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Chapter 2: Baby Yuan

"young master.." she greeted bowing slightly, this habit of herswas what she had grown used to while she was working at the Tangs. Huang Jingtang lived there with them and sometimes would go back home but between his home and theirs, he preferred to stay with the Tangs instead because his home was always lonley to him. Tang yi was his maternal younger cousin.

Although back then he didn't mind her calling him young master, nor did he like it but now he found it awkward.He smiled and stepped back.

"how have you been?" he asked and she smiled back at him.

"I'm fine and you" she said and looked at the shopping cart behind him ànd understood he had left it to help her..

"I'm fine.." he shrugged. of course he wasn't fine, he wanted to hug her, he wanted to tell her he missed her, her laughter and The way she tried to pick up and speak little innocent Chinese phrases, he missed teasing her but he couldn't, he felt so sorry and ashamed standing in front of her. Although he was taller than her at 183cm and she was at 160, he felt like the guilt made him less taller.

Tang yi and Jingtang had come to Macao on a business trip and they had to leave the next day because they had finalized and sealed the deal. Jingtang hadn't want to come but since he was Tang yi's Assistant, he came even if he had whined and complained. He had been annoyed their whole stay but now he was excited something good had come out of it all.

"young master has business here?" she asked with a small smile.she didn't want to sound rude like she was pushing him away or blaming him for anything so she chose her words carefully.

"oh yes..I came with Tang.." he swallowed hard because even before he could finish that name, he saw the discomfort on her face. He wouldn't blame her, she had gone through alot and not every other woman would still try to be nice to the family of their rapist.

"uhm well.. I wish young master goodluck and oh happy new year in advance" she said trying to force her breaking voice to sound normal. She turned to leave and as she took a step, he called her name..

"Liliana..Ah li" he called with so much guilt in his voice..

"does young master need anything?" she asked avoiding eye contact, her eyes glistened with tears threaning to fall. Every mention of The Tangs or anything in connection with them brought her heartache and she'd rather stay far away.

"if you need anything please.."he was cut off by her.

"we are fine.."she said.

"can I atleast hug you? please?" he looked so helpless she found herself not being able to say no as he wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug. She smiled through her tears.

Unknown to these two, someone had already taken more than three photos of them that would make the headlines tommorow.

Tang yi grabbed Jingtang by the collar the next day after watching the news and seeing the videos of Jingtang and Liliana at the shopping mall. it had gone so viral that back in Macao Liliana had gone into child labour after watching the news.

"you've been seeing her all these while?" he shoved Jingtang against the office wall.

"No!.. I told you I met her yesterday, it was the first time after all these months" Jingtang sighed and stood up to his feet.

"what's it to you haha?, regretting your actions already brother?" Jingtang chuckled annoyed. how dare Tang yi even speak of her after everything he put her through, he knew everything, but he wasn't in the position to be the one making things right.

"how dare you?! this is all your fault" Tang yi threw a punch that Jingtang avoided.

"how's this my fault brother?" Jingtang shoved Tang yi

"you always go for the things I want, if you hadn't gone for her, she'd be in my arms, none of these would have happened!!"he yelled.

"Are you serious right now? you were mean to her, you were racist to her, sexist to her ànd you belittled her every chance you got!! fuck you Tang yi" Jingtang cussed as he walked out and slammed the door. If one could see him right now,they'd think he had the malicious intent to kill. The always calm gentleman looked dangerous as he walked out furiously to his car.

