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Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Training and Time Skip

Chapter 17: training and time skip

But a gradual increase in the intelligence of an Ai is a good thing as it would not be overwhelmed by the various things that are uploaded directly can cause like it did with Ultron right upon its birth it was left to roam the internet and found out about various horrifying truths hidden in the internet which made him think to make peace, he has to eradicate the total human civilization.

Well for now I just have to make some things and go on with the training plan given by the ancient one he is a really tough guy he can do somethings that are not even mentioned in the comics but that is also something you can except as if you have multiverse level characters present in one world there has to be someone who can counter them but from both of my encounters with him it seems I had already given him a massive headache and according to him I can forget about learning magic from him and also forget about going to Kunlun to learn the various uses of chi as they don't accept admissions of my age but he had exchanged a martial arts manual from Kunlun using his status as a supreme sorcerer.

But after that we parted ways the thing about mutant discrimination is also getting out of hand as the news shows every week there is a fight between the x-men and the brother hood or the hellfire club.

And people who usually don't like to have any mutants around them now are on the roads openly protesting against the mutants some even started various campaigns against them.

I had also seen some things that had made me believe that the dark Phoenix saga is about to begin why I say that because I have seen things that only happened during the saga happen around this year I don't know why but I think it will also be in the near two to three years that the dark phoenix will appear as did the fantastic four and I think the phoenix used her power to activate the cosmic storm which also struck the fantastic four that also gave them powers as well as giving the phoenix enough power to break the shackles put by our favorite professor in the mind of Jean which stopped her to reach her full potential.

But that is just my speculation as they went into space to save five astronauts and is it just a coincidence that there were in total five people in the team that went to space with Reed Richards.

And they got hit by a cosmic storm that gave them powers I don't believe that as once hit by cosmic storm you die there is no powers to talk about unless most of the harmful energy is absorbed by something else leaving the bare minimum to activate the hidden mutations in their genes that caused them to be able to get superpowers.

Well, we will see if my assumptions go as I think they will in the following years but I think this world is starting to get serious and I have to prepare to face it and my first plan is to train my body to the limit even though I still can't withstand magic it provides protection against minor threats like bullets.

And I also think matt has been getting beaten more often and some of them are from long knives and even with his durability he needs to rest for some time otherwise I believe he will collapse and his body can't handle this much load the work he is putting in many days he doesn't sleep just to scout for the other day he is like batman but batman also has days of rest and daredevil just pushes his limits further and further.

And I think matt has also been fighting the hand ninjas from where he got his long-bladed wounds from.

And after another bunch of useless thinking, I sat up straight and started to read through the manuals and training program the ancient one has given me.

I first read the training program he made for me it read

First: wake up at your 3.00 am in the morning then do meditation for four hours

Second: after 7.00 take a break ok thirty mins you can do your daily work in those thirty mins.

Third: after 7.30 start jogging

After an hour of jogging return home take a shower only after you are fully dried up then dry up again and after that do you usual workout and then rest after resting for fifteen mins you take a nice and hot bath not a shower but a bath then you have sis hours to do your daily job

Fifth: At 4.00 go to a nice evening walk

Sixth: after an hour of walk you take five min rest then start practicing martial arts according to the manual I provided and practice till seven o clock then goo have dinner another nice shower then between eight or eight thirty go to bed you will sleep till 3.00Am then repeat again.

 you will see a very good improvement in both health and strength you will be strong enough to survive any bullet attack but I cant tell you about explosives as surviving a bullet is much easier than surviving a blast and you might find waking up at 3.00 is hard but don't worry I have added a spell to your ceiling that emits a specific sound wave that will only wake you up on time and your training shall start from two days since this manual is given to you so you should be prepared if not you will have to suffer in order to wake you up and take care.

Well, that doesn't sound too good to me and let's see what will happen when we wake up tomorrow

But isn't this training too harsh I want to sleep from eight in the evening to nine in the morning but you can't have best of both worlds well let's go to sleep first.

Then next night I woke up in the morning and it can't be called a morning as the sun hasn't come up yet it is 3.15 to be exact, I tried to sleep through the alarm set up by the alarm was as if it is ringing right in my ears even if I cover my head under a pillow I had to begrudgingly wake up and started do the various things according to the program he gave me but after 10.00 I was so tired I could barely stand and thus I just laid on the bed while programming the various functions I have planned for the virtual world. But even moving my hands were proving to be very difficult but somehow, I managed to do some work and some progress in the virtual world the main problem is I have to make a fully functional Ai that will help me with some of the works and for that I have to first program an Ai code that will be allowed access to the internet only when I think is necessary for it to learn from it and grow using various data present in the internet but that is in a limited amount.

But to have a fully functioning Ai I have to have a super computer or even a quantum computer I believe OS corp developed a prototype for this if I take some materials from them I can learn and make a better version of it then I can easily handle any kind of workload but I think one won't be enough to handle the process of the entire virtual world and I would need more than one quantum computers to get everything I want in the virtual world to work the sense of taste only may require one or two quantum computers to simulate it that is why I cant make it available for too many people at once but that is for the future I also have to think of ways for people get access to the virtual world for which I have to learn about the mind and other things but I think Quentin Beck might provide me with surprises if he decides to follow me that is his illusions are on the level of a watered watered-down version of the reality stone and with his help I am sure I can develop a very successful AR tech.

Let's put meeting Quentin Beck in thee to do list my to do list is so full that I don't know where to start.

Well for now I can make the core programming of the Ai then I will make the other things any way with the compression app in hand I can easily compress the Ai's code and store it but after a certain point I have to have a super computer otherwise I can't imagine having to extract all that data and compressing again then my storage devices will go up in flames if I continuously compress and extract all that data again and again every time I work.

But that won't be a problem once I have successfully developed my Ai and also the quantum computer to host the Ai.

With that I with very difficulty typed the codes for the Ai as my whole body was aching from all the exercises, I did in the morning today it was way more straining than the usual training I do usually but what can you say I have to do it if I want to have some capabilities to survive in this world where people like to go on a rampage on a daily basis.

And well I can't even think properly my body is feeling extremely heavy right now and I just want to sleep but that is just even more impossible if I sleep now I am afraid I wont wake up till seven in the evening why don't I just put the alarm and take a short nap then after that I can think properly ooh I forgot I haven't had my lunch yet lets go eat then take a small nap then back to work once I wake up then again back to training.

With that I went to eat then I took a small nap and after waking up I was sore all over but still I decided to follow along the training schedule the ancient one created.

And so, another month passed I can now manage to cope with the daily training and my daily things I had already taken a long leave from my guard duties so tomorrow I will have to return otherwise even Tony Stark himself can't keep me in the company.

The following days I had to even shorten the times I spent programming as I had to go to work.

Another month or so passed and I have already created the core of the artificial intelligence I want to create only some superficial things like voice and some other minor glitches remain to be fixed after that I can truly begin to teach the Ai to do various operations even through the phone.

But for that to happen I have to install it into Starks server and I would like it if he doesn't know about that.

Another month has passed and I and Stark has another agreement as he thought I stole his idea of having a personalized Ai to help with things that seem troublesome but our argument ended with a bet that I can make something better than Jarvis and also got the green card to use Starks servers to my liking.

This way some more months passed and my Ai is now ready to enter the internet but is only restricted to access a very limited number of resources available in the internet and I have yet to introduce it to the Face book.

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