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Chapter 11: Investigation

Me and Claire arrive at her room after the breakfast.

We go toward the sofa and sit down.

"Better than I expected. I would ask to you make your strength known by intimidating them a little but that assassin coincidently appeared" Claire says joyfully

She passes her hands over my body while making some happy noises.

"And you did so well dear, but are you sure you need to take care of this organization by yourself? I heard that they are dangerous, I dont want you to get hurt" Says Claire worried

Maybe opening myself to Claire a little could do some good.

"Do you know something about the white wolf clan?" I ask apathetically

Claire gasps in surprise. Seems like their existence is not common knowledge.

"Dear, Im not sure of how you know this name being a peasant. Basically, two factions are dividing Venfall at the moment, the first prince's faction and the second prince's faction. The first prince faction is called White Wolf, and the other is called Black Sheep" Says Claire casually

This makes things even more difficult. Kill a prince would be hard, but not impossible. In the future, he will feel Penance slicing every part of his body.

"What side are you on Claire?" I ask with a hint of aggressiveness

Claire laughs mischievously.

"Dear, in politics there is only one side, your own interests, but theoretically im on the black sheep side for now" Claire says mischievously

So at least I chose right. Dont really matter to me what are they objectives or reasons are, they killed the people I love and I deliver death to everyone who considers themselves as white wolves.

Claire seems curious about my motives but I gain nothing from telling her right now. She does not ask either, She knows that if im not talking, it means I dont intend to.

I proceed to change the topic.

"Did you get what I asked for?" I say apathetically

She hugs me and kisses me.

"Not even a thank you? I spent a decent amount of gold you know?" She says with a slightly sad tone

I asked Claire to get me mana gems when we arrived.

Saving your life for the third time seems to not court as thank you huh?

I hug her back passing my arms around her neck and kissing her mouth. I continue to kiss her neck in multiple places while she moans and lets out her usual weird noises.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" I say apathetically

She starts to hug me violently tight almost like she wants me to enter inside her skin.

"You know what would make me even happier" Claire says lustfully

Is it not enough? This is slightly embarrassing, but whatever it makes her happy.

"My name is Nyxia Faeson" I say whispering in her ear seductively

She let out a faint moan and hugged me tighter.

"More, say more, please dear" Says Claire almost melting while I kiss her ear

I find it a little cute how a few words can make someone so happy. I dont mind though, but if I give her too much she starts to forget how our relationship works and tries to put a chain around my neck. It amazes me how I dont mind it too most of the time. Maybe im more twisted than I thought or Claire made me this way, hard to say.

"Im Claire's wife, she can do anything to me, I love Claire" I whisper in her ear seductively

Most of what I say is open to debate though, well, there is some truth in it.

She carries me princess-style and throws me onto the bed violently jumping on top of me furiously taking out my clothes. Needless to say, I had no time to test my new mana gem.


While the moon illuminates the night, I sit on the top of Claire's mansion. Checking the area around the mansion and buildings close with Penance's eye for one last just in case. 

Right now im wearing what I call the perfect set, truly one of Claire's best findings for me.

A black long coat closed by slightly big silver buttons, the coat has a high collar with two silver buttons to shut it, forming a circle around my mouth area leaving only my eyes to be seen. A belt on the long coat with a silver buckle slightly above my waist. On my legs, slightly baggy black pants and black boots. Inside the long coat, I wear a black long-sleeved shirt.

The whole fit is slightly baggy outside of course the boots. I find it very comfortable and easy to move, plus it conceals my identity not much though.

After checking for suspect people around, I jump from the mansion and run toward the gate.

Of course, I could just jump the fence but I find that somewhat rude. If I had a fence I would think that at least.

After scaring the guards at the front gate, I run toward the inn called Oasis. I saw it before with Penance, it is a normal-looking inn which means that it is dirty and badly kept.

Papa sigh... Im sorry, gold corrupted me a little, but how could it not? Claire buy me delicious food and give me everything I want.

Im sure Mama would be happy, she always wanted only the best for me.

Sometimes I wish I could speak with them, just one last time. I never failed to express how much I loved them, but sometimes I wonder if I have done enough.

I arrive at the inn. I enter inside and a waiter comes to offer me a place to sit. As usual, some people are drinking and laughing a few crying too. 

I sit at a table order a drink and take out a book for me to read. I keep a close watch on the door while reading.

Soon a person wearing a black cloak enters the inn. The figure walks toward the innkeeper and trades a few words, the innkeeper accompanies him toward a door at the back of the inn.

I was able to observe that there is no identification outside the code. They are that confident that their assassins wouldnt leak? or there is another step inside?

I rise and walk toward the innkeeper, I tell him the code and he lets me inside without questions. 

Inside is like another inn, a balcony with a guy and a bunch of people wearing black cloaks to cover their bodies and faces, some of them are just wearing normal bandanas too.

They dont seem like a close group. They are all scattered around the place and dont talk much.

I go toward the clerk and ask for the news. Not sure if it will work though. He gives me two pieces of paper. A piece with five big names and another with almost 20 little names. All names have numbers on their sides. Claire's number is 5 but I dont know what it means, maybe a priority list? hard to say.

