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Chapter 10: 9

Chapter 9


Vince walked out of the room with a yawn. He then noticed Kiba and Issei walking out of a room together. "Mornin'..."

"Good morning Vince-kun." Kiba greeted.

Issei just glared at Vince as he remembered what happened last night. "Yeah, morning."

Vince shurgged not really caring and just continued to walk. (I'm glad I have my own seperate room.)

"Vince-kun, are we going to train today?" Kiba asked calling out before he left.

He then turned around and looked at Kiba. "Yeah, same thing like before. We'll be doing that later in the day though. The same thing applies to you Issei."

"Why?" Issei asked now curious.

"I have my own training to do. If you see Rias tell her I'll be training in the mountain." Vince stated as he walked away.

As Vince was walking to the main hall Yume spoke up. [Vince, what about breakfest? You can't skip a meal, you know.]

"I'll hunt for some fish in the river if I get hungry. Either that or I'll hunt a bear." He replied with a shrug.

Yume sweatdropped, [Why do you want to hunt a bear?]

"To mess up with the animal food chain, you don't see a human eating a bear often." Vince answered casually, causing Yume's sweatdrop to increase.

[You shouldn't mess with the food chain like that Vince.] She chided.

"Yume-san is right Vince-kun." A voice called out from behind him.

"Morning Akeno." Vince didn't bother turning around as he leaned against the wall.

"Are you going to eat breakfest Vince-kun?" Akeno asked curiously.

"No. I have to train."

"But you should eat some breakfest Vince-kun, it isn't healthly to skip a meal." Akeno chided.

"I agree with Akeno, you should at least eat breakfest with us Vince." Rias called out, as she walked into the main hall with Koneko and Asia following.

"I'll eat something don't worry about it." Vince walked into the kitchen and took out a cup of instant ramen from his pocket.

[That's not considered breakfest Vince.] Yume said with a frown.

"Really ramen at this time Vince?" Rias asked with a deadpan expression.

Vince shrugged and was about to pour water on it, before it was completely destroyed by a small sphere. He turned around to see Rias' finger pointed at where the cup of ramen used to be. "What the hell, Rias?!"

"Even if you're training us Vince, I won't allow to eat something so unhealthly in the morning." Rias replied with a frown.

[Thank you Rias.] Yume chirped with a smile.

Vince facepalmed as Rias nodded, he then shook his head with a sigh. "Well, it looks like your control is a little better Rias."

"Thank you Vince."

"But your control is still piss poor and you still have a ways to go." Vince said, causing Rias to glare at him.

"Ufufu, shall I prepare breakfest Buchou?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"Yes, Akeno." Rias then grabbed Vince's arm and started dragging him. "You're going to have breakfest with us Vince."

"Troublesome red-head." Vince grumbled under his breath.

"I heard that Vince." Rias said with an annoyed expression.

"Wasn't keeping that a secret." He replied causing Rias to again glare at him.

Vince ignored Rias' glare and started reading his book again, much to her ire. (I rather not go into a fight this early in the morning and I'd rather ignore her.)

"Ufufu, they're like a married old couple." Akeno said giggling as she covered her mouth with her hand.

After Rias finished dragging Vince into the table, everyone else walked in the table and sat down. A few minutes later Akeno came in with breakfest. Which Vince quickly wolfed down, much to Yume's ire. He then put got up from the table and put his plate away.

"I'm going out."

"Where are you going?" Rias asked.

"I'm going to the mountain, I'll be back to train you and the others, later." Vince then opened the door and quickly left.


[Why did you leave so quickly Vince?] Yume asked in a curious tone.

"I wanted to be left alone, I want to work more on my black lightning as a Devil. As we both know black lightning can be very destructive." Vince stated as he pressed the button on his gray cellphone as his eyes turned red and his pupils slit.

[You do have a point, but did you have to do it so rudely?] Yume asked shaking her head.

"Rias destroyed my ramen." He said simply.

Yume however sweatdropped. [L-Let's just get started on training.]

