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Chapter 4: He Finally did it (R18)*

With his mind zoned in on Roxanne, he called her up to meet at a coffee shop and discuss their travel plans to the Underworld Academy. She instantly agreed to meet up and said she would be there shortly. Drake had to smile seeing how willing she was to see him every chance she got. It was like she was waiting for him to call. His life was so different now to how it was and he didn't feel like he was doing anything differently. He really felt like personality didn't mean anything and that it was the last thing someone looked for in a relationship. He didn't need to doubt that all of this attention would go away if he wasn't rich, of nobility, or handsome since he already lived what that life looked like. 

He decided he would be different he might have fun with a few girls now and then but he would never be in a relationship with anyone who didn't truly love him and since God gave him a way to determine how they felt he could easily keep this promise to himself. This is why he felt so attached to his childhood friend Roxanne. He witnessed her feelings change for him over time. From That Kid, to Friend, to Crush, and now Falling in Love. He knew her feelings were genuine towards him and he treasured that more than anything. 

Drake walked over to the Garage and jumped into his favorite possession a Porsche 918 Spyder. Only 918 of these were ever made and it can go from 0 to 60 mph in 2.2 seconds with a top speed of 214 mph. He remembered his boss almost going Bankrupt in his previous life trying to get one. He pulled all his strings and cashed in all his favors within the company and still couldn't get this car. Now it was Drake's daily driver. He had it painted black and red to give it a modern look and had the entire dash remade to have new technology which was a sin to any collector but Drake didn't care. He had an Amex Black Unlimited Card It had no upper limit to what he could buy he didn't even need to ask his dad before spending 2 million on the car. 

Drake hopped into his Porsche and let the engine roar to life. Feeling the strong vibrations of the car as it idled always put a smile on his face. He then raced out of the garage and into the streets unconcerned with speeding regulations. Within minutes he had arrived at his destination. This wasn't your regular Starbucks but a high-class establishment meant for CEO's and celebrities. Drake was already well known and none of the staff ever questioned his presence there. Lilith had already given his information to all the high society establishments in New York. Not that she needed to as Drake could just hypnotize people but it was nice to not have to.

Lilith also seemed to enjoy turning him into a celebrity that people fawned over. After he bought the Porsche, he found himself on the cover of Cars magazine and then on another magazine for women titled "7 Ways to Win Over a Billionaire." They had a shirtless picture of him in the background. After asking his mom about it she assured him that she had reached out to them and supplied the pictures. That's all he needed to know. If his mom wanted him to be a celebrity then he would be a celebrity. He loved his new mother more than he ever loved Ryan's She had deserted him after his father passed when he was 13. While Lilith treated him like he was a precious gemstone and constantly showered him with Love and concern for his well-being. So he was more than happy to give in to anything that made Lilith happy.

Drake walked inside leaving his Porsche parked however he wanted it was near the entrance and nowhere near a legit parking space. The owner wouldn't complain if anything his car would attract more high-class customers. Looking around the interior of the coffee shop/brunch restaurant Drake saw Roxanne already sitting at a table eagerly waving him over. 

"Hi, Drake you look dashing as usual," She said biting her lower lip while looking him over. She was very pleased with his appearance. Drake smiled at her comment and looked her over as well. She was beyond sexy. Her long curly blond hair was open and fell to her waist. She was wearing a white shirt that had her shoulders and cleavage exposed matched with tight blue jeans that hugged her ass leaving nothing to the imagination. "And you are gorgeous as always. It is difficult for me to even look away." He said without skipping a beat. He learned a lot from his old man and he realized early on that he could get away with saying a lot of things that Ryan couldn't have. Things that would have come off as creepy for Ryan to say came off as sexy flirting from Drake that's just how things were. 

Roxanne blushed hearing this as she reached out across the table to hold Drake's hand. "Then don't ever look away" She whispered while gently squeezing his hand before lightly running her fingernail across his index finger. That gesture alone was enough to rile Drake up he had been waiting forever to have her and he knew she wanted it too but he had to calm himself down they were in public. Thankfully the waiter came by and asked for their order. Contrary to what most believe from stories vampires had no problems eating regular food. They often enjoyed tasting new and fresh dishes. They just didn't need to as regular food had no nutritional value. 

Drake ordered a latte and a sandwich while Roxanne had a latte and an omelette. "So we need to leave in a week for Underworld Academy are you excited?" Roxanne asked while sipping on her Latte. "I am! Other than a Warlock that visited Mom I haven't seen any other Underworld races. I'm really looking forward to meeting them and seeing how we are different or similar to each other." Drake said passionately. He wasn't lying as a hardcore fantasy nerd he was dying inside to see other races for real. What he left out was that he also wanted to check out the women from other races but he wasn't going to mention that to her. 

Roxanne rolled her eyes at Drake "Oh please you just wanna check out some half-demon or other exotic race's booty." She said pointing her finger at his forehead. Drake nearly collapsed on the table from the sudden truth bomb. "You can read me like a book can't you?" He asked in a defeated voice. Seeing him act like this was very cute to her and she couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "But that's not something you need to worry about right now. I have no intention of looking at any other women before we have had a chance to connect. I want all my firsts to be with you." Drake said as he looked into her eyes without breaking contact. 

