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Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Making friends in the Fire Islands

Harbour City Plaza, Imperial Capital]

'Does Azula know?'

Even as my heavy footsteps stomped a steady cadence on the cobblestone streets, and the distant thunder angrily bounced off the white facades of the city's red-roofed buildings, the question haunted my every step. I glanced at the ostentatious palanquin beside me, urgent questions tumbling in my head.

'Does Azula know of my plans?'

'Has she already moved to counter them?'

'Should I just kill her now while I still can?'

My armoured hand twitched for my weapon. I was far from naive. Between my Reputation, my military achievements and how Admiral Zhao had first reacted to me, I realised early on that interested parties would try to make me their political pawn as soon as I arrived at port... the Crown Princess Azula being the most concerning of them all. So, for the past six days and six nights on that Fire Nation Cruiser, I painstakingly formulated strategies and backup plans to keep my freedom- to prevent myself from being turned into a political sockpuppet for someone else's social standing.

For having the potential to be a fearsome tool...

{Azula} Reputation : -20 - -10

... It would have been nice to have been proven wrong. That it was all petty little fears about the princess' scheming reputation. That my preemptive measures were uncalled for. That I had nothing to worry about from my fellow Fire Nation citizens. However, the mere fact that the crown princess climbed all the way down from her lofty palace to greet me at the docks only confirmed everything I feared: Azula had plans for me.

Thunder resounded as if presenting that question again.

'Does Azula know what I'm planning?'

If she did, then she didn't show it- staying quiet for most of the journey back to the palace; and I would have considered the silent, scheming approval as progress if I wasn't her prospective pawn in whatever game she was playing here. But ultimately, Azula was the one to break the silence.

"I understand that this is the first time you've been to the Imperial Capital." Her smooth voice flitted through the silk curtains. "Count your luck, commander, you arrived during my tenure as Chief Organizer of the Great War Commemorations. You'll never see the lazy peons of Harbour City be this... aware of their proper place in the Fire Nation. I have heard that you're something of an organiser yourself..."

She slid the curtain aside to reveal her sharp features staring at me- likely to gauge my reaction. "Well? What do you think of my work, Commander?"

I made a brief show of my skull-faced helmet glancing around taking particular note of the type of businesses that seemed to dominate the city's main avenue. Storefronts that have stood for generations rang out with the sounds of cottage industries: The clacking of looms as tailors hurried to make more banners for the city's celebrations, the splatter of clay as potters shaped party mugs for the masses, and the bark of shopskeeps as they peddled their colourful umbrellas to the crowds in the face of the incoming storm.

"It's all very productive and well organised, Princess Azula."

For saying just the right compliment...

{Azula} Reputation : -10 - -2

Her red-painted lips smirked as she preened under praise, her voice steeped in smug self-assurance, "I like your choice of words. Productive. Organised."

'... but also wasteful and short-sighted.' I privately finished as I glanced around us again.

The Fire Nation Capital was certainly leagues ahead of the Earth Kingdom villages. People often lauded that as some kind of great achievement... until they found out that was a low bar when they practically had near unlimited resources.

The Fire Nation did indeed have a near endless inflow of raw materials from captured Earth Kingdom territory. I knew this because I was the one who secured those resources and organised the supply lines! My 41st Division bled and died on several occasions just to give the Fire Nation all the raw resources they needed. To implement all the infrastructure expansion projects required to propel our civilization higher. To build brand new workshops and factories to manufacture an endless line of tundra tanks, trains and ships. To build whatever wonder weapon they had devised. To win this war.

Instead, where did all the wealth go?

I tilted my head up to stare at the answer: Towering above the buildings was a gargantuan iron monument of Fire Lord Ozai, one of four that I had spotted around the city. An imperious expression of cold superiority on his metal face as he made the Sign of the Fire with his massive wrought-iron hands.

"Gorgeous pieces, aren't they?" Azula mentioned with a proud smile, "I had them commissioned by the best iron sculptor in the Fire Islands. After all, what better to remind the peasantry who they work hard for than an actual physical reminder that stands above them?"

"I also couldn't help but notice that your likeness had been immortalised in more... humble statues. I caught a glimpse of a sculptor's workshop full of them as we passed by."

"Oh, you saw those?" She acted innocent, casually twirling a lock of black hair on a slender finger, "Statues of Princess Azula the Architect. I only had those commissioned, because the noble clans erected their own monuments for some imagined contributions to the Fire Nation. You know how the noble clans are- just because the war has brought us amazing making themselves seem more important than they actually are, and always testing the Throne's patience."

That gave me pause. Seriously? We have been spilling Fire Nation blood across every field in the Earth Kingdom... for this? Literal vanity projects and aristocratic dickwaving? This was Captain Tuan all over again. Gluttonous fools who thought that simply because I was willing to follow their direction meant that they could just strong-arm me into meek subservience.

My helmet hid my furious expression as I spoke in an even tone, "The sheer gall of feeling entitled to such praise. Much less coming from themselves."

For commiserating with her...

{Azula} Reputation : -2 - 6

"Indeed." Azula nodded. "Those noble clans have been uncooperative- almost to the point of rebelliousness. If not for them dragging their heels, we would be besieging the walls of Ba Sing Se by now... I'm glad that we have the same opinion on the subject, Commander."

I held back a scoff of derision. I certainly had an opinion, and that was how the Fire Nation was apparently weighed down by the whims of egomaniacs. That would not have been as aggravating if it were the whims of competent egomaniacs, but that clearly wasn't the case here. I suppose I should not have expected more from Fire Lord Ozai. With how many times giant statues of him have been erected, I should have fully realised that sooner. And his daughter was no different.

I did not mind the war crimes and injustices perpetrated by the Fire Nation. I could even bear with the convoluted politics that I had to work with. But deliberately wasting the resources that should have turned the tide of this war? The same resources that me and mine had fought so hard to gain?

Thunder growled overhead.

"I'm glad that you arrived so promptly." Azula began, her voice suddenly taking on a honeyed, diplomatic tone, "We don't have to be so... guarded around each other. We both serve the Fire Lord and his interests, do we not?"

"Yes. For Fire Lord and Fire Nation." I readily nodded. 'For now.'

The Princess' red lips curved in a charming smile, ignorant to my treasonous thoughts as she spoke.

"Quite. You've forged an impressive service record, Commander Khan. As a token of gratitude, the throne bestows upon you the rare privilege of collaborating with your Princess once more. As I recall, it was I who generously accelerated your rise to the esteemed rank of Commander." Her gaze intensified, bordering on a glare. "I'm still waiting for that thank you, Commander."

'You owe me one, Khan.' was the message that she wanted to convey, and I had to push down the bile.