Vince nodded and created a ball of black lightning in his hand, the ball violently shook and transformed into a katana. "That's not good..."

[Well, black lightning is demonic and violent in nature. Not to many people can properly control it. Thankfully you have a great amount of control thanks to Ayame-san.] Yume said with a small smile.

"Point taken." Vince lifted his katana over his shoulder and slashed a boulder that was next to him. The boulder was immediately cleaved in half as the katana discharged black lightning, destroying the even further than intended.

"...I have a lot of work to do." He muttered as he looked at the pebbles on the ground.

[Don't forget about training your dark water. Just like black lightning it too is demonic and violent in nature. Both are very dangerous, but in a way one can consider dark water even more cruel than black lightning.] Yume stated seriously.

"What do you mean?"

[While black lightning is very violent and likes to shock and destroy everything it touches, dark water can be considered even more cruel. When a person who doesn't have a good control black water, it at times can have a sentient mind, when that happens it traps it's victim. It doesn't just flood, it drowns everything it consumes, including normal water.] Yume explained in a grim tone.

Vince winced as he nodded, now knowing how dangerous both black lightning and dark water can really be. "I understand, trying to control black lightning and dark water takes first priority. Trying to learn a technique can come later."

[Let's try to meditate on controling black lightning than dark water. You've been using black lightning longer so it be a little easier.] She advised.

"Right." Vince stopped channeling black lightning causing the katana to disappear and sat down in a meditative stance and closed his eyes with black lightning surging through his body. (Now that I think about it, my lightning is pretty much electricity in general. I wonder why I didn't really pay attention to that up until now.)

(Two Hours Later)

Vince opened his eyes and got up as he raised his index finger as high as he could. Black lightning swirled around him as it went to his index finger. He then pointed his finger at the sky and fired off a huge amount of black lightning. "I think I got the hang of this."

[That's great Vince, you defintely have more control than before. But you should move to the left now.] Yume said to him.

Vince raised an eyebrow but moved to the left quickly as he now saw why. A bird fell crashed into the ground right next to him, completely pitch black. "You weren't kidding the bird is completely burned pitch black."

[Well, that is how destructive black lightning can- What are you doing Vince?] Yume asked with a sweatdrop after she saw him pick up the dead bird.

"I'm curious about dark water." Vince tossed the dead bird into air as he shot out a black water whip from his hand.

To his surprise the whip water quickly grabbed the bird and fell into a river. The black water disappeared upon contact from touching the regular water. Looking at the river closely his eyes narrowed when he saw the water had completely drowned the bird, leaving no traces left. "There's nothing left, not even a small amount of blood or at least a bone."

[This is how dangerous dark water can be, that is why you must learn how to control it properly before using it. Thankfully you have enough control to stop the dark water.] She said with a sigh.

(Dark water is really dangerous. Especially if it's at sea, I'll need to learn how to control it properly. Otherwise I could hurt myself or someone else by accident.) Vince thought with a frown. He sat down in a meditative stance as he close his eyes. The dark water came out of Vince's hands as it slowly circled and swirled through his body.

(Two Hours later)

Vince opened his eyes and got up from the ground as the dark water swirled around his body. He then pointed towards a boulder at the other side of the river. The dark water immediately went towards the boulder and encased it.

"Now!" Vince clenched his fist causing the dark water to completely crush the boulder, only leaving pebbles behind.

[That was great Vince, you might not have complete control over it but you definitely have increased your control over it.] Yume chirped with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not like the perfect control over my regular water and lightning, but it is something." He said with a small sigh.

[Vince quick move out of the way!] She shouted surprising him.

Vince's eyes widened as he saw a large amount of demonic energy in the form of a shot headed towards him. Quickly thinking, Vince channeled black lightning into his legs and ran out of the way just before the demonic energy shot got to him. "That was close, too close..."

[Vince, are you okay?!] Yume asked in a very concerned tone.

Vince breathed heavily as his eye color and pupils went back to normal, signifying that he is no longer a devil. "Yeah, I'm just glad my reflexes are good, otherwise I would have been caught in that attack."