Roxanne's face flushed a deep shade of red. Her breathing became uneven as she stared back into Drake's eyes. She knew that he was flirty and that he was likely going to be with other women. Her mother had even prepared her for that. No great man in history beds only one woman. And Drake has the potential to be the greatest of men. Who he casually sleeps with doesn't matter. It's who he comes home to and declares as his that does. Who he protects and whom he cherishes is what matters. That is what her mother told her. If she wanted to be with Drake she should expect that. If she couldn't live with that then she should look for another man to avoid getting hurt. Camille was from a time long gone but that was a truth that still existed today. Men in power nowadays simply hide it from the public eye. 

"I also want to share all my firsts with you" She managed to say between taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Vampires were very emotional creatures. If they felt a certain way then they felt very strongly a certain way. The older one became the more manageable it was to handle these emotions but for Drake and Roxanne who had just become adults their hormones were running wild and it took a great amount of willpower to not throw the table over and fuck in the middle of the shop. This was one of the reasons why they were not allowed to do anything until now Their mothers didn't want such emotions to solidify in their minds before they were fully developed and prepared to understand such things. 

Roxanne was able to get her breathing under control and started to lovingly caress his leg with her foot under the table. She played with his hand while staring into his eyes as they chatted about the journey to the Academy and what they might come across along the way. Once they entered the portal to the Fairy Realm they would be on their own to make it to the academy. This was well known to weed out anyone not deserving of entering. All applicants had to travel through the forest of death before being granted acceptance into the academy.

Drake was not afraid but excited to see real-life monsters and fight them. It would be his debut as the overpowered MC and he wanted to have the full experience. While they were chatting a woman wearing high heels and Gucchi everything walked up to their table. "Hi Drake! I'm Alisa Freeman. From Freeman Hotels I'm sure you have heard of me. How about you come over to my table and we have a little chat? She asked Drake while completely ignoring Roxanne.

Drake gave her a side glance mostly using his peripheral vision to give her a look over. He could smell she was human and his blessing confirmed it as well. She was skinny and frail-looking. She had no meat on her bones and had way too much makeup on. Her brown hair was tied into twin pigtails. that rested on her shoulder. Her breasts were on the smaller side. Ryan would have thought she was hot but Drake knew better. 

Alisa Freeman

Attracted/Exploit you to gain Status 


Drake raised his eyebrow this was new, apparently if they had ill intentions his blessing would mention that as well. Had he truly not come across any woman that had ill intentions toward him? He pushed that thought to the side for now. 

"I'm having a private conversation you're bothering me."

"Pfft, what kind of conversation could you be having with that blond bimbo any brains she ever had fell into her tits. I'm the daughter of Jared Freeman you might learn a thing or two if you hang around me." She said with an innocent smile while pointing towards herself as if she didn't just treat someone she never met before like they were trash. 

Drake felt his blood boil. His vampire instincts or emotions were screaming at him to rip that bitch to shreds. It took everything he had to calm his blood lust. "That Woman you call a Bimbo is more intelligent and beautiful than you could ever dream to be. More importantly, she is mine and I won't tolerate any insults thrown at her." Drake said as he stood up and signaled to the waiter to kick her out by pointing to her and then to the door. He wore a grim expression that showed he was serious. 

Alisa naturally saw the hand gesture and scoffed at Drake with a look of hatred in her eyes. "Oh please you think you're so important that if you signal with your hands someone will come to kick me out. Me!?" She said pointing to herself again. "I thought you were hot stuff with a beautiful car and lots of money we would have been on the front covers of magazines and had fun while doing it. But now I'm going to find out where all that money is coming from and shut you down. That is what real power looks like. I bet your family owns some average successful business that we can buy out." She said sneering at him like he was trash.

The waiter quickly called for his boss he knew who that young woman was and did not want to get in between those two. Moments later The owner came rushing over and after he saw Drake his face paled. "Sir Tepes, is there a problem?" he asked with his voice lightly trembling. "She insulted my fiancee I want her out and banned. If I have to endure another moment looking at her disgusting face I might vomit and never be able to visit this establishment again. The memory of her ugliness would haunt me while I drank my coffee." 

Roxanne was more than happy to let Drake handle this for her. She enjoyed seeing him defend her like this. It made her feel like she was special to him. That girl was only a human and she wouldn't allow cattle to get a rise out of her. But after hearing Drake use the word Fiancee to describe their relationship a literal explosion went off in her head. All systems in her mind shut down and were in the process of rebooting. 

The owner looked over to Alisa. Miss Freeman as of now you are no longer welcome in this restaurant. I must ask you to leave the premises immediately. Please do so now and peacefully or I will have you removed.

"You can't be serious Michael. You golf with my father on the weekends!" Alisa screamed in utter confusion and hysteria. This was ridiculous who was this man? People knew of him he was Drake Tepes a foreigner living in New York and all that was known about him was that their family was influential and had a lot of money. But simply having money and a bit of influence wouldn't cause this situation! Not when she was the one getting thrown out. Perhaps some normie girl but not her! Not wanting to cause a scene that would end up in the newspapers she huffed and began to walk away. Roxanne woke up from her stupor and stood next to Drake. She placed her fingers in his pocket and grabbed the waistband of his jeans.

