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Chapter 16: The Tournament

It was a wonderful day on the island of Amazon Lily. It had been a few short days since Luffy arrived, and the entire village was filled with more festive celebrations than they'd had in decades. Houses were decorated, stalls were opened, and events were held in just about every corner of the village. 

They were happy because their beloved ruler, Boa Hancock, was finally wed. To their national hero no less! 

Yet if you were to tell the residents that the day Monkey D. Luffy marched into their town and proposed to their leader was just the beginning of a series of happy, joyous news rushing through their village, they'd be hard-pressed to believe it. 

After all, what could compare to the beautiful wedding ceremony of their Empress? 

But the Empress had surprised them all by announcing the very next day after her wedding that a competition would be held. A series of tournaments to decide who among the Kuja were the most powerful, beautiful, knowledgeable, and, most importantly, loyal to Monkey D. Luffy. 

Everyone in the village was allowed to participate, and a hefty majority would be participating. The Kuja were a village of warriors after all, and they believed that strength was beauty, and a tournament to see who was the best was enticing to all. 

It was the reward however, that truly got the Kuja people pumped. It was decided the four best competitors would be given an equal reward. 

The prize? A chance to sail with Boa Hancock herself, and her new husband Luffy, on their honeymoon. 

That announcement alone sent a round of cheers so loud, one could hear it anywhere on the island. To sail with the Amazon Empress was the greatest honor in the village, an honor reserved for her own personal Pirate Crew. It was a unique opportunity to stand out and make themselves known. 

The Empress wasn't quite done with her announcement, however, and even as the crowd made their own plans to win the prize... Hancock dropped another bombshell. 

The journey would not be made on the Perfume Yuda... It would be made on the Thousand Sunny. The ship of the King of the Pirates, is the only ship still sailing that has sailed to the end of the Grand Line.

Furthermore, the winners of the tournament would not just be traveling with them for the Honeymoon, they would become permanent members of the Straw Hat Pirates. 

The competition was on, each Kuja giving it everything they had to win the prize. 

The tournament was a grand spectacle, with so many participants it took three full days of contests held in the Arena. 

Luffy sat atop the viewer's box Hancock had used to watch his fight when he'd first been sent to Amazon Lily. It was much more fun being the viewer than the sacrifice. Especially when he sat on a plush velvet throne, his drop-dead gorgeous new wife resting on his right armrest, and Robin resting on his left. 

He watched each of the arena fights with giddiness. It wasn't every day he got to view contests like this, and he enjoyed watching fights almost as much as he liked participating. 

Though Hancock's choices in contests were rather peculiar, she claimed they were to test not just physical strength, but beauty, knowledge, and other things as well. 

He wasn't quite sure what mud wrestling had to do with anything, but he'd enjoyed it so he didn't really care. 

It was down to the finals now, and Luffy had noticed a few ladies out of the crowd of the remaining contestants. He was even cheering a few of them on... silently because Robin said it wasn't fair if he showed favorites. 

He had no problem giving his opinion to his two lovers, and when his favorite of the two fighters went down he pouted momentarily. 

But when the victor raised a fist to the cheering crowd and turned to look at him, he smiled and clapped all the same. It was a good fight and he was pleased by it even if his vote was lost.

Still... Luffy licked his lips at the fallen Kuja, she looked pretty devastated by the loss. She was attractive, with simple yet silky black hair that fell down her shoulders, and an equally simple white outfit. 

That wasn't what caught his eye though, it was her bandaged fists and brutal direct fighting style that did. A woman after his own heart. 

"Hancock." He said as they started to welcome the next match, "What was the name of the girl who lost?" 

"Huh?" Hancock looked down at the competitors and struggled to come up with a name.

"Poppy." Robin provided with a smile, "I heard she's made quite the name for herself over the last two years. Training almost desperately to become a Kuja Pirate. I would assume she saw this as her chance. Shame she lost." 


Hancock inwardly cursed herself. It was not the first of Luffy's questions that she'd failed to answer. She was starting to realize she wasn't as close to her subjects as she should be. Sure there was no possible way for her to know every name of every Kuja, but she should at least know the names of the competitors in her own tournament! Robin on the other hand had only been here a few days, when did she even learn about these things?

"I want her." Luffy declared suddenly.

"Huh?" Hancock was confused. 

"Oh?" Robin quirked an elegant eyebrow, amusement shining in her eyes. 

