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Chapter 46: Goodbye

Gunfire erupted from the rifles of each soldier, at the same time the monster roars of the Nomu's echoed throughout the battlefield. "Shit! Focus on one! Bring down these bastards!" Yelled out a squad commander.

His men threw grenades, emptied their clips, and reloaded their weapons as the Nomu's approached. But as they were firing a roar was heard from above. Looking up, one of the men found a creature coming down on them.

Landing on top of a humvee the vehicle exploded sending the men to the floor. But before anyone could get up they were picked up by the Nomu's and killed.

One soldier managed to crawl away but didn't get far when a Nomu grabbed him. Lifting him off the ground the Nomu roared in his face. The soldier's face was filled with fear as the creature began to squeeze the life out of him.

Feeling his bones breaking the man thought this was the end, but as the Nomu was about to deliver the final crushing blow. A green streak of light was seen zig zagging throughout the battlefield. Faster than the Nomu could see, the creature no longer had the man in its grasp.

Suddenly feeling the ground underneath his feet the man looked up to see Izuku. "Are you alright?" Asked Izuku as green lightning cracked around him.

Lost for words the soldier nodded, "Good, stay here. You're at a safe distance." Looking around the soldier saw that several more of his fellow troops were here.

Izuku was about to take off but the man called out, "Wait! Who are you? You're a hero right?"

Izuku didn't even turn around, "I'm just someone who wants to help. Stay here and look after the others."

With a loud boom, Izuku took off back towards the fighting. With everything slowing down around him, Izuku could see everything, every bullet, every splatter of blood, and every person.

He watched as the troops managed to kill a Nomu, he could also see the many deaths of the brave men and women who fought. He would save who he could, but in those few moments when he wasn't there. Many more soldiers fell, killed by the creatures.

Knowing what he had to do, Izuku ran at one. With green sparks jumping off of his body Izuku began to rotate his arms in a circular motion. With enough speed Izuku created a massive tornado that knocked several Nomu's away.

The troops cheered as Izuku stood in front of them, their savior had arrived. But all of this soon caught the eye of one man, All For One. Looking down and seeing Izuku run throughout the wasteland intrigued him. "Just who is this person? I'm sure I would have dealt with him years ago if they were this fast. It can't be..."

As Izuku stood in front of the soldiers, he looked back at them, "Get back! You can't fight these things."

But before any of them could move something came crashing down in front of Izuku. The impact managed to send Izuku flying back towards the soldiers. Catching him the soldiers made sure he was alright, "I should have known you'd come here."

Izuku was lifted to his feet, "What, miss me already?"

AFO laughed, "Not particularly, but I am curious. What did you do with All Might?"

With green lightning jumping off his body Izuku stared down the villain, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"You intend to fight me boy? Please, the only one who could have taken me on was All Might. And you are no All Might." taunted AFO.

Izuku smirked, "I may not be All Might, but I am much faster than he is."

"That is yet to be seen. If you think you have a chance then…." But as AFO was talking a green streak of light appeared in front of him. With his fist pulled back Izuku smiled as his body sparked.

In a flash Izuku punched the villain across the face. AFO's head whiplashed to the side, the actual punch did little damage but just as he turned his head around another punch came in.

Appearing and disappearing all around the villain, Izuku would come in and punch him across the face. Soon the powerful villain found himself on his knees as the blows kept coming at super speeds.

However, AFO had just the quirk for this. Suddenly his eyes began to glow red with power, with a powerful yell AFO got up as a red burst of energy irradiated from his body.

The blast caught Izuku by surprise and managed to knock him through a destroyed tank. "Fool, I have several quirks. I could kill you with just about all of them. But this one is my favorite."

Once again AFO's eyes began to glow but this time instead of a burst of energy, two red beams appeared from his eyes.

Izuku, who was barely picking himself up, saw the death beams headed towards him. "Shit, got to move!"

In a flash of green Izuku took off, but as he looked behind him he noticed the beams of energy were tracking him. "Oh you gotta be kidding me!"

As Izuku ran through the battlefield he looked around to find a solution to his problem. That's when he noticed the Nomu's, "Please let this work."

