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Chapter 2: Taste of boar and adventure

When he opened his eyes he saw he was in a room. It was white as if made of clouds. He was sitting on a chair. When he looked up he saw steps leading to a throne surrounded by red curtains. On the throne was sitting a tall white-haired woman with long bunny ears. She was wearing a white robe and a flower wreath. Next to her stood a glass of wine.

"Kota Lis-Kura. Welcome to the afterlife. I am Vita, the goddess of life."

He looked at her confused.

"I know a lot is going through your head, so let me explain. You've just died saving a little girl from a cart."

"Emmm… I'd like to ask. Did she survive?"

"Yes. She was unharmed."

He smiled.

"What a relief. At least I died as a hero."

"Yes, your heroism won't be forgotten. But it won't be remembered as you would expect it either."


"Although this cart was speeding at you at the last moment it turned over and didn't touch you, only splashed its content onto your back."

"So how did I die?"

"The accumulated stress from school, lack of exercising, sudden rush of adrenaline and finally the chilling feeling on your back made your body go overboard in record time. Basically, you got killed by a shock."


"You're not the only one who experienced shock here. Think of that poor little girl watching in horror as a cart was speeding at her. Next thing she knows she's held in arms by a guy who just died."

"Stop! This is terrible! It can't get any worse!"

She giggled.

"Oh, it can. After you died you peed in your pants. Also about that chilling feeling. You probably noticed that the children were eating ice cream. Guess where they got them. 

He froze. The sudden realisation struck him as the goddess bursted into laughter."

"I've been doing this for a long time but your case is quite rare."

What a bitch.

"Enough! Stop it! Don't toy with me like that!"

"Alright, alright. Let's move on and discuss your future."

The woman stood up and white aura enveloped her.

"Kota Lis-Kura, you lived a life full of stress, school and gaming which ended in a noble sacrifice."

She smirked.

"For that you are given three choices. I can perform a miracle and you'll go back to your old life. You can also be reincarnated and start a new life as a child. Lastly, you can carry on with your current life in a new world. This is a different world full of magic and wonder. Many people fight there against forces of evil. Some even dream of taking down the demon king. Something similar to the games you played."

"So basically, I can live in a world where I embarrassed myself for life, get reincarnated as a baby and go to school again or continue living in another world."

"A simple take, but you are correct."

"My current life is ruined and I would hate myself for ever knowing I chose school. Tell me more about this magic world."

"Excellent. you'll get the basic knowledge and common language to communicate. With your skills you can become an accountant, a scribe or a clerk."

Is she serious? 

"It doesn't sound like much for a new world. Why not an adventurer?"

"Adventurer? You have no skills and no physical prowess. As far as I know your only good points are your intelligence and luck, but that's not enough for such a life. I don't want to see you back here by lunch time." 

"I understand. You just see me as a clerk. Someone who's only good at fighting against bureaucracy. A warrior armed with a pen struggling against hordes of endless paperwork? What a thrilling life awaits me in the realm of administration. Truly, a dream come true. I can almost feel the adrenaline rush."

"One more rush and you're gonna die in the afterlife. Why do you want to be an adventurer so much?"

"You're the one proposing a fantasy world. Bring me the experience. The fame, the riches, legendary equipment, powerful magic, beautiful girls, companions. Something eventful. I wanna experience something and live in luxury."

The goddess looked at him and smiled.

"If you're willing to do it you will get what you desire. And you shall receive my divine help." 

She summoned a colourful wheel you can see on festines. On the wheel were images representing different items.

"Let fortune decide your fate."

 She spun the wheel.

"The wheel has various items that I possess. With them you can receive various skills that'll help you become an adventurer."

It was going fast and after over a minute it slowed down. Finally it stopped. It was a green hat with a feather. 

"So it's this way."

The goddess turned to Kota.

Mortal. Do you wish to experience a fantasy world?"


"Are you ready to experience the real fantasy world? "


"Are you willing to go on an epic adventure to fight against the evils of this world?"


"Then be ready for a few months of training." 

"Huh? Is the hat some powerful item?"

"No. It's just a hat."

"Does it give me fame and riches?"

"Not included. You'll get them yourself."

"Powerful magic?"