"Poppy, huh? Shi shi shi, she'll be a great addition to the crew!" 

Hancock had a moment of doubt about Luffy accepting a defeated contender to join his crew, considering the whole point of the tournament was to bring honor to the winners. (And bolster Luffy's crew in the process) But seeing that bright smile on his face washed her worries away. The fact that the Kuja warrior had caught Luffy's eye would surely bring honor in equal amounts, right? 

Hancock brightened up, and curled into Luffy's side, "If that's what you want Luffy! I'll have a message delivered to her right away!"

Robin leaned into his other side, running a hand down his chest as she whispered in his ear, "And while we're at it... Anyone else catch your eye?" 

"Hmm..." Luffy brought a hand to his chin in a thinking posture, one that both girls found adorable, "The cute girl with the notebook. N-something." 

"Nerine?" Hancock asked, the name popping in her head for some reason. 

He snapped his fingers, "That's it. She was nice to me when I first came here..." He said, remembering the line of people she'd charged for the chance to tug at his rubber body. 

"I remember that." Hancock said, "After you left her notes were brought to me by one of my Kuja Pirates. That was why I remembered her name. She's quite the capable warrior as well. I think she will be a great addition."

"Then it's decided." Robin agreed with a smirk on her face, "It seems our crew will be filled out nicely."

Luffy's grin lit up the arena. Already thinking of how much fun he'd have with this crew. 

Luffy sighed in satisfaction as he climbed out of the bath. The competitions were over. The winners were selected. They were welcomed into the Royal Palace where Hancock was no doubt telling them what to expect from their new positions. 

Luffy was bathing. He wanted to be clean so he could give them a proper welcome to the crew. He was quite excited to meet them and really get to know them. 

Not to mention those sexy Amazonian curves so many Kuja seemed to have. It was a treat, to be on an island full of sexy, toned, powerful warrior women. Who all happened to dress in bikinis on a daily basis. 

Luffy was already starting to get hard as he thought about those ripe, womanly curves, packed into skimpy outfits for him to look all he liked. Touch all he liked. They were his crewmates now, and he was the Captain. 

A presence tickled his senses as he stepped out of the door of the bath, leading to the changing room. Unbothered by it, he walked in to see a young blonde Kuja setting a bath towel and set of clothes out for him. 

"Hey, thanks." He called as he walked up to the woman. 

She squeaked and nearly jumped out of her skin, she turned to face him with a bow, "I'm-" Her words stopped as she took in his naked form. He wore no towel to cover himself. She stuttered furiously, and bowed deeper, "I-I-I-I'm sorry! I thought you would be in longer, Master Luffy!" 

Hm. Master. Why did that word send a pleasant tingle down his spine? He normally hated being addressed that way, well he started liking it ever since he fucked Miss Valentine.

He shook away his thoughts and got dressed, "It's okay. What's your name?" 

Her eyes were glued to the ground, "E-Enishida, sir. I'm the Empress' Lady's Maid." 

"Enishida, huh?" He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him, now fully clothed. 

She was shorter than most Kuja he was familiar with, only coming up to his shoulders, and was just as well-endowed as the rest.

Her large bust looked even larger and tastier on her smaller frame. She wore a small blue bikini top that crossed her chest in an X. Her blonde hair was done up in a bun, with a white horn-looking ornament. Her big brown eyes stared at him in nervousness. 

Lady's Maid, huh? He didn't really understand what that meant... but considering it had the word 'maid' and she was laying out his clothing after his bath, which he did not draw, he could connect a few of the dots. Hancock probably needed her around right? It would be a shame if his wife didn't have her Lady's Maid, right? 

He licked his lips, and decided, "You're cute." 

She blushed crimson, "W-What?! T-Thank you, my lord!" 

He smiled, and suddenly bent down, grabbed her waist, and threw her over his shoulder, patting her lightly on her ass, "Shi shi shi... I think I'll keep you!" 

"Eh? Whaat?!" She squeaked in surprise and flushed even redder, completely confused on how to react.

She couldn't possibly protest, as he was Monkey D. Luffy, so she just stayed silent, and let him haul her toward the Throne Room spoils of war.


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Here is some Good News:

\/ Nami is back on the screen \Chapter 26: Destination: The Grand Line [Nami's Back]/

\/ Luffy's Crew Won't Contain Any Scent of a Man in the "Time Skip".


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