Running at a group of four Nomu's, Izuku ran in between them. The beams of energy pierced the four monsters before exploding. The shockwave sent Izuku flying towards a destroyed building, "Hmmm, perhaps you are as fast as you say. Maybe your quirk is worth taking. Nomu's, bring me his head." Ordered AFO.

The Nomu's roared as they went to execute their orders but as they did gunfire erupted. The soldiers Izuku saved opened fire, "Don't let them get close to the kid!" One yelled.

All For One turned towards them as bullets bounced off his body. "Forget the boy, dispose of these insects."

With a new target, the Nomu's all focused on the men. They stood no chance, from the rubble Izuku could hear the men being ripped apart. "No!" Quickly getting up Izuku rushed the opening but just before he could reach it to help the men. A red streak of light smashed into him, pushing him back down to the ground. "Well well well, if it isn't Izuku. Did you like my little present?" Asked Melissa, standing in front of Izuku.

With bruises covering his face Izuku's eyes widened when he saw her. "Melissa! I've been looking for you!" Yelled Izuku as he got up.

"Awwww, aren't you sweet. Well it has been a while since we last met. If memory serves me right, you threw me into the speed force. That wasn't very nice Izuku." Said Melissa with a pouting face.

Izuku gritted his teeth, "What did you do Melissa! You changed something that ruined everything, what was it!?"

Melissa smirked, "If you want to know that, you'll just have to catch me."

Without warning Izuku ran towards Melissa, she in turn ran away. The two then ran throughout the battlefield, as they did the two took shots at each other. Izuku tried to punch Melissa, but she simply grabbed his arm and threw him towards a wall.

Flipping in the air, Izuku twisted his body and landed feet first on the wall. Without missing a beat Izuku began to run on the wall itself.

Melissa let out a smile as she saw this, "Since when did you learn to do that? Look at you, getting stronger and faster. I wonder who gave you that motivation? Was it me? I hope it was me, after all we've been through I'm sure it was." Copying him, Melissa too began to run along it.

"Shut up!" Yelled Izuku as he tried to smack Melissa across the face. Speeding up, Melissa ducked under the punch and came up and uppercutted Izuku.

As Izuku flew upward, he managed to grab Melissa by the costume and drag her along. The two then fly across the sky before falling to the ground. Lucky for them, they both landed on their feet and continued to run, with Izuku giving chase.

"You ruined this world!" Yelled Izuku as he tried to punch Melissa. "Countless people died, heroes dead, and to top it all off my father and best friend, dead! What did you change!"

Dodging with ease Melissa began to play with Izuku, tripping him up, slapping him across the face a couple of times, and even running circles around him. "Answer me! You villain!"

That word caused Melissa's eyes to widen, "What did you just say?"

Grabbing Izuku by the mask Melissa threw him head first into a brick wall. The wall cracked before falling over on top of Izuku, "What did you just call me!?" Yelled Melissa as she pulled him out and ran.

Putting him in front of her, Melissa forced Izuku to crash through buildings, rocks, Nomus, and military vehicles. It was the same as the last time they fought, only this time, Melissa wasn't playing around.

Finally spinning around Melissa threw him to the slope of the crater, bloody and bruised Izuku gasped for air. "You call yourself a hero, and me a villain? You don't even know what it means do you? Who are you to judge who's right and who's wrong?"

Just then AFO landed atop of the outer rim of the crater, looking down he noticed the two fighting, "Another one? How bizarre, no matter, with the two of you here I can kill both of you at the same time."

Raising his arm AFO created a large ball of black energy, Melissa looked up at the villain and didn't even flinch. "Take him for example, he thinks what he's doing is right, does he think he's a villain? No. Then maybe he's a hero? Wrong again, there is only one person who's stood the test of time when called a hero."

Just as All For One was going to launch the ball of energy a high pitched sound was heard, AFO stopped, "What is that sound?"

Looking up AFO activated another quirk that gave him the ability to see at long range, "N-No, that's impossible!"

Whatever it was, it had AFO scared, finally crashing down in front of the villain a loud booming voice was heard. "I don't know who the girl in the red is, but the boy in green is a friend. I would kindly ask you to leave him alone!"

From the smoke a massive fist appeared in front of AFO and managed to connect. The hit sent the villain flying back several meters. Regaining his composure AFO dug his feet into the ground, upending the very earth underneath him. "There's no way you should be back! Your injuries!"

