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Chapter 3: Spring Garden Party


Owen sighed as he got into the carriage.

Though the invitation sent by Lucia clearly stated that the garden party started at 3 p.m., his business meeting ended later than scheduled, making him late.

He, as the master of the mansion was always busy, but today was the day to meet Lucia, so he paid as much attention as possible. To ensure his work didn't overlap with the time of her garden party.

'Yet it turned out like this...'

Despite his efforts, the plan had gone awry.

It was because the business partner from overseas arrived later than planned. He wanted to say something to that person, but being a business associate, Owen simply endured. Scolding or blaming the counterpart wouldn't change reality. 

"To Edelt Manor as quickly as possible."

Owen checked his wristwatch and urged the coachman.

In response to Owen's urging, the coachman nodded and started driving the carriage quickly.

Inside the fast-moving carriage, Owen did a final check of his attire. Usually, he wasn't particularly interested in dressing up, but today was a special day. He knows well the fact that Lucia liked elaborate clothing. That's why he made an exception by wearing a splendid outfit. Owen carefully chose and put on his specially customized clothes, even attaching a brooch.

"We have arrived, Your Grace."

While Owen was lost in such pointless thoughts, the carriage reached its destination. The coachman descended first to open the carriage door, and Owen, taking a deep breath, stepped out of the carriage. Just a while ago, he was in a rush and flustered due to being late, but upon arriving at the mansion, his whole body tensed up.

As Owen stepped down from the carriage and walked towards the entrance of the Edelt Manor, the gatekeepers widened their eyes and stuttered in surprise. It was understandable since Owen was an unexpected guest to them.

The story of their lady wanting to win over Duke Verdin was quite famous, but no one believed their Lady could really win over him. Duke Verdin was the most sought-after bachelor in the whole Empire, as he was perfect in any aspects.

But, Duke Verdin also was someone who had no interest in building relationships with others, and he seemed to find Lucia, in particular, quite bothersome. Therefore, despite Lucia sending invitations daily, no one truly expected Owen to come. Even Lucia herself must have felt the same.

The gatekeepers had even doubted upon seeing the grand carriage. Despite the black wolf symbol representing Duke Verdin engraved on the carriage, they couldn't believe it was actually the Duke.

Seeing their bewildered reactions, Owen felt puzzled.

'Surely, they were well aware of Lucia's desire to have Owen. Do they not know Owen's appearance?'

For a moment, he even had such thoughts.

Considering the rumors across the empire about Lucia setting her sights on Owen, there was hardly anyone who hadn't heard.

'No, it can't be. Black hair and dark eyes are an unique traits that simbolizing direct descendant of the Verdin.'

Upon contemplation, Owen was the only direct descendant of the Verdin that remained in this vast empire. So, instead of asking what was wrong, he simply presented the invitation sent by Lucia.

As Owen showed the invitation, the gatekeepers were even more surprised, gasping in astonishment.

"...Is there a problem?"

Their reaction was so odd that Owen even furrowed his brows and asked, to which they quickly shook their heads.

"No, not at all. Please, come in, Your Grace the Duke of Verdin."

In the novel, Owen was an exceptional noble and knight but was also known for his extreme coldness. So the gatekeepers denied any issues and ushered Owen inside, fearing they would get some punishment from him.

As Owen stepped into the mansion, he saw the servants panicking at the sight of him. Each of them wore expressions of disbelief, causing Owen's brows to involuntarily furrow. At this point, he began to wonder if there was something wrong with his very existence.

During Owen's moment of confusion, the head of the servants managed to gather herself up and spoke to him while stammering.

"Y-You've come to the Lady Edelt's Garden Party, Your Grace?"


As Owen nodded, another round of gasps spread among the servants. Fortunately, this time, they quickly composed themselves, putting on a nonchalant facade.

"...I will guide you, please follow me."

Owen followed the head servant towards the garden where the party was being held. The garden seemed to be bustling with voices of conversation filling the air.

"Milady, Duke Verdin has arrived."

But as soon as the head servant spoke, those voices vanished. Instead, a heavy silence filled the space.

Owen stepped into the garden where a deep silence had settled. Silently moving with a practiced grace, Owen scanned the garden, making everyone shrink in his slow gaze.

Encountering an unexpected figure in an unexpected place was surprising enough, but to meet the Duke of Verdin, known as the most elegant noble of the empire, was even more astonishing.

As everyone tensed, Lucia calmly spoke up.

"Welcome to the garden party, Your Grace, Duke of Verdin."

Owen's gaze, scanning the surroundings, immediately turned towards her.


He silently called out her name in his mind. Though he tried to suppress the rising breathlessness, but his heart kept beating loudly.

A ruby-red eyes deeper and darker than any rubies,

A long chestnut-colored hair flowing elegantly,

Straight nose and red lips like a fine wine,

Emanating a proud and seductive aura,

That was 'his' Lucia.

So perfect that even her description in the novel fell short.

Even though Owen didn't respond to her greetings, she remained composed. Gracefully smiling, she instructed a maid to set up another chair at the table.

"Would you like to sit here, Your Grace?"


After replying, Owen quickly took his seat. Since Lucia herself suggested it, there was no reason to refuse the seat she offered. His seat was directly across from Lucia.

"We have green tea, black tea, and white tea."

