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Chapter 19: Wrath Of DevKill

In their secret hideout, the boys' gang gathered practicing basketball. Seven eager members dribbled and shot, their laughter echoing through the secluded spot.

One member inquired, "Boss, any idea where Kiyo is? Why isn't he not here yet."

The gang leader responded, "I've been trying to reach him, but no luck; he's not picking up."

One member suggested, "Boss, keep trying; if Kiyo's late, he'll miss out on training." As the leader received a notification, he checked it, grinned, and announced, "Got it, Kiyo just messaged; he won't make it today."

Another member inquired, "Why's he skipping?" The leader responded, "Save that question for tomorrow. For now, let's stay focused on practice." And they all resumed their training.

An hour later, a deafening crash echoed from a corner of the hideout, like the shattering of a massive pane of glass. The boy's gang was jolted by the sudden noise, their expressions revealing a hint of fear.

The gang leader's voice rang out, demanding, "What's going on? You go and check, now." With a bit of hesitation, one member grabbed his baseball bat and headed towards the source of the disturbance.

"Boss, no sign of anything," the member relayed.

The gang leader's response was swift. "Sending another; stay vigilant." With a nod, another member walks forward. picked up the rod, and together with the others, they ventured into the darkness to investigate.

Into the darkness they vanished, swallowed by its eerie embrace. Moments passed, tension thickening the air, until a sharp, agonizing scream pierced the silence, jolting everyone into action.With weapons clutched tightly, they raced towards the source of the chilling cry.

Upon arrival, a scene of horror awaited them: the two members lay motionless, their bodies cruelly maimed, blood staining the ground in a macabre display. Panic seized the gang, their nerves fraying at the gruesome sight.

Amidst the chaos, one member's voice erupted in shock, exclaiming, "What the fuck is that?" Another, consumed by panic, cried out, "They're dead, they've been slaughtered!"

The gang leader's voice cut through the frenzy, commanding, "Enough with the panic; stick together. We need to move, now." With urgency propelling them forward, they sprinted towards the main gate, only to find it lock with a massive chain and lock

Terror tightened its grip on everyone. The gang leader dashed forward, relentlessly pounding the steel rod against the lock, yet it remained steadfast.

Amidst the tension, a sinister laughter echoed, sending shivers down their spines. Panic surged through the gang like wildfire.

Fueled by anger, the gang leader's voice echoed. "Show yourself, you coward! Stop hiding and face us!"

Abruptly, the eerie scrape of blade against stone filled the air. drawing everyone's attention. Emerging from the shadows, a figure cloaked in black stepped forward, adorned with gloves and a mask—half white, half black. On the white side, a sinister smile adorned the mask, while the black side remained ominously shrouded.

In the figure's grasp gleamed a blood-stained dagger, its presence sending shivers down the spines of all who beheld it. Fear gripped the gang as they laid eyes upon this ominous newcomer.

The gang leader's voice thundered, "Who the hell are you?" In response, the mysterious figure, with a chilling tone, declared, "I am DevKill," and continued advancing towards him.

The gang leader's command cut through the tension, urgency laced in his words. "We have to kill him, before he kills us! Attack, now!"

Enraged, a member charged at DevKill, wielding his bat and bellowing with fury. Yet, DevKill's swift reaction halted the bat mid-swing, stunning the members of gang.

Undeterred, the member launched a punch towards DevKill's face, but DevKill intercepted it with a deft maneuver, strucking his dagger into the oncoming fist with alarming precision. The member crumpled to his knees, writhing in agony as screams of pain echoed.

The boy's gang stood frozen in shock as DevKill seized the fallen member by the hair, lifting his head and brandishing his dagger high. With a swift and decisive motion, he slashed the dagger across the victim's neck, extinguishing his life in an instant.

A chorus of screams erupted from every gang member, even the leader recoiling in fear. DevKill calmly sheathed his dagger in his side pocket and began to advance towards them, his menacing presence sending shivers down their spines.