From the smoke standing proud but with bandage wraps around his arms and legs stood All Might. "Never underestimate the burning fire within me! That, and I had some help."

"Heads up kid!" said a voice behind Melissa. Turning around, Melissa found Shirakumo, only to be kicked across the face. Landing in front of Izuku, Shirakumo stretched out his arm, "Need a hand?"

"I didn't think you would show up." Said Izuku, grabbing Shirakumo's hand. With his help Izuku now stood up.

"Yeah well, someone told me if I didn't go I would regret it. Look, I was wrong alright. So how about we forget about that and focus on this person." Proposed Shirakumo.

Izuku nodded, "I appreciate the help, but you're too slow. You'll only get in my way, go deal with the Nomu's and protect the soldiers."

"I knew that kick was too easy. Alright fine, but you better find out what she did." With that Shirakumo used his quirk and flew towards the soldiers.

Appearing in a flash of red Melissa glared at Izuku, "I see you brought backup. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't matter how many people you bring. Today is the day where you all die!"

The two then ran at each other as sparks jumped and crashed all over the area surrounding them. With a loud boom, a shockwave radiated from their fight. But as they fought Izuku noticed that no matter how fast he was going, Melissa was just faster.

Izuku would go in for a punch, only to have her disappear and reappear to his side and counter. "What's wrong Izuku, are you feeling a bit….slow?" Asked Melissa as she kneed him in the stomach.

"Something's wrong, I should be faster than you!" Argued Izuku as he ran.

Appearing beside him Melissa smiled, "You are, or should I say was. You feel it don't you? Your connection to the speed force it's weaker. And do you want to know why?"

"It doesn't matter. I only want to know one thing from you." Said Izuku. As the two ran Izuku noticed they were headed towards the direction of bullets that had already been fired. As everything moved in slow-mo Izuku grabbed a piece of debris out of the air and threw it at Melissa.

The debri managed to hit Melissa in the leg causing her to fall. Before she even had a chance to recover Izuku appeared and held her down. "Tell me what you did! What did you change in the past?!" Demanded Izuku.

Melissa then smirked, "That's the beauty of it Izuku." Suddenly vibrating her entire body Melissa managed to push Izuku away.

Falling to the floor it was now Melissa's turn to hold Izuku down. Looking at her, Izuku found her red glowing eyes staring down at her, "This is all your fault Izuku. You caused all of this."

Izuku's eyes widened, "Liar!" Vibrating his hand Izuku tried to attack Melissa but she quickly got out of the way. Standing up Izuku looked around, only to be punched across the face.

"You feel it in your bones, Izuku. You know I'm telling the truth. You also know what happened that changed all of this." Taunted Melissa.

"I don't remember!" yelled Izuku as he tried to fight back to no avail.

That's when Izuku felt something pierce his side. Looking to his left Izuku found Melissa stabbing the bayonet of a rifle into his side. "Then let me help you remember."

Faster than Izuku could react Melissa plunged her hand into Izuku's chest. "Since you have never time traveled before your internal molecular structure must be out of sync. Lucky for you, I can fix it. Unlucky for you, this is going to hurt, alot."

Vibrating her fist and generating a substantial amount of red lightning Melissa began the process. That's when Izuku screamed out in agony as his entire molecular structure was being rearranged.

Inside his mind, Izuku saw flashes of his memory. One where he sat atop of the UA arena, another where he sat with Mei, then when he kissed her. "You were doing so well in the sports festival, but something in the back of your head kept telling you to do it. Do you remember what it was?" Asked Melissa as her voice echoed inside Izuku's mind.

That's when the image changed, to one where Izuku ran into the speed force. He then saw it, he went back, back in time to that fateful day. "You were there Izuku, the day when your mother was supposed to die by my hand. But it didn't quite turn out that way, no, you finally did it Izuku. You stopped me from killing your mother. What a hero."

"But like a stone thrown into still water, ripples appeared. But you didn't just disrupt a small puddle, no you disrupted the timeline. Throwing everything off slightly from the true timeline but enough. Enough to create this world, this timeline." Said Melissa as she pulled her hand free. "So tell me Izuku, do you remember now, or did you already know and not say anything?"

