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Chapter 2: New Character...

[World Savior System greets USER!]

Shocked, I stopped in my track and after a while went upstairs to the bedroom.

'So... it is real? Well, this is definitely shows that this world does have supernatural things and if judge by the fact, that I still have critical thinking, it should not be a dream... But is this system a thing from this world or something connected to my reincarnation? Second is more likely than first, but...'

My mind was clouded by thoughts about the system and its origin, but I didn't really tried to interact with it, partially because of the fear that I have mistaken it is just some kind of illusion, created by my eager for mystery consciousness, partially because I didn't really knew how.

But one of my questions triggered the system nevertheless.

'...World Savior System? So I, as the user, have to save the world?'

[World Savior System, as its name suggests, is intended for raising the World Savior]

[For that mission System have certain functions, provided to USER]

'...Which functions?' I probed control of the system.

[First is World Transfer function, that allows USER to mark certain space-time coordinates and freely shift between them]

[Coordinates of a mark may be within any known to the USER world, including "fictional". When USER designate coordinates for marks, System will search for closest to USER's intention and understanding world.]

[This function, as any other, have certain limitation: System can create one new mark for 30 days of activity per every existing mark and USER limited to a single mark per world]

[Coordinates of every mark will be updated when USER leaves according to it world]

'...I see. With this alone I can appear in convenient time in convenient places and hypothetically take power-ups and artifacts for all over the multiverse... But not without risking. Though, I still have some questions, but it should resolve by itself later. What's next?'

[Second function is System Mimic. It allows System to copy almost any fictional system, while USER does pass minimal requirements for it]

[Meanings of in-system numbers will stay the same as in original world of the mimicked system, but it should be noted, that capabilities of intelligent life and different kinds of magic may differ from world to world]

[From the designated system will be removed artificial limitations. Contradictions created by the application of substantiated but uncertain limitations to reality will be attempted to resolve according to USER's understanding first and profitability second as priority]

[System can mimic only one designated system at time and it can't be changed after choosing besides certain extraordinary situations or if chosen system have its own functional that allowed it]

[Also System can't influence an entire world and will affect only the necessary minimum for correct work and stated potency of the designated system benefits, so abilities of USER will not be diminished regardless of a world]

[While designated to mimic system may perceive environment in its own terms, they may be wrong and not correspond to reality. The same may happens if USER will receive properties that weren't envisaged by the mimicked system]

'...So I can copy almost any system I can remember, which, unfortunately, are not a lot, and it won't have a level limit? Except if their level limit is based on something like "releasing true potential"... Then level limit would change to the one that actually proportional to my potential... or would my starting level change instead, if it would be more "profitable" for me? On other hand, what is defined as minimal requirements?..'

I stopped at this thought for a while, but decided to go further.

'That's all?'

[The last function's name is System Control, the service function. It allows USER to modify System within certain boundaries]

[With this USER can't change the main functional of System directly, but USER can use it to change appearance and form of System, as well as add subfunctional]

[This subfunctional can't affect the real world at all without USER's mediation and limited to System itself and USER's perception and body control]

[Nevertheless, it can be used to store, process, update and even receive data]

[Thanks to this function USER can make something like simple notebook or calculator as well as applications for analysis and self-analysis]

[Also with it USER may change such things as autonomy of System by granting it pseudo- or even true consciousness]

[That's all]

'So I have a full blown computer in my head. I suppose my past life as a programmer will help me there.'

With sigh, I laid down on my bed.

"Or, if I really want, I can go full Rimuru and make it into something à la Great Sage."

After thinking about my voiced musing I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Hu-hu... Ridiculous... I am too untrusting for something like that... By the way, you haven't had pseudo-personality yet?"

[System does not have any kind of personality, but it has capabilities of adaptive processing of input and output according to USER's wishes and knowledge. While the system possesses similarities with neuron networks, it haven't gone much beyond that and it doesn't have own ego]

"I see... So, what to do next?.."

[It is recommended for USER to choose a system for Mimic function]

"Easier said than done. I don't even know, will I have a chance to change it for other or not... But let's try. May you mimic... "Deity Ascension System" or something like that? You can read my thoughts, so you got what I meant. It isn't the final choice, only a probe."

The answer was instant.

[Requirements are not met]

[USER doesn't have any kind of divinity, that can be nurtured, even a "spark"]

"Well, I hoped, that it would be granted to me, but worth a try."

With one more sigh, I came back to silent pondering.

'What else? Systems with only random rewards is too risky for my liking. Task type is also a no; don't like when someone else decides for me what to do. Yet, I am too introverted to use any social system with a comfort. Chat groups also, by extension. So, only ones left is a straight up leveling and skill mastery types?..'

