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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Choosing to live

Narrator's Pov

Dan Heng, had indeed, been waiting all night and morning for him to wake up...

He swore that if he wasn't in a coma, then he was dead.

The others had come to his room to check on him regularly, to see that the wounds in his arms didn't get infected or something, but everything seemed to be fine.

March even spoke about calling him "April 8th", if he somehow woke up without any memory, maybe because he reminds her of how she was found.

But he had to admit, he also had his curiosity and questions about him, Welt said it, his heart does not beat, but he breathes as if nothing was wrong, not only that, but the wounds all across his left arm and shoulder seemed to heal faster than normal.

Perhaps he was a vidydhara? But he didn't seem to have any horns, and common long-life beings couldn't heal that fast, he seemed to be just something else entirely, perhaps a new humanoid race? He could maybe search something similar to him in the data bank?

Dan Heng grabbed his phone and checked the hour, it was almost 11 AM, and he still didn't seem to wake up.

"Dan Heng! Time for breakfast" the voice of Pom-Pom was heard from the other side of the door.

"I'll go in a bit" he replied and sighed a bit, a good cup of coffee or tea could be fine...

He gave a small glance towards the still sleeping boy and sighed heavily... he's going to wake up as soon as he leaves the room, right? He walked out of his room and closed the door...he waited a few seconds and then opened it again, he was still sleeping.

"Maybe I'm spending too much time with March" he shook his head and closed the door, walking towards the Buffett Car, he entered and saw March and Welt already having breakfast on the table. "Good morning"

"Morning Dan!" March smiled as she held a cup of tea.

"Good Morning, Dan Heng" Welt nodded with his head. "How is our guest doing?"

"He's fine... hasn't woken up yet" he replied and calmly walked towards them, sitting with them on the table. "He's probably in a coma, where's miss Himeko?"

"She's trying to see if we can make the jump, I would prefer to wait for our guest to wake up but...we can't delay our visit to Herta's station any longer" Welt explained as he softly pushed his glasses up.

"I know...miss Herta can be scary sometimes, I don't want to make her mad" March chuckled nervously.

"It would be the wise thing too, we could get him checked up in the station, probably they can wake him up or find out what he is"

March seemed to react a bit at the comment. "Wait, isn't know, human? Like us?"

"Dan Heng does have a point, March, his wounds are healing faster, he had a scabbard with him, but his body... didn't really seem to be trained, probably because of natural strength...and his heart" Welt listed the points about their sleeping guest

"Uh? What's wrong with his heart? Is he sick or something?" March asked a bit curious, sl Dan Heng quickly replied.

"No, March...his heart doesn't beat"


"That's something to he concerned about, no heartbeat, but normal breathing" Welt rubbed his forehead. "For now, we can either wait for him to wake up, or wait for us to get to the space station"

"Hmmm...I think I should go check on him, I'll take something to eat, I'll also pick up something for him, if he wakes up, he'll be hungry" Dan Heng spoke as he stood up from the table.

"That's a good idea, and also, Dang Heng" he spoke receiving a glance of the mentioned. "If he does wake up, don't try to antagonize him, or make yourself look like a danger, we...are not sure what he's capable off, I'm not saying he's dangerous careful"

"I understand Mr.Yang, I'll be leaving now, I'll contact you if he wakes up"

Dan Heng gave a small nod to both Welt and March before picking up some food and drinks, he walked out of the Buffet Car and walked back to his room, when the door opened, he actually hoped the boy to be awake, but when he entered his room he was still sleeping.

"Still sleeping uh?" he sighed a bit and walked to the small table he had in his room, leaving everything there. "You...kind of remind me of someone"

He simply shook his head to the sides and grabbed one of the sandwiches he brought from he buffet, giving it a small bite, he looked towards the sleeping boy and frowned a bit.

Welt had said that his heart didn't beat at all, but that he was still breathing normally, something that he confirmed while he checked up on him, it was as if he was both dead and alive at the same time, he healed faster than normal people, even him, couldn't heal as fast, as severe as the wounds in his arm were, the boy would probably be completely recovered in less than a week.


And probably wake up right now...

Dan Heng looked towards the bed, seeing how the white-haired boy slowly sat on the bed, clearly a bit confused and slightly in pain.

"Hey you, you're finally awake" Dan Heng spoke as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and walked towards the boy. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm... I'm good, thanks, just a bit tired...I remember you, you're one of those who helped me, right?"

