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Chapter 37: Unforeseen Discomfort

Hayashi's sword sliced through the air with such speed that it blurred, leaving Gaara's eyes struggling to keep pace with its movement.

His swordsmanship bore a striking resemblance to the renowned Hawkeye's style, focused solely on the raw power of his slashes.

A jet-black streak of light surged forward, coalescing into a towering, crimson sword aura that roared with unrestrained fury. In an instant, it tore through the earth, uprooting everything in its path.


Gaara's protective sand rushed to form a defensive barrier, a desperate attempt to halt the onslaught. But like an unstoppable force of nature, the sword energy crashed through the defenses without hesitation, shattering them like fragile glass.

The impact slammed into Gaara with the force of a freight train, sending shockwaves rippling outward. The surrounding foliage was flattened, trees splintered, and the earth cleaved asunder, leaving behind a deep, jagged chasm.

As the dust settled, Gaara emerged, his form battered and broken, resembling a shattered vessel hastily glued back together. Cracks spiderwebbed across his body, and the sand armor crumbled away, revealing his true visage buried within.


But beneath the surface, Gaara seethed with barely contained rage. Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead, staining his sand-streaked face a vivid crimson.

As Kankuro and Temari lay there defeated, their bodies bruised and spirits shaken, they couldn't help but feel a pang of unfamiliar concern for their brother. It was the first time they had witnessed his vulnerability so starkly, and it sent waves of worry crashing over them.

Yet, as they caught the ferocity burning in his gaze, a primal fear clawed its way up their spines, etching itself into their features.


Struggling to stand amidst the aftermath of their battle, Kankuro's eyes widened in shock as he observed the transformation in Gaara.

"No, it's happening again," he muttered, his voice tinged with genuine concern, the gravity of the situation settling heavily upon him.

Temari, still reeling from the physical toll of her fight, grimaced with worry.

"This... isn't good," she managed to murmur, her voice barely more than a strained whisper. Each word felt like a jagged shard scraping against her raw throat.


Hinata's surprise at Temari being alive was evident in the slight widening of her lavender eyes. However, before she could voice her thoughts, Shino's calm voice interjected, his tone as steady as ever despite the situation.

"My insects observed and intervened," Shino explained matter-of-factly, his dark glasses hiding the intensity of his gaze.

"We couldn't afford to let her perish. It would present a significant diplomatic problem for Konoha given her status as the Kazekage's daughter."

Hinata nodded in understanding, her mind racing with the implications of Shino's words.

"Thank you, Shino," Hinata murmured gratefully, her voice soft but sincere.


Meanwhile, Hayashi wasted no time in seizing the opportunity presented by Gaara's vulnerability. With his tachi gripped tightly in his right hand, he became a blur of motion, rushing towards Gaara like a speeding bullet.

Gaara appeared oblivious to Hayashi's approach, consumed by inner turmoil, his expression contorted with madness.


"This is blood... Mother, I'll end him!"

He snarled, his voice tinged with insanity, fixating on Hayashi, the sand armor on his face adding to his menacing presence.

Forming seals with practiced precision, Gaara unleashed a torrent of sand, shaping it into a colossal claw that lunged towards Hayashi with the intent to crush him beneath its weight.

But Hayashi was quicker, effortlessly sidestepping the attack with a nimble dodge. The silvery light of his sword gleamed brightly as he retaliated.

The clash of steel against sand filled the area, startling the animals, causing them to flee.


With a deft stroke, Hayashi cleaved through the sand claw, causing it to disintegrate into a heap of grains. 

Undeterred by the failure of his initial attack, Gaara quickly adapted, conjuring forth another wave of sand with his Sand Binding technique. This time, the sand surged towards Hayashi with renewed vigor, threatening to engulf him in its relentless advance.

Hayashi's expression remained stoic, as he continued his relentless charge towards Gaara.


"Your rage blinds you," he called out, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle.

Like a gust of wind, an afterimage streaked through the air, shrouded in a cloak of black matter that effortlessly pierced through the swirling yellow sand.

With a sudden burst of speed, Hayashi closed the distance between them, his movement as silent as the whisper of a breeze.