After some time, I finally decided to spoke out loud.

"Um... Solo Leveling?"

[Requirements are not met]

[USER or System doesn't have a sealed or ready for integration into USER source of any kind of paranormal energy of high enough potency]

"And by paranormal you mean?.."

[Abnormal to be possessed by an average Homo Sapience Sapience]

"You know, such definition is kind of diverges from established in dictionary"

[Does USER suggests another term to use in similar cases?]

"No-no, I am... cool with it," I uncertainly giggled, "but if return to the main question... I don't really want to get stuck with "The Gamer" system."

System originated from the webtoon of the same name. As someone who read some chapters and because of this reason had superficial knowledge about the original, I could at least remember some things about it: first, this system was created and, most likely, managed by Gaia, as the will of the planet, itself and my system already told me that it can't affect an entire world, so this system possibly won't work properly; second, it have quests, that mainly randomly appear during a daily life and may require as manual tasks, as real epic but possibly unsavory feats and that already contradicts with my wishes. Also I was wary about its influence on my mind, because it may possibly make me perceive life as a game.

Actually, similar things may be applied to the system from Solo Leveling novel. It does have quests, those are forced on its user under the fear of punishment, but there is no menial chores or social things, as I could remember, only straight up farm and grind. It also possibly won't work properly. It was managed by its creator, being known as the Architect, in the original, though with some level of self-moderation. Nevertheless, it worked fine and after the Architect death. But without him and Ashborn, the guy who decided to transfer his power through the system, it is possible that random rewards, dungeons, shop and, maybe, some other things will be bugged or dead. At same time, main parts still should work fine and punishment for undone quests would be removed or at least lessened, as it was implemented by its moderators to motivate the user, so there wouldn't be such, according to my understanding. However, it is undefined, does it affect its host mind or not, because protagonist's personality greatly changed with time, but his priorities stayed mainly the same and it is possibly just a side effect of increased power. Well, without Ashborn and the Architect it would be unlikely in my case even if it was in the original.

But main reason, why I have tried this system first, is the fact that it have a definite goal after which it ceases its existence. And I was sure that it would count as "extraordinary situation" and I would be able to choose a new system.

'Gamer... Huh, why then would not make a step back and choose a system from some videogame? With as little levels as possible, so their density would be really high. Most likely I wouldn't be able to find one that just discards itself at some moment, so for that I will need some kind of wish granting devi...'

It immediately dawned on me and I sat up on the bed.

"Tell me... the right usage of the [Wish] spell from Dungeons and Dragons... 5th edition would be enough to cause an "extraordinary situation" and change the designated to mimic system?"

There was a silence for a second, that greatly stretched for my perceiving.


I caught my breath.

"Then... can I chose it now?"


[Requirements are not met for System Mimic with current body]

"Damn it..."

[USER abilities are not sufficient]

I closed my eyes.

'Maybe I should put it aside for a while and just go into some other world and quickly grab a divinity spark? It's not necessary to make a choice now... Though, it would help me to survive after a jump. But where can I find a divinity particle that's just waiting to fall into someone's lap?'

I considered for a second.

'...Does Falna from DanMachi counts as one? I need to ask the system.'

But when I opened my eyes, a rather unexpected message appeared before them.

[Does USER wish to create a new character?]

"...Wait, what?"

Translucent screen before me slightly changed.

[Does USER wish to create a new character according to the rules of the new proposed to mimic system?]

'...So, if a system imply character creation, then you would offer me to recreate body? Convenient, but maybe you should have told me earlier?'

I inwardly grumbled a little, but still abandoned the newly conceived plan in the favor of the old one.

"Huh... Okay, let's start this without delay. Designate to System Mimic Dungeons and Dragons, edition 5... with spell points variant rule... and gestalt homebrew variant rule. Also all official expansions, known to me, are allowed, especially "Tasha". And yes, I wish to create a new character".

D&D, the most famous TRPG and the progenitor of computer RPG games. The game, from which, as I knew, originated the concept of leveling up... or it came from some war game?.. Well, it doesn't matter, because it's D&D where video games took it from.

5th edition is considered more simplified and "casual", comparatively to the older redactions, with some vague limitations and optionality of many rules. And this is what I want to take advantage of.

Sure, numbers are lower than in edition 3.5 and less complicated, so application of them to reality would be uncertain.

But the system will interpret them according to the universe, where it came from, which is ultimately the same, so this lesser numbers would be more "dense" in the reality. And with uncertainty there is a bigger chance that it's will be beneficial for me.