[Vince, look at the mountain.] She said pointing towards the mountain.

(The mountain is has a big hole in it, in the middle. So that means I did the right choice in moving out of the way.) Vince thought with a frown.

[That attack is on par with an attack from a High-Class Devil. Whoever did that is really powerful.] Yume commented.

Vince then glared at wear the demonic energy shot came from. "Someone over there is going to pay for this."

[Just don't hurt them Vince. They have a rating game to participate in.] She said with a sigh, knowing that he's furious.

Vince nodded and channeled lightning into his feet. After a few minutes of running, he folded his arms as he glared at the others. Who had the decency to look sheepish. "Who the hell did that?"

"That was impressive Vince, you must have really good reflexes to avoid a powerful attack like that." Rias stated sounding impressed.

"Who did that?" He asked again, clearly not amused.

Issei gulped and spoke up. "I'm sorry Vince, I was the one who did that."

Kiba then took a step ahead of Issei, he then began to explain what happened earlier.

"I see."

Without warning Vince quickly went up to Issei and kicked him in the face, sending him backwards into the ground, knocking him unconscious. (I gotta agree with Yume on this one. That attack was really powerful.)

"Issei-san!" Asia quickly went to Issei and started to heal him as there was a foot print on his face with blood coming out his nose.

"Did you really have to kick Issei that hard? I need him in good condition for the Rating Game." Rias answered in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Think of it as endurance training Rias. It'll make him slightly more durable for taking that attack." He replied casually.

She shook her head with a sigh, "I find it hard to believe sometimes that you're human Vince."

"I'm pretty sure that they're stronger humans than me out there." Vince stated with a shrug. He then turned to Rias, "We'll start with you're training first then Asia and Issei when he wakes up, then I'll start with Kiba, Koneko and Akeno. I wasted a lot of energy stopping a lot of that attack earlier and I need to recover a bit."

Rias and the others nodded, knowing that he's exhausted.

(Timeskip: Night Time)

Vince stretched his arms as he got out of a meditative position. He then sighed and put on a black jacket, to cover the fact that he is currently shirtless.

Vince walked into the kitchen until he bumped into Issei, who fell on the floor with a small noise.


Vince sighed and helped up Issei. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I should have watched where I was going." Issei apologized.

"It's no problem." Vince opened the refrigerator and tossed a bottle of fruit milk, to which Issei catched. He then took out a bottle of chocolate milk and opened the bottle. "You couldn't sleep?"

"No, not really." Issei then opened his bottle of fruit milk and took a sip. "What about you?"

"I just finished meditating. I was about to get a drink then hit the bed, so what's wrong Issei?" He asked taking a sip of his chocolate milk.

"...Out of everyone in the peerage, I'm the weakest." Issei admitted sadly.

Vince snorted, "Let me ask you this Issei. When did you become a Devil?"

"Around a month ago, why?" Issei asked in a confused tone.

He then pointed towards Issei's head. "Use that head for a moment. You really think that within a month, you'll be very powerful? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not how it works Issei."

"That's easy for you to say Vince, you're crazy strong!" Issei retorted.

"Asia isn't the only one who unlocked her Sacred Gear at a young age." He replied with a humorless chuckle, causing Issei's eyes to widen.

"Then you-"

Issei was immediately interrupted as Vince finished drinking his chocolate milk and tossed it in the trash. "Moving on, is there anything else you want to say?"

"Vince... why aren't you fighting for Buchou?" Issei asked seriously. "I know you're strong enough to beat that Yakitori, so why?"

"I don't want to get involved in this whole mess." He answered, not even bothering to cover up that he can.

"I know that you like to be alone and you can be mean to Buchou, but you do care for her, right?" Issei asked looking at him.

"...I will admit Rias is a good friend to talk too at school and we have a few things we have in common, but I've only known her for a few weeks. Besides, I'm only being paid to train you and the others." Vince stated as he folded his arms.

"But, if you choose to fight that yakitori bastard, instead of training us, we wouldn't have to go through with this!" Issei reasoned.

