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Chapter 36: Chapter 36

Atlas and Strickler sat in the refined ambience of the tavern, their attire befitting the sophistication of their surroundings. Atlas was clad in a tailored ensemble of deep burgundy velvet, the fabric catching the light in subtle waves as he moved. His shirt, crafted from fine linen, boasted intricate embroidery along the collar and cuffs, adding a touch of elegance to his attire. A silver brooch adorned his lapel, its intricate design hinting at arcane symbols hidden within its delicate filigree.

Strickler, meanwhile, opted for a more subdued palette, his attire a study in understated refinement. He wore a tailored coat of charcoal grey, its rich woollen fabric draped with effortless grace. Beneath the coat, a crisp white shirt peeked out, its high collar hinting at the meticulous attention to detail that characterized his ensemble. His trousers, expertly tailored, tapered to perfection, while polished leather boots completed the ensemble, their gleaming surface reflecting the ambient light of the tavern.

Together, they cut a striking figure amidst the affluent clientele, made up of many of the richest and most powerful members of Nuln. Atlas fingered his talisman of concealment to check it was there beyond the slight warmth it gave off. Since its failure to hide him from Strickler, the pair had worked together to improve it until Atlas felt safe to mingle in crowds with extraordinary senses yet again.

Strickler and Atlas found themselves seated in a tavern nestled within the upper echelons of the city, a haven of luxury amidst the bustling streets below. The interior exuded an air of opulence, with polished wooden chairs and tables that gleamed in the soft glow of mage-crafted crystal lights suspended from the ceiling.

As they sat amidst the affluent clientele, Atlas and Strickler observed the rich tapestry of life unfolding around them. Nobles adorned in vibrant hues mingled with prosperous merchants, their laughter and animated conversation filling the air with an aura of conviviality. The strains of a musician's fiddle wove through the space, adding a melodious backdrop to the lively atmosphere.

Despite the opulent surroundings, Atlas and Strickler remained focused on their conversation, their minds alight with the possibilities that lay before them. Amidst the laughter and chatter of the tavern, they delved into their plans, their voices blending seamlessly with the symphony of the evening.

Atlas's voice cut through the ambient hum of the tavern, his tone resolute as he outlined his plans to venture into the perilous expanse of the Dark Lands. Strickler's eyes widened in disbelief, his features contorting with concern as he absorbed the gravity of Atlas's intentions.

"The Dark Lands?" Strickler's voice betrayed a hint of incredulity, his words laced with unease. "But it's a treacherous realm, filled with dangers beyond imagining. The very air is choked with the fumes of volcanic ash, and rumours speak of Chaos Dwarf holds lurking amidst the shadows."

Atlas met Strickler's gaze with unwavering determination, his expression firm as he reiterated his resolve. "Indeed, it is precisely because of its harsh and unforgiving nature that the Dark Lands beckon to me," he explained, his voice steady despite the weight of their conversation. "It is a crucible of chaos and opportunity, a place where power and knowledge await those bold enough to seize them. I will not be dissuaded, Strickler. My path is set."

Strickler's protests faltered in the face of Atlas's unwavering resolve, his gaze flickering with a mixture of concern and admiration. Strickler's thoughts swirled with uncertainty, his mind grappling with the implications of Atlas's impending journey into the Dark Lands. The prospect of continuing their necromantic research alone without the guidance and mentorship of his esteemed companion weighed heavily upon him, casting a shadow of doubt over his own abilities.

In the quiet moments that followed, Strickler found himself reflecting on the profound impact that Atlas had made upon his magical cultivation in the preceding months. Under Atlas's tutelage, he had achieved more progress in his arcane studies than he had in years of solitary pursuit, each revelation and breakthrough a testament to the wisdom and expertise that his mentor had imparted.

With a frustrated sigh, Strickler voiced his grievances, his frustration palpable as he lamented the obstacles that his fellow mages had placed in the path of his research. "They hold me back at every turn," he confessed, his tone tinged with frustration. "Their narrow-mindedness and fear of the unknown stifle innovation and impede progress. If only they possessed even a fraction of the vision and ambition that you do, Atlas."

With a small smile, Atlas realised the time had come. It would be a moment of decision for both of them that would lead down the same path or parted forever.

