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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: New Generation 

Upon a dying planet, a tall, well-defined yet slim man walked in a desolate plain of gathered coal-stained rocks and rugged slopes that surrounded the area. The wind howled like starving wolves, running through his spiky, sky-blue locks that swept over his neck. 

Shirtless, letting the chilling gusts hit his upper body, his lower torso encased by a wide black belt and loose black pants that draped over his midnight blue slippers. His muscular arms attired in a pair of platinum bands as they swam through the air with utter poise, keeping a steady pace as he continued his undesignated walk. 

The man had soon felt another presence, just as powerful as him. 

He raised his chiseled chin, his sharpened yellow eyes gazing into the nebulous, smokey grey clouds that slowly flew through the sky. 

Light – white flames, shot through the clouds under a second like a shooting star, lighting the entire gloomy area of rocks and mountains where no life existed. 

The man's baritone voice had growled, watching the ball of radiant white blazes drop before him, "Sedreen..." 

A silhouette—a man, slowly grew more perceptable as the flames dispersed from him, slowly drifting off his body like smoke from a cigar. 

Sedreen kept a poised smile, his fiery orange eyes were like knives, not breaking contact with his acquittance. 

His white hair was the same color as the flames he used, having a similar build and stature like the man he stood before. Yet, attired in a black suede robe with a compressed shirt sitting under. Wearing large loose pants that hung over what seemed to be red armor on his feet. 

Sedreen raised his sharp chin, wearing a mocking grin on his face as he raised his hands, making a welcoming gesture, "ah, if it isn't the great Divine of the Mythics, Rellgis, my good friend." 

Rellgis glowered, the side of his upper lip raised, "the hell is your problem, Sedreen? Do you know how many galaxies were taken out already?" 

Sedreen sat his arms behind his back, letting out a small chuckle, "to my knowledge, maybe ten or so. But who cares?" Sedreen scoffed, his tone indifferent. 

"Are you an idiot?! All those people died for nothing Sedreen!! They had no reason to be brought into this!!" Rellgis' voice had boomed, shaking the very planet in a whole, mountains crumbled as the ground shook. 

While Sedreen was surely nonchalant, these galaxies are quite literally the size of an entire universe, if not more. However, Sedreen couldn't have a care in the world about such a thing. The man wasn't bothered by the countless lives who were destroyed and forgotten. 

Rellgis released a taxing sigh, slowly speaking, "what's going on, why're you doing this?" 

Sedreen had looked into the sky, "let's say a little bird gave me some insight for what's going to happen in the future." -- Sedreen looked down to Rellgis-- "it'll start when the new generation gets close to their fullest potential." 

Rellgis had paused, taking in Sedreen's words, and hint. A little bird. Rellgis only knew one person that Sedreen could've possibly meant, and she's the epitome of insanity. 

"Out of all people, you believe her? Are you serious??" Rellgis scoffed, his yellow eyes slightly broadened, baffled by Sedreen's reasoning. "You and I both know that woman has been off the rails for thousands of years, ever since we found the sixth ring of chaos." 

Sedreen quickly rebutted, "and it turns out we were wrong. This next generation, the Generation of Nonpareils, will become a generation of havoc, Rellgis." 

White flames had slowly flowed over Sedreen's arms, and he aimed his hand at Rellgis, "if you choose to get in the way, then I consider you an enemy. I'll give you one more chance. Join me." 

Rellgis was simply bewildered by Sedreen's sudden change of attitude and morals. He was his very first comrade, friend, his brother. They had traveled the omiverse for a millennia, adventuring and fighting. 

To think that out of everyone, Rellgis would have to battle against someone he considered family. 

Rellgis gritted his teeth, clenching his fists to the point that blood crept down his knuckles. 

It sucks, but people change over time, however, even the ones that you care for. 

Ice blue aura slowly danced and billowed around Rellgis' body, his yellow eyes looking dead at Sedreen, "then let's find out who's the better fighter, once and for all, Sedreen." 

"So be it, old friend." 

A silent standoff took place. Rellgis and Sedreen simply glared at each other in utter silence. However, their eyes spoke words beyond anyone's comprehension. 

The powerful gusts grew stronger, mountains crumbled, the ground shook like an earthquake, tendrils of lightning cracked as thunder roared like a pride of lions. 

Rellgis and Sedreen disappeared in an instant. 

Their fists collided right away; the sheer force of their attack made the planet crack on the first strike! 

The two moved at incomprehensible speeds, speeding across the dead world in just mere seconds. Each attack they released caused the very planet to be harmed even more. 

