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Chapter 2: Well, maybe.

Creed rolled his eyes and scoffed. "yeah no thanks." he says with the shake of his head. " Ill keep my hands right where they are." he finished his thought. Wanting to be playful but not giving into Ash's overtly sexual nature.

"Your loss, hope you don't plan on getting my bike after that." Ash half jokes as he looks at creed with almost pleading eyes.

"maybe." Creed says with a playful grin hidden by his mask. "Depends on what its worth."

Creed could barely get the rest of his sentence out before Ash cut him off "Oh in that case its completely aftermarket shit. 100 percent a junker bike, shit barely runs." he lies with a smile.

Creed shook his head in amusement "Damn if I were you I'd just trade it in, in that case." he responds playing along with Ash's little bit.

"yeah maybe you're right." he agrees with a soft grin. "So do you live on your own?" Ash prys curiously. looking for anything he can to keep the stranger talking to him.

"i stay in the badlands most of the time." Creed answers vaguely deciding Ash was trustworthy enough to give him the littlest bit of information about himself. "By myself. no roommates or family crowding my space for a change. It's pretty nice."

Ash let out a hum and nodded. "I understand that, I live in santo domingo in a house my mom left to me. It's nice having your own space, get to do whatever you want." He says, bringing his long forgotten drink back to his lips to finish it off before it got too warm.

"I grew up there with my mom. It's an okay place I guess. It's home, I always admired the 6th street gang. Their parties and the way the would run rampant in the streets with their guns." He went on. His voice monotone but in a way you could tell it was a good memory for him.

"I didn't spend much time at home when I was younger. But the 6th street gang is something my mom always warned me about he said with chuckle. "Used to drink with their kids after school, smoke with them, play with them. Up until 8th grade. It changed then after that."

"where were you if you weren't at home?" creed asked. surprised the talkative man didn't automatically give up that information.

"Oh parties or couch surfing at friends houses. I started taking gigs pretty early on in life. Had to fund the lifestyle I had created for myself. " Ash responded.

"I was never a party person. Sure I watched the 6th street party on rooftops and blast music down the block but I'd never join them. I mean, I barely even go to bars. I like being alone. A friend or two wouldn't hurt but it ain't required." Creed explained as he reached up to adjust his hood. making sure it was still pulled up as far as possible.

"You really don't do anything?" Ash questioned almost judgmentally. "you smoke obviously. Fuck? I have a hard time believing no one in this town is falling for the whole cargo pants and mask combo." he continued his line of questioning. He may not be a cop but he sure as hell interrogated like one.

"Ain't ever been in a relationship both by choice and no one has been interested. At least not that i've picked up on." creed shrugs. "Which is fine. Relationships are too much fuckin hassle."

"That's why you gotta take everyone else out. Have the world to yourself." Ash jokes.

"I Literally would if I could." creed says. His consistently monotone voice not giving away that he was serious.

Ash let out a laugh at the response, not caring if he was serious. Ash gave Creed a coy smirk before speaking. " My place or yours? I'm ready to get the hell outta here, and I don't want our fun to end."

"Your place I guess. I'm ready to get outta here too. " creed said as he leaned his hip against the bar.

"You drive here or are we gonna be taking my bike?" Ash asked as he stood up from his seat. paying for both of their drinks and pulling out his keys from his pocket.

"I drove here." Creed answered as he turned to head towards the exit. his shorter legs somehow carrying him faster through the crowd than Ash's longer strides.

"Perfect I don't have a second helmet." Ash says as he quickly followed behind Creed. Creed didn't bother to respond until they made their way outside. his own keys now swinging around his index finger.

"I wouldn't have cared about the helmet." He shrugged as he walked a little down the street to a dusty, junky looking car. Parked off to the side of the building.

"I don't wanna be sued for killing you." Ash grunted as he walked to his own bike, not far from where creed had parked. "Hope you can keep up!" He called out as he swung his leg over his bike and stuck the key in. Revving the engine a few times before rolling over next to creeds truck.

