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Chapter 24: Chapter 22-Second contracts

It was a first day of the month, I was sitting in the sofa together with Yuki looking for new missions while Hikari was cooking dinner for us.

I have found two targets with four requests on them. One is in the city to the northwest called Yin Sham, but after that there is only one doubled request and that's about it for multi requests. And honestly Yin Sham is rather bland mining city. Other option is a city directly to north called Juhong Hu it was a city known for its huge marketplace. Merchants from far and wide came to this city to sell goods. Outside of the mentioned quad request there was one triple request and two doubled ones. All of them being corrupted market officials that had the hit on their heads ordered by wronged merchants.

I told Yuki what are our options and she without needing to think for a long time spoke very resolutely.

"Let's go to Juhong Hu. We can exchange some resource points for gold and do some shopping while we are there. We should have plenty of resources since you ended up topping monthly merit chart and we received a massive resource points bonus from that"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure, sounds fun. I can pick out some cute qipaos for you, or maybe some sexy underwear, or both. Both sounds perfect!"

Yuki chuckled and spoke. "OK accept the missions quick, we can leave tomorrow morning."

I nodded and accepted the contracts. It was four people worth eleven contracts. I was rather confused why it was so hard to kill some market official with low cultivation but I decided to wait and see once we are there. We spend the rest of the evening with Hikari, chatting and laughing.

*** Unkown POV / Long Mansion ***

It was early morning. Elder long was cultivating in his personal cultivation chamber when the door to the chamber flew open and a man ran in. Elder Long was about to curse the person and kill it on the spot for interrupting his cultivation but then he heard what was elder Ho screaming and he stopped.


Elder Long froze and after a second or two spoke. "Speak up. What happened?"

"That piece of shit Dusk just accepted jobs in Juhong Hu. We know who is he going to kill, we just have to wait there and kill him once he goes after his target!"

Elder Long smiled and spoke. "Good job! Let's go quickly pick up elder Li!"


*** End of Unkown POV ***

We left the mansion for another expedition early morning. Hikari packed a lot of food for us to make sure we are not going to eat some random stuff; we thanked her sincerely and left. First place we went to was exchange house where we exchanged bunch of resources for gold. Once we were done there we went to forest like last time, we sneakily changed to our ninja getups and headed towards the Juhong Hu quickly.

When we were close to the city after an almost a whole day of travel, we quickly changed back to our normal clothes making sure nobody saw us. Once that was done, we quickly entered the city and as first thing we found an Inn. We wanted something to the side that would not bring a whole lot of attention to us and we found something perfect. It was Inn slash brothel on the border of slums of the city. It was perfect for what we needed, we used fake names to sign in and quickly entered the room. We went to bed right after we ate some of Hikari's packed food.

Next day we realized why nobody rushed to do the contracts for market officials. They were weak but, and this was a rather big but, they were guarded by two cultivators each. By the looks of it they were two cultivators somewhere in captain grade in body cultivation, all of them looked battle hardened and very experienced. I didn't want to fight all of them, I was not paid to do that so we spent next several days shopping in the market while we trailed them, looking for any opportunity to strike.

 Soon we were able to find a small window where I could take off three of them. Two of them used their lunchbreak to cheat on their partners and fuck with each other, during this act they sent the guards away for the time of the act. The third one was a single man that every day after lunch went to take a shit while leaving the bodyguards outside the toilet.

Last one was a man with four contracts, the most valuable kill. He had no glaring weakness; he had his bodyguards with him even when he was taking a dump. There was no other way for this one, I had to take care of him together with his bodyguards.

Morning of the day we decided is go time we both left the city and I returned alone in invisibility and ninja getup. I quickly entered the marketplace and then the market management building. I headed straight to the toilet where one of the targets took a dump each day. I made sure that the window is opened and quickly left heading for a room where the pair fucked every day. I waited for them to arrive. And I didn't have to wait for long, the moment it rang twelve o'clock pair of middle-aged man and woman entered the room, sending the bodyguards away and quickly undressing. I took a deep breath and prepared my daggers.

I started to slowly approach the couple that looked like the are going to fuck on the table. When I was standing right next to them, I acted quickly. I activated the Zone of silence, before they could react, I quickly pierced their hearts with one dagger each. I took a few steps back and once they fell to the ground death I quickly headed towards the window in invisibility.

This building had rather unusual style, it looked more European then Japanese or Chinese. I exited the room via the window and stood on the stone ledge. It was on the second floor of a stone building that had about six to seven floors. I needed to navigate the ledge to the right and around to corner to reach the toilet where my next target is going to be taking a dump. I needed to hurry to be there before him because he always closed window before doing his thing. To my luck I was able to make it there in time and I once again waited for the man to arrive.

About ten minutes later a man in his twenties arrived, closed the window and sat down to take a dump.

I proceed like I always did. Zone of silence just to be sure and after that dagger to vocal cord and the other straight to the heart. I quickly opened the window still with zone of silence active and once again climbed to the ledge in invisibility exactly as I did before.

I headed once again to the right but this time quite a long while, it was behind the next corner in the middle of the floor.

I got closer to the office of my last and most valuable target. And waited for the window to the office to open. The only exploitable pattern we found was that he opened the window to his office every day after lunch. And this day was not an exception. Rather obese middle-aged man with a beard opened the window.

I smiled when I saw my target opening a window for me. I quickly entered the room and looked around.

There was two guards sitting to right and left of the only entrance to the room and an office desk no too far from the window that was occupied by my target. I took a deep breath and walked towards the two bodyguards. I stood right in the middle of them still invisible. I prepared my daggers once again. I activated my Qi detection, setting it to detect any attacks targeted towards me. I took a deep breath.

'This needs to work, I need to kill them before they activate any protection. They don't have any talisman by the looks of it so if I manage to stab them before they could react I should be able to kill them.'

I activated once again the Zone of silence; this alerted the two guards and they quickly stood up from their chairs stepping towards the door to have a look what is going on. My target just sat their frozen in place not knowing what to do, fear visible in his eyes. I stabbed both of the guards in the hearts revealing myself and after that I pushed the surprised dying guards away from the doors.

I took a deep sigh of relief. 'It worked!'

I quickly moved towards the table and conjured two new daggers, I reached my target and almost started laughing looking at him.

He was quivering from fear and by looks of it he recently soiled himself from fear. I quickly did the thing I came for and pierced both his vocal cord and his heart. As I stepped away from him and was about to activate my invisibility and leave when somebody flew in through the window, it shattered to million pieces and right after that.


A fist punched me in the face and I flew across the whole room. I did not receive a chance to identify the attacker since I was stuffed to a sack and dragged away before I could do anything.







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