Sedreen flew high into the sky and aimed his hands down at Rellgis. Two compressed balls of flames swiveled before his palms, releasing a barrage of consecutive blasts right at him. 

Rellgis took off, running towards Sedreen at high speeds, eluding past each fire ball with swiftness, sliding, flipping, weaving and rolling under the last attack. Rellgis propped back onto his feet, then leapt. The very ground under him cracked, and Rellgis shot a punch right onto Sedreen's stomach, then swung the back of his heel onto his face, smashing him back into the ground. 

Rellgis raised a finger, and a wisp of frigid light had slowly escaped, spinning like a giant whirlpool, "Shrieking Ice." 

As a blinding light had shined over the entire world, a horrendous noise of shrieking foxes had boomed. 

In an instant, the entire planet was incased in crystalized ice! 

However, a sudden explosion of white flames had escaped from deep under the ice, and that very world was destroyed! Pieces of the planet all shot in different directions, gliding throughout the bright cosmos. 

Just as everything grew quiet, two lights of white and blue flew through space, moving at high velocity. Spinning and intertwining each other like giant serpents fighting to the death. It was Rellgis and Sedreen! 

The two were completely unscathed by this planetary devastation, and their battle was just beginning. 

This battle not only affected a simple planet, but essentially everything! 

Solar systems, suns, galaxies, universes, their fists shook and broke the dimensions! 

This war between two men would be the beginning to something that would soon change everything of this beautiful Omiverse. 


The Omiverse. 

A place where beings of immeasurable power hold sway over realms beyond mortal comprehension, having an insatiable hunger for greater truths and strength. Here, amidst the boundless tapestry of existence, five primary races – the Yumans, Fellens, Seraphs, Nephilim's, and Mythics—each carve out their dominions, provinces, wielding their unique abilities with unfettered might. 

Yet, amid this grandeur, whispers echo of a mystery shrouded in the mists of time: the Seven Rings of Chaos. 

These enigmatic artifacts, said to have endured for countless eons, beckon to those who seek ultimate knowledge and unlimited power. 

Many have embarked on quests to unravel the secrets of these intricate relics, only to meet with frustration and failure, with death as a strong outcome as well. 

None could conquer the daunting challenge they pose... 

"Until... one faithful day, a single man emerged triumphant. A mythic, a part of the kitsune race, defied the odds and was victorious. He claimed untold renown and glory throughout the boundless reaches of this place, that we call the omiverse," a woman's silvery voice softly spoke. 

Above two heads filled with golden hair, both adult and child, the night sky shined with utter beauty. Countless, millions of gorgeous stars twinkled in sync, blue and white asteroids quickly speeding over the mother and son. 

Seated on a hill, brimming with lush green grass, a little boy with a bush of wild golden hair clinched his fists, his little legs kicked with excitement. Wearing a simple white shirt with a black skull, and baggy black pants with shoes of the same color. 

"Woahhh, that was awesome!" The child's big violet eyes shined with intrigue, "what'd he do with 'em mama?" 

The woman, his mother, gave off a small chuckle. Wearing a plain, brown robe with a wide, olive-green belt that hugged onto her hour-glass figure. Her long, wavy hair flowed down her back like a river of golden water. 

Those sharp, violet eyes of hers looked down onto her son that she adored so much, "the only thing he wished for...was to save his child's life." The mother chuckled, pressing her plump pink lips onto the child's cheek, ruffling his hair. 

"What about the rings? What happened to 'em too?!" The child eyed her in puzzlement. 

Making a small smile from the child's bombardment of questions, she lifted a ceramic white cup of alcohol, "After one makes their wish, the rings of chaos spread across the omiverse. There's no telling where they could be," she replied, taking a small sip. 

The boy cheered, shooting his hands into the air with a grin, "I wanna find 'em too!!" 

His mother made the plainest expression, looking over to him as her dangling diamond earrings lightly gleamed, "no you're not, little man." --She prodded his head-- "You're staying here, safe and sound." 

The child could only grunt and pout, poking out his bottom lip as he crossed his short arms. His mother, however, merely poured another glass of alcohol. 

Just as she was about to take another sip, the child's long lashes had fluttered twice, eyeing his mother suspiciously, "mama... you said you'd stop drinking after four cups." 

She staggered, making an awkward expression rubbing her soft cheek, her sleek skin being the same tone as a porcelain cup. 

"Fine...anyways, it's your bedtime, Skysin," she replied with small grumbles. The mother had stood, wiping grass from her robe. She was quite short, maybe around the height of five-one, at best. 

She lifted Skysin into her arm, right on her wide hips with swiftness. 

