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Chapter 24: Bargains with the Devil

Hinata's gaze sharpened as she activated her Byakugan. The world shifted into clarity, revealing the pulsing chakra of those around her.

Each individual stood outlined by threads of energy, distinct and unique in their patterns. Among them, Hayashi's chakra signature was one she knew well.


Then, in a cruel twist of fate, she saw it: the flash of steel as Zabuza's blade found its mark. It pierced through the fabric of reality, striking Hayashi with a devastating blow.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Hinata watched in horror, her breath catching in her throat like a bird trapped in a snare, as the scene unfolded before her.




She cried out, her voice tinged with worry and fear. Her Byakugan scanned desperately for any sign of life within him.

But before she could even think of crossing the water to help him, she felt a gentle tug at her arm. 

Startled, she turned to see a familiar figure—Hayashi—standing before her, his presence both comforting and bewildering.


"Everything is fine, Hinata," he assured her, his voice a soothing balm against the tumult of battle. Her gaze darted between him and the chaos, her mind struggling to reconcile the sight before her with the fear that still gnawed at her heart.


"I am a shadow clone," the clone explained calmly, his demeanor mirroring that of the real Hayashi with eerie precision.

"Look, he is fine."

With a gesture, he directed her attention back to the battlefield.


Hinata's gaze shifted back to the fight, her Byakugan scanning once more, this time focusing on Hayashi's true form.

She saw him emerging from the depths of the water, his body unscathed, as he resumed his assault on Zabuza.

Relief flooded through Hinata as she witnessed Hayashi's resilience. Though the battle still raged on, she found solace in the knowledge that he remained unharmed.


Meanwhile, the shadow clone of Hayashi remained vigilant, his keen gaze sweeping the surroundings for any signs of weakness or vulnerability.

As his teammates focused on the distant clash, he cast his eyes upward. His senses were alert to the subtle shifts in the environment.


For a fleeting moment, he caught sight of the mirror-like reflection that blanketed the area. It was a brief glimpse, easily missed amidst the chaos of battle, but it served as a reminder of the technique's imperfections.

Noticing the flickering mirror, he made a firm commitment to refine the technique until even the most astute observers would be deceived.


The last thing he wanted was for his adversaries to detect the subtle flaws in his Flowing Mirror before their senses were fully controlled.

Once they were under his control, their perceptions would hold little significance. However, until that point, every instance of vulnerability needed to be minimized.


As he continued to watch the spectacle unfold, memories of his early attempts at mastering the Flowing Mirror technique flooded his mind.

He recalled the confusion and disbelief of his own shadow clones. Their senses were manipulated into believing they had been struck. Eventually, they vanished into wisps of smoke.


'Even the Byakugan's perception is fooled.'

Glancing at Hinata, who still fretted over the original's well-being, the clone couldn't suppress a wry smile.

He shook his head ruefully, lamenting the necessity of a large water source as a medium for its deception. It was a pity that such a potent technique was bound by such constraints.



"Let's talk," he said softly.


Zabuza's anger flared at the casual tone, his body tensing with frustration.

"I'm already at death's door, can't you see? What's left to discuss?"

He spat, resentment thick in his voice. Yet, as he glanced down at his body, he faltered. Anger dissolved into confusion as he watched his injuries vanish, leaving only minor wounds.


Hayashi's calm voice cut through the tension like a razor.

"As I said, I control all of your senses," he stated with an eerie calmness.

"If I wanted to, I could have ended your life or taken your limbs," he continued, his words carrying a chilling weight.

"And you wouldn't have even felt it until your body gave in to the loss of blood," he paused, a solemn tone taking over.

"Even then, you'd merely slip away into oblivion, unaware of your demise, believing you were simply weary and seeking rest."


The realization of Hayashi's power sent an icy chill coursing through Zabuza, the implications weighing heavily in his gut like a leaden stone.

It was a terrifying notion, to be at the mercy of someone who held such control over one's very perception of reality.


"What do you want from me?" Zabuza managed to choke out, his voice betraying the fear that gnawed at him from within.

"I want your allegiance," Hayashi stated plainly.

"I require your skills, your loyalty, and that of your companion - Haku."

"How do you..." Zabuza's voice trailed off, his mind racing with questions.

How could this stranger know about Haku, his loyal tool? Where had he obtained such intimate knowledge of their past?


"You don't really have a choice," Hayashi's words cut through Zabuza's thoughts like a blade, cold and unyielding.

"I can even do this if needed," he added cryptically.

Before Zabuza could protest or demand answers, he felt something strange begin to happen to his body. Panic surged within him as he realized he had lost control, his limbs moving of their own accord as if manipulated by invisible strings.

"What is going on?" he demanded, his voice quivering with a mix of confusion and terror.

He had witnessed puppetry before, but never like this. The need for chakra strings was absent, replaced by something far more sinister.


Hayashi's response was calm and measured.

"The Mirroring Serpent's venom and scales possess unique properties," he explained.

"The scales, when wet, reflect light. They create tiny mirrors that amplify the range of my Flowing Mirror technique."


Zabuza's mind raced as he processed the implications of Hayashi's words. It was a revelation that bordered on the surreal.

"With the venom coursing through your veins, I can control you like a puppet," he continued, his tone matter-of-fact. But behind his calm facade lurked a sinister truth.

Only Hayashi himself knew the full extent of the venom's potency. While its ability to control Zabuza like a puppet was terrifying, its true danger lay in its insidious poison.

Hidden within the venom were scales so minuscule, visible only under the microscope. Imbued with a malevolent power, they fed on Zabuza's chakra, slowly devouring him from within.

Unless he actively intervened, the venom would remain dormant. Silently, it would bide its time, ready to unleash its deadly effects at the slightest provocation.


The weight of Hayashi's words bore down on Zabuza, crushing his last vestiges of resistance.

With the revelation of his abilities echoing in Zabuza's mind, the realization dawned that there was no escape, no hope of breaking free from Hayashi's grip.

It became clear that every word spoken was calculated, aimed not only to reveal his power, but also to dismantle Zabuza's spirit and any notion of possible betrayal.


Zabuza's mind swirled with questions, but before he could voice them, Hayashi continued with an air of authority.

"Together, we can achieve great things," he asserted, his words carrying a compelling weight.

"But make no mistake, refusal is not an option."

"You don't want a mindless puppet, right?" Zabuza's voice trembled with a mix of resignation and defiance, a faint glimmer of hope flickering in the darkness.

Hayashi nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was a smile that held promises of both salvation and damnation.

Caught between the dread of submission and the uncertainty of defiance, Zabuza knew he had little choice in the matter.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, he nodded. His acquiescence was evident, knowing that his fate was now inexorably intertwined with that of the boy before him.


"In the future, you will know that this was your best decision," Hayashi stated with an air of certainty, though whether it was a promise or a warning remained to be seen.

"Whatever," Zabuza replied gruffly, a flicker of defiance reigniting within him.


"This is already lasting longer than needed. Let's continue the show," Hayashi declared, his gaze shifting back to the illusory battlefield as he urged Zabuza to play his part in the unfolding drama.

And as Zabuza prepared to resume his role, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just made a deal with the devil himself.

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