It all seems very sloppy to me, why would they leave everything so defenseless? My best guess is that there is someone big backing these guys. From what I can observe they are more like an independent group, they dont act together, maybe they even have more places like this scattered across the capital.

I got out of the inn and im now walking the street.

My theory is that these so-called Nameless Ones are the people who distribute the papers and rewards, someone pays them to put names on the papers. They are not involved directly so it will be hard to find them. Im not sure of what I can do here, finding them would take time and effort. I need to be at Claire's side to protect her, there are a bunch of assassins trying to kill her right now.

I know how to start, first I should investigate Adrian, he and Kovan are obviously involved in this but im not sure how. Watching Adrian seems more promising as he is more likely to make a mistake.

While walking the streets I felt a presence behind me but it was too late. I could evade by jumping behind but my back got severely sliced. When I look behind I see a guy wearing a blue cloak covering his whole body and face, with a curved sword dripping blood from it. 

Who the hell is this? A assassin but how? I have no time to think.

He dashes at me barraging me with strikes. I can barely block it because of my wound. We exchange hits in the dark street illuminated by the moon.

He is good, I couldnt even perceive his presence until he was behind me. 

He tries to kick me after I block his sword but I make a hand sign and appear behind him. He spins with his sword to try to get me behind him predicting my movement. When his sword hits I disappear, im still in front of him, what I made appear behind him was a clone made of darkness to confuse him.

I strike and Penance slashes his chest making a big wound. He swiftly backed off to recompose himself.

He dashes at me again but he is now slower and I can trade hits with him, now we are even. I deflect one of his hits and make a hand sign. A clone appears and jumps at him grabbing his stomach and causing him to be pushed back after one sec the clone disappears. 

I make a hand sign and appear in his shadow, he strikes behind and I block. I make another hand sign and a chain gets out of his shadow but he does a backflip evading it.

This guy's experience in battle is totally on a different level from mine, he is reading me like a book, but I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve.

He dashes at me and we start to exchange blows at high speed. When he comes for a horizontal strike I faint a block but I transform Penance into a crow before he hits and I get down making a hand sign.

A clone appears behind him but he pays no mind. Im in front of him so he knows it is a trap, even if the clone is solid it cant do much damage and can only exist for seconds, he is not wrong in thinking like this, as im in front of him with no weapon he could kill me, but this chance is blinding him.

He strikes me in front of him with a vertical strike but when he cuts me I disappear. A sword pierces through his heart coming from behind him. He coughs blood and I take the sword out from his chest. He falls to the ground lifeless.

Didnt expect me to switch places with my clone? A shame, normally I would torture this guy until he says everything but it is better not to risk it, im already wounded.

Argh! My back, now that the adrenaline stopped the pain is worse than before. I need to get out of here now.

I force myself to run ignoring the pain while making my way toward the mansion. 

The only people who know about me coming to this place, are Claire's family which means that one of them is behind this but I dont see a reason for Kovan and Adrian to know a guy like this and not have sent him before to kill Claire. My best bet for now is to investigate this matter deeply.

Soon I arrive at Claire's mansion and the guards open the door for me. I make my way into the mansion slightly dripping blood.

Entering Claire's room, she is sitting on the couch drinking tea looking out her window. As soon as she sees me her expression turns into joy she runs to hug me but she sees the blood dripping from my back and puts on a panicked face.

I feel weak... My vision blurring... My legs are giving in.

I fall and Claire Catches me before I hit the ground.

"Baby!" She screams concerned

My vision turns black and I see no more.


I wake up in panic trying to get up but I hit my head in a wood plank.

Argh! My head.

Here again huh?

I look to my side to see myself from my former life. He is laughing a little.

Close huh? Never seen you getting hurt this badly before, in this world at least hehe.

Dont bother, I already know what you will say. You could have done better. You underestimated your enemy. You are still too weak. You are not enough. And the list goes on.


So why are you bringing me here if you have nothing to say?

To keep the flame alive. I would lose interest otherwise.

He looks at me with a grim smile and his eyes are filled with pupils of multiple colors.


I wake up in panic looking around. Im at Claire's bed she is working at her desk at the side of the bed.

When she sees me wake up, she cries a little and jumps to hug me.

"Love! I was so worried, are you okay?" Claire says worried

I seem to be mostly fine, my back does not hurt anymore probably because Claire called doctors to see me. My head slightly hurts though.

"Im fine Claire" I say casually

She seems calmer now and lies down by my side on the bed. She puts her head on my shoulder while she passes her hand on my abdomen.

"Dont make me worry like this dear" Claire says in a low voice with a sad tone

Judging by the bags under her eyes, she didnt sleep at all. Makes me feel somewhat bad for her.

"I saw those two notes, im quite high on the list huh" Says Claire in a low voice

"A little sloppy" I say apathetically

Claire asks what happened and I explain everything.

"Yes, someone other than my brothers tried to kill you, quite desperately at that" says Claire thoughtful

There are only 3 probable persons. Claire's Father and his two wives, but why? I cant see a reason for any of them to try to kill me so desperately.

That dream was stranger than most now that I think about it.

Sigh... for now I will have to keep going until I find out.

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