"Thank you, Princess Azula... for your unparalleled generosity to a humble servant of the Fire Lord such as myself." I said politely... before continuing as impolitely as I dared. "So, speak plainly, Princess Azula. What do you want?"

She huffed in tolerance at my slight disrespect.

"I suppose we are short on time..." She muttered off-handedly before aiming a hard stare at me. "At the war council meeting, I am going to forward a military proposal to my father- your Fire Lord. Given your sterling reputation, you will no doubt be asked for your opinion on it. And I fully expect it to be nothing less than glowing praise for my proposal. Have I made myself clear, Commander?"

I knew enough of Fire Nation politics to know that it was no small thing that the Princess was essentially asking me to do: She wanted me to swear allegiance to her political faction. In front of all the generals. Right to the Fire Lord's face. There would be no going back from that. But I wasn't sold on the idea of signing up for 'Team Azula', so...

"Perhaps we should discuss the proposal that I would be supporting, Princess Azula?" I asked.

For questioning her orders...

{Azula} Reputation : 20 - 0

"There's nothing to discuss." She snapped with an annoyed look, "All that is required of you is your unquestioning, obedient support of your Crown Princess- the bare minimum of any Fire Nation Citizen, Commander!"

Her words were a not-so-subtle warning for me to fall in line, but it also revealed a facet of her goals. She wanted this badly for me to support her proposal in the war council? A proposal big enough that she would seek a newcomer to Fire Nation politics like me to weigh in? And important enough for her to be secretive about it too? There were just too many questions, and no way to know for sure what Azula truly wanted my backing for.

"I serve the Fire Lord." I loudly said, completely sidestepping her demand with another non-answer. "I will give him my honest input, nothing less. However, I am certain that your proposal deserves all the support it can muster. With all due respect, princess."

'Just because you're the boss' daughter doesn't mean that you're the boss of me. Kiss my ass, princess.'

Her amber eyes stared at me with furious intensity as her sharp voice whipped with barely-restrained rage, "Let it not be said that I didn't make an attempt to get along with you, Commander. But just because you have the common folk chanting your name you can forget who rules the Fire Nation. So, for your sake, you would do well to remember that I am next in the line of succession for the Throne of the Fire Lord; and as Chief Organiser of the Great War Commemorations, I run this city."

'... and I am tempted to take this city from you.' growled the thought in my head.

I certainly could. Between my elite and lethal 41st Division, my cadre of stealthy Kyoshi Warriors, and the Thorn Princess herself waiting to be unleashed on her murderous rampage, I had the means to take the city.

Through my skull helmet, I took measure of Azula's lithe body encased in elegant light armour... and I knew she wouldn't stand a chance against me. Not her, nor her father nor any scion from all the noble clans. The nobles themselves were nothing special- weaklings riding on the coattails and successes of their much more capable ancestors. Meanwhile, Ozai and Azula- although in excellent fighting shape- were pretty much one-trick ponies. The Royal family were too dependent on their Firebending to win their battles. I could simply dedicate my Firebending to cancel out theirs, and they'll be left in a battle of strength, speed and endurance... against me. And we all know who would win in that fight.

Funny how the ruling class of Firebending royalty seemed a lot less influential and important when I knew that I could just walk over to them and smash their brains across the walls should I choose to do so.

Almost too easy... I could have myself crowned Fire Lord before the local garrison could even mount an organised response. And with my [Siren's Voice], I had the advantage in negotiations with the Fire Nation military and the Fire Sages to join my faction. My rule over the Fire Nation will have been stabilised before spring ends. The modernisation of industry, the rebirth of the military... all of it coming together just in time for me to utilise Sozin's Comet and burn the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom to the ground. I could lift the Fire Nation into a Golden Age from which it will never fall from.

... but not just yet.

A coup d'etat for the Throne of the Fire Lord was a massive gamble, prone to fail at a dozen different places due to a hundred factors out of my control. And although I wasn't averse to taking risks, I would certainly prefer to have the deck stacked heavily in my favour. Before I could seize the throne, I needed people to see me as a potential ruler- ready to welcome me with open arms. I needed them to recognise my {Right to Rule}.

And that all starts here in the Capital City with the Royal Family. With Azula.

"Very well, my Crown Princess..." I replied, my voice steady and respectful- outwardly at least. Better to be "friends" with the princess. For the moment. "I'd like to reiterate that your place in the line of succession is unquestionable... as is my allegiance to the Fire Nation and her Fire Lord, whoever that may be."

There. I extended an olive branch of peace. Or at least, an olive branch of ceasefire. But as soon as I finished speaking, Azula smirked with sadistic glee. Her golden eyes practically glowing with delight as if she had watched me walk into a verbal trap... which I probably did.

"That is good to hear, Commander." She said as if relishing the twist of a knife. "Because you're about to have a chance to prove your words. I fully expect you to display that measure of loyalty to the Throne at that War Council. After all, you couldn't have possibly been lying to your Crown Princess about your loyalty, have you?"

That wasn't what I meant at all. Give this girl an inch, and she'll take a mile. I opened my mouth to correct myself-

"Your Crown Princess has returned! Open the Gates of Hari Bulkan!"

- but the command of the lead {Imperial Firebender} preempted whatever I was about to say. The twenty-foot-tall gate of red-painted iron and polished brass flames was opened by its dedicated guard of Imperial Firebenders- each of them charged with ensuring that the lowly rabble of Harbour City did not pollute Hari Bulkan with their presence. With a loud metallic groan, the gates swung open to reveal a lush landscape of towering pagodas, luxurious manors and the Royal Palace itself. {Hari Bulkan}, the royal city within the caldera... practically unreachable by the coming storm while everyone else had to make do.

"Thank you for escorting me home, Commander." Azula smiled, likely feeling like she got what she wanted from me.

My teeth ground together, "The honour was all mine, Princess."

"Of course it was." She said with an amused chuckle. "I shall send for you in a few days. I require you and your troops to march in the Great War Commemorations after all. I'm sure that a loyal soldier such as yourself would be thankful for having the Crown Princess give her personal touch. Until then, I'll leave you this question to think deeply on, Commander... Are you willing to seize the opportunity that destiny has placed before you, or will you let it slip through your fingers?"

With a satisfied smile, she drove her Royal Procession past the threshold of Hari Bulkan's gilded gates- practically symbolic of her separating herself from the common Fire Nation citizenry, including me. Right before the great gates slammed shut in my face with a resounding boom. And as I stood there, contemplating the encounter, I couldn't help but smile underneath my skull-faced helmet.

That was not the question she should have been asking. No, the right question to ask would be...

'Where have all my soldiers and companions been this entire time?'