"Yes, my name is Dan Heng, I...have to go and call the others, we all have some questions" he pointed towards the desk in his room where he had put the food. "You have some food there, if you're hungry"

"Uhm...yes, thanks, Dan Heng" he nodded his head a bit towards him.

"I'll go get the others don't...try to move too much, your arm already started to heal, but we can't risk the wounds getting worse" he spoke and then walked towards the door of the room, and before leaving he gave a small chance towards the boy. "I'll be right back"

Ryan simply saw Dan Heng leave the room and he sighed a bit, looking at his left arm, completely bandaged, he frowned a bit, he still felt some pain whenever he moved his arm at least a bit, but nothing he hadn't felt before...

He slowly came out of the bed and got on his feet, feeling himself tired, he would need some time to recharge all the energy he spent...before he nearly drowned, not only did he get quite a beating but he also wasted too much energy on trying to suppress...the curse.

"The curse...why is it not acting?"

He looked towards his left shoulder, covered in bandages, he was about to remove the bandages around his shoulder but the door opened again, Dan Heng entering alongside Welt, Himeko and March, Welt was the first one to speak.

"It's good to see you're awake, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine...Mr..."

"I'm Welt Yang" he presented himself and Ryan nodded his head.

"Thanks, Mr.Welt"

"Ugh...that sounded a bit weird..." March laughed a bit nervously. "We normally call him 'Mr.Yang' "

"O-oh I see...sorry, Mr.Yang" he chuckled a bit embarrassed.

"No need to Apologize..."

"My name is Ryan Ch-" he was about to continue but suddenly stopped. "Just Ryan"

"Well Ryan, it's good to see you're okay, we have some questions if you don't mind" Himeko spoke this time "by the way, my name is Himeko, and this girl here is March 7th, I suppose you already know Dan Heng"

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you...and thanks for helping me" he bowed his head a bit towards them.

"No need to thank us, Ryan" Welt smiled a bit towards the boy who simply nodded.

"What are the questions you have? I'll...try to respond as best I can"

Welt nodded with his head "good, where are you from exactly? We found you just...frozen in the middle of space"

"In the middle of space?" Ryan thought a bit confused but then replied. "I'm from Shion Island...wait, where am I right now?"

"You're in the Astral Express, we're currently in the middle of a trip towards a Space Station."

"Space...Station?" He raised an eyebrow and then looked through the window of the room, opening his eyes wide when seeing what for him was an endless night sky. "U-uh...I think I'm lost"

Welt felt himself getting a bit more concerned, he then sighed and looked towards Ryan, this time a bit more seriously.

"Ryan, have you ever heard of the terms, 'Outer Space', 'Aeon', 'Nameless' or 'IPC'?"

"No...I haven't hea-"

"You'll make a fine Aeon"

"I...heard before the word 'Aeon', before I lost conscious...someone said that I'd make a fine Aeon..." He drove his right hand to his head trying to make sense of those words. "What is an Aeon?"

"That he'd...make a fine Aeon?" Welt frowned a bit at his words.

"Are you sure that's what you heard, Ryan?" Himeko asked and the white-haired boy nodded with his had. "Aeons are incredibly powerful higher-dimensional beings, with enough power to erase and create stars... basically, gods"

Ryan immediately frowned hearing at the description of those Aeons, basically gods, as she put it, that was already something he didn't like, if they were like most of the gods that he had in his world...

"Do you remember if that person said something else?" Himeko spoke again.

"I can't...tell them what I did, not now" Ryan shook his head "no, sorry"

"Is it possible for someone to turn into an Aeon?" March asked a bit curious looking at Dan Heng who replied.

"It's...possible I suppose, Nous, the Aeon of Erudition was a Computer that evolved and turned into an Aeon, a Human turning into an Aeon thanks to an...unknown entity doesn't sound impossible." Dan Heng crossed his arms across his chest.

"Ryan, you seem to be from an underdeveloped world, one without any kind of connection to other planets."

"It...seems like it but I'm not entirely sure yet" he narrowed his eyes a bit but then looked towards the for Trailblazers "could any of you give me your hands? I have to check on something"

The four of them looked to each other, curious about Ryan's request, but then March silently walked towards him and slowly reached her hands towards him, Ryan carefully grabbed her hands letting March feel the weirdly cold tact of his palm against hers

"No...I'm not from another world, if all of you are alike, then none of you should be existing right now"

"Why is that?" March asked curiously pulled her hands away from his.

