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Chapter 2: Powers Of The Tyrant Technomancer

The Tyrant Technomancer scans the dome, trying to get his bearings.

He finds each person here dawning a hoody, which somehow obscures their features, despite not being too broad or wide.

He diverts his gaze to one of the people present, a woman to the far right, whose hood had fallen off.

At once he scans her, and at once information comes up on his database.

[Name: Margret Robbie, Age: 35]

[Occupation: Accountant, Serial Number: 5353234]

[Spouse: None, Children: None]

[Criminal Records: Breaking and entering, assault, murder, practitioner of magic]

"Another Pactitioner." The Tyrant Technomancer says through his helmet, his voice is a cacophony of metal, a robotic voice synthesis, and a minute trace of his actual voice.

He stares at their hands and finds nothing, as the golden circles are only visible to Practitioners.

"I assume all of you are Practitioners." The ghastly voice bellows again.

Henry keeps his eyes steady on the Tyrant while being conscious of Denee.

"I will give you one warning." The Tyrant Technomancer raises a hand to them, and his armor reconfigures itself into a blaster. "Surrender and come quietly." The blaster begins to charge. "Or die." He says finally.

Nothing more is said, silence ensues, but the thumping of five hearts could be heard echoing across the dome.

Henry inscribes on his circle as fast as he possibly can.

Once the Tyrant Technomancer notices, he points his blaster at Henry, and *BOOM* a ball of fire lightspeeds toward Henry.

He finishes his inscription in time and creates a worm hall that sucks the blast.

Then he creates another that returns the blast towards the Tyrant Technomancer.

The Technomancer dodges the blast with relative ease then he fires five more.

Henry uses his wormhole once more, but in the blink of an eye, the Tyrant Technomancer is beside him.

A fist is sent into Henry's face, but before it can connect, a shield rises and comes in between the Technomancer's fist and Henry.



The shield explodes into sand and the shockwave it creates upon contact sends Henry hurling backward.

The Tyrant Technomancer fires another blast at one of the Practitioners, who raises a shield, but the blast eats through the shield and makes contact with him, turning him to ash.

The Tyrant Technomancer turns his sights to Denee, who he can tell is the most crucial person here, he zooms towards her, but not before a shield rises and surrounds her.

He points a blast at the shield, except this time, it doesn't go through.

Everyone present can tell this is no ordinary shield, that made evident by its color transforming from blue to a light red.

Denee feels her heart wrench when she discovers the color of the shield.

She turns her sights to one of her comrades and finds him turn to dust.

A result of him using a forbidden spell.

But what choice did he have?

Denee doesn't waste any more time, with a heavy heart and eyes filled with tears, she gets back to cracking the code.

Steeling her heart from looking at her people, and most especially...Henry.

The Tyrant Technomancer slams against the shield, one of his blows vibrates the entire foundation of the dome, shaking everything and everyone.

He finds the integrity of the shield to be intact but realizes if he continues to assault the shield, he will only bring down the dome.

So instead he turns his sights to the other Practitioners.

"Bring the shield down, and I'll make your executions will be quick."

His armor rattles, and mechanisms grind.

Light exudes out the crevices of his armor, and a sharp echo of power explodes out of him.

Imbuing fear into every Practitioner, further reminding them of their inferiority compared to him.

Henry and the Practitioners lose their nerves, they struggle to hold themselves together and keep their bodies from shaking.

"You have 5 seconds. 5." A Practitioner rushes the Tyrant Technomancer, but in a flash, his head slides off his shoulders.

The Tyrant Technomancer swings his arm, now accompanied by an energy blade, so the blood clinging to it flings off.



The body of the Practitioner who had been killed explodes.

The remaining Practitioners snap their fingers, summon their golden circles then begin to inscribe words onto them.

The Tyrant Technomancer walks out of the flames, unscathed.

"Pointless." He says.

But before he can get his bearings, the Practitioners finish their inscriptions and energy exudes out of their hands.

"Pointless." The Tyrant Technomancer says, extruding another energy blade from his other arm.

The Practitioners, as opposed to what the Tyrant Technomancer had thought, turn the energy in their hands to Henry, then they blast him with it.

Henry screams from the pain, but in a second, it passes and the Practitioners fall to their deaths.

Energy exudes out of Henry and his hair and eyes turn red.

"Pointless." The Tyrant Technomancer says, then in the blink of an eye he zooms towards Henry, who likewise zooms towards him.

They clash in between, creating a shockwave that explodes around them, once more shaking the foundation of the dome.

This time the ground underneath their feet loses its integrity.

The Tyrant makes to leap off, so as to avoid falling through, but Henry grabs him by the leg and they both descend.

Denee speeds up her pace, to a degree that her fingers begin to bleed.

She does everything she can, but the encryption on the file is godlike.

Despite this, she is halfway through.

Henry and the Tyrant descend continuously until the Tyrant kicks against Henry.

Another shockwave erupts from the point of contact, and Henry is sent crashing into a wall, whereas the Tyrant is pushed backward, and he lands on a platform attached to the wall.

He configures his right arm to a blaster and fires it at the spot Henry had crashed through.

*BOOM* a large area is consumed by the blast and the entire wall on that side of the building crumbles to the ground, revealing the ocean of trash on the outside. 

He analyzes the area but finds no form of life.

A second later, a fire blast roars toward him.