The guards kept their eyes on me, wary of the giant that loitered around the entrance of Hari Bulkan. I ignored them- waiting patiently until finally, the smaller side gate beside the main one opened and out walked familiar red-armoured figures- their plumed helmets decorated with ostrich-horse feathers.

"I suppose Azula didn't know after all..." I mused aloud as I greeted them with a salute, "The Princess definitely would have stopped you if she knew what we had planned. Wouldn't she, Lieutenant?"

"Likely so, sir." She answered as she and her squad returned a crisp salute, "The other squads should be reporting back on their assignments soon as well, and our camp by the beach should be roughly established by now."

"Excellent." I grinned wider under my helmet, "He liked my gift, didn't he?"

"I've never seen him up close before, sir. But... I think he liked it."

"Excellent." My voice rumbled as I led my Scouts on our trek back down to Harbour city, "We've played our best Pai Sho piece at the right time. Now, we only need to press our advantage."

For your thoughtful and very valuable gesture of unparalleled loyalty and generosity...

{Fire Lord Ozai} Reputation: 40 - 60

After all, it was a lesser known fact that all the Great Khans in history were unparalleled in their ability to make friends.

(Later) [The Royal Palace]

Azula's jaw clenched as she angrily marched through the lavish palace halls. It was just halfway past morning, and she was already ready to reduce someone to ash, not even the kowtowing of servants as she passed by was enough to appease her.

"Who does that lowly commander think he is?" She growled to herself, unable to contain her frustration in just her thoughts anymore. "I'm the Crown Princess. He should be eager- grateful - for a chance to serve me like all the others! Oh, he's certainly capable, but not as irreplaceable as he has clearly deluded himself to be. He should consider himself fortunate that he agreed in the end, or I would have burnt him to ash right then and there!"

Her perfectly manicured fists clenched. Perhaps it was because that oversized foot soldier had been out in the field for so long compared to all the other officers who she had convinced to give their support here in the Royal Capital.

"That must be it: He didn't fear me enough." Azula muttered under her breath, "... But that can be easily fixed."

If her status as Crown Princess wasn't enough to put the fear of the Fire Nation's Royal Family into him, then the Fire Lord himself will more than suffice. And all she needed to do was to tell her father that the commander was being uncooperative and she would be able to dole out whatever punishment she deem fit. She had quite a few in mind already. Yes, he'll be... obedient by the time I'm through with him.

Azula stopped in front of the ornate doorway leading to her father's private tea room. And after schooling her features to be the picture of calm, she gently pushed the door open and was immediately met by the fragrant scent of rare teas. Tapestries depicting the glory of past battles and conquests decorated the red walls, and the opened windows afforded a view of the pristine gardens and pagodas of Hari Bulkan.

Her father, Fire Lord Ozai, sat on a grand throne-like chair by one such window, sipping tea from an elaborate porcelain tea set said to be a millennium old. His long, dagger-like beard and pointed red-and-gold robes giving him an imposing presence that demanded respect.

Azula took a step forward, announcing her presence, "Father, I apologise for intruding..."

"My daughter..." Fire Lord Ozai greeted her, "it is... uncharacteristic of you to interrupt my afternoon tea. Do you have some great matters to discuss?"

"No, nothing too important, my Fire Lord, just that the festival preparations for the Great War Commemoration are going smoothly- ahead of schedule even. But you should know: The infantry-division commander who took Omashu, he-"

"Ah, Commander Khan..." He hummed with a sip of his tea, his voice holding a hint of pride, "Yes, I had heard that you had personally treated him to a warm reception. And given the reports from the western theatre, I believe that was a wise course of action. It seems every time we cross paths, he carries another boon for me..."

Azula pressed her lips into a thin line- an annoying prick of jealousy poking her as her father spoke of that oaf with pride. But moreover... How did her father know that Khan was here? Has she fallen so out of favour with him that he has had her followed? She supposed it did not matter at the moment. Right now, she had to turn her father against that overgrown peasant who dared act defiant to her.

"Yes, about the Commander, father." She smoothly began, "He has been... uncooperative with my intended vision for the commemorations. I request your permission to discipline him. He cannot be allowed to flaunt my authority-"

"No." Her father shot her a stern gaze as his voice grew cold. "In fact, you must treat Commander Khan with the utmost respect, Azula. I shall expect nothing less of you."

Confused and no small amount angry, Azula nonetheless forced a polite smile onto her face even as her fists clenched furiously. "I- Of course, Father. I will give him all the respect he deserves. But if I may ask... what did the Honourable Commander Khan do to earn this respect from his Crown Princess?"

"What indeed..." Her father muttered. She heard the soft clink of porcelain on wood as he set down his tea and looked out the grand window- the splendour of Hari Bulkan on display. "My father, Fire Lord Azulon, reigned over the Fire Nation for 75 years. And yet, here I am: Less than five years into mine and it is my hands that all the world under Heaven will fall into. Certainly auspicious in every sense of the word..."

That told her nothing. Her father was clearly distracted, so Azula decided to get to the bottom of it. She spoke up, "Perhaps my humble self can supply you with some meagre insight, father?"

"Yes, perhaps you could..." He agreed, and his golden eyes sharply gazed down at her, "My daughter, what do you think I could achieve if I ruled the Fire Nation forever?"

"Forever? Father, that's..." A chill ran down her spine as she read into her father's words. "Do you mean the myth of immortality?"

Fire Lord Ozai's gaze sharpened, and a sly grin danced upon his lips. "Ah, my dear Azula... I have recently been enlightened by the wisdom that in the vast cosmos, nothing is beyond reach. Nothing. Ancient lost arts, mystical relics... and yes, even the promise of eternal life."

Azula's heart pounded in her chest. Her father's sudden interest with immortality was a concerning revelation. If he found a way... if he were to achieve such power, what was to become of her: The heir-apparent? What would she be when the Throne she was to inherit could never be inherited in the first place? The silence stretched, and Azula watched Fire Lord Ozai casually sip on his tea, his eyes never leaving his view of the Capital City. And for the first time, Azula found her gaze drawn to it- to the teacup in her father's hand. Realisation struck her as powerfully as one of her own lightning bolts, her golden eyes widening with horror as she finally recognized the liquid that her father had been drinking.

There can be no mistaking what it was!

"Father..." her whisper cut through the silence, "That's-"

"-Commander Khan's unfinished Elixir of Immortality." Fire Lord Ozai smiled knowingly as if he had been waiting for her to say that. "Just after you left, soldiers from the commander's division came bearing tribute. Certainly a novel sight here in Hari Bulkan with their feather-plumed helmets as they carried that gilded loot chest to me. They insisted that they give their tribute personally to me. Even swore on their honour and their lives that it was worthy of my attention... and they were correct: This is truly a gift worthy for the Firelord that is to rule the entire world."

