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Chapter 2: Drake Tepes

Ryan opened his eyes and saw himself standing among the clouds. There was no floor nor could he see anything resembling land below him either. Everywhere he looked was an endless sky. After turning around he noticed a door. "This wasn't here a second ago!" he exclaimed. "That's it no more Thai food before bed." He thought to himself. Wait did I even eat Thai today? Did I even go to bed? Wasn't I about to play Elden Ring?" He said utterly confused at his situation. God was getting impatient and opened the door for him. "Come my child for you have been chosen." A voice rang out from the other side. Ryan was a bit freaked out. "Who was he calling his child? I'm a grown-ass man!" He thought to himself. But after looking through the door and seeing there was an actual floor to stand on Ryan quickly got inside. Once he stood on something solid he felt much more relaxed and sighed in relief. 

"Okay, I came through the door. What now?" he asked looking around not seeing anyone. "Ryan Mills you have been chosen by God to fulfill a task only you can accomplish. "Uhmm I know you said my full name and all but are you sure you got the right guy? I have never fulfilled any task other than cleaning cars and completing video games." Ryan said distrusting the words from the random voice in the room. "I am God. No mistakes have been made. I have chosen you specifically due to your unique traits as they are needed to maintain the balance of all life and prevent the destruction of the realms. There is no one more qualified than you. I am certain of this." God said full of conviction without a shed of doubt in his voice. 

Ryan felt his chest swell with pride as for the first time someone saw something in him that was greater than anything he ever saw in himself. Not wanting to disappoint God he continued his questions to better understand the situation. "So what am I supposed to do? I'm not very strong nor do I have any resources to make a difference back on Earth." Ryan explained. He was worried God would ask him to do something crazy like build an Ark in the middle of a desert or something. "Your former life is over. You have died. I will reincarnate your soul into a new body that will one day have more power than the world has ever seen before." God answered.

"Oh shit, it's happening! This is real I'm getting reincarnated with OP skills, a system, maybe a bloodline? Who cares what it is so long as I'm strong!" He thought to himself. Ryan was practically bursting with emotion right now. "So are you going to send me to another world of magic and swords to kill the demon lord or something? Oooh, maybe I can choose a world from my favorite manga? That would be awesome!" Ryan exclaimed he couldn't contain his eagerness in the slightest. Meanwhile, God's left eye started to twitch.

"You fool! Stop fantasizing over nonsense. Why would I go through the trouble of bringing you here just to create a brand new world for you to save?" God's voice boomed throughout heaven. "Ryan shrunk back after hearing God yell at him. "Fair enough that makes sense. Please continue" Ryan meekly answered. God inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. "I require you to save OUR world for without you in control of the root of all evil we are surely doomed. In a way, you are getting what you asked for. Magic exists and many practice it with great skill you will likely be one of them. You just weren't aware of the existence of magic before now." God said. Ryan was over the moon. "Fuck yeah, I get magic!" Ryan cried out. For his sanity, god decided to ignore that outburst and continued. 

"However, the Demonlord is a tricky topic you see in a way you will be born in the body that for all intents and purposes could be labeled a Demonlord. Your mission is to not become an enemy of humanity but an ally of heaven. In fact, I would be satisfied with you simply remaining neutral. In exchange, you can live a life of immortality while indulging in all the pleasures the world has to offer you." God said stating his terms. He looked upon Ryan expectantly he could not form a binding contract with him as any contract would dissolve after his soul was cleansed for reincarnation. He needed to convince Ryan to want to do this of his own will. As soon as God mentioned the words "All the pleasures of the world." Ryan's mind instantly flooded with images of beautiful women surrounding him on some yacht in the middle of the ocean. "Yes if it is women you desire then go and chase all the women you wish. Given your power and status, many will flock to you. Live your life surrounded by the beauties of the world I will even give you a blessing to aid you in this desire." God said as a smile began to form on his lips. 

If Ryan dedicated his life to chasing his carnal desires he wouldn't have any time nor the inclination to gain the strength necessary to take over hell. God knew he would rule the Underworld at a minimum but perhaps that would be enough for Ryan. Given his ambitionless outlook on life, a strong desire to not be disturbed, his craving to fill his head with useless information about fictional worlds, and a flock of women to attend to. God was convinced his plan would work. "So let me get this straight. I'll be reborn in the body of a Demonlord and you God are ok with me forming a Harem and doing whatever I want for all of eternity so long I don't destroy the world? On top of all of that, you will even give me a blessing that will help me pick up chicks?" Ryan asked incredulously. "That about sums it up," God said confirming his understanding of the situation.

