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Chapter 2: Reborn 1947

Life is not Complicated it is very easy to solve, why because that is how Raja saw it. Born in a Middle Class Family in the State of Uttrakhand, India. He felt himself as someone very fortunate to have a very lovely family who were willing to support him through everything and by living through this he understood one thing very early in life that no matter what the Situation as long as you come out alive of it, is something manageable. Because of this Optimisms in life he tried to understand various leaders in history who overcame even the worst defeat and soon he found himself engrossed in the a realm which is never ending yet bloody, The Human History. After completing his 12th with Humanities as his choice of Subjects he found himself at a very conflicting crossroad, what subject to choose for his bachelors. Finally after thinking a lot he choose International Relation for his bachelors. Days went by as Raja found himself deeply engrossed in the theories of International Relations, a subject that tries to understand why world works the way it works, why nation state exists, why they fight and what binds them together. Raja as if finding the light in dark suddenly came to a realisation that this is his cup of tea. So to further understand International Relation and making sure that he works hard enough to reach a certain position in future where he is involved in Policy making of India, He started pursuing Master in International Relation. 2 Years of Masters in International Relation taught him the way to understand world as well as his own country. A country as big as India was never run by a single person there are Strategic thinkers who have contributed to it's success and by understanding what they did he relaised their Ultimate goal "National Security".

With time Raja went on to work in Think Tanks and networking around, slowly and steadily he saw himself reaching to his dream as he came more and more in contact with the government and was even given opportunity to work on some classified project in Collaboration with Ministry of External affairs and even R&AW. But sometimes fate has something else planned for us and no matter how much we try to avoid walking that road, we unknowingly walk on it.

Year August 15, 2030.

Today India is celebrating its 83 Year of Independence and today is a big day for Raja as well because after such a long period of time he finally got a 10 minutes meeting with the National Security Advisor of India where he could propose his plan on India Soft Power battle with China. After the Celebration in the morning he was supposed to visit the NSA at 2:00 but suddenly his vehicle broke down which resulted him in taking Taxi towards the South Block. When he was only 10 mins away from his destination there was a huge traffic jam due to some accident.

"Shittttt I am Already getting late, Why just whyyy". Said Raja as he was stuck in the traffic getting frustrated every second. After 3 to 4 Mintues when he felt the traffic was about to clear he suddenly heard some crashing noises and scream of people behind him, curious he peaked his head out of the taxi window on to see a huge truck crashing towards him. The only thing that he remembered was something written at the front of truck "Hum do humare do"(We two, Our two). Raja a very innovative and aspiring Young Mind died after a truck lost control and crashed into the Taxi. He was remembered by many who regretted his death as a loss for India. But maybe they never understood what Fate has Stored for him.


Eternal Darkness followed by some small spot of lights that soon became so huge and swallowed the darkness. That is how Raja open his eyes. Still remembering his last contact with the truck he tried to look around as if not understanding where he is. For Mintue or two his mind was full of chaos but soon he started to clam down and looked around so as to understand where he was right now. But with time he got even more confused because he saw himself in a room that had every amimities but looked something from 40s or 50s and the decor of the room even suggested more of that. Finally unable to understand anything he stood and to inspect more properly but before he could do anything he found a Newspaper that had something which caught his eye.

"India Is a Independent Nation - British P.M. Atllee".

His eyes widen as he hold this freshly made newspapers with paper quality not of modern time as he stare at the date on the top of Hidunstan Time

"10 August 1947".

Raja found his heart beating fast and various thought going on around his head but before he could formulate something, the door of the room was open and a man with a very typical attire of Indian National Congress came and said

"Nehru Ji, Patel sahab and others are waiting for you in the meeting room".

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