Skysin had barely even noticed he was moved. Stuttering a bit, he whined as he squirmed, trying to break free from his mother's clutches, "...but mama! I wanna hear the story again!" 

She simply sighed, "I told you this story over a billion times, Skysin. And I'm sure you'll hear it another billion as well. You're going night-night." She ambled down the hill, facing a giant shadow-eclipsed woodland, along with a large town filled with lights further in the background. 


The mother simply ignored him, making way back home as the beautiful night sky above their heads shined like an angel's benevolent light, along with one last shooting star speeding through space. 


The blue sky is now present, fluffy white clouds steadily flying above. The sun shining its glorious rays on the humongous green plain of grass and large towers of rocks. Filled with small hills, and patches of flowers who danced with the serene wind. 

Large and small packs of beasts frolicked in the humongous area, eating grass, running and playing around. Giant bird-like beasts soared far and wide, high into the sky, cawing away. 

It was indeed a beautiful day! 

A line of nebulous smoke had flown from the right, building up to be the height of these towering figures of rock. Suddenly, that same trail had hit a turn, running straight forward, and a little boy could be seen, moving at high velocity. 

It was Skysin! 

Skysin's small arms swam back and forth, his short legs could barely be traced by the naked eye. The child was surely moving, and this wasn't anywhere close to his full speed. 

Skysin enhanced his speed, quickly disappearing, the only perceivable thing were hundreds of his small footsteps that caved into the ground. The same dust and smoke continued to slither like a speeding snake. 

Normal people would find this strange, of course. A six-year-old child that could move faster than the speed of sound without sweating is something that most wouldn't believe. But that's the thing, Skysin was indeed abnormal from a regular child. 

However, Skysin didn't care! 

Skysin loved every second of it. He raised his arms to his sides as he ran, enjoying the cold air grazing his porcelain skin, gliding through his wild hair and clothes. Skysin felt as if he was one with the wind, and he'd go wherever it took him! 

As long as his mother allowed it, of course. 

'Let's pick up the pace a bit!' Skysin thought to himself, letting his arms fall back, allowing them to fly in the wind. 

Skysin accelerated, his untraceable legs looked like they turned into a figure-eight, and Skysin was now moving at hyper sonic speeds! 

The child had made a turn, running through a gap of towering hills and narrow lakes. Water splashed high into the air as Skysin dashed through them, creating beautiful rainbows that sparkled from the sun's rays of light. 

A cliff was up ahead, and a multitude of giant floating rocks steadily hovered in the air. But Skysin didn't grow fretful at all. Instead, the boy grinned in excitement, and leapt! 

Landing on one giant rock, he leapt from one to another. As he jumped again, one floated right before him, blocking his path. 

Skysin bent his legs, wrapping his small arms around them, and buried his head in between his knees. The boy shrouded himself in ice-like aura and spun just like a hedgehog, moving at high speeds, crashing right into the rock. 

Skysin shot out of it like a cannon, and screamed in exhilaration as he free-fell to the large and wondrous jungle under him. Filled with giant trees and humongous blue vines wrapped around them, lush grass, small streams and ponds. 

Skysin set his small feet on a large vine, grinding on it like a skateboarder, speeding through the giant jungle of wildlife. He went up, down, to the left, and right, then leapt off, jumping from tree to tree like a speeding monkey. 

Skysin landed on the same hill that him and his mother sat on the night before. With a proud smile, Skysin crossed his arms, letting out a relaxed breather, "...I'm so awesome..." Skysin acknowledged, looking forward at the bustling town he called home: Ternal. 

Skysin disappeared into the wind, heading back to his home. 


A home stands with a fusion of architecture and fantastical allure. Nestled amidst a verdant landscape, the exterior of the house exudes an otherworldly charm, blending sleek lines and a more modern design. 

The structure itself has clean lines and geometric shapes, with large windows that offer glimpses of the serene surroundings. Yet withholds ornate carvings and intricate details of layered brick walls and red tiles. 

In the backyard, an acre of land sat pleasantly, along with a relaxing outdoor bath, adorned with smooth blue rocks that encircled a large pool of lucid water. Along with a simple, yet intricate waterfall, faintly glowing from mystical herbs. 

An older man and Skysin's mother sat at a glass round table, drinking tea under an umbrella. 

The man, looked to be in his early fifties, at least. Having slight wrinkles on his forehead. His long brown hair is straight, with small patches of grey, falling to the back of the chair. Dressed in a soft white shirt and pants with a long black shawl, including black slippers. 

He released a calming sigh, his head falling back on the top of the cushioned chair, "...this tea is always great." He looked over to Skysin's mother, "where's the little brat, Valentine?" 