"Wrong again. Whatever you're thinking, it doesn't work like that. But you won't start life from zero either. Let me explain. You'll spend a few months with a mentor gaining some skills. He's a hunter named Friedsieg. He owes me for saving his life. Take this hat and show it to him. He will know where to put it. If you show me you can survive with skills you learnt, I promise you a reward."

"A few months?"

"Yes. Those muscles of yours need some exercising. You'll die at the first sight of a wolf or a stupid goblin."

"Good to know you have faith in me."

"You're welcome, mortal. But I'm a goddess, you should have faith in me."

"You're not the only one sent up here. Recently another young man died in a tragic accident. Unlike you he was driven over by a truck. His death was a tragedy and so he also received a chance, in place of that hat earlier were magic glasses. And just like he needs to train his muscles to draw a bow. Maybe you'll meet him on your journey."

"What do those glasses do?"

"They show him where and how to shoot, give nocturnal vision, show enemies and what's behind or inside objects." 

"So he got an overpowered item and I just got a hat?" 

"Wrong, you've received my divine help and guidance. That's the best gift of all."

To the right a door was opened. From there white light was shining. 

"When you step in you'll find yourself in a forest near the hunter's hut. And don't worry about companions. You'll meet them soon enough. Now go. And one last thing. Your name won't be any unusual."

All right, let's try this new life. It can't be worse than school.


Trees. All around there were huge trees full of colourful leaves. The wind was rustling and the forest was filled with the singing of birds. The sun was shining in a clear sky. On a hill there was a hut. An old bearded man in green clothes was sitting on a bench. He was sharpening his knife. Next to him lied a brown dog.

"Good day, sir. Are you Friedsieg?"

"Depends who's asking?"

"My name is Kota. I was told you could teach me skills to become an adventurer."

"Why do you think I'd help you?"

"Well, I got this hat from someone who saved your life once."

"Come here, boy. Show me this hat."

After closer inspection he said.

"Impossible. Boy, if you're lying I'm gonna kick your ass to the other side of Yamazug."

What's Yamazug? Why is he holding the knife so close to me?

"Sir, there's a logical explanation for this. I've received it from the goddess of life, who said she saved your life and had a debt to pay and you'd know what to do with the hat."

The hunter was piercing Kota with his eyes.

"So, you're crazy, then. But the hat doesn't lie and the debt is the debt. All right boy, if She wants that, I can make you an adventurer. But it's gonna take a few months at least."

That's what she said. Better be worth it.

They went inside the hut. The hunter put the hat on a wolf's head. He took a short bow and asked.

"Have you ever shot a bow before?"

Yes. When I played as an archer.

"Never before."

He sighed. 

"You'll be a hard piece of work. Let's begin."

With that began his training. He learnt the ways of a hunter. How to be stealthy among trees and bushes. How to shoot a bow, set traps and make useful stuff out of animals. 

He also learnt a lot about himself. Mainly, how little pain he could take, how slow he ran and how much he struggled with drawing a small bow. For Kota, a gamer and top student, every day was a trial of pain and endurance beyond his comprehension. Athletes would call such a day another Tuesday. 

During cold winter nights he wondered if made the right choice. Pain, disappointment and no adventures in this new world. But each time he thought of home he also remembered the existence of school. That thought was enough to choose life in the middle of a large forest full of dangers in an unknown land in another world. 

As for his mentor it was also a new experience. He tested the limits of his patience, showed determination to pay his debt and expressed disappointment in youth. With time Kota's skills and form got better and his mentor, although still reluctant, started to tolerate him. 


In the spring the forest started to get green, the first flowers grew and birds were seen more often. It was peaceful. Kota wandered around the forest.

All right. This is the spot where rabbits should come out. Seems like a good place to set some traps. 

He heard loud screams. 

Wait. What is that noise?

He rushed to the place where he heard the screams. He hid in bushes and observed. Before him was a meadow. There stood a black haired girl in blue clothes and leather armor wielding a katana. She was battling three goblins riding on the backs of boars. Behind her was only a large tree. One goblin was already cut down.

The bloodthirsty monsters charged at her. She jumped away. They hit the tree. Taking the chance she ran up, jumped and stabbed a goblin from the side. She made some distance, turned and kissed her necklace. Realizing what happened, one boar ran away. The standing two charged at her again. She stood still. The goblins were closing in. She leapt on the boar's snout and sliced the rider. She jumped away, but the boar didn't escape. The animal still wanted to fight. So did the last furious goblin.