"Have I ever told you of my mortal life, my friend?" Atlas began, his voice carrying a sombre tone tinged with nostalgia. As Strickler turned his attention fully to Atlas, intrigued by the prospect of learning more about his enigmatic companion, Atlas recounted the tale of his mortal origins.

"I was born into a life of opulence and privilege," he continued, his words laced with a hint of bitterness. "As the scion of a noble house, I wanted for nothing, yet I possessed nothing of true value—no strength, no magic, no power to shape my own destiny."

Atlas recounted the struggles of his youth, his frailty and vulnerability standing as stark contrasts to the grandeur of his surroundings. "I was a mere puppet in a world of marionettes, destined to dance to the whims of others while I languished in obscurity."

"It was only when fate intervened in the form of a vampiric coven that my life took a dramatic turn. They saw potential in me where others saw only weakness," he explained, a flicker of determination igniting in his eyes. "They bestowed upon me the gift of vampirism, granting me strength, longevity, and the power to command the very forces of magic itself."

As Atlas spoke, Strickler listened with rapt attention, captivated by the tale of his transformation from mortal to immortal. With each word, he gained insight into the depths of Atlas's past, the trials and tribulations that had forged him into the formidable figure he was today. And as the story unfolded, Strickler couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for his enigmatic companion, a sense of awe at the magnitude of his journey and the power that lay within him.

"It is a rare occurrence, my friend," Atlas explained, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity. "The gift of vampirism bestowed upon a mage is a testament to their inherent potential, a recognition of the untapped reservoir of magic that lies within them. Those who are granted such a boon find themselves blessed with a deeper connection to the arcane, their powers magnified beyond measure."


As he spoke, Atlas's gaze held a glint of reverence, a silent acknowledgement of the profound impact that vampirism had on those fortunate few who were chosen to receive it. "Such individuals are destined for greatness," he continued, his tone tinged with a sense of reverence. "For they possess not only the knowledge and skill of a mage, but also the strength and resilience of a vampire—a combination that makes them truly formidable."

With these words, Atlas conveyed the rarity and significance of the gift of vampirism among mages, painting a picture of unparalleled potential and boundless possibilities for those who were fortunate enough to receive it.

As the weight of Atlas's words sank in, Strickler's initial nodding gradually ceased, replaced by a sudden stillness that seemed to freeze him in place. In that moment of realization, his eyes widened with a dawning comprehension, the implications of Atlas's words crashing over him like a tidal wave.

A shiver of anticipation rippled through Strickler's frame as he grasped the profound implication of what Atlas was implying—that he, too, could attain greater power as a vampire. The notion sparked a flicker of ambition within him, igniting a hunger for the limitless potential that awaited him beyond the confines of mortal existence.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Strickler's mind raced with the possibilities that lay before him, his thoughts consumed by visions of the unparalleled might and knowledge that could be his as a vampire. In that pivotal moment, the seed of ambition planted by Atlas began to take root, blossoming into a fervent desire to seize the boundless opportunities that awaited him in the embrace of undeath.

"Are... are you offering to turn me?" Strickler's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and excitement, his eyes wide with incredulity as he struggled to comprehend the implications of Atlas's proposition.

Atlas chuckled softly, his gaze unwavering as he met Strickler's incredulous stare. "Yes, my friend," he replied, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "I am offering you the gift of immortality, and with it, the power to wield magic beyond your wildest dreams."

Leaning in closer, Atlas began to weave a persuasive argument, his words laced with the seductive allure of boundless potential. "Imagine the knowledge you could amass, the spells you could master," he continued, his voice rich with conviction. "As a vampire, your abilities would know no bounds—you would be free to explore the depths of arcane mysteries that mortal mages could only dream of."

However, even as he painted a tantalizing picture of the future that awaited Strickler, Atlas's expression grew solemn, a shadow of seriousness clouding his features. "But make no mistake," he cautioned, his voice taking on a grave tone. "This path is not without its sacrifices. Once you embrace the darkness within you, there is no turning back. You will be bound by the hunger for blood, and your existence will be forever changed."

With a steady gaze, Atlas awaited Strickler's response, knowing that the choice he offered carried profound consequences, yet also holding the promise of untold power and eternal life.

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