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Chapter 6: Getting more staff

When GURPS pitched his idea to Beelzebub he imagined they'd use something more like a healing hospital for the job... not a Church. 

Regardless of the theme of the organization they started they've been able to start getting more of a following which has allowed him to start his plan of building more of a network in this world.

End goal was he had a little group he wanted to make in mind... a Syndicate of sorts one could say. 

GURPS was able to find a great spot for a nice new home in a more forested area, with just a little BEND of reality he made quite the nice place to live, not too fancy but still pretty. 

He'd be moving out from Helltaker's home to the new one within time but he promised Helltaker they'd still visit and hang out. For now while GURPS was standing in his new home he began thinking. 

GURPS: "....I need more staff" 

Sure he had his girls but they were his girlfriends not slaves, Beelzebub kind of counted but even then he didn't want to call on her talents for such trivial tasks like moving furniture in. 

GURPS: "I could ask Malina to summon some minions to do that or just make them myself but... I think it's time I get some proper, oh what's the word?... friends? associates?... slaves" 

He goes to address his girlfriends as they were all waiting by the car. 

GURPS: "Hey girls! I got a few errands to run so if you'd be so kind can you get started on moving some stuff into the house while I'm out? Don't worry this is a beneficial errand"

They all nodded as GURPS sends himself through the Omniverse once again looking for certain worlds. 

GURPS: "So many choices... but I think I got a few ideas to start with"


In the small town of Haddonfield Illinois it was a dark Halloween night, kids were trick or treating and having a fun holiday... for some it wasn't so fun however... for it was the night HE came home. 

Some shots sound off as a man wearing a creepy white mask was shot and fell out the window as he lands on the ground outside a house. A woman named Laurie was crying as she looked up at a man named Dr Loomis. 

Laurie: "Was that the boogieman?"

Loomis: " a matter of fact, it was"

He goes over to the window to see that the boogieman himself had... vanished. 

However this was only because GURPS dragged him away into a secluded area, he used some white tendrils coming from the Kos Parasite he was using to restrain the serial killer. 

GURPS: "Michael Myers in the flesh, even without insight I can see that the rumors hold true... you don't feel anything do you? You only kill as if your a machine programmed to do so"

Michael said nothing but still tried to pry the eldritch tendrils off him to no success. 

GURPS: "So evil to the core that even Hell of all places won't accept your soul... you would have been destined to terrorize this place for many Halloween's to come... that's why I got a better idea for you"

He then blasted Michael with too much insight for the boogieman's mind to handle.

GURPS: "Look into my eyes, gaze into the infinite abyss as it stares back... feel nothingness"

Suddenly Michael's body begins burning away as it falls apart, GURPS brings his hands together as a vortex of Arcane energy pulls Michael's Blood and Soul into a small condensed sphere that GURPS holds in his hands. 

GURPS: "I will put your gift for killing to better use, you will be my blade and kill those only I let you kill, you will be my killing machine. A fitting punishment as well as a use for your talents I'd say" 

He then proceeds to place the blood sphere in his mouth and swallow it down, Michael was now his to call upon to do as he commanded. He could feel the soul actually try to resist a bit at first but his power quickly brought it into submission. 

GURPS: "Pure evil or not he's still just a man... of sorts. Huh am I pulling an Alucard right now? The whole absorbing the souls of my enemies for use as minions I can summon later thing?"

He licks a bit of leftover blood that got on his sleeve off. 

GURPS: "Ahh sweet blood, it still sings to me... huh I'm like an Eldritch Vampire in a way now that I think about it"


GURPS went to a few more horror worlds to turn the killers there into his minions in the same way he did to Michael. 

He ended up also getting: John Kramer(Jigsaw), Ghostface(Scream), The Creeper(Jeepers Creeper), Jason Voorhees(Friday the 13th) and finally Albert Wesker(Resident Evil Game Series). 

He did consider Freddy Kruger too but... he ended up just really really not liking the guy so he simply destroyed him instead of collecting him like the others, the ones he did collect are essentially like his Proxies now. 

