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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Calm Before The Storm.

" Alert! Alert! A distress signal has been picked up, stemming from a small island. " 

On a small navy ship, this alert rang out constantly, annoying the ship's crew, who sailed causally, coasting towards the island without care. Their lack of care wasn't due to the crew not caring about the island's residents, but instead, the fact most of these distress signals only lead up to them talking to the island inhabitants who told them details of the pirates. 

As the wind pushed the ship foward standing on the boat's edge, a young woman with purple hair, wearing a classic white navy uniform. She was around 5'5, she watched the navy flag blow wildly in the wind, until in the corner of her eye, she saw wooden debris floating aimlessly in the water. 

She noticed that the wood was scorched, making her track the debris with her eyes, until suddenly, a voice spoke out.

" What are you doing, Emily? It would help if you cleaned the deck. " Emily glanced back, locking eyes with the pilot of the small ship, a timid-looking man, with bright green hair, his eyes were sunken in, and dark bags could be seen, a deep contrast to his pale skin. He was piloting the ship, but he was not near a captain according to the world government, only a pilot to a small vessel that would scout an island distress signal. 

Emily glared at the man slightly annoyed, before she responded while leaning on the wooden rails of the ship. 

" There was some burnt debris floating in the water, and that caught my attention. But what are you doing? Aren't you meant to pilot? Go tell the crew to turn the sails or something. "

The pilot just scoffed at the remark, before he glanced to his right, and quickly looked up into the sky. The clouds were getting dark, and that only meant one thing. A powerful storm was quickly approaching. The pilot quickly bit his lip and yelled out to his crew. 

" Shorten the sails! A storm is coming! It'll be a day or two longer before we can reach that distress signal. So, let's focus on ourselves! " The ship's crew snapped their heads toward him, until in unison, they stormed towards the ropes holding the sails...

As the ship crew rushed towards the sails, back on the island. The clouds were rushing, overlapping each other, blocking out the sun with pitch-back clouds. Powerful gusts of wind tore through the island, picking up dirt, as hail rained down onto the island indenting the ground. And yet, sitting on a stool, was Bridget. He sat motionlessly, his once shiny eyes completely dull. He tightly held onto his knife, as hail rained down onto his body bruising it. 

And yet, he didn't move a single muscle. He stared at his father's dead body, poking out of the doorframe, watching the pool of blood being swept away by the powerful hail. As the rain swept away the blood, a force swept through Bridget's veins, a single emotion, the emotion of rage. 

The intensity of his anger couldn't be contained by his small body, He gritted his teeth, grinding them together. And just as thunder reverberated through the sky, illuminating Bridget's body in a brilliant blue light, he rose from the stool. His white hair dripped rain, as he walked towards his house, stepping over his father's dead body...

Two days later, and the small navy ship could finally see the small island through a telescope. However, even though the ship had gone through a powerful storm and was lacking food and other resources, not a single grin was present on any of the crew members' faces. The reason for this was quite simple. Throughout the water, was a pile of dead bodies, slightly decomposed being eaten away by small fish.

When the powerful storm struck the island, it washed away the bodies, sending them flying into the air, before plunging into the depths of the ocean and eventually floating back to the surface. The crew glared at the corpses with sunken hearts, the pilot glared at the corpses angrily before he reached over and grabbed onto a Den Den Mushi. 

" Hey, I would like to report a massacre of a small island. " As the pilot reported the massacre to the government, Emily leaned on the rails of the ship, watching each body, that the ship drifted past. When she saw that burnt piece of debris, she figured that a fire had broken out on the island and the locals needed help putting it out. 

But that wasn't the case, the bodies floating in the ocean were riddled with bullet holes, Emily could only watch the bodies, as the ship sailed towards the island. She tapped the rails of the ship using her index finger aimlessly, until after thirty minutes, the ship had finally reached the island. 

The crew quickly docked in the destroyed dockyard, the wooden boards were loose and cracked. A few corpses remained on the island barely holding onto the island edges, the crew walked through the deafly quiet island with rifles in hand. The island was barren, not a single house could be seen on the island, except for one. 

A house that was barely standing on the left side of the island, Emily quickly spotted that house and started walking towards it. Due to the storm, most of the evidence that the Navy could trace was washed away, but Emily figured if this island had any evidence left, it would be at that house. 

Her footsteps echoed out, as she approached the house quietly, she felt the gazes of her crewmates, as she walked. She walked for several minutes, before finally reaching the island, she expected to see nothing but dead bodies. However, to her surprise a young boy, could be seen peacefully sleeping on a stool with a knife in hand. 

She stared at this sleeping boy, unsure, if he was alive. She gingerly walked towards the boy, before speaking out to him, asking a single question. 

" Are you alive? " The boy instantly snapped his eyes open, and looked up at Emily, locking eyes with her. Emily couldn't help but smile, as she turned around and shouted out, in a cheerful voice. 

" Hey! There is a survivor! "...

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