"Well if I can't I wont be able to come over. " Creed teased with a hint of amusement as he started his own truck, having to turn the key a couple of times before it would turn over. Loud screamo music blasting through the speakers once it finally did.

"Well then I'll try to keep from losing ya." Ash laughed as he responded as he took the moment to put his helmet on. He nodded at creed before speeding off down the road towards his place. He couldn't help as he drove but to think about what was happening. If he was being honest he was a little confused. Was he getting laid tonight? Creed didn't seem interested in sex with him. Yet why did he agree to come over? Ash shook his head and turned his music up to drown out his thoughts. Creed followed closely behind Ash having no trouble with the man weaving comfortably between lanes on his bike. He didn't know why he was doing this. usually he'd refused to even hangout with a stranger. Let alone stay in a bar for as long as he did to sit and chat. He followed none the less and soon they arrived at ash's place. Ash pulled into his own driveway and propped his bike up before getting off of it and setting his helmet on the handle. He stood and waited for creed to park and meet him near the door. Creed parked along the road not wanting to take up space in the driveway. checking all his windows were rolled up before he got out of the truck. Having to put more weight into closing his drivers side door he grunted, "piece of shit."

"Hey, at least check out the inside before you start insulting the place." Ash teased as creed walked up to him, hands in pockets. Ash lead the man to his front door and unlocked it before guiding him inside. The house wasn't clean by any means but nowhere near the state creed kept his own home in. Liquor bottles littered the floor along with beer cans and general trash. "Sorry its a mess I wasn't expecting to bring home anyone tonight." he said with a hearty chuckle as he cleared some space on his coffee table so he could grab a few beers and set them down. "you smoke? Like drugs?" ash asked as creed made his way over to the couch and hovered awkwardly.

Creed chuckled at ash's statement and shook his head. "Drugs? like what are you talking here? Weed? Crack? Meth? What do you got?" creed asked as he finally sat heavily onto the couch. Ash let out a scoff and rolled his eyes as he disappeared into his kitchen to grab them some beers and chips. Ash returned with the objects and a large hand bag.

"Like weed but I'm sure I could find you whatever you wanted if that doesn't work for you." Ash responded with a scoff and the roll of his eyes. Though amusing he was finding creeds bluntness somewhat irritating.

Creed shrugged, "I assumed you did harder drugs. But i'm good thanks. Not into a whole lot besides cigarettes and alcohol or soda."

"Should I be offended that you assumed I was on meth?" Ash raised an eyebrow as he looked at creed. "Then you want anything other than a beer to drink? want shots or something?"

"The beer is fine. And so far you don't give off meth head energy but who knows, should you be offended?" Creed responded as he leaned forward to pick up the beer closest to him and pop it open.

" I've met some pretty talented meth heads." Ash joked as he followed suit and opened a beer for himself. "So, what's the plan? Just wanted to steal my booze? I got cable if ya wanna watch TV." he continued, trying to cope and distract himself from the fact that the man in front of him doesn't seem interested in fucking him.

"I don't watch much TV mostly use it as background noise. What's good?" Creed asked as he took a sip from the beer in his hand. His lip piercing clinking against the bottle when he did so.

"Best shit to watch is cooking shows. teaches you how to make bomb fuckin food and you get to watch people stress the fuck out over whether butter is burned or not." Ash laughed as he grabbed a remote and turned on the TV.

"I fucking Hate cooking. The shows are fine and all but cooking itself? Can't stand that shit." Creed rambled before taking a larger gulp from his beer.

"What do you eat if you hate cooking? sounds like you don't even touch the kitchen." Ash questioned.

"I don't." Creed responded before answering Ash's question. "Frozen shit, TV dinners, pre-made pizza, or I just fill my body with nicotine and alcohol and go to bed by that point."