[Roxanne and Drake Image]

"One more thing little girl." She called out to Alisa. She turned around angrily to stare at Roxanne curious as to what that big titty Bimbo had to say. "You should stick to playing with your boy toys your not ready for a real man." She said as she licked Drake's neck and used her other hand to grab his dick so Alisa could see the sheer size of him through his pants. 

Alisa's eyes went wide as she stared at the monster Roxanne held in her hand. Just thinking about that thing inside her was turning her on. "No matter once we own his companies I will own him," She said with a sinister grin as she walked out of the restaurant without another word. 

As she left the building Drake saw her stats change.

Alisa Freeman

Vengeful/Actively seeks to either control or do you harm


Drake was first excited to pull off a young master scene in real life but his thoughts were then quickly distracted as he felt Roxanne rub his dick through his pants. She got closer and brought her lips to his ear. "I need you right now" She whispered into his ear. He could feel her breath gently blow into his ear before feeling a tingle run down his spine. Drake threw a hundred bucks on the table before grabbing Roxanne and placing her in the passenger seat of his Porsche before driving away at breakneck speeds. They were both unable to control their emotions anymore they needed each other. All Drake could think about was slamming into her over and over again. Roxanne didn't help the situation at all either as she kept stroking his dick through his pants while rubbing her legs together. Drake could smell her juices flowing out. 

Drake pulled up to the first hotel he could find and booked a room. As soon as he got the room key he picked Roxanne up in a princess carry and dashed up the stairs as the elevator would take too long. Finally, they reached their room and locked the door behind them. Roxanne pulled Drake's head down to hers and kissed him passionately. Sticking her tongue into his mouth desperate to find his to intertwine with. Drake kissed her back and found her tongue as he pushed it back in a fierce competition of passion. Drake placed her on the bed and ripped her shirt and pants off. Roxanne was already releasing the button on his jeans as she then reached down into his pants and grabbed ahold of his rock-hard cock. "I want it," She said looking at him with a pleading expression. Unable to contain himself anymore he pushed her down and pulled his already-opened pants down to his ankles. Roxanne wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him closer to her. Drake leaned in and placed the tip against the entrance to her dripping-wet cave.

He slowly inserted himself and pushed further until he felt something preventing him from continuing. "Keep going I'll be fine," Roxanne said her face was flushed and she was panting for air. Drake did as she said and pushed through her hymen and a bit of blood trickled out of her. Drake was now fully inside her. He waited for a moment so that she could heal. She could then unlike a normal human girl be able to fully participate even though it was her first time. "Ok I'm good," she said with a devilish grin while her grip with her legs tightened around his waist. Drake didn't need to be told twice. He started thrusting in and out of her as hard as he could. The sounds of them colliding could be heard throughout the hotel but he didn't care.

"Fuck Roxanne your pussy is so tight! It feels amazing!" Drake called out to her as he pounded her pussy raw. with each thrust her gigantic tits bounced up and down slapping against her body each time they came crashing down. To Drake, this was the sexiest view he had ever seen. Roxanne held on to his strong arms as he slammed into her repeatedly. She felt her getting closer and closer to reaching her peak. Her nails dug into Drake's skin drawing blood.

"Don't stop Drake! I'm cumming! OH FUCK fuck fuck! She cried out as her legs squeezed his waist so tight he thought his pelvis might break. A moment later her juices spilled out onto the bed and drenched his crotch. Drake didn't stop, he couldn't stop. Seeing her cum all over him was a high he had never experienced before. He kept fucking her harder and harder as he grabbed one of her bouncing breasts that had started to swirl around in circles. He squeezed and kneaded it in his hand as he felt that he was reaching his peak.

"Fuck I'm cumming." He yelled out "I want it inside! Shoot your load in me!" She yelled back at him. Drake grabbed her waist with both hands while thrusting one last time as deep as he could reach before unloading into her womb. 

Roxanne started to tremble in pleasure her eyes rolled back as she orgasmed harder than she ever thought possible. Drake kept cumming until her womb was full and started to spill out with every after-orgasm thrust he made. Before long he was finally done and all the strength left his body as he rested his head on her soft breasts.

"That was amazing Roxanne," He said without looking up still resting in pure bliss. "Roxanne came to after hearing him speak. "It was incredible. I'm glad I fell in love with you." She said absent-mindedly. Suddenly shock set in as she realized what she just said. She quickly looked at Drake to see his reaction. But he was just curiously looking at something above her head with a wide smile. 


True Love


He then looked into Roxanne's eyes "I love you too. Will you be mine?" Roxanne stared at him as tears began to form in her eyes she was so happy. Nodding her head she agreed. "Yes, I will always be yours!" She said hugging him tightly against her chest. Hearing those words stirred something within Drake as he could feel himself getting hard again. Standing back up he grabbed ahold of her waist and flipped her over so that her beautiful ass was pointing at him. "Time for round two."

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