"Issei, this isn't like Asia's situation where you can just fight your way through. Think about it, the whole purpose of this is to determine if Rias gets married or not. If I defeat Riser myself than that only means that it'll change from him to me." Vince explained to him.

Issei's eyes widened as he came into the realization, "I-I didn't think about that."

"And now that you know, you can focus on something more important. You have to get rest for tommorow's training session Issei." Vince said.

"Right." Issei then looked at him, "Do you really think I'm getting stronger?"

"You unintentionally blew a hole into a mountain with an attack that's on par with a high-class devil's attack." He answered dryly.

Issei looked sheepish before he nodded. "Thanks Vince."

Vince turned around and waved a hand as he walked away. (I never thought I would talk like this to anyone before. It's weird.)

He then walked into the living room and noticed Rias reading a book with glasses, while wearing red negligee with her hair tied in a ponytail. Vince briefly thought that Rias looked good until he quickly discarded the thought, not wanting to go further. "So, were you having fun hearing our little conversation Rias?"

Rias sat down on a sofa as she turned a page from the book she is reading. "I was reading up tactics. Although, none of the strategies written here seem to help."

Vince snorted, "Uhuh, or you could say that you were alternating between reading and listening in Rias."

"Did you mean what you said Vince?"

"Well, you are a good friend and it's nice to know that we both have similar interests. Especially with our anime and manga." Vince replied with a shrug.

"I see." Rias then looked at Vince and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you wearing a jacket?"

"I finished meditating and I don't sleep with a shirt on." He said opening his jacket for a moment, before closing it.

Rias lightly blushed at seeing his chest. "I can see you work out a lot."

Vince immediately regretted his action and deadpanned. "My eyes are up here Rias."

Rias cleared her throat and showed him a page from her book, which showed a phoenix. "A long time ago the mystical beast, Phoenix, was looked upon by humans as a bird that governs life. It was so looked upon that it left it legend in many countries in the human world where it's told that the tears of the Phoenix can heal any wounds, and the blood that flows within its body can give eternal youth to those that drink it."

"Are you implying Riser is exactly like a phoenix?" He asked seriously.

Rias nodded as Vince sat down next to her, to better look at the book. "Yes. They are basically invincible. Even if you attack them, their wounds will heal right away. Their flames won't even leave a bone left. Eight wins and two losses. This is the record that Raiser has at the official "Rating Game". He fought ten times and won eight matches. He lost two of the match on purpose as kindness to one of the households he is close to. In reality he won all of his matches. He already became a candidate to obtain a title in the official game."

Vince then shook his head, "You're making this more complicated than this needs to be Rias."

"Then what would you do against an opponent like this Vince?" She asked crossing her arms causing her breasts to raise.

"Everyone has a weakness in battle. You just have to find out what to use." He said simply.

"We don't have time for that Vince, there's only eight days left." Rias said in a frustrated tone.

"Riser's main focus is to heal any of his wounds and spit out fire. If you find a way to supress his regeneration trait or his fire, then he's just a walking target Rias." Vince stated causing Rias' eyes to widen.

"You're right, but what can we use to supress it?" She asked looking at him.

"I would have to say holy related items, since he's a devil. But that's out of the question because everyone else will get hurt badly if they do. So you have to find another way." He said to her.

Rias nodded at the explanation, knowing that no one in her peerage could do that. "What else do you have in mind?"

"I don't have anything else aside from that. But I can say this." Vince looked directly into Rias' eyes as he closed her book. "Don't completely focus on Riser alone. You have to remember that he's not fighting alone. Also, from what you told me Riser also has his sister in his peerage."

Rias gritted her teeth in frustration, "Right, there's two Phenex's to deal with. But if we take down Riser that won't matter."

"That's going to be harder to do. Look, I'm not trying to discourage you. There is a chance of winning but the chances are very slim Rias." He answered.

"This is really going to be a lot harder than I thought." She said with a sigh.

Vince rolled his eyes but spoke up. "What's the real reason for trying to reject the marriage? Riser's an asshole but there's more to it than that."