With tears running down his face Izuku ran at Melissa. "I remember! I've always known! But it wouldn't have changed this much."

Throwing another barrage of punches Melissa laughed, "You are such an amateur. As someone once said, time travel theory is a bitch."

With blood running down his nose Izuku fell to his knees, "Well I had my fun, guess it's time to finally end you."

Izuku spit blood onto the floor, "Y-You can't kill me, if I die you'll never become you."

Melissa smiled, "I thought the same thing, that is until I figured it out. You see when we last fought you threw me into the speed force, tried to get me lost in it. Unfortunately for you, I was still in it when you decided to travel back in time. And since the speed force isn't time, instead intertwined with it. I've become something that exists outside of it! You just made me into an unkillable being. No matter what happens to me now, the past, or the future, I will always exist! You just lifted the very thing holding me back, so in a sense, I should thank you."

Raising her hand into the air Melissa began to vibrate it, "Well it's been fun Izuku. But once I'm done with you, I'll move onto the other versions of you. Maybe I'll make it so you were never born, or I can make it so that you never have kids and your legacy dies with you. So many choices, so much time."

"Sorry, but you'll have to come back to that." Appearing on Melissa's face was a cloud that obstructed her vision.

In a state of shock Melissa tried to remove the cloud only to have another appear. Running over to Izuku, Shirakumo helped him up, "Come on kid, you can still fix everything. You just have to go back and stop yourself."

But as Shirakumo was explaining, Melissa came in and cracked the hero across the face. "Well if it isn't the survivor. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

Staggering back Shirakumo tried to fight back but with Melissa's speed he didn't stand a chance. With blood splattering across the ground Shirakumo was beaten to an inch of his life. Grabbing the hero by the costume Melissa smiled, "You may be known in this time, but in the future you are forgotten. A worthless spec in the fabric of history. You watched as your precious friend died before your eyes right? Then you can do the same and watch this entire world crumble!"

Letting the hero go Melissa then turned her attention back to Izuku, "Now, where were we?"

Standing on wobbly legs Izuku put his fists up, "I was just about to kick your ass."

"We'll see." mocked Melissa as red lightning jumped off of her body. Running in, Melissa prepared to end Izuku, but before she could get close a large explosion erupted beside them. The impact managed to send everyone within the battlefield to the floor.

Izuku's body was flung to the side before rolling to a stop. Pushing himself off the ground Izuku turned his head to find All Might and AFO in a power struggle. The two locked hands and pushed against each other, "I'm surprised All Might, after everything, you just don't give up!"

All Might gave his signature smile, "You may have beaten me before but no matter how many times you beat me, I will always get back up!"

Pushing with all his power, All Might began to force AFO to his knees. Hitting the ground AFO gritted his teeth, "N-NO, this isn't possible! I'm supposed to be the strongest, I'm supposed to destroy this world!"

All Might then raised his fist and punched the villain in the back of the head, "Not today, you lose All For One."

But as blood ran the villain's nose AFO smiled, "Wrong, I will achieve my goals. Even if that means taking you down with me!"

All For One then activated one of his quirks, at first it seemed like it did nothing. All Might looked around and saw nothing had changed, 'A dud?'

However, that was far from the truth. Just offshore of California a small submarine was heard underneath the ocean. No one knew about it but it was sure as hell going to make an impression. Inside the vessel was quiet, only a small person was sitting down with a strange device around their head. Whoever it was they were crying, but their cries soon became worse when the device around their head began to beep.

Soon a surge of energy coursed through their body, the girl let out an agonising cry as something began to grow and glow on her head. The machine then began to spark as it signaled an overload of power. Then it happened, with her eyes now glowing white the energy coming off the girl was expelled. The sub disintegrated and then the water, but the blast didn't stop. The explosion made it to the surface, then on land. People tried to shield themselves from it but nothing worked. Men, women, and children, all gone in the blink of an eye almost as if they never existed.

Then the entire western seaboard of the United States was gone, but the explosion was spreading. Within a minute of the initial explosion, the blast had wiped Hawaii from the face of the earth and was rapidly approaching Japan.

Back with Shirakumo he got an alert from his phone, pulling it out his eyes widened when he noticed what it was. Still unable to walk, Shirakumo dragged his body towards Izuku. Reaching he noticed how badly injured Izuku was, "Hey kid, you have to get up. We have major trouble heading this way."

