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Chapter 18: Jack of the Jackdaw #18

Author's note: here's a poem this time

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Standing inside the captain's quarters, Jack Blackwater traced his ship's path with his finger, mentally calculating the time it would take to reach their next destination. Once a hopeful pirate, Jack quickly realized his lack of combat prowess and so he traded his cutlass for a more honest career as a deckhand aboard a merchant vessel.

Leveraging his past experiences, knowledge, and limited connections from his time as a pirate, he swiftly climbed the ranks, accumulating wealth until he could afford to purchase his own ship.

With each passing year, Jack honed his skills, evolving into a competent captain, a savvy merchant, and a skilled navigator. He knew the waters of North Blue like the lines on his own hands, discerning the best ports for buying and selling, as well as the safest routes to avoid pirate infestations.

Today seemed like any other as he guided his vessel along well-traveled paths, balancing the delicate scales of safety and profit, or so it was supposed to be.

However, his contemplation was broken by an exclamation from the main deck. "Land ahoy!" Hearing the spotter's words, Jack couldn't help but frown. He knew this route like the back of his hand, and he knew for certain that they weren't supposed to come across any island until another week later.

"Have we veered off the usual course...?" Jack muttered to himself, but quickly dismissed the thought. His navigation, though not comparable to the seasoned navigators of the Grand Line, was impeccable by North Blue's standards. 

Moreover, he had hired an equally competent helmsman to steer the ship, making the possibility of veering off course extremely unlikely.

Deciding to investigate the situation firsthand, Jack promptly exited the captain's cabin. As he emerged onto the deck, he froze at the sight of an island on the horizon, one he had never seen before despite his extensive travels across North Blue. 

The unfamiliarity alone was shocking, but what he saw on the shore left him questioning his own sanity as he retrieved his telescope and began peeking on the island. 

Upon the island's shore, the towering skeleton of a sea king loomed over the scene, its bony frame reaching skyward like a skeletal sentinel. At the base of the colossal remains, a bonfire raged, casting flickering shadows across the sands, while a young man feverishly signaled for aid with smoke rising into the azure sky.

Jack lowered his telescope, squinting at the bizarre tableau before him. Despite rubbing his eyes and peering again, the sight remained unchanged, save for the enthusiastic waves from the stranded figure.

With a resigned sigh, Jack issued swift orders to his crew. "Make way for the shore! We'll investigate this island and offer assistance to the stranded soul!" His directives were met with swift action as sailors adjusted course and prepared to anchor the vessel.

Soon enough, the ship reached the shallows and had to be anchored, prompting Jack to personally board a boat and head to the shore, leading a group of armed sailors. 

Stepping onto the sandy beach from the boat, Jack's gaze widened as he beheld the approaching figure of the young man, his grin echoing the one Jack had seen through his telescope. From afar, the man had appeared imposing, but up close, his presence was even more formidable. With a towering height and muscles that bulged with strength, he loomed over Jack with an air of friendly enthusiasm.

"Oh, man! You don't even know what a relief it is to see another human face after so many years! I'm Blake by the way," the young man exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he extended his hand.

"Pleasure's mine, young'un. I'm Jack, captain of the Jackdaw," Jack replied with a nod, reciprocating the handshake. However, Jack's smile quickly faded and his face paled as Blake's grip proved crushing, the young man unwittingly exerting too much force. 

Fortunately, Blake soon realized his error and released Jack's hand.

"Sorry about that, friend! It's been a while since I've dealt with anything that couldn't require delicacy," Blake apologized, his tone apologetic as he rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish chuckle escaping him.

Having spent ample time at sea and interacting with countless individuals, Jack had honed a keen intuition for assessing people, sensing that the young man standing before him was anything but ordinary.

"That's quite alright... youngsters should be strong and energetic," Jack replied, his voice strained as he cleared his throat, subtly suppressing a groan of pain while shaking his wrist. "I imagine you've been here for a while and are eager to leave, but I'd like to explore the island for a bit... see if there's anything profitable to be found," he added, casting his gaze towards the dense treeline.

Blake's expression shifted to surprise briefly before he shook his head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you... the forest is teeming with beasts. The deeper you go, the more vicious they become," he cautioned. "If you're looking for something to trade, I can offer you some furs and leathers I've gathered in exchange for a ride out of here," he proposed.

The conversation continued between the two, eventually leading Blake to guide Jack to a small shack where he stored the excess materials accumulated from his hunts. Each piece of fur and leather was expertly harvested, impressing Jack with Blake's skill. 

However, as Jack examined the materials, he quickly deduced the sources from which they were harvested, and his demeanor shifted abruptly. 

Apart from the common red-furred goats found in North Blue, the other furs and leathers belonged to notorious beasts, each reigning as an overlord in their respective territories across the islands of North Blue, and yet there were dozens and dozens of furs and leathers harvested from such creatures. 

All thoughts of venturing deeper into the island instantly vanished from Jack's mind as he grasped the gravity of the dangers lurking within. 'To think this young man was strong enough to vanquish such evil creatures...' Jack mused, regarding Blake with a newfound mix of caution and awe. 

Swiftly regaining his composure, he cleared his throat and addressed Blake with a polite yet firm tone. "Ahem... your generosity is truly commendable, my friend. However, I must insist that such a substantial payment for a simple transport is unnecessary. Just a couple of those furs would suffice," he stated, masking his earlier thoughts about exploring the island's mysteries.

"In addition, our schedule suddenly springs to mind, and I believe it's prudent we depart as promptly as possible," Jack continued, his voice steady and composed, betraying none of his earlier curiosity about the island's potential. 

Blake couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's words, amused by his quick change of heart. "Is that so? Very well. We can set sail once I bid my farewells and make a few preparations..." he replied with an understanding nod.

"And regarding the payment, if you find the entire collection too much, you're welcome to take half and purchase the rest at half the market price. I have to use for these things anyway," Blake added, his tone carrying a sense of finality, leaving no room for negotiation.

Jack had no reason to refuse such generosity, and so he nodded in agreement. "Then I'll gratefully accept..." he said, trailing off with a hint of hesitation. "You mentioned bidding farewell... Does that mean you're not alone on this island? And are they not joining us?" he inquired, curious about Blake's circumstances.

Blake simply shrugged his shoulders, a small smile playing on his lips. "I do have a companion, but she'll be accompanying me. I want to bid farewell to someone else, who's, well, no longer with us," he explained cryptically.

"Then please make haste if possible..." Jack urged, emphasizing their merchant's time constraints. "We're on a tight schedule."

Blake didn't bother to argue, understanding the urgency. "I'll take care of my business quickly. In the meantime, your crew can gather any goods they find appealing on the shore," he assured. "I'll return shortly." 

With that, he propelled himself into the air with Geppo, disappearing into the sky. Jack watched him disappear into the horizon with wide eyes, his jaw almost hanging wide open. 

"Isn't that...?" He muttered, memories of the incident that prompted him to abandon piracy flashing in his mind; a single man descending upon a pirate ship on the docks, slaughtering the entire crew and sinking the vessel with his bare hands using bizarre, superhuman techniques. 


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