Instead of brandishing his blade, he unleashed a swift and powerful kick, aimed with precision at Gaara's abdomen.

The impact was like thunder striking the earth, sending Gaara hurtling through the air. With a resounding crash, his body collided with the unyielding ground, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.


As Gaara's form vanished into the depths of the dense forest, Hayashi calmly sheathed his blade and turned to face Hinata and Aburame Shino.

"Let's go," he said, his words carrying an air of finality.

"There's no need to prolong this conflict any further."


Through his Observation Haki, Hayashi sensed the turbulent emotions raging within Gaara. It was clear that continuing the fight would only serve to escalate the situation, potentially leading to the emergence of the fearsome One-Tail— Shukaku.

While Hayashi harbored no doubt about his ability to emerge victorious, he also recognized the potential repercussions of escalating the conflict. The political ramifications could be dire, and he had no intention of becoming embroiled in such complications yet.

With Hinata by his side, his resolve to avoid needless bloodshed was steadfast. Thus, he made the decision to retreat, leading his teammates away from the scene of the confrontation.


Witnessing Hayashi's overwhelming power and decisive actions, Kankuro and Temari found themselves paralyzed by fear, unable to muster the courage to intervene. In the face of such overwhelming strength, they knew better than to provoke further conflict.

Moreover, the toll of their previous battle weighed heavily upon them, their bodies aching with every movement, rendering them physically incapable of action.

Even if their wills screamed for action, their bodies refused to heed, trapped in a state of exhaustion and pain.


With the Scroll of Heaven and Earth in their possession, Team 8 made their way to the central tower under Hinata's guidance, thanks to her exceptional navigational skills with the Byakugan.

They reached their destination in a remarkable 50 minutes, a feat that surpassed even Gaara's performance in the original story.

As they opened the Scroll of Heaven and Earth within the central tower, Iruka materialized before them, whose surprise quickly turned into praise at their impressive feat.


"Wow, you guys made it here so quickly!" Iruka exclaimed, a mixture of disbelief and relief evident in his tone as he greeted them.

Hinata, feeling a sense of accomplishment, smiled in response.

"Thank you, Teacher Iruka," she said softly, her white eyes reflecting her satisfaction at their success.

Following Iruka's lead, Team 8 was ushered into a secret chamber within the central tower. Here, Iruka revealed the existence of a secret technique—a teleportation seal.


In the world of ninjas, such techniques were revered as powerful space-time ninjutsu, capable of instantaneously transporting individuals to designated locations.

Techniques like Kumo's Heavenly Transfer Technique and Konoha's Flying Thunder God Technique were legendary examples of such prowess.

Though the Fourth Hokage, master of the Flying Thunder God Technique, had passed away, his legacy lived on through the guardians he left behind.

Yet, this was a shadow of its former glory, a downgraded version that challenged even the most skilled ninja who sought to use it. 


As Iruka explained the intricacies of these techniques, Hayashi couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity.

"Teleportation seals, huh? That sounds fascinating," he remarked, his voice tinged with genuine interest.

Shino nodded in agreement, his normally stoic demeanor betraying a hint of excitement.

"Indeed. The concept of instantaneous travel is quite intriguing," he remarked, his analytical mind already contemplating the possibilities.

Hinata listened intently, absorbing every detail with rapt attention.

"I wonder how it feels to be teleported," she mused quietly, her mind already racing with thoughts of the upcoming challenge.


As the second exam unfolded over the course of five days, it became increasingly apparent to Hayashi and his companions that remaining confined within the central tower was impractical. With Iruka's guidance, they were swiftly transported outside the 44th training ground using a simple teleportation technique.

Stepping out into the open air, they were greeted with a sense of discomfort. It was their first experience with teleportation, and the rapid movement had left their bodies feeling sore from the friction with the air—a sensation entirely unfamiliar to them.


"It's... not quite what I anticipated," Hinata remarked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she rubbed her arms, trying to alleviate the lingering discomfort.

Shino nodded in agreement, his typically composed demeanor faltering slightly.

"Indeed. The sensation is... disconcerting."

Hayashi simply nodded, silently acknowledging the shared sentiment among them. Adjusting to this new mode of transportation would undoubtedly require time and patience.

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