Izuku looked at Shirakumo, "What now?"

"The US is gone. Whatever AFO did it's heading this way. You have to go back and fix this." said Shirakumo. "You have to…" but before he could say anything else Melissa came in and kicked the hero away.

"He won't be going anywhere," said Melissa. "We are all going to die together!" She then turned to Izuku. "How does it feel Izuku, to know how hopeless you are, how weak you are."

Getting up Izuku tried to punch Melissa, but she quickly dodged and appeared behind him. "Thanks to your actions, your own selfish actions, the world is going to end. You could have changed the time for the better, but no, you just thought of yourself and saved poor little mommy. Well look at where it's gotten you, I hope your mother has good seats."

Just then the surge of energy AFO unleashed reached the main island of Japan. "Right on time. Any last words before we all die?"

Izuku watched as the blast inch closer, opening his mouth Izuku was about to say something but stopped when a large cloud appeared around Melissa. "Stupid hero! This trick won't work on me twice!" yelled Melissa as she moved her hands at super speed and blew the clouds away.

But just as the clouds cleared and while Melissa was still a bit distracted, Shirakumo came flying down and landed on top of Melissa. "This was your grand plan?" Asked Melissa. Turning around rapidly, Melissa threw Shirakumo off of herself. Grabbing him out of the air with one hand she looked at the hero. "You were supposed to die ages ago, why don't I finish the job." Lifting her other hand Melissa began to vibrate it. While looking Shirakumo in the eyes she stabbed into his chest, destroying his heart.

Feeling his arms and legs starting to go numb from the lack of blood, Shirakumo grabbed Melissa's neck and with all his might he turned it around. A loud crack was heard as Melissa's neck was snapped.

Hitting the floor with a thud, Melissa was dead. Izuku couldn't believe it, "Y-You killed her…"

"I wish…" Just then Shirakumo fell to the floor. Running over Izuku caught him and gently put him down. "There's still time, kid. You have to run."

Izuku looked at Shirakumo, "I-I can still save this world. I can still save you."

But Shirakumo shook his head, "There's no saving us kid. If you really want to save this world, then make sure this world never happens. Only you have the power to do that. Melissa was the one making you slow, now that she's gone there should be enough juice for you." Reaching into his costume, Shirakumo pulled out a small disc that resembled the entrance exam ones. "Give it to Aizawa and tell him I'm sorry."

Izuku took the disk, "I will, and I'm sorry too…."

Shirakumo smiled, "Don't worry about that now kid. Now go, run!" With that Shirakumo closed his eyes for the final time.

Groaning in pain Izuku got up just as the energy surge began to take over the battlefield. Looking behind him Izuku saw as All Might stood over a defeated AFO. With nothing else to do Izuku took off, but the wound on his side still hadn't healed yet.

Starting off slowly, Izuku limped his way across the battlefield, as he did the white light had taken Shirakumo.

Soon the light engulfed All Might and All For One, as it did Izuku swore he saw the faint smile on the number one hero's face.

Pushing himself through the pain and as the wound on his side bled Izuku soon had green lightning jumping off of his body. His entire body was hurting but he had to do this, the alternative was to let the white light engulf him.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku pulled everything into him. Just then there was a loud boom as Izuku entered the speed force.

Once again finding himself surrounded by stars and galaxies, Izuku thought of his mother. But as he did he suddenly felt his body being pulled towards something. In a flash of white light Izuku then found himself tumbling into the ground in front of a house.

"Izuku? Is that you? What are you wearing?" Asked someone stepping out of the house.

Izuku looked up to find his mother, "Mom!" Running over to her Izuku wrapped his mother in a hug.

The two hugged for a while before Inko walked her son in to talk. Sitting down at the kitchen table Izuku pulled back his mask. "Have you seen the news, it looks like the world is ending."

Izuku nodded, "It is, and it's all my fault."

Inko tilted her head, "What?"

"What I'm going to say is going to sound crazy but in another world I'm a hero in training. I was born quirkless but thanks to a freak accident I was granted super speed. In my timeline you die and dad is blamed for it. Years passed and I joined UA to try to prove dad's innocence but I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed to save you. And I did, but when I did everything changed. All of this happened because I saved you. Now the only way to save everyone is to prevent this time from ever happening. For that to happen you, have to die." Izuku hung his head as tears ran down his face, "I'll find a way to save everyone and you, I promise."