In the now silent garden due to Owen's arrival, only Lucia's voice softly echoed. Perhaps due to all the attention on Lucia, Owen didn't notice the quietness around him. He only focused on Lucia's voice as he spoke.

"Then, green tea, please."

At Owen's response, Lucia called the maid, who quickly brought a teapot of green tea and placed it in front of Owen in an empty cup. The maid's hand trembled slightly, likely due to nervousness from facing Owen.

After seeing the maid's trembling hand placing the teacup in front of him, Owen's gaze shifted away from Lucia.

'Why is everyone so tense and jittery around Owen?'

Surely, in <Flower of the Empire>, Owen was the male lead and not a particularly villainous character. He couldn't understand why everyone seemed terrified and jittery just by looking at him.

'Is it because of Owen's personality?'

He pondered over Owen's character setting.

Until meeting the female lead Bella, Owen was like a fierce wild beast. Not like a crazy attacking wildcat, but more like a dominant lion ruling over all, looking down from the top.

He was excessively indifferent and pragmatic. Preferring to focus solely on work without building personal relationships, his personality was cold and resolute. Therefore, if he is dealing with someone uncomfortable, he would cut them off without hesitation, even if it meant causing a harm or loss. As a result, those who had only seen Owen from a distance or for the first time naturally found him intimidating.

'So, that's why!'

Connecting his personality to the reactions of the servants and the noble guests sitting around the table made sense to him.

As Owen was mulling over these thoughts, Lucia raised her voice.

"Since the spring is here, shall we have a boat party on the lake? Shall we all move to a different spot?"

It seemed like the tense atmosphere had been weighing on her. As she spoke, the quiet garden regained its liveliness. Owen admired Lucia's effortless handling of those nobles and aristocrats. It was something he had only read in novels. But now, seeing it in person, Owen couldn't take his eyes off Lucia.

"Your Grace?"

Lucia, seeing Owen seated in place, carefully addressed him by his title.

It was only after hearing Lucia's voice that Owen finally snapped out of his trance.


"Perhaps, you don't find the boat ride enjoyable?"

Lucia questioned Owen's demeanor. Given Owen's usual lack of interest in such amusements, she thought it was the most plausible answer.

"...It's okay."

Owen slowly rose from his seat.

Despite Lucia wearing heels, there was still a noticeable height difference between them, with Owen standing a head taller. As Lucia seemed to realize the height contrast between them, Owen spoke again while gazing right into her eyes.

"I just have something to ponder. My apologies for being rude."

Lucia stiffened as Owen spoke, trying her best to maintain eye contact.

She had long desired Owen, but had never been in such a situation before. Even with her efforts, the previous Owen remained distant, with few opportunities for close interaction. So, being this close, with his words almost a whisper, made Lucia feel unexpectedly tense.


After Lucia remained frozen in place for a while, Owen called out to her in confusion.

"Oh, yes?"

Lucia managed to respond to Owen's different attitude, narrowing her eyes slightly before she felt him extending his hand towards her.

"Excuse me for a moment."

With that, Owen gently touched her forehead with his hand. Feeling the warmth emanating from his large hand, Lucia stiffened even more.

"Hm? You don't seem to have a fever."

When Lucia remained silent, Owen quickly added an excuse, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

It was a truly awkward situation. If it were someone else, they might have been severely reprimanded or even get their hands chopped off for insulting her like that.

But it was Owen Verdin.

The person Lucia desired so much.

The most perfect being in her eyes.

"Ah. No, not at all. It is an honor that you cared for me."

To have someone she cherished worry about her, Lucia felt no inclination to blame him. On the contrary, she felt grateful. He, who had always been distant and cold, was now reaching out to her first.

Nobles and aristocrats heading towards the lakeside were now turning their ears in their direction, curious about the conversation. It was a well-known secret that Lucia had feelings for Owen. Everyone knew, yet pretended not to. They were extraordinary individuals at the center of rumors.

"If it's an honor, let me escort you."

Lucia's response made Owen lift his head to look directly at her and reach out his hand to her again. Lucia looked at the large hand extended in front of her. She seemed hesitant, glancing at his hand several times as if she couldn't believe it, before finally mustering up the courage to place her hand on Owen's.

When her hand met Owen's, warmth could be felt between their intertwined hands, separated only by gloves.

'I shouldn't have worn gloves.'

Lucia thought to herself, staring blankly at their joined hands. Lost in her thoughts, she and Owen had unknowingly arrived at the lakeside.

Owen smoothly let go of her hand as Lucia briefly looked at his hand that had slipped away. As much as she felt regret, she knew grabbing his hand again would not only startle Owen but also the guests at the party. She made an effort to look away and proceeded with the party smoothly, knowing she couldn't ruin it due to her personal feelings.

"Except for the seat where the helmsman sits, two people can board the rowboat together. Since we have exactly ten people, you can pair up and board."

After Lucia finished explaining, the guests, in pairs, boarded the rowboat. Lucia, who was the last one among the guests to participate, found herself without a partner. Naturally, the only person left besides her was Owen, as no one dared to approach him.

Meeting each other's gaze, they both walked towards the rowboat and sat facing each other with the helmsman between them, just like the others.

As they both boarded the boat, the helmsman slowly began to row, and in the silence that enveloped them, only the occasional sound of oars hitting the water could be heard.

littleheaven littleheaven

This chapter is longer than the previous chapters. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts about this. Thankyou!

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