She was waiting, ready to do her trick. The goblin was looking at her. He charged at her, raising the club. His boar tumbled. He got thrown off. While she didn't move. Surprised, she almost missed the other charging boar. She tried to dodge the attack, but got hit in the leg. When the animal turned it was shot in the head. It fell. The last boar got up and ran away carrying an arrow in its butt.

The remaining goblin stood up and saw the girl was injured and kneeling. Although wounded he was happy. He ran with a grin on his face. He was getting closer, she wasn't moving. It was his chance. He was closer and closer. He was reaching for her. He stopped. It took a second, but he realized she just straightened her arm and pointed the katana at him. Now that katana was in him. She pulled it out. The last goblin fell.

Amazing skills. Better check on her.

As Kota was coming out she shouted. 

"I know you're there. Come and face me, you coward. You might have distracted me and hurt me, but I will cut your arrows and then I'll cut you and anyone else who's sitting there." 

Why is she blaming me? This is what I get for helping people. But if she wants to play like that.

"I can shoot you if you want. I'm curious how many arrows you'll cut. I still have plenty. But I'm not here to fight. I heard a scream and wanted to check what's going on." 

"As if I'd listen to some hiding coward. Come out and fight like a man."

That does it. I'm going out.

"Here I am. I'll make a hedgehog out of you."

He stood and drew his bow. The girl held her katana. Ready to stand her ground.

"Bring it on. I'm waiting."

"Meyuna, please stop. Don't fight who just tried to help you."

As they were facing each other from the bushes came a petite blonde girl with blue eyes. She wore a long green robe and a sleeveless fur jacket. At her side hung a leather bag.

"I'm sorry for her. She's usually calmer. Please, lower your bow."

She bowed. She came to the girl and started healing her wound with some green light out of her hand.

"You're right. Forgive me my threats, stranger. I lost my composure."

"Yeah. And I'm sorry for trying to make… you look like a… hedgehog."

One could hear a quiet breeze going through the trees. 

"So, who are you and what brings you here so deep to the forest?"

"My name is Sekalia. And this great warrior is Meyuna. I was gathering ingredients for my recipes when suddenly we were attacked by those filthy goblins. Luckily, Yuna protected me. I buffed her and hid. It's a good thing you helped. I think she'd be a monster's meal."

"Hey. If it wasn't for this moron I wouldn't have been hurt."

"I thought you forgave me."

"I'm working on it."

"Besides, why would I just sit there and miss all the action? Thought you were a great warrior. You should have dodged it."

"You should have let me do it myself."

"Please, don't fight. Maybe, let's focus on those monsters."

Kota sighed.

"All right. Let's find where they came from. You don't see goblins on boars every day."

Friedsieg's gonna think I'm crazy.

"I think I can track them down, but it's gonna take at least half a day."

Let's put this whole hard training to use.

"Actually, I think I can help. I can ask forest spirits for guidance."


She moved to the trees and raised her hands. She stood still for about a minute. No magic this time.

"Good morning, oh great spirit. Would me mind lending us a hand in our search? We'd like to find the place where those evil monsters came from."

There was nobody here.

"Hmm, Hmm, that way. Thank you for your explanation."

If she didn't declare what she was doing, she'd look as if she was talking to the air. 

"Thank you. Please, be so kind and lead the way."

After less than an hour of searching they found a cave. Around were goblins and boars. 

"What do you know? It didn't take the whole day. How about it, great tracker?"

"I'm happy too. Can the spirit also do the job for us and get rid of these monsters?"

"I'm sorry, but you're asking for too much. It's up to humans to vanquish those evil disgusting monsters out of the face of the earth."

She's honest. Good to know. 

"There's a whole bunch of them. Surely more in the cave. We can't do it alone. We'll need backup."

"No need for that. I'll challenge them and handle them myself. You will stay here and watch. And this time don't shoot. You may bring me bad luck. Sekalia, buff me."

And that one's plain crazy.

"How are you gonna do it alone?"

"Don't worry about that. Destiny is on my side."

"Don't you think we should report the danger to the local village and ask for a reward, first."