"Sign me up!" Ryan yelled out. He had never heard of a better deal in his life. How could he turn down something that only had advantages? He couldn't even think of a manga where the MC had a better deal than this. He had no pressure to do anything and even got a hall pass from god to fuck any girl he wanted. Hell God was even going to help him do it! What a bro!" Reading Ryan's mind God had to stifle a laugh everything was falling into place. For Ryan this was truly the deal of a lifetime there was no doubt about that. God could only hope he never realizes what he will truly be capable of later on. The idea of using Ryan in of itself was a long shot but God knew if anyone could screw up conquering all that is known while having the power to do so it was Ryan Mills. 

"I can not express how happy I am to hear you agree to take on this task. Truly you are the savior of mankind. Heaven owes you a debt of gratitude and that debt will be paid as soon as you are born into the world once again. With that another flash of light struck Ryan, disintegrating his body while cleansing his soul.

Back on earth, three months have passed since Ryan was conceived. Per Lilith's request, they had moved into a Large Mansion that was newly built to Vlad's design. He had bought out an entire apartment complex flattened the land and built his mansion in record time. Over a thousand people became homeless within a week of this transaction. Vlad didn't have the time to bother with the complaints of the humans he was too busy deciding on the architecture for the mansion that would replace their homes. Having Vampires with superhuman strength who could work all night without getting tired made a big difference in construction planning. In less than a month all the buildings were demolished and cleaned out and the overall structure of the mansion had been built. Within two months his new home was nearly finished and only required Lilith's input for the final touches. This was a compromise made by both Vlad and Lilith. Vlad desired his peace while Lilith desired to raise her child in the modern world and take part in all the mommy-daddy classes. While being surrounded by people in a similar situation as herself. New York was a hotspot for many Vampires. It just so happened Camille a noble Vampire and one of the first turned by Lilith was also participating In the mommy-daddy classes. 

Lilith was in the middle of redecorating for the third time she wanted everything to be perfect and she wouldn't tolerate anything less than perfect for her unborn child. She looked like she was about to give birth any moment as Vampire fetuses matured much faster than humans did. A baby was born after 3 months afterward within a year they would be a teenager and after another 3 years, they would be a fully grown adult. After that their body would stay that way unaging for all eternity or until they were killed. "Darling! Is the baby wing completed yet? If you haven't noticed our Child will be here any moment and I hope for your sake you have hired at least the bare minimum of maids to ensure that our child is well taken care of. I will not be outdone by that bitch Camille who has 100 maids for her child." She said with her hands underneath her belly giving extra support as she walked around inspecting every nook and cranny of the mansion. 

"Lilith that child is a Tepes he or she doesn't need 100 maids. I thought you wanted to have the full motherhood experience wouldn't they just get in the way of that?" Vlad asked while pinching the bridge on his nose unable to comprehend this madness. It's not about needing them its about having them! Ughh don't you understand anything! Being the best mother, in the best home, with the most maids, and the finest pregnancy clothes money can buy is all a part of the experience. And I Lilith Tepes will not be outdone by that whore Camille! Do I make myself clear? She yelled before changing her tone on a dime. She ended the last sentence with a sweet voice before tilting her head wearing the most sinister and manic smile Vlad had ever seen.

"Fine if it's maids for the sake of maids I will have them here by the afternoon." He said giving in to her demands. He learned from his first wife to never argue with a pregnant woman. This was even more true when that pregnant woman could obliterate you. Vlad would regenerate from obliteration of course but he still didn't want to experience it firsthand. Vlad had given in to all her demands even marrying her so that she would share the same name as their child. This fell in line with how Vlad wanted to raise his child so he naturally agreed. He was also quite smitten with Lilith she was truly his equal and could return his banter making his life much more interesting than it was before. He only hoped her crazy demands would die down after the child was born. 

Vlad then waived over his butler and gave him the task of hiring 200 maids to take care of the mansion. He figured after Lilith gloated and showed Camille her superiority that they wouldn't be needed anymore. The entire east wing of the mansion was claimed by Lilith and was henceforth known as the Baby Wing Vlad didn't mind as he had no plans to ever use that wing at all. He would spend most of his time in the even larger underground area of his home that had all the modern conveniences while retaining his particular choice in decore. To him, the entire house above ground was a front to hide his real home underneath.

