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Navigating Chaos: My Journey to Survival Navigating Chaos: My Journey to Survival original

Navigating Chaos: My Journey to Survival

Author: PorkOnBun

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: V1-Chapter 1 : Journey Begins!

The origins of the war remained a mystery to most, and the common folks fought not out of allegiance, but out of sheer desperation for survival. Every day was a brutal struggle, where the quest for a mere crust of bread drove us to commit unspeakable acts. As for those who held power and issued commands, their identities and motivations were obscured behind impenetrable city walls.

In this bleak reality, the imperative to fight was not handed down, but born from the primal instinct to endure. The leaders, hidden from sight, persisted in their directives, compelling men and women alike to perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Each passing day brought promises of nearing our destination, yet the reality of arrival remained elusive. For nearly two decades, I've heard the repeated assurances, only to find myself perpetually in the same desolate landscape, devoid of progress.

But what recourse do we have? Our only desire is to survive. While we could cease our fighting and seek refuge elsewhere, the land lies barren and inhospitable, its soil rendered infertile by destruction. Only the towering cities possess the technology to sustain life now, yet entry into their walls demands a grisly toll: becoming a seasoned warrior, with a thousand confirmed kills as the price of admission.

Yet, it's a grim irony that none of us here were born warriors. Many hail from backgrounds of hardship, with mothers who bore the scars of war—crippled, disabled, or traumatized. Men, driven by the relentless stress and fear of survival, seized upon these vulnerabilities, exploiting them for their own ends.

Who could fault them? In this forsaken terrain, human rights and laws are relics of a distant past. We exist in a state akin to beasts, devoid of deference or distinction. Nevertheless, we persevere, clinging to the hope that one day, our world will echo the tales of our grandparents, filled with promises of peace and prosperity.

In this idyllic realm, peace reigns supreme, and the greatest hardship one might face is homelessness. Sprawling cities dot the landscape like a verdant forest, offering sanctuary to all. Here, freedom knows no bounds—sleep, work, and sustenance are available at whim, with no constraints or limitations.

Yet today, amidst the prevailing misery, everything changed for me, Rylan Ashford, a mere twenty years old. A glimmer of newfound hope pierced through the darkness, heralding a monumental shift in our fractured world. A divine presence, a deity, manifested before us, illuminating the bleak landscape with a single gesture that brought all to a standstill.

"Ahh, is it finally over?" Rylan murmured, his thoughts drifting to his mother. "I wonder if I can see her now. I hope she's doing alright." As the world around him came to a halt and darkness enveloped his vision, uncertainty lingered in the air.

10,000 years Later, the world underwent a profound transformation. The scars of the grand pointless war vanished, leaving behind a landscape reminiscent of its pre-human era. The earth's features soared higher, the skies adorned with breathtaking beauty, and the mountains stood in tranquil majesty.

In this serene realm, specks of light danced across the globe, heralding the resurgence of life from the depths of history. Humans emerged from their long slumber, awakening to a world rejuvenated after countless years of dormancy.


Amidst uncontrollable coughing, Rylan cursed under his breath. "What in the..." he began before sprinting towards a nearby tree, emptying his stomach in violent heaves. After a moment, he wiped his mouth, staring disapprovingly at the vomit. "There goes dinner," he muttered with a resigned sigh. "Looks like starvation for me today."

Rylan gazed upward in astonishment, finding himself surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. He couldn't discern the nature of this place or identify the strange objects before him. Vibrant hues painted his vision, captivating his eyes as he beheld the stunning beauty unfolding before him.

"Where the fu..." Rylan's curse was abruptly cut off by a loud Ding! that startled him mid-sentence. Flinching, he instinctively reached for the makeshift knife he had carried for countless confrontations, only to find it missing from its usual place at his back. But that wasn't the only shock; a sudden chill ran through him, and as he looked down, his expression darkened. To his disbelief, he realized he was completely naked, a fact that had escaped his notice until now.

