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Chapter 8: 8.First Pokemon

There is a one Pokemon.

Who was standing next to broken tree.

This specimen is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. He is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There is a circular yellow marking on each cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its long feet are tan with a circular orange pad in the center. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end.

But this particular individual was different.

The color of his fur was dark orange, whereas the members of this Pokémon species had just orange fur. Also, in the head area, he had more fur on the top of his head, creating some semblance of hair.

Another distinguishing feature was its height. Usually they don't grow over 2'07 feet, but this one was special. He was an incredible size for this species, 3'16 feet.

And he had a dial on his belly.


" Rai-Raichu... " it said in a slightly low voice. That pokémon was Raichu, the one Thomas Andre had transformed into..


"Wow..." Andre said to himself as he clutched his paws and felt the energy in his body.. He ran his hands over his sleek, yellow fur, feeling the crackling energy that now coursed through every fiber of his being.

Turning his head to look at the thin but very long tail now extending from his back, Thomas was fascinated by the way it twitched with anticipation, as if it had a mind of its own. He flexed his muscles and lifted his legs, testing the newfound strength and agility that came with this body. When he twitched his ears, the nature around him has truly come to lifewith a of sounds it make, from the rustle of leaves to the distant chirping of Pokémon. His mood had changed, there wasn't much left of his former sadness, now he even wanted to laugh a little bit

"If as a Vaxasaurian my instincts made me weak, as this Pokémon I am fully aware of my actions. " he thought back to his Humungousaur, he lowered his face down again looking at the fur, "And I'm not Pikachu, so this form is the last evolution of Pikachu.... I wonder what size they standardly come in, and how big I am compared to them... " he abruptly remembered why he had taken this form in the first place. "Beatrice! "

He nimbly turned back around, bouncing in place from the energy that overflowed him, " Beatrice? " he raised his tone slightly, not finding her near him again. Perhaps she had hidden again when the green light struck nearby. She had learned her lesson, clearly expecting to Humungousaur again after that, since it had happened the first time as well. " Beatrice!" shouted the louder now, and to the human ear it would have sounded like a loud "Raichu! ".

The answer to his delight did not wait long, for not far away from him he heard a quiet, " Y-yes? "

His ear twitched at the sound, marveling at the sensitivity of his new ears. He was just as surprised to hear that "Y-yes" in plain English. And he could definitely tell that the voice belonged to Beatrice, the timbre of the voice was similar.

Thomas turned to the bushes, his Raichu form towering over them, and addressed his Pikachu companion, Beatrice, with a tender tone. "Little Storyteller," he began, his voice calm and reassuring, "please come out, don't be afraid. You know it's me, Andre. "

He spoke each word slowly and deliberately, knowing that Beatrice, with her keen senses, would analyze every nuance of his tone and intent.


Beatrice listened intently from her hiding spot in the bushes. Her heart raced as she heard his reassuring words, but when the green light appeared once more, instinct took over, and she immediately darted deeper into the foliage, seeking refuge from the unknown.

The first time the green light had appeared, it had heralded the arrival of a huge and frightening Pokémon that she didn't recognize. Its roar had echoed through the forest, sending shivers down her spine and compelling her to flee in terror.

But this time was different. As she cowered in the shadows, waiting for the inevitable roar, nothing happened. Instead, she cautiously peered out from her hiding place and saw a large, dark orange Raichu standing before her, its expression gentle and kind.

This Raichu called her Beatrice, and "Little Storyteller"... But only Andre call her like that... " Wha-... " она даже увидела у него на брюхе точно такую же штуку которую ей Андре показал ранее...

This Raichu is ANDRE?!

And she has to make sure of it.

"Big A? " is what she called him in her own way, just like he called her "Little Storyteller. "

And at that nickname, this Rayon raised one eyebrow and his muzzle grew into a grin, " So that's what you call me? Bwhahahahaha! " And he even laughed as Andre ....

" No way! " Yeah, that's right Big A. And she ran out of the bushes.

As Beatrice's uncertainty melted away, replaced by the warmth of recognition and trust, she abruptly burst out of the bushes, her heart pounding with excitement. Without hesitation, she darted toward Thomas, her only friend.

Seeing her approach, Thomas lowered himself slightly, his Raichu form not as towering as his human one, but still imposing. And then, in a sudden display of affection, Beatrice leaped into the air, her small body soaring towards him. With a graceful movement, she wrapped all her limbs around his back, holding on tightly as she nuzzled against his fur.

Thomas couldn't help but chuckle softly at her enthusiasm, his heart swelling with fondness for the brave little Pikachu who had captured his heart.