Hearing Vlad would hire 200 maids put a smile on Lilith's face as she went over and kissed Vlad on the lips. That's the Darling I married. she said winking at him as she continued her stroll along the Baby Wing. As she inspected the custom art that went along the entirety of a seemingly endless corridor Lilith felt a pressure release within her belly as her legs became drenched with fluids. Her Eyes widened in shock which quickly turned to glee. Darling the baby is coming!

Vlad quickly grabbed Lilith and raced so fast to the underground he practically teleported. He had 3 of his most loyal servants on staff living there just for this occasion. He wasn't sure what abilities His child would have as this was a completely unprecedented birth. Lilith claimed he would not share his curse of being burnt by the sun but he would not take any chances. Unlike Humans who would need hours to give birth and their water broke Vampires typically had the baby out within minutes so time was of the essence. Vlad placed her on a wide couch that had a place for her to raise her legs. He allowed his servants who were the most trained Vampires in the medical field to ensure the birth of his child went smoothly and without incident. 

As soon as Lilith was on the couch she had already started pushing. Vlad stood by her side holding her hand. She squeezed so hard that the bones in his hand shattered to dust then regenerated and then shattered to dust again. Vlad showed no hint of pain or discomfort on his face only concern for Lilith and his child as he allowed his wife to do as she pleased. Moments later Vlad heard the cry of a baby as his medical servant was already cleaning the baby of blood and fluid before handing it over to Lilith, who had streams of tears running down her face. She was lying down in bed with her hands stretched out unable to wait a moment longer to hold her child. 

" Congratulations It's a beautiful baby boy Lady Tepes." The man said while placing the baby who was wrapped in a blanket in her arms. "After thousands of years, I finally have a child of my own. A baby boy." she squealed as she kissed his forehead. "Darling we have a baby boy!" She cried out in joy while sobbing uncontrollably looking at Vlad with nothing but love in her eyes. Vlad was a man who had fought many wars and killed thousands if not millions of people in the past. Some died in the cruelest of ways imaginable but in this moment all that Bravado dissolved away as he stared at his Beautiful wife and newborn son. This image brought up emotions from a past life he didn't think he had access to anymore as he shed a single tear that dripped down his face and fell to the ground. That was the first tear he had shed since becoming a vampire he wasn't even sure he was capable of crying anymore until now.

"That we do my love," Vlad answered back. Lilith then squealed in delight after hearing Vlad say those words. She had been trying to get him to call her his love all this time while she would call him darling and he adamantly refused every chance he had until now. Lilith felt her heart swell as she knew Vlad was no liar and if he said those words to her then that meant he truly felt that way. "Everything is perfect," she said sighing in relief as she held on to her newborn son. "A real loving family. I have dreamed of this all my life and it is finally coming true." She said under her breath. "What should we name you little man," she said slightly poking his cheek. "We already went over this he will have my name Vlad Tepes. Vlad said without hesitation.

"No, he won't be a Vlad. Your Vlad let him be him, he already has your last name give him something new." She barked back. "I know! We can modernize Dracula and call him Drake. Drake Tepes. That sounds nice, right? It pays homage to your roots while also sounding like something from this century." She said acting as if she had just come up with that name on the spot. In truth, she had been planning this moment for the last three months and desperately did not want to name her child Vlad. Who wants to be called Vlad? Vlad probably doesn't want to be called Vlad. That's why she calls him Darling now. 

"Drake Tepes" Vlad called out test run the name. "It does have a ring to it." He said nodding in agreement. He then took his son into his arms and held him up to Vlad's face. "Very well from this day forward, you shall be named Drake Tepes," Vlad called out to announce his son to the world. which at the moment was only his wife and the three highly overqualified Doctors. Who out of respect all began to clap with the bare minimum of enthusiasm. Lilith on the other hand clapped very fast with a squeal. Happy that her plan bore fruit. She then quickly took Drake back into her arms and hugged him tightly not wanting to be separated for more than a moment from him. "My baby Drake welcome to our Family! I'm your Mommy Lilith and that Old Man is your Father Darling." She said giggling while winking at her husband. Vlad coughed in anger while glaring at Lilith. "Okay just kidding his name is Vlad Tepes the Ruler of all Vampires so in a sense you are the prince of Vampires. How cool is that my little prince?" She asked while rocking him back and forth in her arms. 

Meanwhile, Ryan now named Drake just stared at his new Mom in utter disbelief. "My Mom is the hottest MILF on the planet!"

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