"You don't have any magic in you...and that should be impossible, everything has magic, persons, plants, animals and even gods have magic, the fact that even one of you doesn't have any is simply... unthinkable" Ryan frowned a bit at his words, trying to make something up from the situation.

"Another Dimension, with different rules" Welt spoke seriously and then he sighed "that same entity that said you'd be an Aeon probably brought you here..."

"It's...possible, but the God of Destiny wouldn't have allowed that...unless, I was supposed to stop existing that very moment..." He frowned a bit and then drove a hand to his face. "I...was going to die, I suppose in some way I did, in that case he wouldn't have any need to stop that entity..."

"Is there a way for you to go back?" March asked a bit concerned and feeling some pity for him.

"I don't think so, unless that entity decides to take me back there or...a special someone comes for me, I don't know if I can go back."

"A...special someone?" Himeko looked a bit curious about that.

"Nothing to worry about, Miss Himeko, I guess...I can only wait for now, can I have some time, please?"

"Yes, of course" Welt spoke and nodded his head.

As the others left the room, Welt gave a small glance to the clearly conflicted Ryan and then left the room alongside the others, they reached the Parlor's car and Welt sighed a bit deeply, gaining a small look from Himeko.

"Does he remind you of yourself, Welt?"

"A bit...but I...I suppose I handled it better, he's young, I can't know what might go through his head right now."

"He did mention that 'a special someone' could help him go back...but I'm not sure who he might be talking about." Himeko spoke curiously rubbing her chin a bit

"For now...we can only wait for him to make up his mind, It's time for us to go to Herta's space station, maybe someone there could help him." Welt sighed a bit, slightly understanding Ryan's situation. "March, Dan Heng, get ready for the Jump"

"Yes Mr.Yang!" March smiled and quickly walked towards one of the couches sitting on it. "I'll stand before the Jump"

"I'll go prepare the Jump" Himeko smiled slightly and then walked out of the Parlor's car.

After a few seconds, Welt sat on one of the couches, and raised an eyebrow seeing how Ryan entered into the Parlor's car, looking at Welt, the young boy walked towards him.

"Ryan, that was fast, I thought you'd be processing all of this for longer."

"It's...not the worst thing that had happened to me" Ryan sighed and sat besides Welt. "I found Miss Himeko on the way here, she said something about 'Jumping' to that Space Station"

"Ah yes, Herta's space station, I won't spoil too much, for someone like you, seeing everything for yourself will be amazing, also, be ready, the startup of the jump can be...quite surprising"

A few seconds after he spoke, Ryan felt a pull, making him slightly lose balance on the couch, hearing a thud, he looked in front of him, seeing how March was lying on the ground apparently after trying to stand still after the initial pull from the jump, after he gained his balance, he looked through the window and opened his eyes with amazement.

It was as if rays of lights moved quickly following the Express, the light...remind him of something that made his lower lip twitch.

"Miss would you two take my...death, my second death...I'll miss you both" he closed his eyes, trying to keep his tears to himself, but Welt clearly realized what he was feeling.

"Sometimes...losing friends and family is not easy, Ryan, some of us never get over it, some of us get over it fast or slowly, but there's no right decision in that matter, you can keep them close to your heart or let them go, whatever you choose, it'll be important not only for you but also for them...what do you think they'd want you to do now?"

Ryan simply kept silent to Welt's words, he thought for a moment, he had left friends and family behind, he had left Shion Island behind, he was supposed to always protect them...but now he wasn't there anymore, thinking about Teo and Orly...the ones who raised him, the persons who he saw as his father and mother...

"When I found you in that village, when I started to train you...I saw you as nothing but a tool for me to use for my vengeance, but after I got what I wanted...I couldn't stand leaving you, you had made yourself...valuable to me, and even if I sometimes regret picking you up, I know that if I had the choice I'd still do it...because you're my son now, I thought I had lost my purpose now that my vengeance was done but priority is for you to have a good life, one that you won't regret even a single bit..."

Ryan smiled softly remembering Teo's words, he then looked through the window, how the stars slowly became slower and slower, until they stopped a bit away from a great flotation structure.

"I know what to do, Mr.Yang"

They had reached Herta's Space Station.

"And for now, I think I'll just live."

★ ★ ★

A/N: that's chapter one! Hope you enjoyed, in the next one we'll be officially starting Star Rail's plot, the trailblazer (Racoon) will join, and of course I'll give them the canon personality, the one that speaks as a redditor, as a gamer, a boomer and a relatable person all at the same time!

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

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