Panic swept through the gang as they witnessed the brutal display. In a desperate bid for retaliation, the vice-captain charged at DevKill, wielding his hockey stick like a weapon. However, DevKill effortlessly intercepted the attack, seizing the stick and crushing it with his bare hands.

With relentless ferocity, DevKill unleashed a barrage of punches upon the vice-captain's face, each blow landing with bone-crushing force. Finally, with a swift kick, he sent the vice-captain hurtling through the air, his body tumbling away from the onslaught.

As two more members rushed towards DevKill, their screams of desperation filling the air, he swiftly drew his daggers, expertly deflecting their frenzied attacks with effortless precision. In a fluid motion, he unleashed a series of devastating slashes, each strike carving through their bodies with lethal efficiency.

Their agonizing cries echoed through the night as they succumbed to their wounds, their bodies collapsing to the ground in silent agony. Now, only the gang leader remained, trembling with fear as he faced the daunting figure of DevKill alone.

In a fit of rage, the gang leader charged towards DevKill, wielding his steel rod like a weapon aimed at DevKill's face. With swift reflexes, DevKill intercepted the attack, drawing his dagger and driving it into the gang leader's shoulder. With relentless force, DevKill propelled the gang leader backward until he was firmly pressed against the wall, the dagger piercing through the gang leader's shoulder and anchoring him in place.

In the grip of searing pain, the gang leader managed to muster a shaky inquiry, "Who... are you?" DevKill tilted his head in response, before slowly removing his mask, revealing himself as Kiyo.

The gang member's eyes widened in disbelief as Kiyo's unsettling smile spread across his face. "Surpriseee!" he exclaimed, his tone dripping with a twisted sense of satisfaction. "Did you enjoy my greatest move?"

The gang leader, struck by disbelief, questioned, "But... you were one of us, a friend."

Kiyo's laughter echoed with a chilling intensity as he mocked, "Friends?" Then, his expression twisted into one of anger as he bellowed, "Friends, my foot!"

As Kiyo's smile widened, he reached into his back pocket and retrieved another dagger, swiftly aiming it at the gang leader's neck. Frozen in terror, the gang leader closed his eyes, bracing for the fatal blow.

In an instant, the chilling sound of something being pierced reverberated through the air. The gang member cautiously reopened his eyes to witness a steel rod protruding from Kiyo's chest, shock etched across his face.

Kiyo's gaze met the gang's vice-captain, who held a steel rod piercing through Kiyo's heart with one hand and a baseball bat with the other. Blood trickled from Kiyo's mouth as his eyes widened in disbelief,

The gang's vice leader relinquished his grip on the steel rod, stepping back as Kiyo visibly winced in pain. With a scream, the vice leader struck Kiyo's leg with the baseball bat he was holding, forcing him to kneel in excruciating pain.

With deliberate steps, the vice leader walked around and positioned himself in front of Kiyo, glaring at him with disdain. Raising his bat high, he shouted, "Now die you morom!!"

With a savage swing, the vice leader's bat viciously collided with Kiyo's skull, sending his head crashing forcefully into the ground. Blood sprayed into the air upon impact, the force of the blow crushing Kiyo's skull. A pool of blood began to form around his lifeless body, signaling his demise as he lay motionless on the ground.

With a roar of fury, the vice-captain stalked towards the leader, wrenching the dagger from his shoulder. Supporting the leader, he draped the leader's arm over his shoulder, and together they began to walk towards the main gate of the hideout.

Suddenly, a demonic laughter from their behind pierced the air, freezing both the leader and the vice-captain in deep shock.

Their hearts pounded with fear as they glanced back, their eyes widening in terror. As Kiyo was walking towards them, the rod still protruding from his heart, his face contorted and half crushed, drenched in blood. His laughter echoed crazily, a manic gleam in his eyes that sent shivers down their spines.

Paralyzed by terror, both the leader and the vice-captain crumbled to the ground. The leader's voice trembled as he choked out the question, "What... what are you?" Fear dripped from every word, his eyes wide with horror.

