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Chapter 2: Uncharted Powers

The night was still as Elijah wandered aimlessly through the quieter streets of Metro Manila, away from the chaos that had erupted near the dungeon portal. The air was thick with the smell of rain that never came, and the city lights blurred in the distance, painting the pavement with splashes of color. His mind was a whirlwind, echoing with the remnants of power he had felt coursing through his veins.

Unable to return home just yet, Elijah found solace in the solitude of an empty park. The familiar weight of the serving tray in his hands was replaced by an invisible force that now seemed to pulse at his fingertips. He looked at his hands, half-expecting to see them glow again with borrowed power. But there was nothing—only the tremble of his own flesh and bone.

"Focus," he whispered to himself, recalling the image of the Hunter whose abilities he had mirrored. Closing his eyes, Elijah tried to conjure up the sensation, the surge of energy he had felt when facing the creature. Slowly, a warmth began to build within his palms, faint and flickering like a candle in the

wind. Encouraged, he concentrated harder, and the warmth grew steadier, manifesting as a gentle gust of wind that rustled the leaves around him.

This small success spurred a mixture of exhilaration and fear. His heart raced—not just with the thrill of potential but with the daunting realization of the new reality he had to face. Was he to become a Guardian now? Was he even capable of controlling this power that wasn't truly his?

Lost in thought, he barely noticed the approach of another person—a young woman with an alert stance and a cautious gaze. It was Mia Hernandez, a Guardian he recognized from the café where he worked. She often came in after her patrols, her demeanor always serene despite the dangers she faced daily.

"Elijah," she called out softly, not wanting to startle him. "I saw you tonight. At the fissure."

Elijah froze, fear knotting in his stomach. He had hoped his encounter had gone unnoticed.

"I... I don't understand what's happening to me," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mia stepped closer, her expression one of curiosity rather than judgement. "You copied a Guardian's skill. That's extremely rare. Almost unheard of," she said, her tone thoughtful. "But it's not unheard of entirely."

"Can you help me?" Elijah asked, desperation creeping into his voice. He felt out of his depth, grappling with a power he had no right to claim.

Mia nodded slowly, considering his plea. "I can try. But we must be cautious. If the wrong people learn about what you can do, they will seek to use you for their own ends. We need to understand the extent of your abilities first."

Grateful for her willingness to help, Elijah agreed to meet her the next day for a controlled test of his newfound abilities. As they parted ways, the weight on his shoulders felt lighter, buoyed by the prospect of gaining some control over his life again.

The following morning brought a mix of nerves and determination. Meeting Mia at an abandoned warehouse she used for training, Elijah was introduced to the basics of harnessing and controlling the Guardian powers. The session was grueling and fraught with frustration as Elijah struggled to replicate the powers he had briefly wielded the night before.

"Focus on the essence of the power, not just the action," Mia instructed patiently. "Connect with the energy, feel it flow through you, and guide it with your intent."

It was during these exercises that Elijah experienced his first breakthrough. Under Mia's guidance, he managed to not just mimic a simple gust of wind, but to slightly alter its trajectory, bending it around a corner of the warehouse. The achievement was minor in the grand scheme of Guardian abilities, but for Elijah, it was a monumental step forward.

As the day waned, and the training session came to an end, Elijah felt a mix of exhaustion and invigoration. He was beginning to understand the mechanics of the Guardian skills, even if mastering them seemed a distant goal. But beyond the mechanics, he realized the importance of the mental and emotional connection to the powers. This realization wasn't just about controlling something external; it was about changing something within himself.

With Mia's support, Elijah embarked on a journey not just to harness his powers, but to redefine his identity in a world where he had always felt invisible. Now, with every small mastery of the energy he once feared, he was slowly stepping into the light, no longer a mere observer but a participant in the extraordinary realm of Guardians.

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