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Chapter 6: Sunless and Nephis as told by Morgan

"I'm assuming everything is order for when the Dreamspawn goes to the Dream Realm," I asked casually while sipping my tea. My father looked at me through his hooded eyes and nodded.

"We've placed over a dozen agents at the Academy since we don't know where she'll be sent, and the other one has been notorious about getting in our way," he answered around sips of his own tea. His silvery, vermillion eyes bore into mine for a moment.

"What will happen if these agents fail?"

"There will be other opportunities. Morgan, you are of Valor, and currently one of the youngest Masters. You would do well to remember I do not tolerate failure lightly so dismiss those thoughts." I shivered at the implied threat and dismissal.

I opened my sleeping pod and made my way to my training arena. It had been specially made for my Aspect since I tended to destroy things more often than not. Nephis, Changing Star, had made waves when she announced that she had gotten a True Name in her first Nightmare, a feat nearly unheard of. I grit my teeth in frustration. I was supposed to be a genius Awakened, but I was still falling behind that damned Dreamspawn. But at least she wasn't a monster, unlike the captive being held at the Night Temple. I snorted in derision at the thought of that madman. I loathed the thought of even being remotely connected to him.

The Winter Solstice came and went, but there was no news of Changing Star's death, nor had she arrived at any of the known Citadels. My father was growing increasingly angry as several of the agents returned with the same news. Changing Star hadn't been sent to their region of the Dream Realm. Some of the agents spent months waiting to see if she would show up, but eventually gave up and went through the Gateway and returned to the Academy. I heard his animalistic scream as I rounded the corner and knew that yet another agent had returned with the same story. I pitied the agent as she scurried away, her arm dangling at an odd angle. She was lucky that she had escaped with only a broken arm.

"Father, you be patient," I said calmly as I walked into his study. I felt immense pressure as he turned his gaze on me.

"You dare to tell me to be patient!" he growled.

I sighed. "Han Li Caster is still unaccounted for. It is possible that he ended up where Changing Star is and will be to complete his mission," I said slowly. "I do realize that it's been close to a year since she went into the Dream Realm, but the Dream Realm is vast and mostly unexplored. It's entirely possible that she ended up somewhere completely uninhabited." I felt the pressure in the air release, and I was able to breathe a little easier. "My source in the Academy has assured me that she's still alive, or rather, that's she's not gone Hollow. I've tried to visit her myself, but the Academy is rather strict on who they let visit the Sleepers."

Two weeks after the following Winter Solstice the entire world was taken by storm. Over a hundred Sleepers, many of whom had been long thought of as Lost, had suddenly woken up, and all of them had the same story. Changing Star had led them to victory challenging the Terror that had been guarding the Gateway in an undiscovered part of the Dream Realm called the Forgotten Shore. The battle had been long and hard won, but eventually, a young sleeper called Sunless had led the way up what they called the Crimson Spire to the Gateway while Changing Star fought the Terror to give the other Sleepers a chance to escape.

I made my way to the Academy. There was to be a memorial for the nearly nine hundred Sleepers who did not make it out from the Forgotten Shore. I glanced at the screen where the names of the top five names were displayed: Athena Raised by Wolves, Kai Nightingale, Cassia Song of the Fallen, Seishan Song, and Sunless. Among the names of the dead, I noted that Han Li Caster's name was on the top of the list, and I knew that my father would be less than thrilled with this information. However, the name that caught my attention the most was Nephis, Changing Star. She had not returned from the Dream Realm. My father would be even less pleased with this. I listened while Awakened Rock gave his speech and informed those listening that Changing Star was still trapped in the Dream Realm. I thought that this would instill some kind of despair in the Awakened gathered, but there seemed to be an underlying current of hope.

"If anyone can survive, it's Changing Star. She's the daughter of the Immortal Flame." I heard someone call out. It was as if a fire went through the hall, and suddenly everyone gathered was chanting the same thing. I quietly left. Getting rid of the pest suddenly got a lot harder. I pulled on my tether, knowing that my father would want to know what I had found out. As expected, he was angry, although that was an understatement.

"Tell me of the top five who escaped from the Dream Realm," he said once he calmed down.

"I'll start with the one we can't touch. Seishan Song. Daughter of the Song Clan," I replied. He merely nodded.

"Next, the one who was next to last in the rankings of the Academy last Solstice, Sunless. My information states that he was reported to be scout with some weapons knowledge. But those I spoke to at the Academy all stated that they didn't see how someone like him could ever have been a part of Changing Star's cohort."

"Do not dismiss him so easily Morgan. Changing Star was born of Broken Sword and Smile of Heaven. She's no fool. If that Awakened was a part of her immediate cohort, then there is likely more to him than we know," my father said.