Azula balled her fists, so tight that she could almost feel her manicured nails break the skin. So, that was why the Khan had been so belligerent- he had been playing her for the fool! That peasant only accompanied her to distract her while his underlings curried favours! Who knows how many Noble Clans were now indebted to him! But most unforgivable of all was that he contacted her father and tricked him into giving him his respect. No one but her should have that! That would have been the final straw for her, but instead, Azula's eyes widened slightly as she saw the opportunity presented to her.

With an innocent smile on her red lips, Azula sweetly suggested, "Then would it not be better to keep Commander Khan here in the Capital where he can work endlessly towards your elixir, father? I can take his place and lead the conquest on the North Pole in your name!"

"Hoarding his alchemical expertise was my first thought as well..." Her father nodded, "But no, I cannot keep him here, as much as I would desire it. His soldiers have revealed to me that Commander Khan must explore the lands in search of rare ingredients and lost alchemical wisdom if he is to complete my elixir. And he will, because I command it so. And one day soon..."

He extended a hand out to the sky as if to grip the sun in his fingers.

"I shall reach Heaven with Red Bull."

Azula's mind raced at that. It was clear he wouldn't budge on that decision. She scrambled for a different approach, her golden eyes flickering around the room for ideas... and found herself looking at the empty seat beside her father where her mother used to sit. Of course! Azula hurriedly spoke up, "The commander is too valuable to be given free reign, father; we must actively enforce his loyalty!"

His eyes and voice hardened at the possibility of betrayal, "Oh? You believe that the commander's loyalty may be swayed by others, Azula?"

"It is an open secret that Commander Khan is a man of great appetites." She helpfully supplied a slightly embellished fact, "He's commonly known to collect women for... 'interviews.' And when rumours of this elixir eventually spread among the noble clans, it is inevitable that some uppity clan head- of which the Fire Nation has many of- will offer up his nieces or daughters to the commander in exchange for a sip of that elixir. However loyal Khan may be, this is a risk that cannot be allowed, father."

"Indeed, it cannot." He agreed- stroking his beard; and Azula was quick to press her momentum.

"With your permission then, father, I'll accompany him and keep him in line!" She suggested- bowing her head, "I will ensure that he's safe; and more importantly, loyal to you so that the elixir will fall into your hands, and only your hands."

"An interesting proposal." He mused, turning his gaze out the window before muttering to himself, "Indeed... When the Commander finishes the elixir, I will certainly be freed of many responsibilities that come with the Throne of the Fire Lord. As I should be. However, it would be ignominious for the world's immortal ruler to be bogged down administrating the mortal realm. I will require loyal vassals to oversee the provinces of my world... and who would be better candidates than my own bloodline? If Khan was honour-bound to Azula... yes, that would work in my favour. And once again, a skilled herbalist once again finds their way into the Royal Palace... how inauspicious."

Azula's heart suddenly sped up in a panic.

She was smart enough to pick up on the way he worded that... It sounded like her father was thinking of trading her away just to ensure the loyalty of some worthless, elixir-mixing commoner. That was insane! Absolutely unthinkable! ... And after thinking rationally about it for a second, Azula calmed down. Yes, it was indeed unthinkable. She was certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that father considered her far too valuable. She was his daughter and only remaining heir. Her father lov- He carried affecti- Fire Lord Ozai had an emotional attachment to his daughter. And he certainly wasn't about to discard her like that.

Her father's sharp eyes found hers, "Azula, my daughter, it was bold of you to suggest this, but I believe this had not come at a better time. I have had you trained in your many duties as a Princess of the Fire Nation; and now, the time has come for you to fulfill what is undoubtedly your most important responsibility in that role. I will not accept anything less than your complete dedication in this task."

Yes... her father was clearly still talking about making her Khan's direct superior, likely a special ad hoc rank within the Fire Nation Military.

Finally, she will be able to make her father see Khan for what he was: a disobedient peasant dog. And although it wouldn't have been her first choice, this way works just as fine for her too. She will be the one to hold that dog's leash and train him to be obedient. And when the Commander finally finishes the elixir and his usefulness has come to an end... Well, she'll have to put him down, of course. A single bout of misfortune on the battlefield was often all it takes.

So, Azula just smiled as she replied, "Of course, father. You can rely on me. I will excel in this role just as I had in all the others you have tasked me to. Is there an official title I can use to inform him of this new arrangement, father?"

"It would be unwise for me to make any formal announcements just yet." Her father considered, "But you are still Crown Princess of the Fire Nation, and your presence around him should be enough to dissuade any noble's spawn planning to whimper to his door. This also does not excuse you from your responsibilities towards the Great Commemorations, so I suggest you take this opportunity to establish a... workable relationship with one another. And remember, Azula. Khan MUST finish that elixir, and it MUST find its way in my hands."

"Naturally, father."

"Prepare quickly then." He snapped impatiently, "Some noble is likely dreaming of things beyond their assigned station right now."

Bowing, Azula retreated from the tea room; and as soon as the doors clicked shut behind her, she allowed herself a victorious grin. She had done it! Khan thought he was so clever going behind her back to curry favour with her father, but look where it had gotten him- She was now his direct superior!

"Khan... your days are numbered." Auzla muttered to herself as she headed back to her own quarters.

Thunder echoed through the palace walls, and the drum of heavy rain soon followed.

She smiled at that. Good, that should buy her some time. The 41st Division's designated area of their military camp was some ways into the countryside- an effort on her part to isolate the commander. And now, the decision that was now bearing fruit, the representatives of noble clans will refuse to meet under such heavy rains. That will give her enough time to make the necessary arrangements to undermine the commander's position subtly, without raising her father's suspicions. After all, her father's trust in Commander Khan still ran deep and she doubted that she could get away with being too harsh on the commander. But she'll change that soon enough.

Azula sat down at her writing desk and began her work. Once the rain cleared, she was going to pay the commander a visit at his base.

...Still, she was curious as to what sort of title her father had in mind for her. Perhaps she can suggest appropriate titles to him when she gets back from rubbing her superiority in Khan's defiant face. The Fire Nation had a love affair with ostentatious titles after all.

Illuminator Azula? Suitably grand, but didn't capture her beauty or her grace or her deadliness.

Azula, the Hand of the Fire Lord? Poetic, but didn't flow well with her name.

How about...

(The next day) [41st Division Encampment, Outside Capital City]

"My wife?" My voice rumbled, bemused, as I looked up from the armour piece that I was crafting.