"It's because I'm Rias Gremory." Rias commented as she emphasised on her last name. "I'm a person of the Gremory clan and that name will follow me where ever I go."

Vince's eyes narrowed sharply, (I guess we have more in common than we thought. It's slightly different but it looks like we're both caught in the shadow of someone. In her case, it's the Gremory clan. My case is my son of a bitch of a father.)

Rias noticed Vince started leaking killing intent and looked worried. "Are you okay Vince?"

Vince shook his head but nodded. "Yeah. Anyway I get it now, you want people to see you as yourself instead of a "Gremory", right?"

"H-How do you know that?" She asked as her eyes widen.

"Let's just say, it takes one to know one." He said crypitcally.

Rias nodded and took the hint, knowing that he doesn't want to go any further in the subject. "It looks like we have another thing in common."

(At least in your case your family doesn't see you as an incarnate..) Vince frowned but got up from his seat and turned to Rias. "I could careless about your heritage. I'll still call you "Rias" regardless."

Rias blushed deeply as she ran her fingers through her hair to cover her face. "Thank you Vince."

"I wasn't trying to make you blush Rias." He commented with a sigh.

"I-I'm not blushing!" She shouted in a panicked tone.

Vince removed the hair covering Rias' face and rolled his eyes. "You're a bad liar."

Rias puffed up her cheeks pouting, causing him to chuckle. "Try to get some rest Rias. You'll need all of your energy for tommorow." Vince patted her head and then walked away.

(Timeskip: Eight Days Later)

The rest of the remaining days quickly went by. Vince continued to help train Rias along with her peerage in their respective areas. Along with Vince training in his black lightning and dark water until his control was deemed passable by Yume. After which he started to work on a technique for his katana, which came from a video game that Vince likes to play, much to Yume's surprise.

During one of the times during dinner Yume slipped out that Vince is working on a sword technique, much to his ire and ever since then has been asked by Rias and Issei to see it, while Kiba was curious to see it he didn't ask about it again after seeing that he didn't want to reveal it.

Vince walked to school calmly as he knew that today is the day of the Rating Game. He noticed Issei and Asia walking together nervously but opted not to say anything and keep walking. (I'd rather not turn into a third wheel.)

[Vince aren't you worried about Rias' Rating Game?] Yume asked curiously.

"Not really. I've already done all I can to help them, if they fail then it's on them." He replied neutrally.

Yume sighed at his blunt response, but nodded in understanding knowing that it didn't really involved them. [I know, but can we at least watch their match?]

"If we're allowed to watch then fine, if not then we can't." Vince answered with a shrug.

After school ended Vince walked into the clubroom and sat down on a sofa next to Akeno who smiled at him. Vince returned the smile with a small nod and looked to Rias. "Would it be alright if Yume and I watched the match?"

"Yes, that's okay." She responded with a nod.

A magic circle appears in the middle in the room as Grayfia appeared from it. "Is everyone ready? It's ten minutes before the match."

Everyone with the exception of Vince stood up as Grayfia nodded and continued. "When it becomes the time to start the battle, you will be teleported to the battlefield through this magic-circle. The location of the place is in a different dimension used for battles. You may fight with all your power. It's a disposable space so feel free to fight to your satisfaction."

"Hey, Buchou?"

"What is it, Issei" Rias asked him.

"Buchou, you also have another "Bishop", right? Where is that person?" Issei asked in a confused tone.

Vince raised an eyebrow as he saw the others were relcutant to talk about it. (I guess whatever happened to the "Bishop" is a sore spot for the others.)

"Unfortunately, the other "Bishop" can't participate. Though there will be a time when I will talk about that in the near future." Rias said that to Issei without looking at him in the eyes.

"This "Rating Game" battle will also be viewed by members of both households from a different location through broadcast." Grayfia stated, speaking through the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Maou Lucifer-sama will also be viewing this battle. Please do not forget about it." Grayfia added as she finished a magic circle.

"Onii-sama is? ...I see, so Onii-sama is also going to view this battle." Rias said with a surprised look.