"I think we'll get paid well after that. You can take boars' skins or whatever those monsters have."

"This looks hard, but I believe in you, Yuna. Don't forget the boars. We can eat them later."

What's up with these two?

She went out of the bushes to face the monsters. She called the monsters out as she began her speech.

"So… where were you going before this happened?" 

"We were going to Fusugishi. We wanted to start our journey from that town." 

"You come from the same place?"

"No, I met Yuna a few weeks ago while I was travelling around the kingdom. She was fighting the undead at a local cemetery, but she couldn't purify it alone, so I helped her. 

"Why adventuring?"

"For Yuna it was the oracle foretold her future. Her destiny is to become a legendary katana warrior. She also got a necklace from the oracle. She says her journey will be long and hard, but she'll defeat the demon king and will be remembered as a legendary hero."

"Yes, heroes aren't easily forgotten. By the way, do you know why she kissed it when she was fighting the goblins?"

"She says it brings her good luck."

"And why are you helping her?"

"I promised her to support her in her journey. It'll be long and full of troubles, but I believe we'll pull through. We'll surely meet many people who are suffering and are in pain. They'll need relief and I want to be there to help."

"Why the suffering people?"

"Because those evil monsters don't come from goddess Natura. All they do is make life a pain for other people and I want to take that pain myself."

You don't need monsters to make life a pain. Wait, what did she just say?

Kota didn't ask. He was watching Meyuna shouting her battle cry at the horde of goblins 

Ready to attack. Meyuna held her katana in two arms. One goblin climbed on a rock and said.

"You stupid human. You think you stand a chance before my tribe. You'll regret coming here."

Is it their leader?

"Rocks, now."

The goblins started throwing mud and rocks at her.

"She's really standing there. She must know her art. Wait… why is running back here?"

The Katana warrior ran back to the bushes laughed at by a horde of goblins and boars. Surprised, Kota and Sekalia followed her.

After a while of escaping they stopped and caught their breaths.

"What was that, you idiot? You said you had it. Where is that destiny of yours?" 

"Those monsters. Instead of getting down and fighting they just threw mud at me. It's a challenge, but I'll overcome it. "

"They chose not to get cut down. How stupid of them. Since when do they talk?"

"Don't worry Yuna. We just need to think about how to fight them and you'll succeed. You're great and you won't be defeated by something stupid like a goblin. Even if they can talk. That would be embarrassing."

That's some honest optimism. 

"All right, we'll do it my way. Without facing them alone. First, let's go to the village. It's a lot of work and we better get paid. "

"That sounds good. Please, take us to the village."


They came to the village. Close to a babbling brook and embraced by a lush forest, the village emerges with quaint huts scattered around. It was a serene place. In the village Meyuna reported the events to the chieftain and his men. Next to them was sitting a dog with his tongue out. 

"So you're saying in the forest live goblins that ride boars."

"That is right."

"And what else? Can those goblins also talk and write?"

The men in the hut laughed. Yuna was getting visibly annoyed.

"As a matter of fact they do talk."

The men bursted laughing. 

"This is serious. We cannot let them live."

"And I cannot just believe a stranger with such a story. Who's ever heard of smart goblins?"

"Chieftain, I was there too. It's true there are goblins riding boars. And one of them can talk. And we would like to eliminate them. For a reward." 

"You're that boy who lives with Friedsieg. All right, if you bring proof you will get your reward. 5 silver coins."

Seriously. That little?

"Sir, I don't think you understand how great danger they are."

"The girl with the sword said she'd do it for a small price. And I'm willing to pay for that. But since you're in three I'll be willing to pay 6 coins."

Meyuna grabbed her katana's hilt. 

"Sir, if I may be honest."

"Go ahead, girl."

"Oh, no" 

Meyuna whispered and put her head down.

"Your village is such a beautiful place. Surrounded by all this forest and close to that lovely little brook. It must have taken years of hard work and effort to build it. You must be so proud of it."

"Thank you. It's nice to hear someone appreciate it."

The men showed a slight smile and the dog wiggled his tail.

"That's right. And it would be a shame if something bad were to happen. I'm afraid, if we don't stop them now, those monsters will come and burn down your village. You'd lose your homes and livelihoods and would have to go somewhere else. Probably not see each other again. We wouldn't want that, would we? You'd be poor and reliant on the good hearts of other people. Maybe in the future, you'd come back here and spend years rebuilding this beautiful place. All because some goblins were smarter than you. 