GURPS: "I feel like a weird Pokemon trainer right now in a way"

He felt this was enough for now but had one last stop to make, this one wasn't going to be a mere slave to his will though... for she was far from evil. 

He lands in a place filled with snow and cold as he walks up some steps into a tower. 

GURPS enters a room to see a very tall woman with white hair and pale skin and yellow eyes. She has a few scales on parts of her body and a white dress as well as... a white fluffy tail. The woman turns to see him enter as she seems to almost tense. 

??????: "Who art Thou? One of us thou are not... Thou feel strange... thou hast a powerful feeling to thy presence"

GURPS: "I am GURPS, I'd like to be a friend... Priscilla"

Priscilla: "You knowest who I am?"

GURPS: "I know many things... it's a shame, someone like you being stuck in this painted world for so long"

Priscilla: "I was an abomination that-"

GURPS: "-No... you weren't a monster or an abomination like they made you believe, trust me I've seen plenty to know he difference. No, you were trapped in here simply because those gods feared your power, nothing more or less"

She seems to think for a second.

Priscilla: "... why is thou here?"

GURPS: "How would you like to be free? I can take you to a world where the gods of this one can't do anything to you again. You can finally see the outside world once more and I'll give you my upmost care"

Priscilla: " there a catch?"

GURPS: "Weeeeell in return for this I only ask a small thing... see I'm in need of a guard to help keep watch over a home of mine when I'm away, I think you'd make a perfect guard" 

Priscilla: "I see... so you wish of me to be thou's protector?"

GURPS: "In a sense, but you join me and I promise you'll be well taken care of, you'll have more freedom and food and a proper home and time to just have fun... so what do you say?" 

He then holds out his hand to her as it glows with arcane energy. 

GURPS: "Do we have a deal?"

Priscilla hesitates as she thinks on this... but GURPS seemed very genuine from she could tell... she always did like stories of a knight taking a princess away to live happily every after and she was almost feeling like that right now. 

Priscilla: "as long as thou keeps thy word..."

GURPS: "Oh don't worry, I always keep my promises. Now shake my hand... come on girl, won't you shake a poor sinners hand?"

She slowly holds out her hand and shakes his hand as the deal is sealed. 

GURPS: "Yeeeeeeesssssssss"

Some drums can be heard from somewhere as GURPS starts casting some magic around them and starts dancing too for some reason. 

GURPS: "Are you ready?!" 

Ghostface and Albert Wesker and John Kramer are summoned from GURPS shadow as they provide a back up chorus. 

The 3 Proxies: "ARE YOU READY?!"


A vortex of arcane energy swirls around them as it begins transporting them all.

GURPS: "Transformation central!"


GURPS: "Reformation Central!"


The Great One then creates some tendrils from his arm that wrap around Priscilla's wrist and begin using some dark blood to draw something into her skin. 

GURPS: "Transmogrification Central! Can you feeeeeeel it?!"

The magic and lights focus on moving around Priscilla as she gets startled by this all but then feels herself getting... stronger? GURPS tendrils finish making the mark on her wrist as he gets rid of the tendrils. 

GURPS: "You're changin', you're changin', you're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied. But if you ain't, don't blame me... you can blame my friends on the other SIIIIIIIIIIDE!"

He then makes a shushing gesture as the light show stops and they are now in the backyard of GURPS forest house, the 3 killer minions he summoned are also gone now. 

Priscilla: "...w...what just happened?"

GURPS: "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for quite awhile now hehe, that was fun!" 

Priscilla: "I feel different though... what did thou do to me?"

GURPS: "Well since your a servant of mine now I've given you some upgrades, long story short that mark has made you stronger and tougher and faster and I've even improved your ice magic greatly! You are now the greatest Cryomancer in the world!"

She could feel it... it was like this mark connected her to GURPS and let her draw energy from his endless well of power, she could only use so much of this power but she still was far more powerful than she ever was before. 

Beel then walks over after noticing them arriving. 