"Brother? So, basically your Lucifier's little sister?" Vince asked curiously.

"Yes." Rias said simply.

Instead of looking surprised Vince mearly shurgged, "I'm still calling you Rias."

Rias smiled and placed an arm on his shoulder. "Good. We'll talk more after the Rating Game."


"It's time." Grayfia spoke, getting everyone's attention.

"Ok." Rias then walked into the magic circle with the others. "Wish us luck Vince."

"Yeah, just take care." He said as they disappeared.

Grayfia turned to Vince, "It's futile. They cannot win."

"I know that." After seeing Grayfia raise an eyebrow Vince continued. "This Rating Game is practically rigged. Riser has a full set and actual experience in the Rating Games and that's not counting his natural abilities. The only reason why house of Gremory and Phenex decided to do this was so, Rias could lose and agree to her engagement."

Grayfia created a magic circle in the room, showing the field. "I see..."

(Well, that doesn't matter at this point. It's already been done and I've done my part.) Vince thought as he looked at magic circle.

Grayfia then left the room via a magic circle, leaving Vince alone to his own thoughts.

Yume noticed Vince looking at the magic circle with a contemplative look. [Vince do you want to help Rias?]

"Even if I wanted to, I can't. This is something between Devils, interfering means that I probably will no longer be considered neutral." He responded with a frown.

[I don't like that we can't help Rias anymore than this but we have to hope that they'll win.] Yume said.

"You know I'm not the type of person to hope that something good will happen." Vince commented.


Vince's hand twitched as he Riser smirking confidently at Rias, who is breathing heavily with a few wounds on her body. (That guy really gets on my nerves. I am a little surprised that Rias and the others did this good though. It shows that they've really improved.)

Throughout the Rating Game Rias and her peerage had been in control of the battle with them being able to easily dispatch four of Riser's pieces in the gym and four in the forest. Riser's "Queen" easily took out Koneko by a sneak attack. Akeno then volunteered to fight her by herself. As Issei and Kiba took out three pieces by a combination attack.

The battle between Akeno and Riser's "Queen" Yubelluna was a draw due to Akeno throwing lightning shaped grenades at Yubelluna which exploded at close range after she drank a vial of Phoenix tears, which brought a smirk to Vince's face. But unfortunately Akeno, also had to retire due to her collasping on the ground.

Kiba quickly tried to dispatch Riser but was immediately overwhelmed by him and was dispatched, due to him being extremely exhausted due to the fights from earlier, while Issei tried to fight Riser, but was also overwhelmed. Eventually Rias surrendered after seeing that Issei was about to fight Riser, even though his body was already at it's limits.

Vince folded his arms and looked at magic circle with his eyes narrowed. (Issei really was determined to win. He almost killed himself doing it.)

[Vince calm down, you're starting to release your killing intent.] Yume warned him.

Vince quickly noticed this and calmed down, (It has nothing to do with me. I don't see why I'm getting so worked up over this.)

Grayfia appeared in a magic circle and spoke. "...The Rating Game is over, do you agree with this?"

"What are you asking me for?"

"I am mearly curious. You knew the outcome and purpose of this Rating Game do you agree with the result?" Grayfia asked him.


"You do know that Rias-ojousama obeyed the family's decision?" Grayfia asked.

"I could careless if it is her family's decision. This match should have never happened in the first place." Vince answered as he created a lightning shaped katana and sliced through the magic circle that showed the match.


Vince's raised an eyebrow as he saw Grayfia quitely laugh. He got rid of his lightning shaped katana and turned to her. "Did I say something funny?"

"You are a very interesting person. For a long time I have seen many people before, however it is my first time seeing someone like you who does not care about someone's lineage or titles, and who acts accordlingly regardless of what others may think. My master, Sirzechs-sama, has heard of your fights with both of the Stray Devil, whom you single handedly defeated and of your efforts of helping Rias-ojousama against those four Fallen Angels. He said that you were "interesting" you know?" Grayfia explained.

(I never thought I would get Lucifer's attention. Even if he's not the original one.) He thought to himself.