June, the mercenary goth girl leaned on the windowsill of my well-ventilated forge, her dark riding leathers standing in stark contrast to the morning sunlit backdrop of the white sandy beach and the towering red pagodas of the Capital city beyond the green hills. Though June's toned thighs filling her leather pants was a fair view too.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "My 41st Division had barely finished settling here in our little boot camp by the beach, and the city is already buzzing about who I'm going to choose to marry?"

"Yep." June shrugged distractedly.

She was distracted, trying to be subtle with how her grey eyes locked on how my shirtless torso from sweat, and my leather smithing apron doing nothing to hide my physique like my full plate armour usually did. And when she noticed that she was caught, her grey eyes winked from under raven-black hair. "I guess you're already used to being Mr. Popular. I heard that every noble clan who owns an estate is scheming to somehow get you to stick it in their daughters, sisters, or nieces so that they can trap you in a marriage like a poacher would trap a fire-ferret. 'Least, that's what all the estate servants are talking about over their drinks down at the {Quenching Fire}. If only all my gigs involved paying me to get drunk at the local tavern and collect gossip..."

"That's called being a spy, June." I mentioned, brushing away a loose flake of molten steel from my blacksmith's apron. "Still, it's just surprising how quickly they're willing to commit, I thought I'd have to impress them more."

"Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if I were you." The mercenary goth girl chuckled. "You're the commander who's calling the shots in the region that connects Gaoling to Ba Sing Se, a fourth of all the riches in the Earth Kingdom passes through your territory. But if wanting to marry you for your money isn't enough, you're also kind of a big deal for taking Omashu. Everyone thought that place was going to hold out forever; so, the clan that can get you to marry into them will have bragging rights as 'The Bloodline of Omashu's Conqueror' for the next thousand years... Wealth and Face. Can't describe the noble clans any better than that. And now, here you come strutting on by, unmarried and flaunting a helluva lot of both."

"You got all this from some drunk servants in a pub?" I asked, and June's deep red lips curled in a mysterious smile.

"I can piece things together just fine. Can't always count on Nyla to sniff out my targets after all." June pushed off the windowsill, strolled closer to my workbench to where I was forging and passed me a scroll. "Here's what I was able to pry out of those drunks last night."

I unfurled it with a crisp rustle. A list of names greeted me, along with the noble clans they served, who called the shots in the households, and what their masters were pontificating about. Here, one noble clan in the business of fine porcelains was tutoring the clan head's daughter for a potential marriage with me to convince me to let them monopolise some rare clay in the Earth Kingdom. There, another noble clan in the business of brassworks was doing the same except the daughter had taken advantage of the situation as an excuse to demand for ludicrous amounts of clothing and finery for her 'efforts' to seduce me. Two noble clans in charge of trading companies were already on the brink of war trying to find out who would be shipping the riches from my territory.

On and on, the sordid details were written down. All in surprisingly neat handwriting too.

I shook my head, "Azulon and Ozai may have curtailed the noble clans' ability to challenge the Throne of the Fire Lord, but apparently not their ability to challenge each other... This is excellent work, June."

"Not like it was hard." June just shrugged, "It's all 'Great War Commemorations this' and 'Commander Khan that.' Everyone's just dying to know what you're up to. Speaking of which, what are you up to, Khan?"

I picked up the armour piece, a great red greatcoat that soaked up the forge's warm light. "This," I said with pride, "is a custom-made winter coat. The feathers of our ostrich-horse once again proved to be a versatile crafting material as this coat insulates body heat better than anything Fire Nation Army currently issues. Water-resistant and pierce-resistant, perfect for fighting against waterbenders in winter conditions. I call it (Exquisite) [41st Division Frostguard Greatcoat], and I plan to craft enough for the whole Division."

"Impressive," June examined the craftsmanship, rubbing the fabric between her fingers lightly. "I definitely could've used one of these when I was doing that bounty over in Chenbao last winter."

(Exquisite) [41st Division Frostguard Greatcoat]

Over the course of the Great War, both Water Tribe or Fire Nation have lost entire scores of troops to unforgiving winter environs of the North Pole- indiscriminately claiming the bravest warriors of both sides with icy winds that cut to the bone and frostbite that gnawed limbs off one by one. And for 99 years of war, the frozen land and the howling sky seemed to be the North Pole's ultimate guardians... and their jailors.

Crafted by the infamous Fire Nation Commander Khan himself, this greatcoat was tailor-made to allow his equally infamous 41st Division to not only traverse the treacherous frozen tundras, but to conquer them outright. The secret lay in the material that the greatcoat was made from. Each strand from hem to collar was woven from the feathers of the fearsome 41st Division Ostrich-Horses, a breed that has been known to have a preference for human flesh. It is unknown if it's due to such a grisly diet, but the resulting fabric is as strong steel cables- repelling both moisture and sharpened edges alike while staying light as any cloth. Qualities that any conquering soldier fighting waterbenders would appreciate.

Dyed in the traditional red and black of the Fire Nation, the fabric seems to hungrily absorb light, giving it a permanently dark look. Its large, stately lapels eminently evoke the image of a stern military officer, and its layered buttons of polished brass seemed to shine from the dark fabric like the eyes of an apex predator lurking in the shadows of a blizzard. And for enemy waterbenders unfortunate enough to be caught in battle, the wearer of the 41st Division Frostguard Greatcoat may as well be one.

+ R +

[Smithing] Level 20 Reached - New Skill Perk Unlocked!

Specialised Equipment (Active): 'It might be thick like pencil, but it's really long! Ladies love that, trust me bro.' When smithing an item, you may choose a single attribute to specialise that item on (sharpness, lightness, durability, slash resistance, etc.) The finished item's quality will be one tier lower, but will be twice as effective in its chosen attribute.

Attainable Item Qualities

Poor - Shoddy - Common - Fine - Superior - Exquisite - Masterwork - ?

+ R +

At the appearance of the notification, I nearly dropped my smithing hammer in shock. That's an incredibly good perk! I'd settle with making every sword in the 41st Division 'just' (Superior) quality if it meant they were twice as sharp. Or armours that were twice as light. Or helmets that were twice as slash-resistant. I could even make the [41st Division Frostguard Greatcoat] twice as warm! The applications were endless! Wait a minute, that means... I groaned in frustration. "Ugh, I hate it when this happens."

"Why?" June asked with a puzzled expression as she checked over the great coat looking for flaws. "It looks fine to me. In fact, I can imagine selling this off on the grey market for 90 gold pieces easily! Especially if I tack on "Made by Commander Khan of the Fire Nation" in my sales pitch."

"Nothing's wrong with it." I said with a sigh, "I just had a breakthrough in my smithing techniques; and now, I have to make new weapons and armour for everyone in the 41st."

"Wait... you mean that you're getting even better at this?" June said incredulously, her slender eyebrow rising to almost her hairline, "Well, you're bound to turn heads now."

