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Chapter 14: chapter 12

Tereda POV

Shit! Shit shit shit! Beatrice will definitely tell AT LEAST puck about the portal that seemed to lead to a shop with so much mana and strange items that can be seen from the portal entrance that it boggles the mind!

Beatrice began speaking, "What in all the world is- that magical abomination?! That shouldn't be possible to exist! I suppose."

"I can explain?"

Just as Beatrice opened her mouth to speak again, the portal whirred and snapped shut.

Beatrice's eyes seemed to glaze over, she slowly and lethargically walked back to where she was about 2 minutes ago, which was probably when she saw the portal, and then approached us.

Her eyes became bright again.

"There you two are, Betty thinks you two have had enough excitement for the day, afternoon, and even the rest of the week. I suppose. Betty will search out the girl. Betty thinks I know what she is. A summoner of some sort. I suppose.'' She gave a shooing gesture and walked back into the village.

I was confused. "What in the hell was-"

A piece of paper was shoved into my face attached to what was clearly Kasimir's hand.

The hand then lowered, grabbed my hand and the paper, shook my hand, left the paper in my hand, and then entered back into the portal as it closed.

Rem grabbed it from me with narrowed eyes and began to read. "Introducing Kasimir's rationalization and forgetfulness service! This is a free service for all customers of the Bazaar. Kasimir's bazaar is an invite only store. Those not invited will quickly forget about the portal if witnessed and steps will be taken to make sure they don't remember ever seeing it if they have a strong enough mind. Did you have an incurable illness that you purchased something to cure? Kasimir, indeed, has you covered, my good friend! Nobody will ever remember you had that disease in the first place! Get a power-increasing or granting potion of some sort in a mundane or mundane-like world? Come over here and we'll set up a backstory!"

Rem frowned, "this is-" she shook her head. "I'm just going to go back to the mansion and go to sleep."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that seems like a great plan."

The journey back to the manor was quiet, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The events of the day, the battle with the Walgram, the revelation of my abilities, and the acquisition of the compendiums and the Snow Maiden Heart Sutra had left us both physically and emotionally drained.

As we arrived back at the manor, the moon hung high in the sky, casting long shadows across the grounds.

A sense of calm had settled over the estate, the earlier fight now a memory I would just try to forget.

Rem bid me goodnight and retreated to her room, her steps lighter than they had been earlier.

I watched her go, a warm feeling spreading through my chest and a smile on my face. Despite the challenges we had faced, I think it was worth it for such a nice date.

Rem's POV

Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it, letting out a long sigh.

The events of the day had been overwhelming, but amidst the chaos and fear, a seed of excitement had been planted.

Tereda's gift, the Snow Maiden Heart Sutra clutched to my chest, its pages filled with ancient wisdom and the promise of power.

I sat down on my bed and I opened the book, my eyes scanning the intricate diagrams and flowing script.

The words seemed to come alive, dancing before my eyes, their meanings unfolding within my mind with astonishing clarity.

It was as if the knowledge contained within the sutra had been waiting for me, a perfect fit for my oni heritage and my affinity for Huma formed as ice.

It wasn't long until I started having trouble understanding it, so I slipped on the 1000-hour amulet Tereda had gifted me, feeling a surge of energy course through my body.

Time seemed to slow down, allowing me to absorb the teachings of the sutra at a rapid pace.

It was as if I had been studying this tome for days on end without stopping or having a single break.

I eventually understood the basics of using it.

Looking at the clock I noticed only an hour had passed.

It was still only 9PM.

I nodded and then got into a cross-legged position in the middle of the tiled floor.

Hours melted away as I delved deeper into the mysteries of the Snow Maiden Heart Sutra, my body and mind becoming attuned to the flow of chi.

I learned to draw upon the energy of the world around me, to channel it through my meridians, and to refine it into a source of power.

The initial stages were challenging, my body resisting the unfamiliar sensations, but I persevered, driven by a determination to become stronger, to be worthy of standing by Tereda's side.

Then, as the large clock in the corner of the room's hands struck 3 AM, a breakthrough occurred.

A surge of energy flowed through me, cleansing my body, strengthening my spirit, and awakening the dormant potential within.

I had reached Houtian level 1 as described in the pages of the technique, the first step on the path of cultivation.

A sense of exhilaration washed over me, mingled with a profound gratitude for Tereda's gift and his unwavering belief in me.

Then I realized I was covered in black smelly goop and my dress was ruined.

I needed to go to the bath, and somehow either fix these clothes or get Ram to give me one of the spares she made.


Tereda POV

The moon hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the open courtyard. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, creating a rustle that echoed across the courtyard.

I drew my sword, its familiar weight a comforting presence in my hand.

The memories of the day's battle flooded back, the adrenaline-fueled chaos of the fight against the Walgram horde, the desperation and determination that had fueled our every move.

Closing my eyes, I replayed the encounter in my mind, analyzing each movement, each decision, each near-miss.

The 1000-hour amulet, combined with the insights gleaned from the battle, allowed me to dissect the experience with surgical precision.

I identified my mistakes, the moments of hesitation, the lapses in judgment that had nearly cost us our lives.

But I also recognized my strengths, the skills I had honed through the few resets I've had along with my stolen skills and techniques.

I refined them all.

With each repetition, each analysis, I felt my understanding of combat deepen, my instincts sharpening, my movements becoming more fluid and efficient.

The lessons learned from the Walgram fight were invaluable, pushing me to refine my swordsmanship and making my movements more perfect.

Perfect? No.

I would go beyond perfect!

Something snapped in my swordsmanship, I instinctively knew now, that my swordsmanship had levels.

Initial understanding.

Minor accomplishment.

Major accomplishment.

Great accomplishment


But there were stages above perfection. Hundreds of them.

I had reached the first return of the original realm in my swordsmanship.

Sword Ki extended from my blade without my input as I finally understood and gained access to it.

I gasped, and then I was running towards my room.

I sheathed my sword and then I sat down in a lotus position in the middle of the room. I then began to cultivate.

The Time-Space Divine Death Law hummed within me, as a torrent of chi slammed into me.

I grabbed hold of the torrent and then using the space and death law aspect of the cultivation technique, I severed the bottleneck that prevented me from reaching the 6th level of Houtian.

The torrent of energy didn't stop and my understanding grew at an astounding rate.

I used the time aspect and the space aspect to slow down my perception and add more room for the chi to flow into my danitan.

I had arrived at the 7th level.

Smiling in relief.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was 2 AM.

I nodded to myself.

Then I collapsed into sleep on the tiled floor.

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