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Chapter 2: Bastard



Watching her husband leave was very hard for Cat; even though she had only known him for a short time. She had shared her body with him and they were joined now as man and wife. She prayed to the Seven that he would survive all the battles to come. That night Cat lay in bed thinking about Eddard Stark's hands on her body. the feel of his lips on hers, the way she quivered when he entered her. She was getting aroused just thinking about it. Cat's mother died giving birth to her brother Edmure and she had only known her mother for a short time. The only person she could speak to about these things is Septa Rynell.

The next morning Catelyn awoke feeling ill in the stomach. She heaves and later has a craving for lemon cakes and anything sweet. As the day passes she notices that her sense of smell is somehow amplified. The smell of fish for some reason causes to be sick and heave again. "Well is she ill?" Edmure asks, "Maybe we should put her into quarantine…"

Cat looks at her younger brother, "Maybe we should have gelded..."

He just smiles, "Placing your sister in Quarantine will be a little to drastic...But I do recommend lots of bed rest...And after nine months and six weeks she should be fine..."

"Nine months!" Cat says confused.

"You are with child my lady..."

"Cat you're going to be a mother and I'm going to be an Uncle..."

"Pregnant..." She whispers, "But we only..." She breaks off trying to count in her head how many times she was intimate with Ned before he left for war.

"It only takes one time My Lady...Your mother may the gods give her peace was with child after a week..."

"Scandalous if you ask me..." Lysa says, "...Especially with your new husband gone off to war."

As usual she is ignored. Catelyn is very happy and smiles to herself placing her hands on her stomach. When she is alone and bathing she looks at herself naked. "Maester Arland...I was wondering should I write Ned and tell him, or will this news distract him from his duties."

"By all means write him with the news...It will be a moral booster to him and his men..."

Catelyn sits at her desk with paper, ink, and quill and writes;

To My Lord Husband Eddard of House Stark

I hope this letter finds you well...and unharmed. We barely know each other and all I can think of is you and the time we spent together. I pray to the gods old and new that this war ends soon so that we can spend more time with each other and get to know one another better. I love you my Lord...My Ned and I can say that because of what you have given me...

You have given me your seed and it has taken hold...Yes My Ned I am to be a mother and you a father...Stay alive...Stay well and whole...Come home safe...With love and regards

Your Cat

Lady Catelyn Stark nee' Tully

She signs the letter and seals it with a Stark seal. The Dire wolf since she is now a Stark. "Take this to Lord Eddard Stark and put it in his hands only..." SHe says to a guard the next day.

"Yes My Lady..." The guard is one of eight Stark men left at Riverrun to watch over Catelyn.

Five weeks pass by before he returns with a reply letter

To My Lady Catelyn Stark

I was overjoyed when I received your letter. Know that I am alive, well and whole. I intend to stay that way especially after learning that I am to be a father. I pray to the gods old and new that whatever it is he or she is healthy and strong. I do not believe this war will be over by the time the child comes...If that is the case then name our son Robb and if it is a girl name her Sansa...

Know that you are on my mind at all times and thoughts of you keep me warm in the night hours and strong when riding into battle

with Love and Regards

Your Ned

The letters come and go between the two young lovers. Kept apart by war; then in the sixth month word is received that Rhaegar had been killed on the trident and his army crushed. "Thank the gods..." Cat says breaking her fast with Edmure and Lysa. "This war will be over soon..."

Edmure shakes his head, "No they must take King's Landing first...Then there is Mace Tyrell...His army is laying siege to Storm's End...They will have to crush the Tyrell army..."

The months go on and word comes that Tywin Lannister's army is on the move. No one knows if he will fight for the Targaryens or help the rebels. Catelyn's time comes and she gives birth to a healthy baby boy. She names him Robb Stark as her husband asked her to do. A month after the baby is born word is received that Tywin Lannister had sacked King's Landing and Robert Baratheon is now King and sits the Iron throne. A week later Ned writes that he is on his way to the Stormlands to relieve the siege on Storm's End.

"The war is over!" A man screams riding into Riverrun's main square. The war had lasted for the past year and a half. A month later Catelyn stands in the courtyard with her siblings as her father, Uncle, and Lord Eddard Stark rides into Riverrun. There is a woman riding with them and she is holding a baby.

"The baby is mine..." Lord Eddard Stark confessed in private to Cat away from listening ears. "His mother died in childbirth..." Cat could not believe it. She silently walked away not wishing to hear the rest of what he had to say. Catelyn ignores her husband for the next three days. On the third day it is time to leave for Winterfell and her new home.

"May I speak with you My Lord?"

"Of course..."

"I have one question...Jon's mother...Did you love her?"

Tears fall down his cheeks, "Yes I loved her..."

Catelyn is hurt and she takes a deep breath before speaking. "I don't care who Jon's mother was...Never mention her to me or speak of her in my presence...Jon is a Bastard and I will not stand for him bearing the Stark name...That name is for children I will bare you...If I decide to bare you anymore children. I will be a mother to him as he is innocent in all this, but if you are ever unfaithful to me again I swear on the seven that annul our marriage and return to Riverrun with my son..."

When Eddard tries to touch her she shakes him off, "Cat...I swear on all the gods old and new...That I will never be unfaithful to you again..."

She stares at him for a few minutes then she walks away.

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