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Chapter 29: YES/NO

"Shall we enter, my beautiful lady?"


"Wow... Look at that gentleman; he's incredibly handsome...."

"And the lady by his side is simply breathtaking..."

Whispers floated around as Jack and Aurora stepped into the hotel for their dinner.

"Excuse me, I have a reservation for a top-floor candlelight dinner," Jack announced as he and Aurora made their entrance into the elegant hotel lobby.


Jack and Aurora made their way to the reservation table, where a woman, with mesmerizing blue eyes and elegant grey hair, awaited them.

Their strides were confident, their presence commanding attention. Whispers rippled through the room like a soft breeze, as eyes turned to appraise the striking couple. Jack, with his magnetic aura and piercing red eyes, and Aurora, with her graceful demeanor and captivating gaze, exuded an undeniable allure.

Approaching the reservation table, they found themselves greeted by a woman in her late 30s, her blue eyes shimmering with curiosity as they fell upon Jack's crimson gaze. For a moment, the receptionist seemed entranced, lost in the depths of his captivating eyes, until Damon's words broke the spell.

"Lady, I know I am quite the sight, and you are equally stunning, but I would hate to keep my lovely companion waiting," Jack remarked with a charming smile, gesturing towards Aurora, who observed the scene with a bemused expression.

The receptionist, shaken from her reverie, quickly regained her composure, acknowledging both Jack and Aurora with a nod of understanding.

"Ah, Mr. Damon DarkBorne and Ms. Aurora FrostBlade," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Of course, let me expedite your check-in process."

With Jack's gentle urging, the receptionist hastened to fulfill their request, her pen dancing across the paper as she finalized their reservation. Handing the paperwork to Jack, she offered a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth.

"Your reservation awaits you on the top floor, in our exclusive VIP Lounge. May your evening be filled with enchantment," she wished them, her words laced with a touch of reverence.

Jack graciously accepted the paperwork, acknowledging her kindness with a nod of gratitude before leading Aurora towards the awaiting elevator. As they stepped inside, the doors slid shut behind them, enveloping them in a cocoon of privacy as they ascended to their destination.

As they journeyed upwards, snippets of conversation floated around them, whispers of admiration and envy mingling in the air. Unfazed by the attention, Jack and Aurora remained focused on each other, their connection palpable even amidst the murmurs of onlookers.

Reaching the top floor, they emerged into the VIP Lounge, greeted by an ambiance of sophistication and romance. Soft lighting bathed the room in a warm glow, casting shadows that danced across the elegant furnishings.

"Damn, not only are they strikingly beautiful, but they're also loaded," remarked one bystander, unable to contain their awe at the couple's apparent wealth and allure.

"Yeah, and she's an absolute vision," agreed another, their eyes lingering on Aurora's graceful form as she followed Jack towards their reserved table.

Meanwhile, the receptionist couldn't shake the memory of Jack's captivating presence, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic stranger who had crossed her path.

"I can't believe I lost my composure like that," she mused to herself, her hand absently tracing her jawline as she replayed the encounter in her mind.

But amidst the whispers and lingering gazes, Jack and Aurora remained unfazed, their attention solely on each other as they embarked on an evening of enchantment and romance.


Jack and Aurora emerged from the elevator, greeted by an empty rooftop adorned with soft lighting, setting the stage for a romantic evening.

The VIP Lounge of the five-star hotel exudes an atmosphere of opulence and sophistication, designed to envelop guests in an experience of unparalleled luxury. As Jack and Aurora step into the dimly lit space, they are greeted by soft, ambient lighting that casts a warm and romantic glow throughout the room.

The walls are adorned with rich, plush fabrics in deep, velvety hues, creating an ambiance of intimacy and exclusivity. Elegant chandeliers hang from the ceiling, their gentle light reflecting off polished surfaces and casting shimmering patterns across the room.

In the center of the lounge sits a carefully curated dining area, set with gleaming silverware, sparkling glassware, and crisp linens. The table is adorned with delicate candles, their flickering flames adding a soft, romantic glow to the surroundings.

"Shall we, my lady....."

Jack extended his hand to Aurora, who accepted it with grace, the warmth of their connection palpable as they strolled towards the elegantly set table at the room's center.

As Aurora approached the table, Jack pulled out her chair, gesturing for her to take a seat.

"After you, my radiant lady...."

Jack's smile held a hint of mischief, igniting a playful spark in Aurora's eyes as she settled into her seat.

"Playing the gentleman, I see.... What sights await us in this five-star haven, amidst our candlelit soirée..."

Aurora's playful tone teased Jack, drawing out a chuckle as he gazed upon her with affection.

"Well, there's the spectacle of delectable cuisine and the sight of your radiant beauty, a sight I could behold for eternity..."

Jack's words, filled with sincerity, elicited a blush from Aurora, her cheeks aglow with warmth.

"Enough jesting... Let's not spoil the mood of this enchanting evening..."

As both of them settle into their seats, they are serenaded by soft, melodic music playing in the background, setting the perfect tone for an evening of romance and indulgence. The air is infused with the tantalizing aroma of gourmet cuisine, prepared by world-class chefs and served with impeccable attention to detail.


Jack's tone shifted, his gaze locking with hers as the candlelight danced between them, casting a spell of intimacy.

"I know you understand the purpose behind my actions. You're one of the most astute individuals I've encountered. There's no doubt you grasp why I've brought you here...."

Jack's earnestness shone through, his crimson eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that stirred Aurora's soul.

"... I can't, young master..... Our positions stand worlds apart, young master..."

"I may be a mere general within the royal ranks, overshadowed by stronger and more esteemed colleagues. My Duke lineage pales in comparison to others."

After a brief silence, Aurora spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"And I have obligations to the royal family. Pursuing a relationship with you, young master, would invite unwelcome gossip. As a member of a lesser noble house, my actions could tarnish your reputation as the future king...."

Jack regarded Aurora with understanding, his grip on her hand tightening ever so slightly.

"Do you truly believe I care for idle gossip, Froze? We demons span millennia, ample time to weather any storm of rumors. But losing you..."

Jack's voice faltered, his gaze tender as he held Aurora's hand, their connection a lifeline in a tumultuous world.

"... Losing you would be a wound too deep to heal. You've transformed our humble lineage into nobility through your diligence..."

"Do you not see? You are extraordinary, and with you by my side, the heights we could reach are boundless.... With you, Froze, I find solace, happiness, and purpose..."

Jack's words hung in the air, an unspoken declaration of love echoing between them as they shared a profound gaze.

"Your dinner is served, sir.... Perhaps I should give you some privacy...."

The waiter's intrusion momentarily disrupted their intimate moment, but Aurora, returning from her reverie, insisted on the meal's service, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"No.... Please, proceed with the service...."

Aurora's plea carried a hint of urgency, her eyes flickering with newfound resolve as she turned to Jack, only to catch a fleeting glimpse of a blush gracing his features before it vanished.

"I hope you both enjoy your meal...."

The waiter discreetly served their dinner before retreating, leaving the couple enveloped in a cocoon of intimacy, their private sanctuary amidst the bustling world below.

As they savored their dinner in silence, Jack sensed the tension between them and decided to break the quietude.

"It seems you're still sorting through your feelings, aren't you?"

He inquired, his eyes sparkling with curiosity as Aurora nodded, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"How about we immerse ourselves in this enchanting evening and let your heart decide? On the final day of our date, I'll pose a question, and you'll have to answer with one word..."


Jack's proposal hung in the air, a promise of romance and anticipation weaving through their shared moment as they embarked on this journey of discovery together.

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