Inko saw the sadness in Izuku's eyes, reaching out, she lifted his head and seeing him in tears she knew he'd gone through alot. "Izuku, you have to let me go."

Izuku shook his head, "N-No, I can't. I won't!"

"Yes you can, and you will, it's okay. I am so proud of you, always have been, always will be. But you can't let me dictate the choices you make in your life. Now listen to me Izuku, let me go. You can't trade the lives of billions of people for me, I won't let you do that. I love you more than anything in this world. That will never change, no matter if I'm dead or alive. Now go, save the world." Leaning in, Inko kissed Izuku on the forehead. "I love you, Izuku."

Wiping the tears away, Izuku stood up and pulled his mask back down. Inko stood up and with a proud smile on her face the two embraced, "I'm so sorry mom."

"It's fine Izuku, I'll rest easy knowing that I'm looking out for you from above. Now go make me proud my son, and say hello to your father for me will you?" said Inko as she broke the hug.

Izuku nodded, "I will mom….goodbye. I love you."

With green lightning jumping off his body Izuku once again went into the speed force. This time he thought of himself and when he wanted to stop Melissa from killing his mother.

Suddenly running through the speed force Izuku looked ahead of him to find himself, the past version of himself. "Izuku! Stop!" Yelled Izuku chasing after his past self.

Past Izuku looked back to find Izuku, "Who the hell are you!?" Izuku then tried to reach out and stop his past self but instead got an elbow to his nose. "Get away! I have to save her, I have to save mom."

Izuku staggered back as blood ran down his nose, shaking it off, Izuku once again chased after himself. "If you do this, you'll break the world! Billions will die. I know how you feel, but mom doesn't want this. She doesn't want to exchange herself for others."

Past Izuku shook his head, "You lie! Mom would want us to save her."

"I'm sorry, but I told mom I'd save the world and that's what I intend on doing. Even if that means taking you down." With his lightning jumping off him at a much crazier rate, Izuku slowly began to gain on his past self.

Looking ahead Izuku could see the city they lived in, then he saw his home. He needed to stop his past self before it was too late. With blood running down his cut and his broken nose Izuku grunted as he pushed forward. Reaching out his hand Izuku managed to touch his past self. "No! Don't do this! I need, I need…" cried out past Izuku.

"Forgive me…" Just then Izuku jumped at himself and tackled him. Suddenly the green lightning that jumped off of each other combined, and with a loud KRAKOOOMM! The entire area was engulfed in a blinding white light.

Inside the light Izuku suddenly saw images pop into his mind. He could see the day his mother died, feel Melissa's hand pierce her heart, and feel the last thing Inko thought of before taking her final breath. Izuku cried as he felt the last thing she thought of was for her family. "Mom, I just want you to know, me and dad are going to be alright. So don't worry, I won't be alone. I have my dad, Bakugo, my friends at school, and especially Mei. Goodbye, mom."

But then something strange happened, as the images of his mother disappeared new images began to play, ones of himself. However, something was wrong, it wasn't him per say but other versions of himself. An image of himself with golden spiky hair appeared, another where he had a trident and a crown on his head, one where he had claws on each one of his hands, one where he had a green ring around his finger, one where he ran from zombies, one where he bit someone's head off while wearing a black suit, one where he wore a strange costume and swung through the city, and finally one where he wore a cape and fired laser beams from his eyes. "W-What is this? Other versions of me?"

However, before Izuku could grasp the situation a voice was heard echoing through the white light, "Izuku! There's still time! You have to save them, save…." The voice cut out before returning. "It's coming! You have to be ready!" But before the voice could say anything else the voice fell silent. Still a bit confused, Izuku looked around for the person but found no one. That's when another blinding light washed over Izuku, forcing his eyes closed.

Snapping his eyes open, Izuku felt the warm rays of the sun hit his face. Izuku was laying on the roof of the UA arena wearing his gym uniform, "I'm back?" He asked himself.