"What makes you say that? Did you hear anything else from the tavern?"

"I did. I just didn't think it was related to you." She shrugged, "But now that I've seen that you're like some Sage of Smithing? Yeah, I think this might be related... Have you ever heard of a Fire Nation swordsman called 'Piandao'?"

"Yes, I've heard of him." I nodded. In Avatar canon, Piandao was Sokka's swordsmanship teacher, and the one who helped him forge his starmetal sword. He was also a member of the White Lotus. And in my time in this world, I've heard of him too. "A Fire Nation force of a hundred soldiers were sent to arrest him for desertion, Piandao crushed them so utterly that the general in charge just didn't bother anymore."

"Yeah..." June nodded, pressing her lips drawn in a thin line, "Even over in the Earth Kingdom, we heard of that. But what I've recently heard was that he was also a bladesmith who used to make swords and trinkets for the Fire Island noble clans before he started refusing commissions outright two years back. The noble clans have been looking high and low for a replacement to fill Piandao's big shoes, and they're getting desperate to wave some shiny thing in their vanity gatherings. But once they get wind of this?"

Highlighting her point, she lifted the [41st Division Frostguard Greatcoat] that I had finished, the slash-resistant cloth fluttering under the morning sun.

"They're going to want to hire me?" I ventured.

"More than that, big guy." The goth merc snorted, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were asking for some swaggering noble to force you to marry his daughter at swordpoint, Khan."

"They can try!" My deep voice boomed out a laugh, "I'd accept any duel issued to me. It doesn't even matter which kind of duel it is. Jian swords, spears, knives or even Agni Kai- I'm already a master in more than a dozen weapons. They may as well have their daughters duel me in their place for all the difference it would make."

"Those nobles aren't all strutting peacock-pigeons, Khan." She warned, a serious look in her steel grey eyes, "Some of them are damn good with a blade from what I've heard. If the loud bragging of some of the nobles is true, they've studied under Piandao himself. That's not something you don't take seriously."

"Are you... worried for me?"

She said nothing- admitted to nothing as she stared pointedly at me, and I just sighed.

"It's fine for you to be concerned over my safety. But at least have an accurate estimation of my capabilities. We can't waste time by fretting over every pebble in the path." I said, stepping forward and highlighting how I was a muscled hulk of a man that had fought and burned his way through a great swathe of enemy territory. I had many claims to infamy, and June knew it. But she still didn't look convinced- tilting her head up to look at me with an unimpressed stare. so I made the biggest boast about my fighting ability that I could make.

"June." My voice rumbled, "I already beat Yor once."

She blinked, as if she had forgotten about that little fact. "Point taken... Let me know if you get into a duel with a noble. Those betting pools can get as big as my shirshu, and I'll definitely be putting all my money on you."

"I knew that would convince you." I rolled my eyes as I went back to my workbench. I was also still riding on that high from the level up I'd received a week ago after that pirate ambush. That feeling of invincibility after successfully leading my troops on our very first naval engagement and ship boarding action. Yes, Yor stole most of the kills. But that was beside the real reason: that being- despite the countless temptations- I was able to hold on to that one precious perk point.

+ R +

Lvl 50 Strength Perks Available:

[Lvl 2] Power Move (Passive): You don't 'run.' You kick the ground until it takes you where you want to go. On top of your Dexterity, add (25% - 50%) Strength to your running speed and jumping height.

[Lvl 2] Furor of Furious Fury (Active): Angry caveman powers, activate! For the next 4 strikes you make, your strength is doubled. (Can be activated twice a day.)

[Lvl 3] Flex it off! (Passive): You feel a lot better after you pose and flex your muscles. On top of your Constitution, add (50% - 75%)Strength to your Health points and Resistances calculations.

[Lvl 3] Overpower (Passive): Hit 'em hard when they're not looking, but hit 'em even harder when they are. Gain (40% - 60%) bonus Strength against enemies that you're not outflanking.

Lvl 50 Dexterity Perks Available:

[Lvl 2] Parkour Prodigy (Passive): Running? On the ground?! Like some peasant!? (Double - Triple) your Dexterity bonus while performing parkour.

[Lvl 2] Riposte (Passive): A skill distilled from a billion hours in Soulsborne games. Attacking directly after a successful parry now carries a guaranteed crit. (The window to trigger the crit is 2 seconds from parry.)

Pickpocket Prodigy (Passive): Yes, you can actually steal equipped items; yes, that includes their underwear. Double your Dexterity bonus while pickpocketing.

[Lvl 2] Bullet Time (Active): Dodge the bullets that haven't been invented yet. Three times a day, slow time to (80% - 70%). Bullet Time duration in seconds is equal to a tenth of your Dexterity stat.

Lvl 50 Constitution Perks Available:

[Lvl 2] Iron Gut (Passive): Not to be confused with iron abs. (Double - Triple) your Constitution bonus to resist Poisons, Toxins and illnesses.

Clench! (Passive): Brace your glutes! You gain 10% damage reduction for all attacks that you see coming.

[Lvl 2] Relentless (Passive): Be the Party Animal as told in the legends. You no longer require sleep, and all physical fatigue gain is now reduced by (25% - 50%).

[Lvl 2] Berserker Rage (Passive): Your incredible anger is your weapon, you are... Karen Incarnate. Gain bonus Strength, Dexterity and Spirit proportional to your missing HP. Up to (200% - 225%) bonus stats more at 1% HP.

Lvl 50 Spirit Perks Available:

It's not a Dance! (Passive): ... But it just might be a sex position. Double your Spirit bonus when learning/experimenting new bending styles and forms (and sex positions).

[Lvl 2] Spirit Rush (Active): Yes, overconfidence is now a power! Once a day, gain (20%-40%) bonus Spirit. Spirit Rush' duration in seconds is equal to a half of your Spirit stat.

Greater Chi Paths (Passive): For when it takes you too long getting your 'bending' up. Your Chi flows 25% faster. Allowing bending with fewer wind-up movements, or more powerful bending with normal wind-up movements.

Audacious Spirit (Passive): Is something draining the metaphysical life energies of your body? Just walk it off, lol! Whenever you're suffering from a debuff that affects your Spirit (e.g. Poison, blocked chi pathways, nighttime, cold temperature, etc.) Reduce that debuff's effectiveness by 33%.

* 1 Perk Points Available.*

+ R +

Left unused, this single perk point granted me the one thing that no other perk could possibly give me: The power of adaptability.