Grayfia then took out a piece of paper with a magic circle on it and handed it to him. "This Magic-circle allows you to teleport to the hall of the engagement party of the House of Gremory and House of Phenix."

Vince took the paper and frowned. "What's the catch?"

"I have a message from Sirzechs-sama for you." Grayfia then cleared her throat and spoke seriously. "If you wish to save my sister, use the magic circle in two days from now and barge into the hall. Do not worry though, I know that you are a freelancer and you wouldn't do this for free. If you do decide to save my sister, I will pay you back later."

"But why me? I'm only just a human." He asked seriously.

"Sirzechs-sama is already aware of your Sacred Gears. Especially of the one that allows you to turn into a Devil." Grayfia spoke, causing Vince to frown.

(So that means Rias told them that already. At least I didn't tell her I can turn into an Angel or that I have the Totsuka-no Tsurugi.) Vince reluctantly nodded and spoke. "I'll be there in two days. But this is a very serious thing to ask of me, breaking an engagement between two high class devils, will cause a lot of trouble for me, especially if they find out I'm a human."

Grayfia nodded at the reasoning. "Do not worry, Sirzechs-sama is will make sure that there will be no such problems."

(I only have two days to prepare, I better get everything I need ready.) Vince coated his legs in lightning and quickly ran out of the room.


[I'm glad that you've accepted this job Vince.] Yume said happily.

"Yeah, a job from Lucifier is really big." He replied with a nod.

[That's not what I meant and you know that.] She answered with a small frown.

Vince quickly shut the door to his room as he took out two small empty glass bottles from his drawer. "Good thing I had these still lying around."

[What are you going to do with those?] Yume asked curiously

Vince pressed a button on his gray cellphone, causing his eyes to turn silver, signifiying that he's now an angel. "I'm stocking up."

Vince released a stream of white water from his hands as he filled up the two glass bottles and tightly closed them up right after. He then pressed the button on his gray cellphone, causing his eyes to turn back to his original color. "White Water is basically holy water. I'm just keeping these so I can get Riser where it hurts him."

[Good idea, the holy water will be able to cripple him greatly if you get a chance to hit him with it.] She stated.

"Exactly and now I have two days to whatever I want, until the engagement party starts. Just like with all of my jobs, anyone who stands in my way, won't receive any mercy." He answered seriously.


Authors Note: All done with this chapter. While I'm sure most people were expecting it, Vince will be fighting Riser in the next chapter. Now for the explanations.

I wanted to focus more on the interactions so I decided to have a scene with Issei and Rias. Hopefully I've gotten everyone as close to character as possible. It was pretty hard writing the scenes to fit with Vince.

Just to clear up the training Vince did with the others is the practically the same as last chapter. So I didn't see why I should repeat it.

I decided to have Vince train in his devil form more, so I added that along with the explanations on what he can do in his devil form with his black lightning and his dark water. Both are really dangerous and require a good amount of control and before anyone asks, yes the attack Vince had to dodge was Issei's Dragon Shot.

One thing I do want to mention, the sword technique Vince learned to do will be revealed really soon and while it is from a videogame. It will slightly differ compared to the original.

As for the rating game itself, I just did a small summary on it since everybody has seen what happened a bunch of times. While there was a small change in the match itself it wasn't really enough to change the outcome. Just for the record, I decided to have Akeno tie with Yubelluna. Because Vince did train and explain to her on what her lightning can really do. I thought it would be nice to show a change in the match even if it was a small summary.

Also as for why Vince was furious about the Rating Game, well considering that he spent time getting to know Rias and the others, and since they're basically his only friends at the moment, he would get pissed seeing that happen to them. Even though he doesn't really want to admit it though.

Before anyone asks, Vince will not be using his holy-sword on Riser. It would cause a lot of trouble for him if he does. Especially in an engagement party surrounded by Devils. That's why he'll be creating a katana with his own lightning for the meantime. Besides, he already has two bottles of holy water ready for him.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. Let me know what you think about the chapter and take care.

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