he then noticed one of them was absent. "Where is your colleague Dela?" he asked one of his students, Dela, who stood by his side.

Dela chuckled nervously, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "I... I'm not sure, Father. You know how Ivan is," he replied, avoiding his father's gaze.

"Hey, Romnwell! Do you know where Ivan is?" Dela asked one of the students present.

The student named Romnwell looked at his vice-captain Dela tiredly and said with frustration, "How would I know where he is? That guy is a case."

Master Berg's brow furrowed in frustration. "I've told him time and time again that this exchange is important," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with anger and disappointment.

"Any problems Berg?" Rodbar asked with a mischievous grin.

"I noticed you only have nine students here instead of ten, and you haven't introduced me to the captain and vice-captain of your team of students," Rodbar added.

"No, it's nothing serious, it'll be sorted out" Berg answered.

"Well it better be, everyone is waiting," Rodbar said to Berg.

Berg then looked around and muttered to himself with a sigh, "my best student just happened to be the most irresponsible."

Suddenly, a voice rang out from above, cutting through the murmurs of the crowd. "Is it really necessary to get involved in all this?" it said, its tone tinged with annoyance. "It's a waste of time, my time at least. I'd rather be out studying and doing what I love the most."

All eyes turned towards the source of the sound. There, standing with an air of mild annoyance, was a young man whose presence seemed to command attention despite his average height. His skin, bore a warm, light brown hue that complemented his features. His hair, a striking ash color that darkened towards the tips, contrasting sharply with his yellow coloured eyes.

With an unmistakable aura of arrogance surrounding him, he exuded an air of confidence that bordered on cockiness. His posture was relaxed, and his gaze held a sharpness that hinted at intelligence beyond his years. Though his expression conveyed a hint of irritation, there was also a subtle charm in the way he carried himself.

As the audience's gaze lingered on him, they couldn't help but be drawn to the magnetic presence of this enigmatic young man, whose demeanor seemed to suggest that he was not interested in the proceedings of the exchange.

Standing on a high ledge, his arms crossed defiantly as he surveyed the scene below. His disheveled appearance and casual demeanor stood in stark contrast to the solemnity of the occasion.

Master Berg's frustration boiled over as he called out to him. "Ivander Rostov Marquez, come down here this instant!" he demanded, his voice echoing with authority and annoyance.

Ivan rolled his eyes, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Seriously, old man? I keep telling you, don't call me by my full name," he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

As Ivan leapt down from the ledge and landed gracefully beside Master Berg, a ripple of murmurs spread through the crowd. Master Rodbar's face hardened as he observed the scene, his eyes narrowing in disapproval.

"I see you've brought your best student," Master Rodbar remarked dryly, his gaze flickering to Berg and back to Ivan. "A pity he lacks respect for his elders and the traditions of this exchange."

Master Berg's face flushed with embarrassment as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I apologize, Rodbar. I will deal with him later," he replied, his tone tinged with resignation.

Dela, standing at his father's side, found it hard to suppress a grin as he watched Ivan's antics. Despite the tension in the air, he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his unconventional colleague.

With the introductions concluded, the students dispersed to quarters prepared for them to get themselves set for the exchange, their minds buzzing with tense anticipation for the trials that lay ahead. Among them, Ivan stood apart, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he surveyed his surroundings without a care in the world.

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