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Chapter 2: New body (ch 2)

I open my eyes. All around me is fire and brimstone. The pain makes me scream and yet it brings me no solace. My thoughts are of doubt, anger, and pain.

'What did I do to deserve this.' My answer never comes. I try to keep track of time but it has slipped my grasp.

Minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks. As time goes by I lose track. The pain is constant but I resist. My mind slowly adapting.

The pain is there but I ignore it and retreat into my mind my memories are my only solace but those fade with time.

It's been longer than years by now. I no longer care why I'm here. My only hope is to keep my sanity. But that hope fades with time.

Life times pass my body still and unmoving, My face unchanging. No sound was uttered. I had learned to resist.

But as if pain is the only thing this place wants. And to not see it is an affront to its very nature. The torture changes, illusions of false hope just to be ripped away.

With this, my dreams start to fade as well. The illusion of an accomplished dream just for it to crumble in front of my eyes.

The sight of an escape just for it to be another illusion. I now know there is no escape my only chance is to adapt.

I adapt to this new torture. seeing through the facades my mental fortitude improves. But it's for not as the torture changes.

This cycle repeats for a time I can no longer comprehend. My mind adapting to horrors beyond imagination. As my resistance grows stronger so does the desperate attempts of this place.

But I've learned, there is no escape, only a flow to the tide you must barely outpace. If you falter you break. If you speed up so does the tide and you break.

The horrors of this place are deep. But there are two things it can't take. My anger and my resolve. As my anger grows so does my resolve and as my resolve grows my anger sharpens.

As humans, these are our flaws. But here they are my strength. Anger and unwillingness.

I no longer care for time. These emotions strengthen me. My body, which I had long since stopped moving, starts to walk forward. I don't speed up I don't slow down.

As If I'm sharpening my mind further. To ignore the tortures to focus completely on the movement of my body. to walk forward despite the pain despite the pointlessness of it.

As more time passes it's just the movement of my body and my mind. The tortures no longer affect me. my focus is too sharp.

As even more time passes the walk turns into a jog. The jog to a run. This was no fast transition. Time had passed enough between these moments that universes could have been born and died.

But my run never stops. It is as if each stride fuels my determination for another ten.

Suddenly everything changes. My eyes open once again. I feel a cool breeze. I feel the soft mattress under me. I know this is no illusion. I know this is no dream. My every instinct tells me so.

I bring my hand to my face it's smaller. I focus on familiarizing myself with this body. As I stare into the darkness of this room. My breathing is the only sound I hear. I shed no tears as an exhaustion hits me that I never knew I had.

My eyes close and I pass out.

(5 minutes earlier omni pov)

The moon was bright and the sky was clear over the leaf village. The soft rustle of wind in trees makes an almost perfect harmony.

Suddenly the moon's glow grows pale and sickly. The clear sky now seems as if the clouds are hiding.

A focused intent washes over the village. The world and the people in it pause as if scared to move. The dead quiet a sound loud enough to drown in. But just as it came the feeling disappeared.

Harmony returns as the moon regains its gentle glow. The people were confused, but the ninja were terrified. They had experienced intent before but that. They were not ready. The people of the world knew something had changed, something big.

The leaders of every village knew that the winds of fate had changed. Which direction it would blow an unknown, but they knew that they had to prepare.

(A/n: the reason this chapter is like this. Is because I wanted it to be kinda like a poem. Tell me what you think. Was it good, bad, should I change something?)

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