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Chapter 17: DCGB EP 17 - 'Secret'


Magna led Yuji and his friends on a tour around the Black Bull headquarters. They encountered many strange things, such as a room filled with large, ferocious beasts and an S/M room. These sights left Yuji and Maomao feeling exasperated. Despite this, the tour of the headquarters was an enjoyable experience for them.


Initially, Yuji thought that being a Magic Knight would be similar to being a police officer, maintaining order among the people. But...


Who would have thought that the job of a Magic Knight could be so ridiculous? Most of the time, they had nothing to do. If they did have a task, it might be something like rescuing a cat from a tree. This led Yuji to think that being a Magic Knight in this world wasn't bad at all since the job was easy and the salary was good. The only downside for Yuji was the reputation of the Black Bulls.


The Black Bulls were known as the worst squad among the Magic Knights, notorious for causing trouble for the townspeople. The squad members were considered far from normal, each having one or more eccentric traits. However, this uniqueness was what Yuji liked about the Black Bulls. The lack of strict rules, except during emergencies, added to the squad's appeal for him.


Currently, Yuji, Maomao, Asta, and Noelle were having breakfast together. It had been several days since Noelle's incident, and she was now better at controlling her magic, thanks to Yuji's one-on-one training sessions in the mornings and evenings. The two had grown quite close, aligning with Yuji's plan to win Noelle's heart.


"Yuji, isn't the magic you're teaching me a bit too difficult?" Noelle complained, her face showing displeasure.


"It's not hard at all. You just need to focus and imagine it," Yuji replied while spearing a bite-sized piece of steak with his fork.


"Hmph. Then you'll have to teach me more," Noelle said, turning away with a pout, though secretly, she was looking forward to spending more one-on-one time with Yuji.


"You slut! Don't think about laying a hand on Yuji!" Sylph, the spirit of wind, expressed her discontent upon hearing Noelle's words.


"What did you say!? Even if you're the spirit of wind, you have no right to insult me!" Noelle retorted angrily, grabbing her grimoire to cast a spell on Sylph. But just then…


"Hey, guys! I've got a job for you!" Magna approached them cheerfully before sitting down with them.


"A job? Please tell me it's not another search for a lost dog," Maomao groaned, tired of such mundane tasks. In the past, she didn't mind them because they were easy and paid well. However, after gaining her plant magic, she wanted assignments that allowed her to use her powers.


"Of course not. This is a big job. You guys need to go hunt wild boars in Saussy Village!" Magna announced loudly.


"…" Yuji rubbed his forehead and said, "I thought it was going to be a big job. Turns out it's just something small."


However, the others, especially Maomao, were excited. She was finally going to use her magic in combat.


After explaining the mission, Magna led Yuji and the group to prepare for the journey by broom. However…


"I almost forgot, Asta can't ride a broom, and that girl can't control her magic either."


"So, I'll let you ride with my beloved broom," Magna said, pulling out his flamboyantly decorated broom. "Behold, the Crazy Cyclone."


"Wow, that's awesome!" Asta exclaimed, excited.


'What the heck is that? It's so tacky,' Yuji thought, looking at Magna's broom.


"I'll take Noelle with me then," Yuji said, having already planned for Noelle to ride with him.


"Hmph! You should be grateful a royal like me is riding on your shabby broom," Noelle said arrogantly, though she was secretly thrilled.


Yuji then turned to Maomao with concern. "Maomao, you'll be okay riding on your own, right?"


"No problem. I'm used to it," Maomao assured him before mounting her green broom.


Satisfied that Maomao would be fine, Yuji beckoned Noelle to sit on his broom.


"Come on up, Noelle."


"I-I know," Noelle replied, blushing as she climbed onto Yuji's broom.


"Alright, let's go," Magna said, shooting off at high speed.


"Yuji sneered inwardly at Magna's elaborately decorated broom, thinking, 'What a show-off.'


"In that case, I'll have Noelle ride with me," Yuji declared, his plan to have Noelle behind him long in the making.


"Hmm! You should count yourself lucky that a noble like me is willing to grace the back of your lowly broomstick," Noelle boasted, though secretly she was thrilled at the prospect of being behind Yuji.


Assured that Maomao would be fine, Yuji gestured for Noelle to take her place behind him.


"Come on, Noelle."


"Right, of course," Noelle replied, though she couldn't hide her embarrassment as she settled in behind Yuji.


"Let's go!" Magna exclaimed before shooting off at breakneck speed.


"Hey Yuji, where's Sylph?" Noelle, riding behind Yuji, asked, her curiosity piqued by Sylph's absence.


"Oh, uh, she's resting," Yuji replied.


Before long, they arrived at Sosshi Village, only to find it shrouded in thick mist.


"The weather here is atrocious," Asta remarked, surveying the mist-covered landscape.