Beelzebub: "Ah your back, we've gotten most of the supplies in the house by now"

She kisses GURPS on the cheek making him faintly blush a tad before she looks at Priscilla.

Beelzebub: "Oh who's this? did you get a new girl without telling me?"

Priscilla waves awkwardly as GURPS introduces her. 

GURPS: "This lovely dear is Priscilla! She's a dragon half-breed and quite a strong one at that. I've hired her to be a guard for our house, can you show her around? She's shy so I'd trust you more over the others to handle her better as she settles in" 

Beelzebub agrees as she starts to show Priscilla around the place and also talk to her about their world, she also realized she'd have to catch Priscilla up on some modern stuff like technology. 

GURPS: "....totally gonna pet her fluffy tail at some point" 

Modeus then walks over and tugs on GURPS sleeve. 

GURPS: "Oh yeah? what's up Modeus?"

Modeus: "I heard there's going to be a play happening in a theater of that one romance book I read... maybe we can.... s-see it together tonight?"

She gets flushed at wanting to see a play of a romance story with GURPS, before he can reply Malina walks over. 

Malina: "Hey! like hell he is! a new Pokemon game just released and he's playing it with me tonight!"

Judgement then runs over. 

Judgement: "No way! I wanted to go see the dog show with him tonight!" 

Modeus: "I asked first so i get darling for tonight!" 

Modeus grabs GURPS right arm but then Malina grabs his left one, Judgement grabs both of his arms from behind as they all try to pull him over to them.

Malina: "He's coming with me!"

Judgement: "Me!" 

Modeus: "Mine!"

GURPS: "Can't we talk about this-" 

Judgment does some time manipulation to start carrying GURPS away, once it wears off though Modeus trips her with some roots and then starts pulling GURPS back with some summoned vines. 

Malina summons some skeleton warriors that cut the vines and try to bring GURPS to her but Judgement slows time around her as she quickly gets rid of them. The 3 girls now seem to be literally fighting over him. 

GURPS: "Oh for crying out loud, ZA WARUDO!"

He uses a time stop that even overrides Judgement's Chronokinesis as he gets up and thinks. 

GURPS: "Ok what to do about the situation, hmmm.... oh yeah I remember that one Great One I fought, weren't they one being who had multiple bodies? Similar to Cerberus now that I think about it... yes something similar like that could work"

Time resumes as GURPS flexes his power to split them up and stop any farther fighting. 

GURPS: "Stop fighting like kids please, I have the perfect solution for this dilemma... I'll just go with all of you"

Judgement: "" 

GURPS smirks and proceeds to create two more of himself.

Malina: "Clones?"

GURPS: "Sort of, these are all still me, think of it like what Cerberus is as I am connected to these bodies and share a mind and soul and stuff with them"

Modeus: "Why don't you do this more often?... gives me ideas" 

GURPS: "It definitely has it's uses but I don't do this more often because of preference, I prefer having just one body I normally inhabit and even besides that, if I am using too many avatars it tends to make them weaker because of the amount... well in any case! I'll be able to join all of you for tonight's activities" 

One GURPS goes with each of them as they get going to their respective activities, Beelzebub also finished introducing Priscilla to chocolate and the dragon girl was already addicted and eating as much as she could find. 

Beelzebub: "...we're going to need larger stocks of food I can tell"

Azazel also walks in and gets starry eyed after seeing Priscilla.

Azazel: "What is she? Some kind of ice demon? Fascinating!!" 

Priscilla: "....huh?"


*To be Continued* 

RealityEldritch101 RealityEldritch101

GURPS got a few minons as slaves now, Proxies as he'll be calling them but he only is really gonna do that with evil people he thinks can have use for him.

For people who aren't evil he'll offer them a deal and let them keep their freedoms for the most part like with Priscilla.

Our Great One boy is finally getting what he wanted to do off the ground as this is the start of his group he wants to make.

Also despite some scheming he's doing here and there he isn't trying to be a mastermind, remember that in the end he just wants to either have fun or care for those close to him.

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