I nodded as I collected my thoughts. "Cassia Song of the Fallen. Came in last at the Academy. Blind. But. She is an oracle with a strong affinity to revelations and fate."

"Keep an eye on her. She'll likely not chose Bastion, but I would hazard a guess that she chooses either Chained Isles or Night Temple."

"You think she'll come to Valor?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes," he said, enigmatically.

"Kai Nightingale. A pop idol singer before he was infected by the Spell. An archer who can fly," I continued.

"Have our people reach out to him and offer him a space, one of the best, in Bastion."

"Athena Raised by Wolves. Her Aspect is one of strength. She supposedly held the front line while fighting for the Crimson Spire."

"She's no Legacy. Leave her," he said with finality.

I heard the clear dismissal and left the room. I made a note to assign Watchers to Athena, Cassia, and Kai. They had all proven themselves to be very powerful amongst those who had returned from Forgotten Shore. Sunless, on the other hand, was an enigma. Second to last in the Academy Rankings, and now all of a sudden, he was in the top five, the bottom of the top five, but still in the top five, and he had that Special Strategic Asset tag. I didn't know whether to assign a Watcher to him or not.

"DAMNIT!!!" I screamed in frustration as yet another practice blade shattered in my hand. I should have assigned a Watcher to Sunless after all. Then perhaps the mess at the Night Temple could have been avoided. My father was absolutely furious that the monster had been released, and to make matters worse, Cormac had been killed by Tyris. Sunless and Cassia Song of the Fallen seemed to be at the center of the whole thing. My informant had also told me that the four of them, Cassia, Kai, Athena, and Sunless, were planning on challenging a Seed that was stashed away somewhere in the Chained Isles. It was somewhere that only Sunless could gain access to. A part of me was impressed. Sunless and his small cohort had only just returned to the waking world a little less than a year ago and were already planning on attempting to challenge a second Nightmare Seed. Now, I knew why they called those who returned from the Forgotten Shore crazy and a little scary.

I worked quickly and captured a couple of those so-called Fire Keepers. I would need them as leverage for when Sunless and Cassia returned from the Nightmare. My informant at the Academy told me that Changing Star was still sleeping. I had time to fix everything. Hopefully. The monster had disappeared; he, dead gods help us, if he went with Sunless's cohort to challenge the Nightmare.

"Master Morgan," came a timid call at the door of my office. Both my father and uncle were beginning to throw more work at me, while also making it seem like I was some inexperienced youngling. I called for the messenger to come in. "The ones you've been waiting for…they've returned.

"WHAT!?!?" I exclaimed, jumping up.

"Yes, it's on the newscast. Something about Ascended Sunless and Ascended Cassia being the youngest Masters in the world." I slammed my fist down on my desk, cracking it in half. They had broken my record by a few years. But more importantly, Sunless and Cassia were now Masters, which meant that any bargaining chips that I had over them previously were now null and void. The only chips I had now were those pesky Fire Keepers.

"Keep an eye on them and keep me informed," I said as I sat back down and called for someone to bring me a new desk.

Sunless, Cassia, and I were walking around the Academy while Sunless and I were talking about what had happened at the Night Temple. We had just gotten to the serious part of the delegation when an alarm blazed, alerting us to a fire. I looked back at Cassia to see her panicked. I heard her utter the word "Fire" in sheer terror. Before I could ask Sunless what was going on, he had disappeared. I followed the source of the alarm and saw a humanoid figure covered in white flames. In front of the figure was none other than Sunless. He ordered the Academy's security to stand down, but he didn't attack. Why would he not attack? I began to summon my own armor and Memories when the figure clamped a hand around his arm. I could hear the armor on Sunless's arm begin to sizzle, but he still didn't attack. Instead, his words sent my own heart into a tremor.

"Changing Star!"

"Sunny" came the reply.

'So Changing Star was close enough to Ascended Sunless to have a pet name for him. How quaint,' I thought, mildly panicking.

"What are you doing, fools?! Bring me something to cover her up! Don't you know who this is?! This…this is Lady Changing Star, the last Daughter of the Immortal Flame clan. She's back…" Sunless said as Changing Star passed out in his arms.

I followed Sunless and Cassia to the medical wing of the Academy. From there, it seemed as though news of her coming back from the Dream Realm had spread faster than her flames. Ascended Kai and Ascended Athena arrived within a few minutes followed closely by the rest of the Fire Keepers. The hospital soon became overcrowded, but no one had the heart to tell those waiting to go home. So, everyone was in shock when we received the news that Nephis Changing Star had Ascended. I could feel my own jaw drop. She had challenged the second Nightmare as a Sleeper and survived. What. The. Actual. Hell. My father was going to be…Actually, I didn't know how my father was going to react.

