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Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Meeting Tony for A Duel of Ai’s 2

Chapter 21: Meeting Tony for A Duel of Ai's 2

I replied "it was a bet to see whose Ai is better so let us see if your Ai is as capable as you claim it to be "

"So how to you want to compete with me." Asked Stark

I will leave this task to you the great Tony Stark after all I got the idea of making an Ai from you know you can offer the challenge; I suggest hacking to make sure nothing happens to the Ai core code while our challenge you should create a copy of the current version of the Ai.

Now back to the present I looked as tony took out loads of SSD and began copying everything to it then he put them in a safe and then turned back at me and said that was a good idea I wouldn't have to deal with reprogramming again and again if my Ai got destroyed and if I want to add improvements I can just edit in the saved files and I am good to go. Said Tony

Now that this is a competition what shall our bets be I will start, if I win, I want fifty percent of your app and you will permanently join Stark industries and work under me what do you say asked Tony.

Ok but I will only give you other fifteen percent of my shares do you know the valuation of my company don't be greedy you are already a billionaire what do you want my shares for. "About working under him I will just be a head guard if that is what he wants" but he doesn't have to know that.

And I want a million dollars cash and you build a supercomputer for me what do you say?

You want a supercomputer do you know how much it is worth and how hard it is to build one and here you say I am greedy fine I will build you one but you give me the required parts you can also buy them from me and I will even gladly give you a discount of one percent on each purchase what you say. Said Tony

Fine I will provide you with the different parts but you let me use your supercomputer till then. I spoke

Why should I let you use my supercomputer it my property and it is the house of Jarvis so it is occupied don't even think of using it. Said Tony

Ok fine you know I could have directly hacked into your supercomputer you know and you would have to take your time solving the various viruses I will put into it some of them might replay some of your personal sensitive contents on the internet and I hear you like feet very much what do you think will happen to your stark industry stock when it is leaked. I joked

You dare do that; how did you even get that no how dare you threaten me I am not like that at all it was just a rumours. How did you even get your hands on those videos no what am I even asking forget that stuff and don't you dare do something like that ever again.

Now let's start the competition if you don't mind.

Ok just to be sure if you win the competition, you will get fifteen percent of my total shares in of face book and have me work for your company.

And if I win you make me a supercomputer where I provide parts for it or just pay for the parts and a million dollars in cash is that right Mr. Stark.

Yes, but you mentioned fifteen percent of your shares but what I asked for is another fifteen percent meaning the same amount as fifteen percentage of a whole what do you think?

I looked at him I thought he had fallen for my trick and I had to pay a little less sigh it is all right though I am sure my Ai will be better than Jarvis I still have a lot more of calculation and observation to do with this Ai not to mention I still have to name the Ai.

Well, a bet is a bet and can't go back on that. Tony looked at me and asked so let's begin how do you contact your Ai by the way I have connected it to my Bluetooth ear piece and if I don't have the earpiece, I still have this Bluetooth mic here that captures what I say perfectly and sends it to the Ai for processing Bui I mostly don't use these I naturally had connected every part of this building to receive voice commands from me.

Though that Bluetooth mic and earphone does come in handy sometimes. What do you use don't tell me it is a Bluetooth device like mine.

No, I don't think I have completed the Ai yet so I haven't added the mic and earphone system to it though it can surely receive my voice just give me some time. After that I took out my self-made laptop and started writing the codes and Tony was on the side and was first looking at the laptop but after sometime he stared at the code I was writing then commented your coding speed is quite commendable.

After sometime I was ready and went along with it and then uploaded the program to the Ai then I turned towards stark and said I am ready, are you? Then I typed the instructions the Ai have to follow when attacked by a hackers then I looked at Tony then I said wait, don't you think it will be unfair if we ordered the Ai's about what to do just give them some orders to follow along then we can watch their progress somewhere else it will purely test the capability of the Ai once this test is over then we can move on to other tests then we will tally it up and the one with the most wins is the winner what do you think of my suggestion?

Well, that will be interesting I think I have never tried to leave everything for Jarvis to handle he always just follows what is mostly ordered and learns from it and now a days I don't even have to order it to do some minor things like my reminders to parties and other events he reminds me on his own so I didn't ever think of leaving it to decide on its own mostly I command and Jarvis just follows along with it.

So, let's see how it goes so who will attack first you or me. asked Tony

I will attack first As I know where your servers and super computer is so you don't have to worry about finding my servers with that I commanded "Ai one attack the Stark servers then follow the usual steps I use when attacking any one then for defense you can use one of the many techniques uploaded to your servers.

Tony looked at me and asked "what do you mean by Ai one you haven't even named your Ai yet are you sure you want to fight against a supercomputer run by an Ai?" then he commanded Jarvis find the location of the servers that attack you and defend against the attacks you may also retaliate against any attacker

I know my Ai is just ready for some uses and I only introduced the Ai to internet a few weeks back but don't worry I don't think your Ai will stand a chance against my Ai so you sure you don't want to give any other orders to your beloved Ai otherwise you might lose the first game. I gave the advice Tony.

To which he just said you heard him make sure our defense cannot be easily broken. Now enough chitchat let's start Jarvis and Ai one of you can display the details of your firewalls and progress on the screen here we would be glad at which Ai one just sent me a prompt for permission to which I agreed and we are now looking at the various firewalls we setup Tony's firewalls look very impressive while mine looked very weak but it is for those who think they are smart enough to trick me and for them there lays a very sophisticated sandbox that is enough to play any one foolish enough to just break through the defense and now if someone is smart enough to break through the sandbox then there is a maze of sandboxes and most of them redirect your attacks towards you. But that is only if I am operating the system but if it was someone else, he might not even be able to use the various firewalls effectively. But considering it is an Ai that is operating them let's see what happens.

Your firewalls look quite weak to me hope they provide a good defense and I enjoy the show lets watch and at exactly one minute the attacks will start counting down now only ten seconds left now three seconds lets count down three two one fight and so began our fight the first firewall to break was mine but then Jarvis suffered the first attack from the sand box and now it is stuck in the sandbox lets see how long it takes for Jarvis to think it through and exit the sand box to attack then after sometime one of Stark's firewall broke then I saw the second firewall of Stark weaken and on the verge of breaking.

Then suddenly it retaliated and Jarvis broke through the sand box and now has started attacking but I nearly broke stark's second firewall but his firewalls retaliated and now Jarvis was getting the upper hand and then suddenly starks second firewall also broke but Jarvis stopped attacking and went on repairing and strengthening the firewalls then it started sending probes and then suddenly one of the probes broke through my second firewall but as soon as it entered to attack the third firewall but also got stuck there not only that but there are instances where many of Jarvis's attacks backfired and tony on my side was watching all these operations in fascination he would comment sometimes when watching various operations happening in between each firewall and would exclaim from time to time.

But the real shock came when suddenly two third of the remaining firewalls of stark just crumbled out of nowhere and the last few also would have been disintegrated if not for the fact that Jarvis quickly resolved the problems if not that would have been the end of the first stage of our bet but Jarvis held his ground against my Ai.

But now the game has become more intense as we neared the last few firewalls constant hidden probes filled with viruses and malwares as well as open and covert attacks it is much more interesting than doing the defending and attacking the firewalls on our own which will really take a long time and now, we are just excited by the fact that our Ai's are fighting and such an intense and exciting entertainment.

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