Trembling uncontrollably, the vice-captain interjected with a quivering voice, "He's... he's no human. He's a demon, a devil himself."

Kiyo halted his eerie advance, his laughter echoing chillingly as he responded, "I am DevKill." With a sinister smile, he nonchalantly withdrew the rod from his heart, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. The leader and vice-captain watched in stunned silence, shock and fear etched into their eyes,

As Kiyo closed the distance between them, standing before the leader and vice-captain who remained on the ground, he gazed at them with a chilling smile.

In a trembling voice, the vice-captain pleaded, "Please, have mercy on us."

Kiyo's expression shifted from a smile to one of solemnity as he replied, "Fine, then I will grant you the same mercy you showed my cat." Fear gripped the leader and vice-captain

With rage contorting his features, Kiyo bellowed, demanding, "Why do you prey on the weak?" The captain and vice-captain trembled before him, their fear palpable in the air.

In a sudden burst of fury, Kiyo lashed out, driving the rod straight into the vice-captain's skull. The metal pierced through bone and flesh, pinning him to the ground as life fled from his body in an instant, the rod struck firmly into the earth below.

The leader's cry of fear pierced the air as he began to crawl away in desperation. Kiyo also turns his back to the retreating leader, making his way towards his dagger. Retrieving it from ground, he then turned his attention back to the crawling leader, advancing towards him with deliberate steps.

Kiyo halted the leader's desperate crawl with a swift kick to his back, compelling him to stop and with his foot he turned him around to face him, with the leader on the ground and Kiyo standing atop him, Kiyo stood over the leader in silence,

With his dagger raised high, Kiyo prepared to strike, sending a shiver of fear down the gang leader's spine. Bracing for the impending blow, the leader closed his eyes, awaiting his fate.

However, to his astonishment, Kiyo hesitated, refraining from delivering the final blow. As the tense silence enveloped them, the gang leader cautiously opened his eyes, locking gazes with Kiyo. The two remained in a silent standoff, the leader on the ground and Kiyo towering above him,

Kiyo slowly lowered himself, settling atop the gang leader, his sinister smile sending chills down the leader's spine. With a menacing glint in his eyes, Kiyo raised his dagger high.

As desperation gripped him, the leader began to plead for mercy, his words trembling with fear. "I'm sorry, Kiyo," he begged, his voice laced with regret. "Please forgive me. I'm so sorry."

Kiyo's words cut through the air like knives. "You don't deserve to live in this world," he hissed, his voice dripping with disdain. "A burden, unworthy of the air you're breathing."

With swift and deliberate movements, Kiyo drove his dagger into the leader's heart, the first strike followed by a relentless barrage of repeated thrusts. Again and again, the steel pierced flesh, each strike fueled by contempt and rage, leaving no room for mercy.

Kiyo's rage-filled screams pierced the air, a tempest of fury unleashed upon the world. Abruptly, the storm within him subsided, replaced by an eerie calmness. With a twisted smile, he gazed at his blood-drenched hand, the dark crimson staining his skin. Without hesitation, Kiyo smeared the leader's blood across his face, Then, with a haunting laughter that echoed through the night, he revelled in the madness of his own creation.

As Kiyo's maniacal laughter filled the air, the sound of clapping abruptly cut through the darkness, directing his furious gaze towards its source. Emerging from the dark, Kiyora in his smoke form appeared, his smile sinister as she approached Kiyo and settled near him, his presence adding an eerie aura to the scene.

In a chilling tone, Kiyora inquired, "How does it feel, DevKill?"

Kiyo's response was chilling. "It's exhilarating," he declared, his voice dripping with anticipation. "Now, it's time to cleanse this world of every bully and evildoer. They'll all meet their end."

With a dark chuckle, he descended into maniacal laughter, and Kiyora, sharing his fervor, joined in, their laughter echoing through the hideout like a sinister refrain.

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