Rylan's impulse to curse was interrupted by a sudden voice that echoed seemingly from nowhere, greeting him with unexpected familiarity. "Greetings, No. 10324522. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am a system bestowed upon the remaining human survivors by the true deity. My purpose is to aid humanity in its resurgence on this new Earth! Oh, and congratulations on your survival, by the way," the system announced with a hint of amusement.

Panic still coursing through him, Rylan frantically searched for the source of the voice until his eyes landed on a floating blue system panel nearby. With wide eyes, he stared at the unfamiliar object, never having encountered anything like it before.

"What the fu..." Rylan began to curse once again, but his words were cut short by the system's voice. "Is that the extent of your communication?" the system interjected with irritation. "Since the beginning, your dialogue has been limited to a continuous stream of curses about everything you observe. Sigh."

Rylan's expression darkened upon hearing the system's reproachful words. He felt a twinge of annoyance, knowing well that the day's series of surprises was hardly his doing. After taking a deep breath to steady himself, Rylan fixed his gaze on the system and inquired, "What exactly are you?"

Rylan flinched as the system clicked her tongue before speaking, nearly startling him into an instinctive defensive response. "Didn't you hear my introduction?" she sighed. "As I mentioned, I am a system provided to the surviving humans by the true deity. My role is to assist humanity in its revival on this new Earth!" she reiterated, enunciating each word carefully for Rylan's understanding.

However, Rylan's irritation only intensified, though he managed to rein it in with a deliberate step back. "Fine, then. What exactly is a 'system'?" he inquired, to which the system responded with audible annoyance. "Seriously? Have you never played a video game before? What's wrong with you?" she retorted.

Upon hearing those words, Rylan's fury reached a boiling point, his blood boiling with anger. "That's it! Come here, you little shit!" Rylan exclaimed, lunging at the blue floating system panel. However, his fists only met empty air as they passed through the panel as if it were insubstantial.

"Oh, look at you, very mature of you Human, real mature" the system retorted with heavy sarcasm, its virtual demeanor practically rolling its non-existent eyes. Disheartened by the fruitlessness of his actions, Rylan glared at the blue system panel before turning away. He couldn't shake the feeling that lingering any longer would only drive him to madness.

Despite Rylan's attempt to ignore it, the blue system panel continued to hover nearby. "Are we going somewhere?" it quipped, but Rylan opted to disregard it as he soon walked toward a thick screen-like wall that stretched into the sky. Perplexed by its presence, Rylan felt no apprehension as he reached out to touch the screen. However, like his encounter with the system panel, his hand met no resistance.

Just as Rylan was poised to step outside, the blue system panel behind him interjected with a cautionary warning. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," it advised. Rylan paused, inhaling deeply, and turned to regard the system panel with a serious expression, signaling that he was not in the mood for games.

"Listen to what I have to say first, and then you can do whatever you want," the system insisted. Rylan remained silent, waiting patiently for the system to proceed. "This world is no longer the Earth you once knew. Humans will no longer hold the same status as the dominant species as they did before. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Frowning in confusion, Rylan failed to fully grasp the system's meaning, but he remained silent and attentive, eager to comprehend. Throughout his life, Rylan had relied on his instincts, and at this moment, his gut told him that whatever the system divulged would offer crucial insights for his survival in this unfamiliar world.

"The deity was enraged by the war that humans instigated 10,000 years ago. To restore the world to its original state, the deity had to expend a significant portion of its power to heal and alter the laws of the world," the system explained solemnly.

"To prevent a recurrence of past mistakes, the deity introduced new predators into earth. Though neither entirely benevolent nor malevolent, the deity spared humans, granting them the power to endure and rebuild in this world—provided they are capable," the system elaborated.

"This is our purpose, my purpose," the system asserted gravely. "Human, I am here to aid you in your survival. Whether you choose to believe me or not, this is the undeniable truth," she declared to Rylan, emphasizing the sincerity of her words.

PorkOnBun PorkOnBun

Greetings, everyone, and welcome! I'll be updating this novel daily for as long as there are readers willing to follow along. I hope you find enjoyment in Rylan's journey.

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