She bowed.

"Please let us help or you're gonna live with regret and embarrassment for the rest of your lives, if you even survive."

Damn. She's polite, but she's a pure savage.

The atmosphere got heavy. One could even hear a gentle wind blowing outside. The dog closed his mouth, lied down and whined. 

"All right. You'll get 9 silver coins if you bring proof. Now, please leave."

They left.

"Thank you Sekalia, but you didn't have to make it so grim."

"Why not? You wanted to ask for money and you weren't happy with his offer and Yuna needs money for equipment. Besides, it's always good to be honest with yourself and others."

"Thank you. Your smooth talk solved the problem of money. Now we need to think of how to kill them all. Maybe we can sneak in and eliminate them while they're sleeping."

"What are you saying? That is not the way of the warrior. This is cowardly and dishonest. We will do it on the open field. It's gonna take a day or two, but we will do it." 

"No, you already showed where honesty leads us. I think I can come up with something better."

Her eyes narrowed into slits.

"But first let's think of it on the way to Friedsieg. I'm hungry after this morning."

A battle against monsters that are so stupid they're a joke in this world. And my companions are two crazies. Is this my first adventure? Wait, are they the ones who that goddess mentioned?

It was noon as they were walking through the forest full of life. The deers and rabbits were searching for food.

"How far is this hunter of yours?"

"Not far."

And I think I have a plan.


"So you didn't bring rabbits, but two other hungry mouths. And that story. Maybe, it is real. I'll believe it when I see it."

"So maybe come with us."

"If they're real I won't be risking my life to a joke. But if you pull through and bring me those boars' skins then I think you'll be ready to start this adventuring. Take what you need for your plan. Don't forget how to use them. Let's see how much you can achieve with my training."

Kota left the hut. 

"How was it?"

"I can do my plan and also got some advice. We'll also get something to eat."

"The rest of the day I'll be doing my plan. Will you help me"

"No. I want to fight fair and square. Just without the shaman, But whatever this plan is it seems dishonest. "

"It's supposed to work."

"I'll gladly help. Take whatever you need. My bag can carry a lot."

"And what makes it so special? "

"It's a gift from my mentor. Thanks to this gravity stone, weight isn't such a burden. I just need to refill it with magic." 

A bag that defies gravity. Would have used one for all those wasted years.

"I just want to get rid of those monsters for good, so the people can live in peace. Also think of those poor boars."

She thinks of animals. She's so thoughtful.

"They just are wasted on goblins when we can make a delicious feast later."

And the magic's gone. 

"Thank you, Seakalia. But can you at least watch my back while we're working."

"That I'll do. I'll even help you carry those things you need."

"You're so generous."


As the first light of dawn brushed the horizon, the forest was waking up. Shafts of golden sunlight pierced through the leaves, painting the dew-kissed foliage in hues of amber and emerald. The air, still cool and mist-laden, carried the earthy perfume of moss and pine, a fragrance that mingled with the sweet melody of waking songbirds. In this serene moment before the goblin cave stood Meyuna. In the glow of a new day she was calling out to the goblins and boars, who still not fully awake were gathering before her.

"Listen, creatures of the dark! My name is Meyuna, I stand before you today to challenge you to a fight. Your presence here disrupts the peace of this forest. I must rise against the evil that is you. With my blade I shall bring you down and restore order of this place. Prepare yourselves, for this is the battle of good and evil and I shall prevail. Face me with courage, and let the echoes of our clash resonate through the ages. Now, let the battle commence!"

"You again. Can't you leave us peace? And why do you come so early?"

After listening to her again most of the barely awoken goblins decided to ignore her. Then they went back to the cave for some sleep. 

"What the hell are you doing? Come back here you stupid miserable excuses for monsters! You bunch of spineless curs! Get your sorry hides out here, or I'll march into that cave and turn it into a goblin graveyard. You think you can escape me? I'll carve you up, one by one, until there's nothing left but goblin giblets. 

The annoyed monsters gathered again.

"Face me, you cowards, or prepare to be sliced like the pathetic pests you are!"