Getting up Izuku walked over to the edge and found that Midnight was announcing the next fighters. He then looked at the broadcast booth and found both Present Mic and Aizawa. Then he looked at his classmates, but his eyes went to Bakugo who was alive and currently hitting Kirishima on the head.

Falling to his knees Izuku let out a relieved sigh, but it was also a bittersweet moment. If everything was as it was before that meant his mom was dead. There were just two more things to check, raising his hand Izuku looked at it. He was going to see if he had his speed.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku began to move his hand. But much to his surprise and delight, green lightning sparked off it as it moved at super speeds. Izuku smiled as he now had his powers back, "Now that I know I have my powers, I still have one more thing I need to check…."

Taking off with a loud boom, Izuku ran throughout the UA stadium in search of Mei. At his speeds Izuku quickly found her. Mei was surprised to say the least when a flash of green light stopped in front of her, "Izuku? What happened, weren't you just on the roof?"

Without saying a word Izuku leaned in and kissed Mei on the lips. A few moments later Izuku pulled away and waited for Mei's reaction. "W-What the heck, why did you do that for? And so suddenly! Couldn't you have done this somewhere more private?"

Izuku smiled, "I'm back Mei, I'm really back."

"Back? What are you talking about? I just talked to you on the roof a minute ago." Said Mei, confused as to what he was talking about. As she thought about it, Mei put it together. "Oh God, you did it, didn't you?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I did." But his face then turned to one of sadness when he thought back to what happened.

Mei noticed that look and grabbed his hand, "Tell me what happened."

"I'll tell you after the sports festival. Right now, I need to check something. I'll be right back." Said Izuku as he turned to leave.

"Wait! What about the sports festival?" Asked Mei.

Izuku looked back, "Right, sorry but this is more important. Tell Aizawa I withdraw, I need to see if things are really back to how they should be."

In a flash of green lightning, Izuku took off leaving Mei in disbelief. Running throughout the city Izuku had two stops he needed to go. Within seconds Izuku stopped in front of a grave that had Inko's name on it. Falling to his knees Izuku began to cry, after all he went through, there was still nothing he could have done to save her. If Izuku was to become the person he is now, the sad truth was that Inko, his mother, had to die. "Come on Izuku, you still have one stop to go."

After paying his respects Izuku took off once again, this time he stood in front of a prison gate. Going inside the guards were checking him in when one of them noticed who he was. Izuku explained that the school had given him permission to leave and withdraw from the sports festival.

After clearing the checkpoints Izuku was taken to the visitors section where he sat down in front of the glass. A few minutes later the door on the other side of the glass opened up, "I already told you, no one should be visiting me right now. It's not my son, it has to be a stranger. I have to go back, my son is competing right now." said Hisashi as he was being brought in. But as he turned his eyes widened when he saw Izuku sitting down. "Oh…"

Taking a seat, Hisashi grabbed the phone, "What the hell are you doing here Izuku? Shouldn't you be at the sports festival?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah well, I decided to come here. There's something I need to tell you."

Hisashi was surprised, "What could be so important that you left the school? I mean come on, I know I told you to get in trouble but I didn't mean this…."

"I met mom." Said Izuku..

Hisashi stopped talking, "What?"

"I met mom. In person, alive, and well." Said Izuku.

"T-That's not possible Izuku. Your mom is dead…" said Hisashi.

Izuku then interrupted, "I did it, dad. That thing you told me not to do, I did it."

Hisashi couldn't believe it, "Izuku, then does that mean…"

Izuku shook his head, "No, she's still gone."

"I don't understand, if you changed the past why hasn't the future changed?" Asked Hisashi.

"Because I messed everything up dad. I wanted to save mom so bad that I would do whatever it took. But in order for that to happen, countless people had to die." Explained Izuku as tears ran down his face. "I tried dad, I really did. I tried to find a way to save her and everyone but I couldn't. I just wasn't fast enough to do it. So, I had to set things right. I had to let mom die….and for that I am sorry."

Hisashi looked through the glass as his son cried, reaching out he touched the glass separating the two. "Izuku…."

Hisashi felt powerless, his son was hurting right in front of him, but he couldn't even comfort him properly. Hisashi was silent as Izuku let everything go, by the time Izuku calmed down he had already exceeded his visiting time for the day. Promising he'd come back Izuku left the prison, but instead of running he walked.

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