Tang yi slumped down in the chair back in his office and ran a hand through his hair fraustrated,he had looked for her for months yet it was Jingtang that found her again. He was the one whom had eyes for her from the very beginning yet it was Jingtang who always managed to always get closer to her and gain her trust and admiration. thinking about it made him more furious as he threw down everything from his office table.when Liliana came into the Tang mansion on the first day, he remembered her bumping and falling on him, she was a small woman and he remembered being curious and wanting to lift her off of him by the waist and see how much she weighed. but Jingtang appeared out of nowhere and mocked him for getting lost in thoughts while starring at her small retreating figure. Her smooth chocolate dark skin made him curious,her small mono lid eyes looked calm and fearful,her dark upper lip and pink lower lip were full and he remembered how much he wanted to grab her and kiss it then sit down beside her and hear her blab like she did with Jingtang,she was always so carefree and happy around Jingtang but him, she always had her head bowed around him and was always jumpy and quick with her steps. The night Jingtang left to visit his mother, he was the only one who returned home a little tipsy,everyone else was out on their own business and it was just Liliana and aunt xia the elderly maid. he took the opportunity to ask Liliana to bring him coffee in his home office and he intentionally asked her how she felt about Jingtang and the moment she confessed to liking Jingtang, something in him snapped as he grabbed her and forcefully bite at her neck,at first, when he thought about it, he wanted to let her go with his bite marks from his teeth but then he thought again and decided to be the first to have her,Jingtang could have all of her attention for all he cared but as long as he would have her body, he won. one thing he didn't expect was for her to be a virgin. she cried and struggled so much as he buried his member in her and left bite marks all over her body and when the deed had been done, he couldn't bear to look at her laying so fragile and broken on the floor with her clothes torn and her thighs stained with blood and her eyes closed and face stained with tears so he stood up and walked out. The image of the girl laying on the floor broke his heart as he stood up and left he house, he went to a bar and drank himself out untill he felt his whole body go numb. he asked his driver to book a hotel where he spent the night. The news that came a few weeks after shook his world and turned his thoughts upside down. she was pregnant with his child,This news quickly spreaded like fire in the dry seasons.

The news of Liliana being pregnant for him spreaded quickly like wild fire and at that time he couldn't think of anything else than to deny, His parents made it harder by telling him how much that would destroy the family image, he had to be cold hearted towards her, he was breaking inside but had to put up a brave ruthless font as he looked at the helpless girl in front of him, the heartbroken look and face stained with tears as his family belittled her and threatened her. The angry glare from Jingtang and look of helplessness in her eyes made him want to scream and say he was responsible but he had to hold back or his parents would disown him. His father was yet to hand over Tang's cooperation to him yet and at 24, everything he owned belonged in his family name. As he watched her run out of the Tang mansion, that was the last time her ever saw her and even when he had Tried looking for her, he couldn't find her. she had just disappeared into thin air. The tear stained face and image of the broken girl on the floor haunted him day and night and he could barely sleep without the help of sleeping pills and painkillers. He was so furious when he saw the video of Jingtang with her at the shopping mall. He picked up his overcoat and walked out of the office, it was early winter and very cold yet he did not put it on but instead hung it on his arm and walked out of the building. He was going to look for her. Now that he knew she was in Macao he was going to go look for her and set things right, he didn't care about what his parents would think, all his life, he had been a filial son and now it was about his mental health and happiness and he wished his parents would understand, if they didn't, well so be it.

"You can do it" the doctor urged the young woman on the labour bed to push harder.

Liliana felt like her lower body was being torn apart as she cried and pushed. The memories of the night she was raped came flooding her memory as she cried and began to feel weak. she mustered up some strength and screamed at the top of her lungs pushing the baby out as she collapsed back into the labour bed after hearing the cry of a child and then she closed her eyes and drifted off, she felt so empty now, she wanted to stay awake and hold that child but she felt too weak to do so. when she woke up two hours later, Mrs Yu was holding the baby dressed in white clothes and wrapped in a white baby shawl. she was crying and laughing at the same time while cooing the sleeping baby. Her phone rang and she held the baby carefully in one hand and answered the call in the other. she spoke excitedly with the person on the phone and looked at the baby to describe how pale and beautiful the child was..Then she went ahead to tell them that only the child's mother could name the child when she woke up. Although she spoke in Chinese, Liliana could understand perfectly well what she was saying. As she lay back down in bed she drifted off again. she felt like she could sleep forever. she opened her eyes and Mrs Yu noticed she was awake and smiled at her. even in her fifties, you could tell she had always been a beauty all her life.

"you're awake..wanna hold him?" she asked and Liliana nodded. she was so anxious and when the baby was placed in her arms, she gasped. the child that nuzzled it's face in her bossom was so beautiful, she had seen many beautiful children but this one looked like a heavenly being. Tang yi was a strikenly good-looking man but this child was far more good-looking than both the father and mothers genes. one other thing Liliana noticed was how pale the child was, they was no ounce of mixed skin on him. one might never believe she had carried that child and birthed it. why did he have to come out with none of her genes. she laughed through her tears, he was so beautiful,small pouty red lips and a small nose, his hair was long,curly and dark.

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