My father had reacted surprisingly well to the news of Changing Star's return. Or at least, as well as could be expected. But then, he threw me for a loop.

"In a month, we'll be throwing a ball. Ascended Sunless is still undecided which Clan he wants to join, as are Ascended Kai and Ascended Athena. Since the negotiations failed with Changing Star's return, we will force them into a decision at the ball." He said this so nonchalantly that it took everything in me to remain calm.

"And what do you expect their decision to be, father?" I asked.

"We will adopt Changing Star as your younger sister." This time I couldn't help my jaw drop. I looked at my father as though he'd lost his mind. "Once she is part of our Clan, it will make it harder for the other one to interfere. We will also bring Cassia on board. Perhaps as a Seneschal. That will give the other Ascendeds a sense of freedom. If any of those Fire Keepers wish to join as Vassals, we will allow that as well."

"How do you know that Ascended Sunless won't join us?" I asked once I was able to find my voice again.

"If he had wanted to join Valor, if would have a long time ago. He has that SSA tag after all," he replied. He was right, of course. My father, and even my uncle, had been talking about recruiting him shortly after he requested to be anchored at the Chained Isles. I knew my father was meticulous and devious, but I was just now beginning to see just how deep his schemes went.

As usual, my father was right. Nephis Changing Star announced that she would be joining Clan Valor. This also meant that Cassia and those Fire Keepers would be joining as well. I was rather surprised that Ascended Sunless had not followed Changing Star. They had called each other by pet names, and I assumed that they were close. So, I was rather taken back when my Watcher informed me that he was being shipped to Antarctica under that madwoman, Soul Reaper Jet. Ascended Kai and Ascended Athena had announced that they would remain neutral for the time being.

"Morgan, what do you think of Changing Star?"

"She's talented with a sword," I replied carefully.

"Anything else?"

"Those Fire Keepers follow her around like lost puppies."

"Good. Good. You and Madoc, as well as Changing Star, Song of the Fallen, and those Fire Keepers will be going to Antarctica. The public story is that you and the rest are going there to support the evacuation efforts during the Chain of Nightmares. However, there are Gates opening up that lead to an area that is an unexplored region of the Dream Realm, a desert. Some are calling it the Nightmare Desert. In the Desert you can see a Black Pyramid. It's possible that this pyramid may be the Tomb of Ariel. I want you and Madoc to secure this Citadel for Valor. I will also be sending a large portion of Valor's forces with you for this effort," my father said around a cup of tea.

"What of the Government, Clan Song, and Clan Night?"

"The Government and Clan Night are too busy playing ferry and actually trying to get the people out. Clan Song is doing the same as us. This will be our time to show what Clan Valor and War God can do." A clear dismissal if I ever heard one. I had much to plan for.

My spar with Ascended Sunless was…surprising. My Aspect breaks things and people very easily, but he…he wasn't broken. I'm sure I left a bruise, but he didn't bleed, and there were no broken bones. I was beginning to see why Changing Star and Song of the Fallen cared for him. His moves were chaotic and unpredictable, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I got the distinct impression that I had fought him before. I pushed this from my mind. I had battles to prepare for.

The first battle was something I hadn't seen before. I stood in my Command Center watching the flow of battle. Cassia Song of the Fallen stood next to me giving me direction on how and when I should deploy my troops. I was still unsure of Ascended Sunless. By all reports, he was a good scout, and his spar with me proved he could fight, but all of that would be useless on the battlefield. I asked Cassia about him, but the damned oracle simply replied that Sunless was more than what I thought of him. A shout from one of the archers caught my attention. Where Ascended Sunless had been a few moments ago was now a three-meter tall four-armed creature. I turned to Cassia for an explanation to see the vexing woman with a smile on her face.

"Apparently, Sunny feels like fighting today," she said softly.

I turned back to watch the creature fight. It, no he, seemed to be made of shadows, had a sword in each hand and swung them expertly, as though he'd been doing so for a lifetime. When he couldn't land a hit with either sword, he used his claws, tail, and horns. He was absolutely vicious, and I was loving every minute of watching the carnage he left behind. It was breathtaking. Once the battle was over, I couldn't wait to find him. I was practically vibrating. No wonder Changing Star had always spoken so highly of him. I could hear them talking as I approached, but they quickly grew silent when I entered. I gave Changing Star high praise, and then turned my attention to Ascended Sunless. He seemed rather uncomfortable under my direct gaze, but he would just have to get used to it. I would be paying special attention to him from now on.