"Yeah, watch your head, Asta!" Magna quipped, knocking heads with Asta.


"But judging by this mist, there's no way we'll make it to the village," Yuji remarked.


"That's... true... um, yeah," Magna said, suddenly struck by an idea. Turning to Asta, he said, "Asta, use your sword to clear the mist."


"But how can a sword cut through mist?" Asta protested.


"You fool! Your sword can dispel magic, can't it?"


Suddenly, Asta remembered that his sword had the power to cut through magical barriers. Drawing it from its sheath, he began slashing through the mist until it parted, revealing what lay beyond.


"And as everyone beheld the scene within the mist, they were immediately stunned. It was a sight of the villagers being bound together, each with a block of ice hovering above their heads.


"Commence Execution."


The numerous blocks of ice descended, intending to impale the villagers, but Yuji swiftly intervened to aid them.


As the ice blocks were about to strike the villagers, Yuji hastily invoked his arcane magic.


" Sanctuary.!"


Suddenly, creates a crystal-like octahedron used as a barrier emerged from Yuji's magic, shielding all the villagers instantly.


"Darn it, using large-scale magic drains too much power!" Yuji exclaimed inwardly, sweating profusely as he hadn't anticipated the immense energy required to create such large barriers, especially with his limited magical reserves.




"Your prayer..."


"was answered uugkh..." One young boy wept as he looked at the form of an elderly man. When Magna saw the figure, his temper flared, for these were the people who caused the death of the elderly man, someone he knew well.


The man who appeared to be the leader was a slender man with slanted eyes. He is very skinny, which can be seen from the tone of his face, and also has a large chin. Additionally, he has short grey hair combed backwards. One of his most prominent features is the scar at the right-hand side of his forehead, which is elongated across his face all the way to his left cheek.


Heath wears an attire similar to a military uniform, which is also worn by his three subordinates.


"Is this your done!?" Magna exclaimed angrily, as these people were the ones responsible for the death of the old man, who was known to him.


"Within three seconds, everyone will die," the figure, who seemed to be the leader, declared before conjuring his magic staff, creating colossal ice chunks to hurl at Magna and the villagers.


Before Yuji could react, Asta lunged forward, reaching the ice chunks before him and , effectively cleaving them into two.


Seeing Asta's determined actions, Yuji decided to deal with the enemy himself, leaving the protection of the remaining villagers to Noelle and Magna.


"Noelle, Asta, Maomao protect the villagers. Magna, you with me. We'll handle the enemies ourselves," Yuji said before summoning his Device.


In an instant, his form was cloaked in black armor akin to a knight's, wielding a battle axe in his hand.


"Let's go, Magna, leave the big guys to me. You take care of the small fries," Yuji declared before charging towards the figure who appeared to be the leader.


"Hey, wait a..." Magna wanted to argue, but before he could, Yuji had already engaged the enemy, surprising Magna the most was that Yuji retrieved the armor and weapons from somewhere else because during the time he talked to Yami, aside from making a pact with the Wind Spirit, Sylph, he knew that Yuji possessed a four-leaf clover grimoire and light magic.



"It's not like you to worry about that," Magna brushed off the thought, as the immediate situation at hand was more pressing.


Yuji lunged straight at the enemy leader, but the foe conjured up an ice pillar to impede Yuji's progress relentlessly. Nevertheless, Yuji pressed on undeterred.


Seeing Yuji advancing, clad in his armor, the enemy leader opted to use his magic to create ice pillars to attack Yuji continuously. However, even though it was effective against the villagers, he forgot that Maomao and the others were there to protect them.


Once Yuji managed to confront him, he swiftly used his axe to sever both of the enemy leader's legs, causing him to collapse instantly.


"Argh!" The man who seemed to be the leader screamed in agony. He attempted to use ice magic to attack Yuji, but it had little effect due to Yuji wearing armor. Meanwhile, his underlings had already been dealt with by Magna.


After the enemy's leg was toothless, Yuji quickly snatched the enemy's grimoire before allowing Magna to seal the enemy's magic.


Seeing that the enemy had been completely defeated, Yuji rushed over to the enemy leader and used his Arc magic to heal his wounds, although he didn't restore the missing legs.


"Healing Star!"


Once everything was settled, Yuji assigned the remaining tasks to Magna, as he was too lazy to bother with sweeping duties, before they could interrogate the enemy for information. The enemy leader, along with his lackeys, had already been shattered and turned into ice fragments.


"Damned! They killed themselves!"


Everyone looked on in bewilderment, as they couldn't believe that the enemy would go as far as sacrificing themselves.

After everything was taken care of, Yuji bid farewell to the villagers before heading back to base.


As they journeyed back to base, Yuji pondered, "When will this mission ever be finished?"






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