He creates an energy shield that blocks the flame's path to him.

The flames this time burn with such an intensity that if he were to be in direct collision with the flames, he would be incinerated.

He fires another blast through the energy shield toward Henry, but he leaps out of the way.

The Tyrant Technomancer leaps towards him, and the wall behind him explodes as a direct result of his power.

He closes the distance between him and Henry in seconds and produces an energy blade, which he aims at Henry's neck.

Henry creates a sword made of magic, which he uses to block the Tyrant's attack.

*BOOM* another shockwave explodes once more, but none of them budges.

The Tyrant swings and slashes with the speed of light, but Henry matches up with his speed.

Each time their sword clashes, a shockwave disperses, which weakens the integrity of the building by large margins.

"It's funny how you Practitioners hide behind forbidden magic when you are faced with a force you can't handle." The Tyrant says as he struggles to get past Henry's defenses.

They lock their swords and he leans in.

"But you can't hide forever." The Tyrant says, carrying with his words more meaning than normal people would get.

Because he points his comment on the fact that forbidden magic, despite demanding a very high price for great power, doesn't last long.

The Tyrant senses a shift in Henry's strength, and in an instant, he slams his fist into Henry's face.

*BOOM* Henry is shot like a rocket downwards.

*BOOM* The Tyrant Technomancer kicks against the platform he had been standing on, and he rockets towards Henry.

They both descend further down the building and in a fraction of a second, the Tyrant closes the gap between them.

He pulls back a fist, which Henry blocks, but still *BOOM* the fist makes contact, which rends the very air and sends Henry exploding into the earth below.

*CRASH* he makes the foundation of the earth below and the entire building begins to shake.

Henry no longer feels his limbs, blood oozes out of his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

The energy exuding off of him dies down as he begins to wheeze.

But it doesn't stop there, because the Tyrant fires a blast at him.

The blue light of the blast shines upon him, and he watches, feeling the world slow down as this blue sun descends upon him.

He shuts his eyes and focuses his thoughts on his wife, his son, and his daughter.

Knowing full well, it is over.


Denee freezes in place, as something within her snaps.

In an instant, she realizes what just happened, and her world comes crashing down.

She doesn't stop, no matter how much pain is bellowing in her heart.

She keeps at it, because if she doesn't complete this task, everyone who died here today, would have died for nothing.

Her tears soak the screen she is typing on, they slide down, washing away the blood seeping out her fingers.


The ground underneath her feet shakes, and she knows in an instant the Tyrant is back.


He slams his fist into the shield and its red light flickers.

"It never lasts." The Tyrant says with his menacing voice.

*BOOM* he slams into the shield once more, and it weakens again.

But it doesn't matter, because Denee's work is complete.

She proceeds to transfer the unlocked data into the chip she inserted into the computer.


Her heart is elated by a very small margin when she sees the notification.

[Transfer Complete]

At once she removes the chip and reinserts it into the side of her head.


The shield falls, prompting a gasp from her, and when she turns a sharp pain explodes from her stomach.

She finds the Tyrant Technomancer in front of her, and she finds the energy blade from his arm finely lodged in her stomach.

"You didn't think you'd make it out of here alive did you?" The Tyrant says, staring straight into Denee's fading eyes.

Despite the pain coursing through her body and heart, she smiles, as she just finished her inscription.

Light exudes off of her and in a flash, she disappears.

The Tyrant Technomanacer searches for her, only to realize she is long gone.

He pauses, feeling particularly irritated.

After what felt like an eternity consumed in light, Denee appears in the middle of her living room, where she crumbles to the ground.

Two children, running around, a boy and a girl, pause, when they see their mother appear out of thin air.

But they react when they find her bleeding.

"Mom!" They both scream and crumble towards her.

She begins to wheeze as she feels her life force draining.

"Mom, what happened? How did you get injured?" The boy asks, helping her sit upright so she leans against the wall.

"Mom, say something." The girl says.

"Alice, call the ambulance and Dad." The boy says to his sister.

She makes to do as told, but Denee grabs her hand and shakes her head.

Tears start to flow out of each of their eyes.

"Mom?" Alice calls, wondering why she is not allowed to call for help.


A holoprojection rises from the far end of the room.


A projection of a woman says.





"Mom, what is going on?" 

"come, come closer Mercury." Denee calls out to her son, and he leans in.

She takes out the chip from her head and gives it to him.

"take this chip, insert it, and...keep it safe." Denee says, a voice weaker than paper submerged in water.

Mercury takes the chip into his hand.

"Mom, why are you giving me this? Why can't we call the ambulance."

Tears fill Denee's eyes and they streak down her chicks.

"i'm so sorry you two, i...i didn't mean to place this burden upon you.'

*BANG* erupts behind them.

"Open this door!" A deep voice emanates from the outside.

"they're here." Denee says, growing weaker and weaker. "ins...insert the chip mercury."

The color leaves her skin and her eyes start to lose their brilliance.

"Mom Mom, please stay with us." Mercury says, trying to keep himself together, as he finds his sister has already broken down in tears.

"please, finish what your father and i started. save the world." She says, pointing her gaze to Mercury, then she turns to Alice. "and, protect your sister." She starts to go cold.

"Mom, Mom." Mercury's voice goes weak.

" you both, with all my heart." She smiles and shuts her eyes, letting the last bit of tears slide down her cheeks, before finally, she lets go.

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