"She's so fuckin cute," thought Andre to himself, marveling at Beatrice's actions. She was rubbing her nose against his belly so sweetly that cuteness was exploding. She's like a child...which she rather is by Pokémon standards. What he didn't notice as a human came to light when he's a Pokémon. Now, he could well see Beatrice's approximate age, and by his calculations, he could roughly match her age to a human, well, she's around 8-9 years old... But why so small... And she's already a Pikachu... Shouldn't she be a Pichu?

Even her voice. There was a reason why he thought Beatrice sounded too high pitched, it was because she was a child... "Damn, but what make her to evolve so fast? " he thought, and watched as she let go of his belly and jumped down, her tail wagging.

Her eyes lit up, and even a little spark flew from her cheeks.

"She really is a child, or maybe she isn't... And she's just that way...With a lot of questions." He smirked, enjoying the look she was giving him.

With a big smile on his muzzle, Thomas addressed Beatrice briefly, "Ask your questions." He was eager to hear what was on her little mind.

And as if expecting this command, Beatrice began to fire off her questions in rapid succession, her voice filled with curiosity and wonder. " You are Pokemon! And how is that possible? Why is it so? Humans can't turn into Pokémon, can they? And why are you Raichu? And why are you so big? My father must have looked like this! And why is your fur a slightly different color and what's that thing on your chest called, it's incredibly cool, but hoooow?!"

She spread her short paws out to the sides, stretching out the question a bit, making a sound of admiration and confusion. Thomas couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, marveling at her inquisitive nature.

Thomas patted Beatrice's head with his paw, her ears lowering in response to his touch. With amusement in his voice, he began to answer her questions one by one.

"I'm Raichu because I scanned you, remember that yellow light that came out of my chest?" he said, recalling that moment. Beatrice nodded eagerly, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"That beam of light is how I get information about Pokémon," Thomas continued, feeling her head padding under his paw as he stroked her gently. "And the thing on my chest is a special computer linked to me. You could say I was born with it."

And it will be true. He died and was resurected in this world with the HighTrix on his chest, so he was born here. He isn't lying. When Beatrice asked one question after another he didn't miss her words about his father. 'Must have looked like this' she said, which means she doesn't know her father or he's still in Pikachu form. Andre has more and more questions about Beatrice herself. He would have wanted to ask them, but the mischievous girl had a different opinion.

" But wait, after that green light you became Raichu, however, the same light was when, wait... Big A. you were also that huge brown pokémon!? " she came to a realization, comically jumping back a bit.

" Ah yes... " he instinctively reached for his beard to scratch it, "There's no beard in this form... " so he scratched his cheek, going to explain it to her somehow,

" Ahem... Yes, it was me," Andre began, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "You see, my little Beatrice, it was my first transformation into this creature, and because of that, this is the problem that happened. Since the experience was new to me, I couldn't handle those instincts and I went along with it, but don't worry, next time it won't be like that, I promise. And I'm sorry I scared you that time."

His words carried a genuine sense of remorse as he looked down at Beatrice. He wished he could take back the fear he had caused her during their first encounter, but he knew that all he could do now was assure her.

Beatrice looked away, crossing her little arms over her chest defiantly. "I-I wasn't scared! Hmph!" she insisted, raising her head a little higher to show her confidence. But then, softening a little, she continued, "But you were a cool Pokémon... But if choose between that Dragon Pokémon and Raichu, you're way cooler as Raichu, Big A!"

Andre couldn't help but chuckle at her statements. "Heh, thanks for the compliment, but what you saw earlier wasn't a Pokémon, it was an Alien."

"What's an alien?"

" Hm?! "

Andre's ear twitched as his new sharp hearing picked up a faint sound. Something was being thrown, something flying toward Beatrice from the side of her back. Instinct kicked in before he even had time to fully comprehend the threat. With lightning reflexes, he whipped around, his tail moving like a blur as he deftly flicked away the projectile that had been aimed at Beatrice.

The object sailed harmlessly through the air, landing with a dull thud on the forest floor. It was a pokeball.

Young male voice rang out from the forest, "This is one big Raichu, the biggest one I've seen, Lysandre's scientists would be interested."

His kind smile was replaced by a frown, and he grinned after those ominous words. Who were these people, and what did they want with him and Beatrice? But before he could even begin to formulate a response, a second voice, this time female, added, "And Pikachu is apparently his child or something, I don't know, let's take both of them."

Andre's grin faded at the sinister implication of their words. Instinctively, he stepped forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Beatrice. She, in turn, stood behind him, her trust unwavering as she sought refuge in his shadow.

Moments later, the two figures emerged from the forest, clad in striking red costumes from head to toe. Their matching attire, from the red glasses on their faces to their shoes, sent a shiver down Andre's spine. Because they look fuckin ridiculous.


(A/N) Team Flare arrived. He really shouldn't have roar that loud.

Also, guys, I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant, but can you help this fanfic with your Power Stones?

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