One goblin stood in front of his tribe. He was rubbing his eyes.

"And you're back here again. At what time? You're just annoying me."

"I'll be here as I need for I cannot let you exist here."

"Wait. Yesterday, I sent some goblins for scouting. Are you the one who killed them?" 

"Yes, now it is time for the rest of you."

The other goblins started shouting angrily.

"You're a bigger problem than I thought. You could have killed four. But now I'm gonna show you the whole power of my tribe. After you I'll conquer this whole forest."

With that the monsters gathered. This time they were ready to attack her with all they had. Meyuna stood still with the katana in her hands facing a horde of monsters. She shouted her battle cry and as the goblins were charging her she tactically ran away to the bushes. The monsters followed her deep in the forest.

After a while they lost track of her. The monsters started to search the terrain looking for a trace of her. Then she reappeared. She was standing on a hill shouting at monsters. Most of the angry monsters gathered and chased after her. As they reached the top of the hill they saw her standing on another hill. This time she wasn't moving nor shouting. Her hands were crossed. Angry at her for making them wake up and have her early dawn, goblins and boars were riding down the hill at full speed. Focused on the target. Ready to get their prey.

The boars fell down and the goblins were thrown in the air falling down the hill. Hitting trees and ground. Some were caught in snares and flew up in the air. As arrows started falling, Meyuna charged them swiftly, stabbing each fallen monster in her path. Then she quickly climbed up the first hill. 

The rest of the goblins, unaware of the situation, saw her alone. They charged at as she ran forward with katana in her hands and battle cry in her mouth. The goblins and boars were falling down from her attacks and Kota's arrows. The battle was over.

"They learnt how to ride boars, but they're still as stupid as they say. But I still don't like we used such dishonest tactics." 

"You're the one complaining. These tactics made our lives easier by a lot. We got most of the job done in one morning. Not two days of running around getting chased by goblins. And don't make me start this early again."

"Hey, I thought it looked cool to battle at sunrise. I'll have some material for my haiku."

"Haiku. You made me go out of bed for some haiku?"

"Yes. And when they'll be published it's gonna be legendary."

"I can't wait to read them. Your adventures are gonna be great."

"I'm not even complaining anymore. Just check if all the traps and monsters. I don't want any more surprises."

As they were checking the goblins Kota focused his attention on one. It seemed to be breathing. Kota kneeled holding a dagger. The goblin moved. He grabbed Kota by the collar, but didn't notice the dagger and stabbed himself. Shocked and scared, Kota stepped back. His legs got caught in a trap. He flew up and hung upside down. 

The girls looked up.

"Don't worry, I won't write this in my haiku."

"Hang in there. We're gonna get you down. Just I'll catch you. Yuna, please bring him down."

The girls were laughing.

"All right, all right. Watch me. Maybe you'll appreciate my speed and precision."

She jumped up from a tree and cut a rope. He landed in Sekalias arms. Looking at her smiling face made him feel like his stress and worries were leaving him.

"Should we go to that cave?"



They stood before the cave. No goblins nor boars were seen. 

"There shouldn't be many left. Maybe they even escaped."

"No time to lose. Let's go inside."

"Wait, let's better check if they didn't figure out how to make traps."

"You're right. You're an expert, you'll find them with no issue."

The cave's entrance was concealed by gnarled roots and hanging vines. They went inside. Before them was a dark tunnel leading down. Kota lit a torch. As they went down they had to bend down to move forward. The air was thick with the acrid scent of moss and mildew. As it turned out there were traps. They were already sprung. Finally they got to the bottom of the cave. It was a stinky room with stone walls. Before them was a group of goblins led by their shaman. Without hesitation Meyuna rushed at goblins and sliced them one by one. In a blink of an eye there was only one goblin standing. 

"Faul monster, you shall taste my blade like the rest of your kin."

"Stupid. stupid, stupid goblins. They can't even stand without dying." 

"So, you really talk."

"You thought all goblins are stupid? That we're just a joke for humans?"

"Believe me, you are."

"So much work, so much effort and it all for nothing. I wasted so much time learning these morons how to ride. And what did they do? They got killed."

"If I may ask. Why can you talk?"