Sure, level cap is quite low and it wouldn't be removed by the system. First, because 5E does have character power development after the maximal, the 20th, level, just less drastic. Second, there is no real dependency in a direction of class progression in 5E. While ability scores and class feature's resources gradually increase and improve with the raising of level, class features themselves rarely are something, that you can devise based on previous ones. Besides, even resource increasement sometimes doesn't follow some rules, so it's not really possible to certainly derive how they should progress further. Actually, the same is applicable to XP requirement for a level up, so even heightening of level cap through multiclasses is doubtful.

But it didn't really matter, because I was planning to change the system anyway. Besides... you may gain some things after level 20, that isn't possible to obtain by normal leveling. And I wanted to take at very least some of them.

In same time Gestalt rule allows for characters to simultaneously develop in two different ways, with each level up gaining a level in two different classes. It have its own limitation, so it doesn't actually make the character worth as a one with double level in everything, but still would make it much more versatile and powerful than an usual one.

[Adaptation of values to reality...]

[Adaptation complete]

[System Mimic has been successfully activated]

[Character creation process has been started]

Screen before me splitted into 4, each of which had a different inscription: [Define Race(Lineage)], [Define Classes], [Define Ability Scores] and [Define Background Benefits].

"Background benefits?.. Not a background itself... so it's, apparently, custom. This is fare, I suppose..." I weakly smiled, "but even so, I have a lo-o-ong night ahead."


I walked around the room in circles, which is what I often do, when excited. It was a habit from the previous life.

The morning sun hadn't shown itself yet, but it wouldn't be a long time before it does.

In the end I stopped before a mirror.

"System... apply the new character."

[Putting USER into a catatonic state...]

[Inhibition of body signals...]

After that was a darkness, where I was gone for who knows how long.

And when a darkness had disappeared...

"Hu-hu-hu-hu-hu... Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!.."

There was my almost hysterical laughter.

"It worked!"

In the mirror in front me instead of old Zaimokuza's appearance I could see a thinner face, though there still were some Zaimokuza's features. However they were quite hidden because of this pale grey skin. Hair on the head also was grey, but of the colder and darker tone than the old one. But, I suppose, the most notable things about it was the thick contrasting black circles around the eyes and the eyes themselves, with light grey, almost white, pupils and irises, near indistinguishable from each other and the whites of the eyes.

It was the appearance of my true form as a changeling.

Right, true form...

One distinct thought and instincts kicked in.

My entire body started to widen up. Clothes, that hung on my body like a bag, became just right again.

Few seconds and my appearance came back to Zaimokuza again.

Considering, that I lived in human society, there weren't many variants for my race. I suppose I could choose some lineage, like hexblood or dhampire... maybe choose human variant or even common human.

But changelings, as a shapechanger race, won my favor by a lot.

Even during the game their ability have been like a cheat in social interactions. In the real life it will be even bigger cheat.

'It was easier than I thought.' I was pleasantly surprised, inspecting my reflection.

I replicated Zaimokuza's appearance perfectly. On other hand I saw his body from every side during the character creation and my true form still had some resemblance to him and even had the same finger prints, just in case, so this was expected.

"Okay, now let's use slightly more imagination."

I took off clothes in advance and started thinning up again, though this time my skin and eyes hadn't changed.

Second later and I look at... moderately handsome guy, with light grey ponytail of hair, piercing black eyes and slim body with some visible muscles. Some even may call him an ikemen.

'Hm... maybe also change the haircut? M-m-m... I'll decide later.'

Funny enough, I didn't really do much. It seems that Zaimokuza initially had a potential for being handsome, everything that needed is to take off fat... even giving him (fake)abs wasn't so necessary, but I thought it wouldn't hurt.

It was an appearance, that I wanted to take after an almost a month, at the start of a new school year. Until then I will be slimming Zaimokuza figure a little bit at a time with each day.

Well... it will be my new appearance if I survive until then. I still don't know what I need to do as a raising "World Savior", as the system keeps being silent about it.

I turned my attention to the right, where was a floating screen that asked me to take my "Starting Equipment" and so I did.

Of course I first choose the things, that were difficult to get for me, such as magical items... and weapons.

Thanks to Gestalt rule I had a humble total of 160 golden pieces and the system gave me a pat offer to exchange them for any allowed in 5E items... for according to them price.

That being said, 160 gold weren't really that much, so I took only things that were quite problematic to get in the real world.

Unpacking them, I gave a look to the time on my phone and confirmed, that I had some before the school, so I started to search some crayons.

'Hm... well, charcoal and incense should be somewhere there, Zaimokuza bought them a few years ago for his hobbies, herbs... well, I will found them. Wait!..' I stopped my steps, '...where in my name can I find a brass brazier?!'

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