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Chapter 2: Endless Prey

Alexandra Webb leaned back, arms outstretched on the pillows flanking her naked body and closed her eyes. The girl between her thighs ran her lips over her inner thighs before spreading Alexandra's folds delicately. A moment later the girl's tongue dipped into her slit and Alexandra moaned with arousal.

The two other girls sucking her nipples redoubled her efforts as the girl's tongue slid deeper into her, running down the length of her before pressing inside, parting the walls of her crevice. Alexandra's long, slender fingers curled in the girls working her nipples' hair and yanked, causing each to whimper in pain.

"Faster," Alexandra ordered hoarsely, her throat tight with arousal. The girl between her thighs redoubled her efforts, one finger flicking deftly over her clit while her tongue worked its way in and out of Alexandra's spread sex. Alexandra groaned deep in her throat as heat spread outward from the apex of her thighs, through her firm belly and ample breasts through her extremities.

Alexandra's hands ran over the bare flanks of each girl sucking and licking on her nipples. Her long fingers traced the line between their succulent cheeks, pressed gently over their tight buds before slipping into their wet entrance. Each girl gasped appreciatively as Alexandra slid her finger in and out of their warm bodies.

Their breath was coming in ragged gasps as Alexandra's own orgasm approached. She felt the muscles in her stomach tighten and gasped as the first wave of her climax washed over her. Eyes closed tight, she pumped her fingers deeper and harder into the girls' canals. Through the throes of their own passion the girls struggled to maintain their hold on Alexandra's hard, rosy nipples.

As the second, then third waves of Alexandra's cresting orgasm crashed over her and the muscles in her neck clenched tight in the throes of passion, a guttural scream tore from her straining throat, and her entire body quivered and shook in ecstasy.

White light exploded before her tightly closed eyes as her climax crested and gradually rolled back, leaving her shuddering as aftershocks rippled through her tall, muscular body. Sweat beaded on her neck and chest, dripping over the swell of her breasts onto the plush luxurious sheets of the bed she reclined on. A smile curved her luscious lips and her eyes blinked open, the pale blue orbs focusing for a long moment on the ceiling high above her head.

"You did well, Alice," she finally murmured to the girl still huddled hesitantly between her thighs. "You may serve me again."

"Th-thank you, mistress!" Alice bowed her head gratefully, long brown hair falling over her face. She eyed the two girls waiting expectantly on either side of her before turning her gaze to the impassive guards standing at attention nearby.

"Did I tell you to stop sucking my nipples?" Alexandra's voice was a low growl, and the girls blanched in fear. "Take them to the training room. They need to learn to follow instructions."

"No!" the girls cried in terror, throwing themselves down on the plush bed. "Please, mistress! We will do better! Please give us another chance!" Alexandra nodded her head to the guards who strode forward and hauled the sobbing girls away. "You may go, Alice. Please send in the maids as you leave."

"Yes, mistress," Alice answered immediately, crawling carefully off the bed before hurrying off. Alexandra sighed and stretched. She rolled to the side away from the wet spot on the bed and climbed to her feet. The maids hurried in, bowing deferentially and began the familiar process of changing the bedding.

The Archon of the Order of the Magi strode languidly to the curved windows lining the wall opposite her bed and stared out over the city of Bastion. Far below the spire of the Grey Tower streets wound and twisted like a stone maze. She crossed her arms across her belly, leaning forward until her nipples pressed against the glass. The Imperial capital glimmered as the lights began to flicker on. Snow drifted lazily from the clouded sky, the chill glass made her nipples hard, and she shivered slightly.

This was her city. Every one of the nearly half a million people scurrying like rats in the gathering gloom of the autumn evening could be made to do her bidding at a moment's notice with but a thought and gesture. They were endless prey, and she was the apex predator.

Each drugged out Synthesia addict huddled under the eaves with blood leaking from their eyes and ears as they dragged themselves eagerly toward the precipice. Every nobleman enjoying the warmth and light of his own private despair batteries while beating his servants and family. All the merchants skimming from each trading ship to fund an increasingly untenable lifestyle and the multitude Priests of the Thorn sermonizing on the virtues of temperance and abstinence after having just railed his young lover in an abisinia-fueled stupor were all hers to do with as she pleased.

The Archon's gaze drifted across the valley Bastion filled to where the distant towers and turrets of the Imperial palace glittered like diamonds, and she scowled. Inside those walls, the young Empress was most likely huddled with her advisors, scheming to steal back a small fraction of the power the Archon had taken from the Imperial family years prior. Alexandra smirked dismissively, putting her hands on her shapely hips. She stood, her nudity on full display, a defiant, even if mostly hollow gesture.

"Come take it," Alexandra whispered, eyes narrowing, a grin spreading across her full lips. "If you can." The Imperials had driven the country to the razor's edge of devastation and ruin once before and would do so again if given half a chance. She would see that little bitch broken on the stands before she'd allow a return to those dark days.

Yes, she smirked, even the Empress would be made to dangle on the threads of her whim when the time came. She would see her blonde hair matted with sweat and blood as she was broken over and over again until she begged for death, which would never be granted. Alexandra would revel in shattering her. Slowly, painfully, humiliating the young girl so she knew only the abyss of despair. Alexandra pictured the Empress' deep blue eyes clouded with despair and hopelessness as she stared up at her miserably.

The thought caused a flush to spread through the Archon, making her nipples harden further into stiff peaks and wetness to cascade in a stream down her thighs. She reached between her thighs and ran the tip of one long digit along the length of her slit, her lips puffy and swollen with renewed desire. The touch drew a ragged sigh from Alexandra's lips and a flush of fresh wetness down her thighs. Yes. The Empress would be her plaything for years and years and years to come.

Not yet, though. No. It wasn't time. While it was true the young Empress had gotten a little too big for her bloomers recently, the council still resolutely remained behind her. Perhaps it was deference to her mother, or maybe the cowards simply didn't want to upset the apple cart, but Alexandra was nowhere near the five votes needed. At least not yet. The game had been going on for nearly two centuries and though the players changed, the strategies remained the same.

The wheels were already in motion to remove the little annoyance and get someone more malleable into the role. She'd given the royal family a generous leash for years, which would have to be tightened. Those still left could play pretend in their gilded kennel and bark like the lapdogs they were, but the time for a reminder of who had the bite in the empire was rapidly drawing near.

She took the drink proffered by the silent servant standing behind her without acknowledging the girl and took a sip, its cool liquid soothing her throat and spreading warmth through her body to counteract the chill of the glass on her nipples. She stared at the twisting streets and lights a thousand feet below her and sipped the dark red liquid.

Alexandra had found this city a shoddy patchwork of crime, disease, and corruption and lifted it on her shoulders into the glittering and powerful jewel it was now. The stone buildings and twinkling light glinting through the falling snow proof of her vision, wisdom, and tenacity. She would not allow the royals or anyone else to undo the work of nearly two centuries. Her work.

A feeling washed over her, spreading from the pit of her stomach like a rising tide of anticipation and unease. Something was happening. Her pale blue eyes searched futilely across the expanse of the city far below. She tilted her head slightly as if listening. Just an inkling, she thought. Probably nothing. No, she shook her head slightly. She knew better than to disregard her intuition. Faint but familiar, like an old wound aching in the cold, the sense of foreboding nagged at her.

The Archon spun on her heel and strode past the startled maids to her dresser. Throwing a loose silk robe over her nakedness, Alexandra stepped through the door of her chambers and walked purposefully down the hall, her Covenant guards following dutifully behind her.

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