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Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Alleyway Ambush

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

It had been precisely a week since we intervened to thwart the extortion attempt at the bustling downtown market, and in the days that followed, several noteworthy events unfolded. The foremost among them was the startling realization that Umeda and I stumbled upon - the task of gathering crucial information was proving to be far more arduous and demanding than our initial anticipations.

During the initial two days, aimlessly meandering through the city in a futile attempt to locate Yakuza members to approach was a clear display of incompetence. To make matters worse, the idea of an eleven and a thirteen-year-old striking fear into the hearts of hardened criminals is laughable at best. Subsequently, realizing their inadequacy, Umeda took it upon herself to engage in barbaric tactics by resorting to breaking the fingers of a Yakuza member in order to extract information. This unscrupulous method employed by Umeda not only raises ethical concerns but also highlights a distinct lack of moral compass within the group dynamic.

The teachings of my master always emphasized the importance of using skills and strength for noble causes, avoiding harm to innocent individuals. Although the Yakuza members may not have been innocent themselves, resorting to such extreme measures as breaking all of their fingers seemed excessive and morally questionable. Yet, despite the ethical dilemma posed by this brutal tactic, it undeniably yielded results as we successfully obtained critical information about an upcoming drug deal planned by the notorious Black Dragons gang.

At the present moment, Umeda and I found ourselves in a covert position atop one of the buildings, eagerly anticipating the impending arrival of the menacing gangs. Prior to this moment, we meticulously surveyed the alleyway for any signs of danger. While we bided our time in suspense, I pivoted towards Umeda to engage her in conversation.

"Hey Umeda, we need to talk." As she turned to me, her expression almost devoid of emotion, I felt compelled to communicate with precision. It was imperative to ensure that our approach was meticulously planned and executed flawlessly.

"Umeda, when we engage the Yakuza members, I don't want you to brutalize them. I know Muay Thai is a very aggressive style, but I don't think we should cause them unnecessary pain." Despite my efforts to communicate clearly, her inscrutable expression rendered it difficult for me to decipher her true thoughts. All that I could ascertain was a mere acknowledgment of my words, devoid of any genuine reaction. With a fleeting glance towards the obscure alleyway behind her, she eventually broke the silence and uttered her response.

"I will not make any promises, Weimin." She nonchalantly remarked that it was arguably the most suitable response she could muster. Yet, to my bewilderment, she refrained from outright dismissing my words. Could it be that I am gradually making headway in getting through to her?

During our conversation, we were suddenly interrupted by unsettling noises emanating from the dimly lit alleyway. Our attention was immediately drawn towards the ominous sight of gangs converging in the area. We instinctively hushed our voices to stealthily listen in on their potentially nefarious dialogue.

"Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I am assuming you have brought the money?" The Yakuza member, exuding an air of danger and deception, would flash a sinister and almost counterfeit smile towards the rival gang members. Standing menacingly beside him, one of his henchmen tightly clutched a mysterious briefcase, adding an element of suspense to the unfolding scenario. As tensions mounted, the same eerie scene played out on the opposing side as both factions converged at a pedestal-like structure, each carefully placing their respective cases down with an air of calculated precision.

The two individuals proceeded to open the briefcases, revealing a suspicious looking powdered substance in one of them, presumably the illicit drugs. In the other briefcase, an overwhelming amount of currency was meticulously arranged, giving off an impression of wealth and shady dealings. From my vantage point, I could only speculate that the sum must have easily exceeded fifty thousand yen. The exorbitant cost of these illegal substances showcased the lucrative yet perilous nature of the criminal underworld they were delving into.

The tension in the conversation heightened as the Yakuza meticulously inspected the contents of the opposing party's briefcase, a move that appeared to be a deliberate attempt to verify the legitimacy of the items rather than dismissing them as counterfeit.

"This is less than what we agreed upon. Where is the rest of it?" The dubious gangster inquired sharply, interrupting the transaction as the disillusioned individual, engrossed in the drug deal, gazed back with a hint of bewilderment.

"What are you talking about. We agreed on one hundred thousand yen, and we gave you one hundred thousand!" As tensions escalated during the heated argument, a member of the rival gang felt compelled to interject, further fueling the already volatile atmosphere with their provocative words.

Observing the chaos unfolding around me, I couldn't help but notice Umeda's daring leap off the building we were precariously perched on. The audacious act saw her land squarely on one of the gangsters, presumably rendering him unconscious - though I could only hope for such a fortunate outcome amidst the mayhem. This bold maneuver certainly succeeded in diverting their attention, a risky move that left me sighing in exasperation as I carefully navigated my way down to her location utilizing parkour techniques. As I reached her side and took stock of the situation, it became evident that we were faced with approximately 10 menacing mobsters in total, not including the unfortunate individual who unwittingly cushioned Umeda's fall.