Valentine finished her cup of tea, " know how Skysin is, Alzar, running around the island somewhere." 

Alzar let out a hearty laugh, "can't blame the squirt. Who knew he'd be able to move faster than sound at such a young age?" 

Valentine made a sorrowful smile, gazing at the empty cup, "he's turning out just like his father." 

Alzar sighed, his green eyes slowly fixing onto Valentine's saddened expression, "...Val... you know you can't hide the truth from Skysin forever. He'll find out eventually. 

Valentine's slender shoulders had slumped, looking nearly defeated, "I know, but we both know how Skysin is... If I tell him, he'd try to find a lucanaship and leave." Valentine pursed her upper lip, barely whispering as she crossed her arms, "just like his older sister." 

"He's nowhere near ready, and I'm not either for him to leave," Valentine frowned, just thinking of the possibility. Her first child had already gone off into the omiverse, and the disagreement that Valentine and her daughter had was absolutely horrendous. 

Valentine wished her children couldn't grow at times, but that would be selfish, and Valentine knew she couldn't hold them back. 

Alzar's expression had straightened, "I understand, Valentine. Just don't wait too long." 

A burst of wind had suddenly arrived, making everything shake and flutter. 

Alzar choked on his tea, coughing as he smacked his chest. 

The two adults gazed deep into the dust as it finally dissipated, making a dumbfounded expression as it revealed Skysin! 

Skysin made a beaming smile, waving at Valentine, "hey mama!" 

Valentine frowned, raising a brow, "Skysin Rillem, what did I tell you about running through the town at that speed?" 

Skysin merely laughed, rubbing the back of his head with a goofy expression, "I promise I won't do it again! Maybe..." 

Valentine glared at the boy, and Skysin raised his arms, humbly taking a step back as he chuckled with anxiousness. 

Alzar had stood, ruffling the boy's wild hair, "hey squirt! It seems you're still causing trouble like usual, huh?" 

Skysin lightly hopped, holding onto Alzar's sleeve in excitement, "Grandpa Al! I've been a good kid, see??" Skysin pointed at himself, making an innocent smile. 

Valentine simply rolled her violet eyes, letting out a small chuckle from her child's cheeky attitude. 

Alzar rubbed his sharp chin, "oh yeah? Have you been following your training with your mother too?" 

Skysin quickly nodded, "yeah, yeah! I know how to use my chaotic energy now!" 

Alzar grinned, "alright, explain what chaos is, Sin." 

Skysin saluted like a soldier, "chaos is the life energy in every living creature. It was created by the goddess of chaos, Malerenz! Chaos lets us use two things!" Skysin raised both his index and middle finger, "aura; to protect ourselves. And the other is chaotic art, so we can use an affinity!" 

Alzar nodded, "good, good. And what are these affinities? And how many can a person have?" 

"It can be water, fire, terra, wind, electricity, or much more! And it can be from one affinity, to four different types." 

Valentine chuckled, acknowledging Skysin's answers, "you forgot one more thing, honey." 

Skysin was caught off guard. He scratched the top of his head, unable to figure it out, "I...forgot..." 

Valentine replied, standing with them, "the power of your chaotic art can vary on what type of race you are. Depending on whether you're a Seraph, Nephilim, Fellen, Yuman, or Mythic." 

Valentine continued, "For example, Seraphs can utilize a stronger variation of light than others like Yumans and Fellens. And Nephilim can use black flames called nether blazes, which can even disintegrate a person's soul." 

Alzar agreed, "exactly, a child can either gain their chaotic art from their parents. Or, if their chaotic energy is compatible with someone teaching them, they can be taught and learned to use it." 

Skysin rubbed his small chin, then clinched his fist, smacking it on his other hand "oh yeah, what mom and you just said!" 

Both Valentine and Alzar made stone-faced expressions, eyeing Skysin. 

'You were supposed to explain it, boy..." Alzar grumbled in his thoughts, squinting his green eyes at Skysin. 

The boy was practically allergic to shame. 

"Anyways..." Alzar coughed, walking over to the open area of the back yard, "let's see how you've been handling your training, alright?" 

Skysin beamed, quickly running behind Alzar, "okay!" 

CheddarCheeze CheddarCheeze

Hello, and welcome. I've made a lot of tweaks compared to my other stories. Or, to be frank, I didn't like them.

But, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more!

Ah, right, Sonic The Hedgehog, Dragon ball z, and One piece were the biggest inspirations for this novel. Obviously, there will be simularities, but I want to make it original as well. Please, enjoy!

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