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Chapter 3: The Wizard (Last)

The old man whose name is Richard had informed all those who were gathering for the eclipse ritual about how the ritual was going to change, at first they all were apprehensive about the whole ordeal but after they found the reason behind such a change, many related and sympathised with the grand Wizard and they wholeheartedly accepted.

Of course some were still mad but they lacked the authority to make decisions of their own and they were outnumbered in terms of votes, Robert had to promise them some of his stash of rare ingredients used for spell casting and rituals to appeased them.

The eclipse was about to happen in ten minutes, they had already gathered around Shawn who was stripped naked, and symbols had been curved on his body with a knife. They had been careful not to rapture any veins, or arteries during the process.

The ground where Shawn lay unconscious had been drawn with a magic circle, using wraith blood, and ingredients that took more than a decade to find. Robert stepped forward and muttered a spell that roughly translated. [Awake]

Shawn woke in terrible pain and he screamed his lungs out but no one came to appease his pain. With each passing second his body became numb to the pain so that he doesn't die from shock.

Shawn sat up with great difficulty and looked around him and only saw a number of man wearing blue cloaks, their hoods hiding their faces, the only person who was not wearing a hood was the man he cuckolded.

Countless questions ran through Shawn's mind, wondering how he got here? Why he was here? And where he was?

Since he didn't understand, he directed his gaze straight at the man he was sure was responsible for all this, despite being in pain he was trying to adopt an arrogant air as to appear unafraid Infront of this weird people, but the moment his eyes laid on Robert's eyes, he knew he was going to die.

He tried to control his facial features to appear unbothered, after all it wasn't his first time going through something like this, the last time it was a gangster's wife, and he managed to pull through, because he always thought on his feet.

"R-Robert come on, le-lets be civilised about this, killing me won't change the fact that it happened, and if I remember correctly it takes two people to cheat, I don't see your wife here, meaning you've forgiven her despite she being the one who seduced me.

I had been reluctant at first but I couldn't resist her charm and beauty, I apologise for the pain I've caused you, I didn't think it would go so far.

I am.. just an orphan.. my entire life I had always wondered about the warmth and embrace of a mother, and that's exactly what Mrs. Ruby provided me, even though sometimes she would demand I do dominate roles with her, I always did them because i thought that's what it felt like to have a mother.

I know I am sick, but I.. you don't know how it's like being lonely! Yes I did fucked up shit but I was empty and I wanted to have some semblance of warmth, just this once in my entire miserable life.."

Tears streamed down Shawn's face, his head hung downcast. He was waiting for a reaction that would tell him how well his lies got to them, but the reaction they gave him was not the one he expected, not in a million years.

"Hahahaha... Dave did you just hear the same bullshit I just heard? I've never heard such bullshit, even children come up with better shit than that."

"Yeah I was already expecting bullshit the moment he opened his mouth but this one, I have never heard such a 'well' crafted bullshit that almost brought tears to my eyes, hahahaha.."

All the gathered wizards added their wisdom about Shawn's bullshit but ultimately they all laughed their asses off, even the youngest whose not yet experienced many bullshit in his life could tell Shawn was bullshitting a mile away.

Robert just shook his head when the laughs had began to die down, and said. "I expected better from you." At the same time as he finished saying that, the world darkened, as the sun disappeared.

All gathered wizards knew it was time, they all circled Shawn with hands clasped together and they began whispering words with an unfamiliar language, their voices having changed, more menacing.

Shawn knew today was supposed to be the eclipse and he had thought at this time he would be cuddling yet another man's wife while he was gone. Shawn was a man who found the thrill in cuckolding other men and being caught was the best part.

That's why he had already planned of being caught after a week of spending time with Robert's wife but unexpectedly Robert came earlier than he thought and now he was learning the consequences of his fiendish acts.

It had been absolutely dark in this forest, and eerily quiet with only the strange words being spoken out by the cult. Suddenly the magic circle began to glow and so was Shawn's skins were symbols had been curved, he was being bathed by the energy from the sun and moon shining down upon him.

"Argh.. aaahhhdgggg.."

He screamed out loud drowning the voices of the cult but unable to deter them from their ritualistic chant. Shawn's skin was burning scarlet red, his howls of pain capable of waking the dead.

The brighter the light became from both the magic circle and Shawn the further back the wizard retreated. When the chant reached the climax Shawn howled his final cry and exploded into bits and pieces right in Infront of the cults.

The wizards were covered with Shawn but they didn't stop chanting. A vortex where Shawn's complete body had been opened up, and an incorporeal Shawn who looked more like a wisp of energy entered inside and the vortex closed up, that's when they stopped chanting.

Despite having not performed the spell they wanted, they were still impressed of having being capable of opening a vortex to another world. You could see from their trembling bodies, their cracked lips quaked upwards and their beaded sweat how draining the spell was.

Some even fell down to gather strength. Robert remained standing, his eyes sharp while staring at where Shawn used to be and still felt empty inside but a little better than he expected, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

He took a long exhale and when he too was about to seat down, a mysterious holographic screen appeared in his view, Robert was left wondering what this was all about.



Shawn woke up from what he thought was a nightmare and he found himself standing and a little disoriented and very thirst. A small groan left his lips and it alerted a presence that was beside him.

The presence said something which he didn't understand nor did he try to listen to. He looked around this place and found out he was inside a forest but different from the one in his nightmare but more terrifying.

His eyes went towards the person whose hand was now on his shoulder and the moment their eyes met he shuddered, because the man's eyes remainded Shawn of that of Robert's.

He was about to say something when a splitting headache fogged his thoughts and thinking capacity, he felt his body convulsing but he could only focus on the darkness trying to claim his mind and when he tried to fight it he failed because the pull was simply too strong and he fell unconscious.

John_Wick_8275 John_Wick_8275

There's no longer Robert and There's no system, so don't expect that. (I just have plans for Robert but just not in this novel, the MC is Shawn)

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