"It's over anyway, so I'll tell you. I used to live like any other goblin. Simple stupid life. But I always knew there was something more than. One day a demon came by. The other goblins ran away except me. I observed the demon. He saw me, talked about my bravery and asked me if I wanted to be a smart goblin. I don't know why he did that, but I agreed. With my new intelligence I was going to raise a tribe and make this forest ours. Then I learnt how stupid goblins really are. I've spent months teachings them how to tame and ride and not eat these boars. I tried teaching them other stuff like traps. But they got caught on what they set. Who's stupid enough to do that?

 The girls quietly chuckled. 

"And now it's all finished. Why did you bother us yesterday just to run away, girl?" 

"You attacked us yesterday and I couldn't let this evil continue. But you just tried to stone me from a safe distance instead of fighting on the ground."

"And why would I do that?"

"I told you. He's smarter than you if he knows that."


"Tell me. How many people did it take? Is there a crowd in front of the cave? She couldn't have done it alone"

"No goblin, we also got laughed at after telling the villagers about you. But thanks to me they realised how dangerous you are."

He looked at Sekalia.

"And together we defeated you."

"Just you three."

"With help of my mentor, who provided me with equipment to do it."

"What equipment?"

"It was… traps"

The goblin moved to a wall, curled up and lowered his head.

"Finish what you came for. I'm done."

Effort that goes for nothing. And he's spent his life surrounded by goblins that only caused him trouble. I feel his pain. Now, I kinda wanna leave him in peace.

"Thank you for making our work easier, you stinky, vile, wicked, disgusting evil-doer. Yuna, be so kind and finish him, please."

What is up with her?

She raised her katana. 

"Goblin, you were quite a formidable opponent. You shall receive a warrior's death. 

"Wait, don't do it."

The girls looked at Kota.

"I think I have a better idea."

The goblin looked up, surprised.


The sun was shining in the cloudless sky. In the village an elderly lady was knitting on her chair. A man was going with buckets of water fetched from the brook. The children were playing tag. Then they spotted and gathered around the coming trio. They wanted to hear stories from their adventures, how they defeated the goblins and why they were taking one with them.

"Mister, why did you bring a goblin to a village?"

The villagers gathered around them and talked amongst each other. The chieftain went out of his hut and stood before the trio.

"So, you were right. But why did you bring it here?"

"Here are the villagers. This will be your new home."

"What. Am I such a joke to you?"

"A talking goblin? So you were telling the truth earlier. But why did you bring it here?" 

"You said you wanted a proof. It's rare to see a smart goblin. He can be a local attraction."

"Interesting proposition. But we won't have much use of him."

"Mybe, you can offer him as a gift to your local lord. He can become a jester."

"You're full of surprises, boy. That can be done."

"By the way there are boars lying in the forest and they'd be valuable to Friedsieg. They'd also be good for a fest tonight."

"And that's a really good idea. Alright. I'll send people for the meat."

The girls came to Kota.

"Why did you spare him?"

Meyuna asked.

How can I say I felt bad for him?

"This talking goblin is an intelligent being and shouldn't live in the forest like a wild animal. It deserves a bit of respect."

The goblin perked his ears.

"What do you mean? I offered him that."

"Let me finish. It's an intelligent being that led a tribe of goblins and boars. He was a danger to this village, but he failed miserably, so he's not that smart. The best punishment would be to make up for it by being what he's best at."



"Entertainment. So he'll get a job as a jester."

"Am I just a joke?"

"You can also do hard chores around here. Maybe the people you tried to banish will let you stay. In court you won't be treated like a wild animal, but more like a pet."

Goblin showed an angry expression. 

"I'm not sure who's evil here." 

Yuna crossed her arms.


"I think it's a great idea. This thing is gonna bring so much joy to the people. If it fails it would be no waste anyway."

Is she really kind or heartless?

"Now, let's make a feast."

Sekalia smiled.


"So you finished that task. I can't believe you did it."

The people really have faith in me.

"You'll also get the boars from the villagers."

"Not half a year and you've gotten so much prey. I'm proud of you."

He really said something nice. For once.

"Thank you. It's nice you realised my efforts."

"You were a piece of work and an annoying little brat. At least you can defend yourself or run away from danger. You can survive this adventuring. My debt is finally paid."

"Greeeat. Before I leave this place for good, can you tell me what's the story with this hat and why it's on the wolf's head?

