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Chapter 2: 1

Chapter 341 – Episode 341 – Tapping the Firm Buttocks of the Princess

In the southern region of the Kingdom of Harb, two prominent fortresses stand out: Kafka Castle and Oost Castle. Among them, Kafka Castle, situated slightly above Oost Castle, serves as our destination. As the light emitted from the grand magic circle crafted by the archmage and the dragon dissipates, the officials of Kafka Castle, who have been awaiting our arrival, bow respectfully.

"Goodbye, Princess."

Princess Eddy nods and gestures towards me.

"This is Marquis Dran from the Leman Empire. Let's all extend our courtesy."

"Greetings, warrior!"

Did she perhaps inform them of my identity beforehand to prevent any mishaps? It might sound a bit cynical, but observing Ediran's continuous glances towards me assures me that all is well. Well, regardless of whether it's genuine or not, clarity is preferable.

"And this is another warrior, Charlotte."

"Greetings, warrior!"

Two warriors.

Merely with the presence of Charlotte and me, the concerned expressions on their faces undergo a complete transformation. Their apprehension, perhaps stemming from the imminent clash with the Demon King's army, dissipates in the face of the formidable aura exuded by the two heroes.

"And here we have Lady Ray, the saint chosen by our Goddess Gaia."

"Oh, indeed. Greetings, saint!"

A hero is a hero, but a saint, standing as the staunchest opposition to the devil, holds equal significance. Ray is about to reciprocate their salutation when she suddenly falters.


"Ah... I suppose I slipped for a moment."

Not at all. After spending time with Natasha and Marcia yesterday, Ray also participated, and we engaged passionately. It seems she pushed herself a bit too much, resulting in slight muscle soreness. However, being a saint, she should recover swiftly. Then why does she continue to experience this discomfort?

"That... I'm proud."

Elin casts an envious glance upon learning about yesterday's events. Meanwhile, Masha, the Queen of Monsters, accompanied by additional reinforcements, steps forward. Although Eddie Lan omitted her introduction, it doesn't seem significant.

"I am Masha. I reign as the Queen of the Great North."

"Greetings, Queen of Monsters. However..."


"Oh, nothing."

Masha's attire reveals her protruding belly, unmistakably indicating her pregnancy. While it may appear as weight gain, her well-defined musculature makes it evident that pregnancy, not fat, is the cause. Nonetheless, it's preferable for Masha not to engage directly in combat.

"Allow me to escort you inside. It's sweltering outside; let's dine indoors."

Indeed, the southern climate can be quite oppressive. Subjecting us to prolonged exposure to the scorching sun is highly disrespectful.

"Your belongings will be unpacked in your chambers."

"Why not return to your quarters?"

Eline queries while levitating my luggage. I glance around and murmur softly.

"I'd like to explore the surroundings first."

"Very well. Your sincerity in times like these is commendable, quite unlike your usual self."

"Eline, how am I usually?"

"That's because you know better."

Eline playfully sticks out her tongue before joining the others inside the building.

My usual self?

Although my mind is often preoccupied with thoughts of women, I remain diligently focused on matters concerning demons. Henceforth, every day must be cherished.

However, someone remains here who has yet to depart.

"I shall accompany you as well."

Princess Ediran. Despite being rather covetous, her ambitions are solely directed towards the kingdom's welfare, deserving recognition.

"As the princess of this realm, I cannot simply remain in the shadows."

"Do as you wish. Your sincerity exceeds my expectations."

"Why should I heed your words?"

It's merely my observation.

"But Ray, will you join me too?"


And Ray quietly remains behind.

"Ray, we won't engage in intimacy."

"Yes, understood?"

Surprisingly, it's the princess who reacts, not the saint. Nonetheless, it's inappropriate for another woman to make such vulgar remarks in her presence, especially considering she might be unfamiliar with such language. Nana Ray continues the conversation, disregarding Ediran.

"Why must intimacy be a prerequisite for companionship?"

"Then why follow me?"

"As a saint, she may possess insights into the impending war, and..."

Ray appears slightly bashful, twisting her body.

"I simply wish to be with you. Isn't that enough?"

"I never said otherwise. If that's your reason, it's understandable."

It's natural for a woman to desire the company of someone she cares for.

"What's with these two…" Ediran, who had been observing our openly displayed affection, now regarded us with eyes that seemed exasperated. At this juncture, she opted to conduct a swift tour of the castle.