The Government Saint had proposed a duel. I agreed on principal, of course, knowing that Clan Song would disagree. I would win either way. My Titan Echo was in place, and I had a duelist in place in the event that Clan Song agreed to the duel. But I already knew that Beast Master would deny the duel. After all, the first to the Pyramid in the desert would be able to claim the Citadel for their Clan. Changing Star and Song of the Fallen stood quietly by my side. The Government Saint retreated, but Ascended Jet and Ascended Sunless came and stood next to me as well. I gave my speech, killed the thralls of Beast Master and summoned the weapons for each the Awakened under my command, including Changing Star and Song of the Fallen.

"Master Sunless, Master Jet…if there are any preparations you want to make, I suggest that you make them now. We are about to begin." Master Jet merely leaned against her glaive. Master Sunless, however, continued to impress me, especially when I saw him summon a particular Warbow, one I distinctly remember gifting to one Mongrel in the Dreamscape after he challenged me to a duel.

"That is a curious bow you have there, Master Sunless."

"Ah yes…I might have forgotten to mention…but you sort of stole my heart once, Lady Morgan. It was a truly memorable day. Well, at least for me…" I was stunned, even more so when he casually tossed the bow into the air, only for it to be caught by a figure stepping out of the shadows. Two more figures stepped out of the shadows, one a small impish figure with fire lighting its eyes, and the other a towering horse. My father's words rang in my ears. There was indeed more to Ascended Sunless than met the eyes.

I watched as Changing Star and Sunless absolutely destroyed Dire Fang. For a moment, it looked like they were losing. But then they did something; I couldn't see what, and the tide/tables/whatever turned in their favor, and Sunless landed the killing blow. How did two mere Ascended kill a Saint? It shouldn't have been possible, even if they were children of the Forgotten Shore. It was true that the children of Forgotten Shore were monsters.

The fight with the monster who calls himself my brother was draining. He spewed some nonsense about why he going to beat me simply because he wanted to, and that I had too many wants and that's why I was going to lose. He was just about to strike when the world turned upside down. I looked behind me to find three Category 4 Gates opening up. The Call assaulted my mind, and the battlefield erupted into chaos as two of the Gate Guardians emerged. I watched as my uncle and hundreds of Awakened died right in front of me. With no other choice, I fled into the Dream Realm.

The Nightmare Desert was as bad as the name sounded, and to make matters worse, we were being chased by a creature we had dubbed the Skinwalker. I was certain that Changing Star had finally died when the thing snapped her neck, but she was still alive. Somehow. We met up with Beast Master and Ascended Seishan while Cassia found a place for us to rest. Sunless's snarky attitude continued to impress me when he commanded Summer Knight and Beast Master to guard the camp so the rest of us could get some rest. And surprisingly, both Saints did so. I was a little irked when Beast Master began calling Sunless "little brother" but was also pleased when it seemed to bother him as well.

Beast Master and Seishan left. Summer Knight begged me to go with him, but I was bound and determined to press on. If I could get to the Pyramid, I could claim victory for my father. But four days later, and we were no closer to the Pyramid than we'd been when we first entered this horrific place. I was forced to admit defeat. Summer Knight clasped his hand to Changing Star's; I'm sure transferring some Memories to her, and then he and I were pulled back to the waking world.

"Tell me," my father said succinctly.

"We attempted to get to the Pyramid. It was unobtainable. The monster was there. I believe he, Changing Star, and the others may attempt to find a Nightmare Seed to challenge it," I replied.

"Will they survive?"

"The monster will most likely survive. We've yet to find anything else that will kill him. As for the rest, they say that those who survived Forgotten Shore are scary and crazy. And Soul Reaper Jet is on another level. I believe there is a high level that most of them will return."

I saw my father frown. I knew what he was thinking. Seven new Saints, with one of them being a Divine Aspect wielder and another one being a Sacred Aspect wielder. These new Saints were going to be very, very powerful. Changing Star and Cassia would be able to break away from Valor if they wanted and take the Fire Keepers as well. Things were getting problematic. Worse than that, the balance of power between Song and Valor was going badly awry.

"Contact our most powerful divination Aspect holder. We need to find out more about Sunless and the rest of those who went with him. Be quick. We do not have much time."

I left his study with as much on my mind as he had on his. I would need to find a Nightmare seed in the near future, but at the same time, Valor couldn't afford to lose me as well since my uncle had died in Antarctica. Summer Knight and Tyris were among the last of the Valor Saints, and Tyris's loyalty was wavering in the aftermath of her and her Clan being exiled to the winter wasteland. For now, I would bide my time waiting to see when, or rather if Sunless and his cohort and the monster could survive and return from their current Nightmare.

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