Anything that the Capital City throws at me, I can confidently react to: Some sneaky assassin type tries to poison my tea Suki-style? I can laugh it off with a second level in [Iron Gut]. A face-to-face duel with some non-canon monster like Yor? I'll just take [Clench] and shave off any damage they could deal, or take yet another level of [Overpower] and casually out-damage them. Maybe a mission where stealth was required? Taking a level in [Pickpocket Prodigy] or [Parkour Prodigy] would expand my approaches in the mission. A hostage situation? Level 2 in [Bullet Time] and I could close the distance and bash their brains in before they could move a muscle. Maybe I need to swim all the way to another island? Level 2 [Relentless] will allow me to go even further without resting.

Now that I had it was a great time to start doing this: keeping one perk point in reserve just in case something catches me off-guard and I need to react to a new threat. Or at least, threats that I can detect; and for that, there was no perk that I could take, no magic solution to help me detect threats, and no substitute to placing a few loyal troops strategically throughout the city and having them report back to me. And that made me realise something...

I looked over to June.

Dark red riding leathers that clung to a body toned from a lifetime of rigorous hunting, raven black hair held in a topknot by her skull hair tie before cascading down her pale shoulders, steel grey eyes alertly scanning the dark corners of the room... But beyond her natural beauty, the mercenary goth girl was a lot more valuable. June may not have the lethal swiftness of Suki and her Kyoshi Warriors, or the raw fighting power of the Thorn Princess. But she was possibly my best personnel for that task- accustomed to doing her own legwork, doing her own forward scouting and doing her own HUMINT as she travelled the world hunting for bounties. The quintessential lone wolf hunter... or lone shirshu hunter in this matter.

"June..." I began. "The agreement was for you to stay until we get to the Capital City. Here we are, but I want you to stay with us."

Reputation check succeeded!

97/80 Reputation Required with {June}

She pretended to think about it, but if the reputation check wasn't enough to clue me in that she had already made up her mind, then the playful smirk of her deep red lips was. With a laidback smile, June crossed her arms across her chest as she spoke in a sly tone, "You just can't get enough of me, huh? Well, we did finish the Thorn Princess job quicker than I thought we would, so... Sure thing. You pay well enough, Khan. I'll stick around for a few more weeks, but I have to leave sometime, big guy... I still have some debts to settle. Old favours to repay. My rep as a bounty hunter is on the line, and a bounty hunter's reputation is all we've got."

"You're a damn good bounty hunter, June." I replied easily enough. "Worth every gold piece."

"Awww, while it's always nice to have my skills recognised..." She began, shutting the window. And when she turned back towards me, her smile had turned sultry and her voice, dangerously seductive, "... you know that wasn't what I meant, big guy."

"I sure do." I said, tossing away my apron and leaving me in my trousers as I leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. Her soft lips, painted deep red parted to release a needy groan.

It still bothered me- how I was just three points away from a hundred Reputation... Even with regular sex aboard that cruiser here, June's Reputation didn't rise as much as it did for Suki- most likely because June was more experienced and less likely to get attached over a little penetration. On some nights, it did not rise at all; on others, it rose by a single point. But it rose all the same. The near-constant sex was wearing her down, I can tell. Both my team of ninja girls and this goth girl mercenary apparently needed my dick inside them on the regular if I wanted to retain their services. I suppose there were worse responsibilities than sexually satisfying my companions.

For being immensely attractive...

{Azula} Reputation : -45 - -20

Oh, look. Yet another random reputation change from Azula over some reason only known to her, how utterly unsurprising. I just ignored it for now.

"Is Miss Bounty Hunter open to negotiating a discount for her services?" I joked, sitting her down on my workbench and running my hands along the slender shape of her sides.

"Negotiate all you want, but I'll never budge." June breathed, her grey eyes looking at me as I began undoing the buckles of her riding leathers. She gave a shuddering sigh as I ran my hand under her top and long tracts of this goth girl's soft, pale skin and faint abs, the sound was soon followed by the crumpling of her leather top on the floor- her perky C-cups covered in a lacy black bra was exposed to the warm Fire Islands air.

"That's some fancy underwear for a mercenary." I commented, kneading her through her bra.

"Figured something like this would happen..." She said breathlessly, pushing her chest into my palms- wanting more of my hands fondling her breasts, "... So, I went and picked up something nice in the city. Do you like it?"

"It's sexy when you wear it... and also when you don't." I whispered, undoing the clasp and letting her bra fall to the floor- leaving the mercenary goth girl topless in front of me. Her pale, firm mounds were topped with rosy pink nipples, rising and falling with each breath she took. Her grey eyes looked at me, silently begging me to touch them directly. So, I did. A brush of my fingers across the stiffened tips earned a soft moan from her, and a light pinch drew a louder one.

"Keep going... touch me more." She moaned, her usual tough and gruff voice climbing higher and distinctly more feminine as I ran my hands across her slender body.

She practically squirmed under my hands highlighting how tight her leather pants were, accentuating every contour of her toned thighs as she squeezed them together. And my hand found the apex of her pants, and just that pressure alone was enough to make her squeal a bit- clamping her toned thighs down on my hands.


"Someone's sensitive today." I noted in a low voice, and her breath hitched as I unclasped her black leather pants, hanging loosely around her wide hips. And seeing that, I immediately seized the opening- my hand dipping down the front of her pants. June's grey eyes flew wide open just as my fingertips dragged across the front of her absolutely drenched lacy black panties.

"Rather than just preparing in case this happened, it seems that you were hoping it would happen." I said, pulling my hand out of her pants to see my fingers glistening with the nectar that had seeped through her panties.

June just looked away- her pale cheeks blushing hot red from her embarrassment, "Suki told me how 'fun' it was watching you smith things in just your trousers and leather apron. But she didn't mention that it would be torture at the same time."

Reaching down, I gave her toned ass a squeeze as I slid her leather pants down her long pale legs. All the while, she just looked away and blushed madly as she was finally left in nothing but her soaked lacy black panties- her body exposed and vulnerable before me. As June's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I could sense her arousal growing stronger. Her pale thighs streaked with her honey. Leaning in closer, I could feel the heat radiating from her as I whispered, "At least, I'm going to make this torture worth your while, June."

"It doesn't help that you're always so gentle." She said, "It should be a crime leading girls on like this. Teasing her with your size and your muscles, making her think she's getting a brute who'll push her down, fold her over and ruin her... but instead, we get the deluxe 'Princess' first lover' treatment."

Her small hands undid my trousers and found my cock- finger gliding over my shaft. Her eyes locked with mine, steel grey orbs filled with a mixture of raw desire and lustful anticipation.

"I'm a big girl." She purred, once again finding her confidence as she tucked her black hair behind an ear and leaned forward to kiss the tip, "And I'm ready for the kind of fucking that big girls get."

