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Chapter 19: Grinding

Back in the room of requirements Orion prepared to brew the moonlight poison.

For that he needed a few toadstools, unicorn blood, the fur of the moon beast and acromantula venom with hellbore leaves.

If he makes the slightest mistake he would have one of the most potent poisons there is.

He also needed to pay attention to not inhale the poisonus blue smoke the potion emmited while brewing.

Fortunately the process itself was easy, just put all the ingredients in the crucible and heat it until there is blue smoke, then stir 10 times clockwise and 2 times counterclockwise.

In the end just make a lumos charm over the potion and then put it in a place of total darkness. To complete the potion it needs to be under the moonlight of a full moon and turn silver.

The next full moon would be in a few days so he would need to hurry. The ritual needs to take place at the same day the full moon was.

So he had two days to complete his difficult aritmetic adjustments of the ritual circle. He began to draw the original ritual circle formular on a big parchment on a table. He just had no idea where he should start.

His age and height needs to be considered and the duration of the ritual needed to be longer to give him the time to absorb the magical energy.

There was also his Jörmungandr bloodline that might influence the ritual so he also needed to include the calculations for his snake bloodline.

It was really nerve wracking. After a lot of thought he began with his calculations.

The parchment slowly filled itself with a long series of numbers and adjusted runes. Orion gradually lost track of time until he completed the first calculation. Afterwards he checked it over 100 times for mistakes.

Even the slightest mistake in a ritual could lead to unpredictable consequences. You could loose your sight, an arm or leg, or even your ability to cast magic.

That is also a reason why the ministry forbid rituals. Just because most people underestimate the danger of them and end up totally crippled.

So Orion made sure that this wouldn't happen to him. He finally had his first ritual circle completed. Looking at the clock it was already 4am in the morning. He took out his time turner and began to turn it back to the end of his potions class. He couldn't stay inside the ritual room during the time his other self would be in here, so he walked out and searched for an emty classroom.

In the classroom he began with his calculations for the other two ritual circles. Fortunately he was done with them in about 8 hours and proudly looked at the stack of parchments he had ammased. But he still had one big and difficult calculation left... that is how the ritual circles don't interfere with each other.

He was done with that after another 8 hours of calculations and was now really tired. When he looked at his clock it was already 9am in the morning. He contemplated if he should use the time turner to get some good sleep, but decided against it when he recalled his shedule for today. He first had double history of magic and then double DADA. He could sleep in those classes.

So he packed up his stack of parchments and hurried to grab breakfast.

He was starving and extremely tired from calculating all night and even had faint dark circles under his eyes.

At the table he saw Pike and Blaise eating and chatting about something. As he walked to them Blaise also spotted him. "Dude where the fuck where you the whole time? It was like you almost vanished after potions" he said and looked at him "and it seems like you pulled an all nighter...".

"Urg, yeah I needed to get some work done " Orion said and sat down next to Blaise. Like every other day he put a mountain of food on his plate and devoured it with a very fast speed. To everyone's suprise he still ate elegantly and with all necessairy ettiquette and table manners...unlike a certain Weasley.

"...Oh right, today is your duell with Rosier...are you sure you can handle him? "The Rosier family knows a lot of nasty black magic spells" Pike said.

"Oh don't worry he is a kid, what could he do to me? The challenge for me is not to win but to not kill him" Orion said completly serious. But it seems like he was still not convincing enough as Pike and Blaise burst out laughing.

"What's wrong? I was completly serious..." Orion said.

"Ah I just can't imagine someone as nice as you to kill someone..." Blaise said.

It seems like he needs to work on his image...he'll make sure to give all his enemys within Slytherin a good show.

He angrily stabed inside his food and continued devouring it.

"Mate where do you hide all this food? How can you eat that much?" Blaise asked astonished.

"Well I'm just very hungry..." Orion said and finished his mountain of food...mostly pancakes.

"Right we have history of magic right now...I really need a good nap right now" Orion said and yawed to support what he just said.

"Yeah, I heard from senior students that his teaching is very boring and his voice is so monotone that it makes one drowsy..." Pike said.

"Well how about we go and take a few pillows with us?" Blaise joked and they all made their way over to the classroom for history of magic. They fortunately had this course with Hufflepuff so they would not be annoyed by all the stupid Griffindors. Orion spotted Susan with another girl sitting in the corner of the classroom and made his way over to them.

"Hey Susan, how's school so far?" Orion greeted her and sat down next to her. Pike and Blaise sat down behind him. Pike chuckled "look at you, you wanted to sleep and now you've got yourself a date..." he teased him.

"What nooo, it isn't like that" Susan said with a flustered face.

Orion also grinned and also teased her "whaat? Now I'm deeply hurt...I thought this between us would be something special...".

Susan was now completly irritated and tried to form a complete sentece with her flustered voice "What?".

Susan only realised that she was pranked when Orion began to laugh.

Her red face turned a bit angry and she tried to slap Orion "You bastard...".

"Okay I'm sorry, really sorry" Orion said while still laughing not sounding very sincere.

"Hmpf, I forgive you this time..." Susan said and turned to the other girl beside her.

"This is Hannah Abbot, we are in the same dormitory and a good friend of mine" Susan introduced her friend and also pointed at Orion.

"This Idiot glutton is Orion LeFay, I met him when I went to the kitchen on the first day" she informed her friend with a smile.

"Heyyy" Orion saaid in a protesting tone but was silenced by the appearence of professor binns who came floating through a door into the classroom. It was said that he one day woke up, left his body iside the office and continued to teach like normal. The only difference to before is that he is now a ghost. Like that this ghost was leeched of by Hogwarts for about 700 years as free labour.

The gost of professor Binns then started his lecture about some random goblin rebellion with his incredibly monotone and almost hypnotic voice. To Orion's suprise was Susan already asleep in the first 5 minutes of the lecture...

He also slowly drifted into a deep sleep and his head hit his desk.

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