"Who the hell! Wait, It's those kids who have been beating up our boys! Fucking get them, the boss wants them dead!" As Umeda and I prepared ourselves for the impending altercation, one of the brutish gangsters vocally announced, thus initiating the commencement of the violent confrontation.

Umeda and I, in a rather hasty decision, took it upon ourselves to confront a group of five gangsters each, with the intention of simplifying the situation. In a rather reckless manner, I impulsively charged towards several of them who were closing in on me aggressively. Amidst the chaos, one of the gangsters attempted to seize me, but with a swift motion, I managed to grasp his wrist firmly and forcefully propelled him into another member of their unruly group. As I skillfully evaded an incoming hook from behind by promptly ducking, it dawned on me that my adversary had indeed made an egregious error in judgment.

In a seemingly swift and calculated motion, I myself expertly swept his legs out from under him and assertively planted my foot firmly onto his chest, forcefully propelling him into the midst of the five men Umeda was presently engaged in combat with. This daring action elicited an immediate reaction from her, as she momentarily raised her voice to admonish me for interfering in her ongoing scuffle. Nevertheless, there was little time to ruminate on her reprimand, as I deftly sidestepped another assailant attempting to tackle me and delivered a precise knee strike to his solar plexus, resulting in his rapid descent to the ground in a state of incapacitation. Subsequently, only one adversary remained standing in our path towards victory.

I observed the Gangster with a critical eye as he arrogantly smirked and started to bounce around, indicating a certain level of confidence in his abilities. From his posture, it was evident that he possessed some degree of boxing experience, raising the question of whether his skills were actually effective. As he impulsively charged towards me and unleashed a series of unrefined jabs, I effortlessly intercepted and deflected his attacks with ease. Despite my attempt to strike him with precision using a palm strike, he adeptly dodged my move and swiftly retaliated with a powerful punch. Reacting swiftly, I skillfully dodged beneath his incoming blow and swiftly delivered an impactful uppercut directly to his jaw, forcefully propelling him into collision with the unforgiving surface of the alleyway wall.

I took a breath of relief as I looked over, seeing that Umeda had one gangster against the wall. It would seem the other four were on the ground, bent in ways that I don't think the human body should be bending, or at least not ways I suspect they are trained for. So I would begin to walk over to Umeda. 

As I began moving towards her, my attention was drawn to one of the assailants that I had previously incapacitated starting to regain consciousness. Seizing the opportunity while Umeda's back was turned, he retrieved a knife with malicious intent and swiftly advanced towards the young woman with the clear intention of inflicting harm upon her.

"Umeda!" I raised my voice aggressively as I utilized my speed to swiftly narrow the gap between us. Umeda, caught off guard with her back turned and preoccupied holding onto the gangster, would undoubtedly struggle to respond in a timely manner. Thinking on my feet, I swiftly made the decision to employ a technique that had been imparted to me by my esteemed mentor.

I executed a martial arts technique known as the Shinchi Sekantsuki, a devastating downward punch that my mentor claimed could easily penetrate any obstacle in its path. However, my reckless haste to come to Umeda's rescue resulted in an excessive application of force, leading to a catastrophic outcome. The sickening crunch of his collarbone shattering under the impact echoed through the air, nearly inducing a sense of nausea within me. Witnessing him crumple to the ground, relinquishing his weapon and writhing in agony while clutching the afflicted area only served to emphasize the severity of my mistake.

I observed the man with a sense of disbelief as I realized the severity of the situation I had inadvertently caused. His collarbone shattered, and he writhed in excruciating pain on the ground, his anguished cries piercing through the air. A wave of shock washed over me as I witnessed the aftermath of my actions, my mind struggling to comprehend the extent of the damage inflicted by my own hand. Had I miscalculated his resilience, or was it a stark revelation of my own strength that led to this unfortunate outcome?

Suddenly, as my mind aimlessly drifted away from the present moment, I was abruptly jolted back to reality by a forceful slap across my face. The unexpected physical impact served as a harsh wake-up call, forcibly redirecting my attention back to the immediate surroundings. It was then that I became aware of Umeda's piercing gaze fixed upon me, a clear indication of disapproval or concern.

"Weimin, get a hold of yourself. I got the location of their bosses hideout and where it is. But from what they told me their boss practices martial arts himself, some kind of Kung Fu style. We need to go." She uttered those words nonchalantly as she forcefully seized my hand and proceeded to pull me away. I found myself passively following her lead, my thoughts still haunted by the gruesome image of that man and the sickening sound of his bones shattering upon impact from my clenched fist.

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