Well, if the goth girl wanted a rougher fuck than usual, I don't mind. So, without another word, I reached down... and tore her lacy panties right off her waist like tissue paper. The sound of that delicate feminine fabric being ripped right off her and exposing her leaking pussy made her eyes widen in surprise. The kind of surprise that a girl feels when she realised that she may have just bitten off more than she could chew... and realised that she was turned on. I didn't even give her a chance to regret her decision, my hands promptly found her slender waist and June found herself effortlessly lifted up, and soon found her dripping, vulnerable pink slit resting right on the tip of my cock.

The now nervous goth girl looked down to the large shaft threatening to utterly ruin her pretty little pussy and gulped, "Th-that's a long way down to the base of your cock, big guy. Why don't we slow down just a-"

I slammed her down right to the hilt- pushed into her wetness; and for briefest of moments, an expression of pure shock was on her pretty face- her mind stalling at how her pussy was telling her that it was stretched out with my thick cock...

Then the pleasure came crashing over her and she screamed her orgasm. "- Oooooohfuuuuuck!"

Pale and toned goth girl shuddering and tense as she came madly around my cock. Her womanly core tightly encasing my cock from tip to base in a hot, wet heaven. Delicate feminine folds slick with her nectar gripping my shaft tight. And her explicit request for me to not hold back, to use her like a living fleshlight, to fuck her as hard and fast and deep as I want... What man can resist? I gripped her waist tighter as I dragged her up my cock- her quivering pussy lips gripping tight as if not wanting to let go. The raw friction of her tender pussy walls ignited a primal hunger within me.

June's grey eyes barely came into focus as she moaned out, "K-khan, I just came! A-aaaaahn~"

But I wasn't listening, I just slammed right back in, sending pussy juice splattering and June almost screaming. Again, I withdrew my cock out of her- still glistening with her nectar- until just the tip remained... right before sliding it back in with enough force to hear that wet meaty slap of our hips meeting together. Every inch of my cock filling up her hot insides and teasing her fertile baby room at the back. Then I pulled back, and the cycle continued as I set a furious rhythm of our hips.

"S-spirits, you're going to ruin my pussy~!" June cried out, her dark painted nails dug into my broad shoulders as the goth girl relished in the pleasure I imposed on her delicious body, making her crash into wave after wave of orgasm.

I revelled in the power I held over her, her body mine to command. But I can feel the way her hips grind against mine at the end of each thrust, seeking a way to get me deeper into her.

"This is what you want, isn't it?!" I demanded, grabbing handfuls of toned pale ass flesh and used them to leverage the rest of the mercenary goth girl's body up and down my cock. Her throbbing clit grinding across my abs.

"Yessss~!" she cried out, her voice filled with need. "Take me, use me as your toy, make me yours. Just fuck me harder!"

And I did. Harder and harder as the minutes passed by.

She was shuddering every time I bottomed out, and her feminine inner walls had long lost all semblance of control. Just endlessly quivering and clenching as she came, over and over again. Her nectar- what little wasn't being splattered over my abs and her thighs- was dripping down to the floor where we were connected. And every time I pressed the tip of my cock at the deepest part of her pussy, a little squirt of girl cum added to the puddle. She must have lost feeling of her legs at some point because they hung limply now, trembling slightly. She was getting all that she asked for and more... Just another reason for me to keep pounding into her.

"Inside! P-please inside!" She breathlessly begged in between moans, as if implicitly sensing that I was getting close. Which I was.

And when the pleasure of her tight, obedient, constantly cumming pussy was too much to bear, I roared out my finish as I came in her- breeding this goth girl as hard and as thoroughly as I could. Ground her hips against mine in a furious attempt to ensure every drop of my semen coated her womb until.

In those final moments, her delicious pale body trembling against mine, her back arching as she clung to me, her nails digging deeper into my skin, and her pussy's inner walls milking my shaft for its worth, June victoriously screamed. "Yes! Yesyesyesyessssssss~!"

A warm pool of my cum was building up in her belly, and I knew that wasn't nearly enough.

"I'm not done yet." I growled, and she whimpered helplessly, but the way her well-fucked pussy tightened around me told me that she was more than willing. I placed her down onto the workbench. "We're going to keep going until I'm satisfied or you pass out. Whichever came first."

And with another thrust to jumpstart the next round, her breath hitched and she... promptly passed out. That took the wind out of my sails.

"Well played, June." I sighed.

For finally wearing her down with endless sex...

{June} Reputation : 97 - 100

{June} Obedience : 97 - 100

+ R +

Reputation with {June} at 100! New Companion skill unlocked!

[Aroma Hunter] - Whether it's sniffing out hiding enemies or uncovering hidden compartments filled with contraband, Fragrant Insight empowers your sense of smell to preternatural levels to become the ultimate scent-based hunter. With enough practice and focus, this skill will allow you to identify and analyse different scents, separating them into distinct layers, and intuitively understanding which aromas are out of place or potentially dangerous.

+ R +

Immediately, the world seemed richer somehow- more distinct. The scent of different weapon oils. The whiff of pungent coals that I've been using for my forge. The coppery musk of 41st Division ostrich-horses clinging to the greatcoat I had crafted. And of course, the heavy waft of my and June's frantic sex. This skill was nicely timed too- I had been bemoaning my lack of information gathering perks and skills. Now, June gave me one. My mind raced as I thought about all the ways I can put this new ability to my advantage.

But then... a stray scent caught my nose.

Something in my forge reeking of sex was out of place here. Like an item that was obviously photoshopped into a picture, it was clear as day to me. Brand new instincts granted by [Aroma Hunter] immediately broke it down to information that I could comprehend.

~ Arousal: Intensely feminine. Faintly familiar but blended. Two sources nearby.

My body stiffened and my nostrils flared. I inhaled again. That's right- the scent was indeed coming from two sources. I glanced down to the passed out and naked June leaking my semen from her quivering hole. Her rich feminine scent was almost overwhelming. Yes, that's one source. So, the second one smelled much fainter and somehow... spicier than June's. That could only be...

"Suki!" I shouted up at the trap door on the metal ceiling where she and her sisters did their disappearing ninja hidey-hole tricks, "I know you're up there! What did I tell you about spying on me having sex!?"

Predictably, there was some panicked whispering from female voices behind the trap door. Followed by a sudden scuffle as if they were fighting to get away first; before finally, a feminine figure came falling through it- yelping as she landed squarely on her rump- which was also predictably very much Suki-like. Except I realised something important: the girl wasn't Suki.

"So..." my voice dryly began as I stared down the girl, "...what force could possibly compel the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation to hide in my ceiling and peep on me having sex?"

Caught red-handed, Azula's entire face burned red with embarrassment as she apparently scrambled for an excuse.

"Suki!" She blurted out, "Suki made me do it!"



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