Ash nodded, "sounds about right. I don't hate cooking but don't think that means I'm some fuckin top chef. " he says as he scrolls through the menu of available playing TV shows finding the cooking channel and turning that on before tossing his remote onto the coffee table. relaxing against his couch as he looked over at creed. "You're so covered up you know. Did I see a tat? let me look at em. You seem like the type to be covered in em." he flirted languidly.

"Tattoos are what get you caught." Creed said as he looked at Ash. He pulled back his hood and removed the sunglasses resting on his face. He had a little red X with the word punk under it between his eyebrows, three teardrops under his right eye. Next to those tear drops says NUSA_. And a few stray squares above his right eyebrow. On this left eyebrow above it says "born to kill" with dog tags on his left temple. There's a little skull next to the dog-tags and a yellow triangle with an X on it.

"I think you gave up on being worries about getting caught the moment I invited you over and you said yes." Ash responded playfully. "These are pretty dope, they mean anything to you?"

"To the guy that smells like weed and cigarettes I'm not too worried about you." Creed smiled a little. " I got them to get them. I was a bored teen, had a friend come over and tattoo them on me."

"Guess you're gonna have to kill me now since I can identify you." Ash said as he opened the large handbag and pulled out a small tin. opening that revealed five neatly rolled joints. Ash pulled on out and grabbed a lighter. Holding the flame to one of the joints.

"Maybe. or maybe I don't. Ill keep you in suspense of where I am." Creed teased with a sinister smirk.

"How scary." Ash commented before setting the joint between his lips and inhaling. "wouldn't be mad if you went crazy and killed me. You'd be saving me from this dumpster fire." He chuckled past the joint dangling from his lips.

"I don't kill people who want to be killed. " Creed says with a dark chuckle. "Where's the fun in giving someone something they want? Let them live, suffer, deal with the traumatic event." he rambled a bit getting lost in his thoughts.

"Cruel. I was hoping you'd be my savior." Ash pouted a bit not caring about the hint of genuine feeling in creeds tone.

"Well you gotta continue living in this shitty world. I like the ones who beg for their life." He trailed off as he swirled his beer bottle around. waiting a few moments before making eye contact with Ash. "Would you kill someone if they asked you to?" he asked suddenly.

Ash shocked by the eye contact and sudden speech, sputtered a bit. "Well I ended people who didn't wanna be ended. don't see what makes it different just because they asked for it this time."

"It's fun not to. Give them the opposite of what they want, they had their opportunity to die and it was missed just because someone decided not to. Watching the light leave living eyes is thrilling." Creed reminisced.

"Well that my friend depends on how sadistic you are. I like to make money and let out my anger. Want another drink? or a hit of this?" Ash offered not knowing where to take the conversation after that. Creed responded by chugging the rest of his beer and nodding. Ash quickly stood up and got the shorter man another beer. opening it for him before handing it to him and sitting down.

"You invite strangers to your house often?" Creed asked before taking a drink and finishing the neck of the bottle so he had a handle to hold the cold beer by. Ash shrugged unsure of how to respond, not wanting to scare away the stranger.

"I guess so. but we don't just normally chill. " he chuckled a bit. creed raised an eyebrow in confusion. Not able to think of other things people do that wouldn't be violent. Ash noted the mans response and chuckled in disbelief. "Fuck? It's like the worlds biggest pass time." he teased. "You really don't have sex, do you?"

"You think a guy like me fucks?" creed let out a sarcastic laugh. "From the little I've told you, you really think my ass fucks? Last time that shit happened was at least a year or two ago."

"Some people like shit like that. do you even try to fuck?" Ash asked putting emphasis on the word try. "Because you could if you did."

"If I tried I wouldn't sound like an anti social fuck now would I?" he asked.

"That's fair enough. " Ash shrugged, he was into the whole crazy shtick. The danger gave him a thrill that made heat pulse through his body.

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