A knight commander, long acquainted with the fortress, volunteered to lead us. Ray and I walked side by side, with Princess Edi trailing behind.

"Hup! Halt!"

"This is the training ground."

Following the knight commander, I beheld a vast training area blanketed in dust. Many soldiers congregated within a large training hall, diligently wielding their swords. It instantly evoked memories of my time as a soldier. Initially, I was among their ranks. However, the atmosphere here markedly differed from that of my former unit. I recognized that feeling well.

"The discipline here is commendable."

"Yes. It seems war is imminent."

Tension hung palpably in the air. None of the soldiers displayed hesitation or half-heartedness. It suited me. I hadn't experienced war firsthand and wasn't acquainted with its horrors. I contemplated offering guidance to any complacent soldiers, but it seemed unnecessary.

"Let's inspect the provisions."


We proceeded to survey the warehouses, starting with the storage of military supplies and concluding with one brimming with weaponry. We inspected sacks brimming with grains like wheat and rice, ensuring no signs of spoilage, and checked the maintenance of the arms. Throughout, the knight commander provided thorough explanations.

"Princess, I fear our provisions may be insufficient for a confrontation with the Demon King's army."

"The kingdom has dispatched supplies. They'll arrive promptly, aided by magic and horse-drawn carts."

"Indeed. They'll be here shortly."

The knight commander echoed Princess Ediran's response.

"Commander, concerning the weapons here, shouldn't they fall under our jurisdiction?"

"Radish... Is there an issue?"

"There's been no regular maintenance. Just by examining this arrowhead, one can see it's already rusted. The spear or sword blades won't retain their sharpness for long."

"I was short-sighted. I hadn't considered that."

"Nevertheless, we're better prepared than expected. Over time, issues may arise. Arrowheads will become lodged, and soldiers will need to sharpen their weapons daily."

"We'll address it immediately tomorrow."

I hadn't come here to nitpick, interrogate, or reprimand. Instead, I offered solutions and steered them constructively.

"Let's proceed to the castle wall."


The knight commander resumed leading the way. As Princess Eddy trailed behind, she addressed Ray.

"Marquis Dran, for a warrior, you seem well-versed in matters of war."

"Naturally. Daron was obsessed with war. You'll soon realize the princess made an excellent choice in summoning Daron, won't you?"

Until you gain enlightenment. It's fundamental knowledge. As I overheard murmurs behind me, we reached the castle wall. Scaling it and peering beyond revealed an expansive, open plain. It's ideal terrain for an assault on Kafka Castle, isn't it?

"And it's remarkably spacious."

Ray, too, appeared impressed, surveying the world outside the castle. Positioned atop this height, with no obstructions to impede the wind, it blew robustly, offering refreshing relief from the heat.

Princess Eddie Lan, her hair tousled by the wind, queried me.

"Marquis Dran, will the Demon King's army truly bypass Ust Castle and head straight here?"

Ust Castle lies farther south. It's possible to circumvent it and advance towards Kafka Castle.

"There's no reason they wouldn't. Unlike here, Ust Castle is surrounded by rugged terrain."

"Yes, it's a rocky area."

For a siege, a broad, level field like this is ideal. Not from our vantage as defenders, but from the perspective of the devil's army preparing to attack.

"It's conceivable. If they head directly here, we could redirect the troops from Ust Castle this way and assail the Demon King's army from both front and rear."


"Let's discuss that later."

I noticed several magic circles adorning the castle wall. Several wizards must have convened, utilizing a vast quantity of magic stones.

"Last time, they rebounded like that. With the assistance of our empire, the castle walls were meticulously repaired, and multiple protective magic circles were installed, correct?"

"Well, I believe that was indeed beneficial."

"The princess fared poorly. Frankly, we spoon-fed her."

"The true Demon King... Who would have anticipated they'd target our Kingdom of Harb first..."

"If the war concludes favorably, would you care to express your gratitude?"

I lightly tapped the princess's buttocks. They were firm.

"What are you doing now..."

Thankfully, the knight commander momentarily looked elsewhere. Ray observed us, but we pretended not to notice and continued. With a knight commander beside her and maintaining the dignity befitting a princess, Princess Eddy refrained from protesting.

"Let's descend."

"Hey, not again. Marquis Dran, are you even listening?"

Either way, I don't require guidance for the return journey, so I descend ahead.

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