"That I can tell. Sit down." 

"Many years ago I was a hunter of a noble house. The villagers were starting to settle down here. Except for them there lived many more beasts. One of them was the moonshine wolf. This beast was huge, strong and fast. It was a nightmare for the local folk. No one could escape it. So they sent me. In the day the beast rested, in the night it hunted. It took me a week to follow the monster, but finally I got its track. Through dense woods and winding trails, I traced the moonshine wolf, observing signs of its presence – trampled foliage, gnawed branches. The moonshine's howls were eerie, but they were guiding me closer. I positioned myself, waiting for my chance. I felt tension in the air as I drew and aimed my arrow at the beast and shot. I thought I had it, but the beast dodged the attack. And it caught me. I was face to face with this huge wolf. I thought I was done for. Then the wolf was brought down on the ground and white light enveloped it. I saw a woman enveloped by the same light. She stood before me and said she was a goddess and she heard the fight. She looked at the beast and said she's disappointed. Then she took my hat off the ground and put it on the beast's head. To this day I wonder why she did that. She then took the hat and said she'd take it for her help and she'd return if she'd ever ask to repay her debt. After that I was left alone with the wolf."


"Did she say anything else?"

"No. She just appeared and disappeared."

"I don't understand her, but she brought me here. Is she that important?" 

"She's one of the major ones. How did it even happen when you met her? You mentioned a heroic deed, wasn't it?"

"Well, I saved a child from getting run over by a cart. For that she wanted me to become an accountant but I refused. So instead she offered me this hat and training."

He went to the moonshine wolf and took the hat.

"Maybe, you can achieve something."


In the evening, the atmosphere in the village was joyful. People gathered around tables laden with fresh boar meat, ate, drank, laughed and chattered. Their joy could be heard throughout the whole forest.

The trio talked about their exploits. Kota praised his cleverness and hard work, and Meyuna her speed. 

When the night came, Kota went away to a forest meadow. He laid down on the grass and watched the clear, starry sky. After a while the girls joined him.

"Hi there. How's the night sky tonight?"


They joined me at sitting.

"What are your plans? Are you staying in the forest." 

"No, I've had enough of this place. Let's try the town."

"So, you're going with us? 

"Yeah, time to try out this adventurer lifestyle."

"Is it just a lifestyle for you?"

"Ah yeah, she's got that destiny thing."

"It's not just 'some thing'. It's a prophecy foretold by a goddess that I'll become a legendary warrior." 

She raised her head and showed a serious expression.

"I already heard that part. Any more details?"

"Not much." 

She seemed to look away.

"I got this necklace from the goddess Delphia that helps me in fights. She didn't directly say it, but I think it clearly meant that I needed to defeat the demon king."

"Good luck with that."

"Do you have a problem with prophecies? Let's hear it. Why do you want to become an adventurer anyway?"

Adventuring. I got killed, humiliated, laughed at and went through some hard training. I got an offer to fight the demon king from a goddess that didn't make any contact so far and didn't give me any special item or power. I survived chilly nights and cold early mornings running around the forest like an idiot. I fought monsters that are a joke. I met the first intelligent monster and found him employment. My dream of a fantasy world was ruined. Now, I'll just get some money and make some inventions unknown in this world. I can make a cosy life for myself. 

"Hello, I'm talking to you. Do you know why you're doing it? I don't want someone so indecisive around me. You'll get in the way of my legend." 

That annoying girl. 

"Earlier, I thought adventuring would be just for fun and money. But now I clearly see what I want. I still want to make money, and on the way I also want to help you and watch you reach the sky, so your star can shine bright."

He raised his hand to the sky.

"So you want to join me. Weird way to put it, but all right. Maybe you'll realise the greatness of my methods."

"Yes, but meanwhile with your methods I expect you to become a comet and watch as you fall down hard on the ground."

"You despicable jerk. But fine. At least don't deny my great deeds. I will show you what I can do. You'll see my methods are the right way."

"Please, have faith in Yuna. She doesn't think things through, but she can achieve so much."

"Oh, come on!"

She always sees the bright side. That's concerning.

Kota looked at the forest and the village where he spent months acquiring skills, gaining useful knowledge and experiencing life outside. Now it was time to see the kingdom of Nipporaiku.

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